Ming politicians

Chapter 632 Major Decision

The conference is also surrounded by small conferences.

After the relevant arrangements were made, the chief military officers of Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan stayed and held another meeting. In fact, the issues discussed in this meeting were more important.

There were quite a few people attending the meeting, including Su Tiancheng, Yang Sichang, Hong Chengchou, Xu Eryi, Qin Sande, Lu Xiangsheng, Zhang Fengyi, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Zu Dashou, Wu Sangui and so on.

This meeting was held in the wing of the General Military Mansion.

In the middle of the wing room, there is still a huge sand table. Inside the sand table, it shows the situation of Guan Ningjin's defense line. Everyone is very familiar with this sand table, and they are not surprised. [

The meeting time this time is also very short. Su Tiancheng planned for half an hour to solve the problem. The key is the relevant arrangements. There is nothing worth discussing, and there is no need to discuss it.

After everyone entered the wing room, Su Tiancheng stood beside the sand table and picked up the wooden stick.

"Everyone, this meeting is very simple. It is an issue, how to recover Dalinghe City."

As soon as Su Tiancheng's words were spoken, there was a deathly silence in the wing room.

Everyone remembers the battle of Daling River four years in Chongzhen very clearly. There are still people here who have personally experienced that battle. Although such a long time has passed, no one will forget it. It was too much The brutal fighting, the soldiers and civilians who were besieged in the Daling River, finally appeared the tragedy of cannibalism, no one escaped from the Daling River, either was killed, or surrendered to Houjin. It can be said that the battle of the Daling River The impact of the Ming Dynasty was far greater than that of the Tartars who entered the customs and looted later.

When Su Tiancheng became the governor of Ji Liao, the first thing he thought of was how much courage it would take to regain Dalinghe City.

Even Yang Sichang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, was taken aback.

He had read the memorial written by Su Tiancheng to the emperor, and it mainly talked about the issue of military pay, which Su Tiancheng said in the memorial.I implore the imperial court to settle the sufficient military salary for two years, and not to be in arrears. After two years, the military salary will drop significantly.In the memorial, it also talked about the rectification of the frontier army, mainly to solve the problem of the frontier army's fear of war, starting from the officers.Unqualified officers will be dismissed on the spot, and officers will be promoted directly from among the brave sergeants.

Some other things were mentioned in yesterday's meeting.

But there was no mention of attacking Dalinghe City.

Dalinghe City is a place that Houjin paid special attention to. It was the fourth year of Chongzhen.The imperial court decided to build Dalinghe City in Dalinghe. Empress Jinhuang Taiji sensed the danger, and personally led an army to attack the unfinished Dalinghe City.They all returned in a disastrous defeat. The Ming army stationed in Dalinghe City ran out of food and had no way out.

Su Tiancheng ignored everyone's surprise, and pointed to the location of Dalinghe City on the sand table.I spoke again.

"Everyone can see that Dalinghe City is like a dragon head. If we master this dragon head, we can monitor Houjin's every move at all times, defend Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan, and the entire Guanningjin line of defense. The most important thing is that Guan Ningjin’s [-]-mile defense line can become a whole, and the common people are farming in Jinzhou and Ningyuan. The security is much more guaranteed.”

"Houjin occupied Dalinghe City, posing a threat to our Guanningjin line of defense at all times. Except for the important towns of Jinzhou, Ningyuan, and Shanhaiguan, as well as the forts and strongholds along the line, the rest of the place is basically barren. We want to The thing to let the common people live and work in peace and contentment is delusional thinking. The post-Gold Tatars wanted to attack, came out from Dalinghe City, and galloped on horses. There are many roads, which makes us hard to guard against, and we lose sight of others. This is the biggest problem."

"Yesterday, I made a request. The army is to protect the people, but how can it be done? It is impossible to let the sergeants stand in rows next to the fields. These days, I have analyzed the terrain of the Guanningjin line of defense and solved the problem. The only way is to take back Dalinghe City."

Having said that, Su Tiancheng's face became serious.

"No matter how much sacrifice we make, we must take back Dalinghe City, and rebuild Dalinghe City with great fanfare. If Houjin wants to send a large army to attack like he did back then, then we will start a decisive battle ahead of time, and I will If you don’t believe it, just rely on this post-Golden Pill to try to compete with me, Da Ming.”

"I don't mind having another Daling River battle, so that the Houjin Tartars will shed blood in front of Daling River City."

There was silence in the room for a while. [

Zu Dashou suddenly knelt down on one knee, in front of Su Tiancheng.

"My lord, the general has been dreaming of this day all these years. The general is willing to issue a military order to lead the vanguard. If the gap cannot be opened, the general is willing to sacrifice his head."

Just as Zu Dashou made his statement, Wu Sangui immediately knelt in front of Su Tiancheng and made his statement, saying that he was willing to follow General Zu and become the vanguard to attack Dalinghe City.

Hong Chengchou didn't speak at this time.

Su Tiancheng laughed, this effect is not bad, but attacking Dalinghe City requires detailed planning and careful preparations, absolutely can't just rely on a burst of blood and blood to defeat Dalinghe City like that.

Dalinghe City is a typical example of being easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is not easy to take it down. I am afraid that it may not be possible to take it after paying a huge sacrifice. If there is enough food for the Jin Tartars in the city, they will be able to persevere.When Huang Taiji captured Dalinghe City back then, he was not defeated but surrounded. The soldiers in the city did not persevere and were in a state of waiting to die.

"General Zu, General Wu, you all get up. The attack on Dalinghe City must be carried out. As for how to attack, we still need to discuss."

After supporting Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui, Su Tiancheng spoke loudly.

"Since we have decided to attack Dalinghe City, we must take it down. My consideration is that it must be taken down before June. Within this year, Dalinghe City will be fully restored. I, Da Ming, will garrison heavy troops here to maximize Consolidate the Guan Ning Jin line of defense.”

Yang Sichang finally spoke.

"Master Su, the defense of Dalinghe City is not ordinary. It can be said that one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it. If you want to attack such a place, you can't just talk about it. The later Jin Tartars are not used to attacking the city. But over the years, more people have surrendered, and they are familiar with them, besides, they are very brave in defending the city, and this matter needs to be discussed in the long term."

Zhang Fengyi looked at Yang Sichang, and followed suit.

"My lord, I also think that you need to be cautious. The importance of Dalinghe City is needless to say. If it can be taken down, the Guan Ningjin line of defense is complete. It can be said that it is truly impregnable. If we leave Shenyang, we will be able to find out and make corresponding arrangements, but the terrain of Dalinghe City is too dangerous, and it will take a huge price to win here, and I am afraid that the gains outweigh the losses."

Lu Xiangsheng looked at the two of them, but didn't speak, not even Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui, who were asking for a fight.

The person who is most familiar with Daling River is Zu Dashou. He is very aware of the fortification of Daling River City. If a real attack cannot be made with a detailed plan, it may really be impossible to take it down.

A smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face again.

"I have already considered these aspects. If soldiers are used to attack Dalinghe City, such an approach will definitely not work. It would be foolish to think of taking such a dangerous city with a burst of blood. , I don’t care about the lives of soldiers. I have already said before that we are going to rebuild Daling River City. So, what I mean is not to take down Daling River City, but to destroy Daling River City and start building again. "

Inside the wing room, it became even quieter. Everyone didn't understand Su Tiancheng's meaning. How could such a big city be destroyed? Could it be that they also adopted siege tactics to trap the Houjin Tartars in the city? But this approach is too Take a risk, if the Hou Jin Tartars send a large army to help, the Ming army besieging Dalinghe City will be in danger, and they may encounter a pincer attack from both sides. No one dares to imagine such a result.

Su Tiancheng looked at the crowd, pointed at Da Linghe, and spoke firmly.

"My plan is to blast the city wall with artillery, wipe out all the Houjin tartars waiting in Daling River, and then rebuild Daling River City."

Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang and others showed smiles on their faces. They knew the power of the Jiangning Artillery Battalion. Not to mention blowing up the city wall of Daling River, even the entire city wall, the Artillery Battalion could do it. In this way, a lot of red cannons and general cannons are needed, and a lot of silver is needed.

The rest of the people didn't understand, especially Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui. They didn't know the power of the Jiangning Artillery Battalion at all. [

"Okay, I won't talk about the extra stuff. I will start preparing from now on. Master Hong is in charge of all the preparations. He will list out a detailed plan. After the rainy season in April is over, we will launch an attack in May. Before June, we must take down the big ones." Linghe City, as for the specific arrangement, we will discuss it when the preparations are almost done."

Walking out of the wing, Su Tiancheng spoke to Hong Chengchou beside him.

"Lord Hong, I told Master Bi yesterday that I will immediately start manufacturing and storing cannons on a large scale to attack Dalinghe City. I plan to use [-] red cannons and [-] general cannons. The expenditure is huge Yes, but it is also necessary. As long as we take down Dalinghe City, we can start to dismantle the frontier army, save a lot of money, and even cultivate the barren land. So, this matter, you must The supervision is in place, our time is very tight, from now on, we will start transporting artillery, two hundred large artillery, transportation is not that simple."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely do a good job." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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