Zu Dashou's mood could not be calmed down. Just after Su Tiancheng arrived in Ningyuan, he proposed to attack Dalinghe City. Although such a suggestion meant to prove himself and revenge, as for Whether he can take back Dalinghe City, he is not sure at all. Even if it is taken back, it is very difficult to really hold it. It is very difficult to mobilize the whole body without overall coordination and strong strength. I can't keep it down.

Unexpectedly, Su Tiancheng thought of this matter a long time ago. This shows that when Su Tiancheng just took office as the governor of Jiliao, he began to think about the affairs of Liaodong. Although he was in the capital, he had already grasped a lot of situations.Daling River City is indeed very important. In terms of time and location, or in terms of controlling the overall situation of the Guan Ning Jin defense line, it is not an exaggeration for Su Tiancheng to praise Da Ling River City as the leader of the Guan Ning Jin defense line.

If Dalinghe City can be captured and defended, it will be a huge threat to Houjin. After this step, Houjin's Huang Taiji will have trouble sleeping and eating. The most critical factor in this That is, when the Houjin Tartars once again thought of entering the customs to harass, the Ming army stationed in Dalinghe City could go straight to Huanglong and threaten Shenyang, the capital of Houjin.

Therefore, the battle of the Daling River once again must be a bloody battle.

Guarding Dalinghe City is the sergeant of Hou Jinzheng Red Banner. The banner owner of Zhenghong Banner is Prince Li Daishan, brother of Heshuo. This is a very famous person, not only highly valued by Nurhachi, but also trusted by Huang Taiji , wise and brave, although he is old and does not pursue power, but as the second son of Nurhachi, his influence in Houjin is still extraordinary. [

Assisting in the garrison of Dalinghe City, there are also some Han troops. These Han troops are under the command of Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming of the Jin Dynasty after the surrender.

Kong Youde was named King Gongshun by Huang Taiji, and Geng Zhongming was named King Huaishun.It was when Huang Taiji established the Qing Dynasty, two of the three were crowned kings, and the other was Zhishun Wang Shang Kexi.

When Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming surrendered to Houjin, they carried a lot of ordnance, especially artillery, and these artillery were extremely high.Strengthening Houjin's combat effectiveness, the two also made a lot of contributions. They led the army to attack North Korea, forcing North Korea to surrender Houjin and become an enemy of Ming Dynasty.

It is impossible for Dai Shan, Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming to guard Dalinghe City in person.After all, their identities are different.

The total number of sergeants guarding Daling River City exceeds 3 people, including their family members, at least [-] people, even more than the personnel stationed during the construction of Daling River in the Ming Dynasty. The attention of Dalinghe City.

After returning to Ningyuan, all preparations were rolled out.Regarding the attack on Dalinghe City, Su Tiancheng did not keep it a secret, and everyone knew about it.

From this day on, Zu Dashou had trouble sleeping and eating. Every time he thought about the battle in Dalinghe City, he couldn't sleep well and couldn't sleep at night.He is clear that his first sergeant, no matter what aspect, cannot be compared. If he is defeated as a vanguard, it will deal a great blow to the entire army.So he has no confidence.

When the time came to the end of February, Zu Dashou finally couldn't bear it anymore, and visited Su Tiancheng again.

His purpose is also very clear, focusing on the attack on Dalinghe City.Half a month has passed, and he has not received any preparation tasks, which makes him a little worried. Could it be that the attack on Dalinghe City has nothing to do with him, or that he may be stationed in Ningyuan by then, watching Jiang Ning Should the soldiers of the battalion go out to fight? This is something he can't bear. The soldiers of the Jiangning battalion stationed in Ningyuan have to train every day. They look so energetic that they are envious.

After entering the wing room, Zu Dashou did not sit down.

"My lord, this period of time is really difficult for the general. Seeing that the time to attack the Daling River is approaching, the general has not received any military orders. The general has the courage to come to ask, and I don't know how the master arranged it."

Zu Dashou was unwilling to sit down, but Su Tiancheng did not force him, with a smile on his face.

"General Zu thinks, what kind of arrangement should we make?"

"This, I don't know about this, but I think that the relevant deployment must always start, for example, who is in charge of the main attack, who is in charge of assists, who is in charge of detours, who is in charge of the aftermath, etc., and so on. Start training."

"Hehe, it seems that General Zu has thought about it seriously, then you can talk about your thoughts."

"The general is bold. The general knows that the Jiangning camp is brave. The general does not dare to stand up to him. However, the general also has an advantage. He is familiar with the terrain of Daling River City. The general was in charge of building Daling River City. It is very important for everyone inside and outside the city. The terrain is familiar. Daling River City is more than [-] miles away from Jinzhou. It is a transportation hub and an important barrier for Jinzhou. I built it twice in the Ming Dynasty, and demolished it twice in the Later Jin Dynasty. Four years after Chongzhen, the Later Jin took it After Dalinghe City, I changed my strategy and stopped demolishing it, but stationed troops here, so that the defenders of Jinzhou did not dare to leave the city easily. This has become a serious problem for my Guanning Jin defense line. Later Jin did not have many troops stationed here. , but the terrain of Daling River City is dangerous, and our Ming garrison dare not attack it lightly. After these years, Houjin has gradually built Daling River City, and its defense capability is very strong."

"What General Zu means is that you are familiar with the terrain around Daling River City, so you must be the main attacking mission."

"The final general does have such thoughts, and I hope you will grant me your permission."

Su Tiancheng's face became serious. [

"General Zu, since you know the fortification and danger of Daling River City, you should know that if you send soldiers to attack by force, it will cause heavy casualties. Taking down Daling River City is my first task, and it is absolutely impossible There is a mistake, so it needs to be considered as a whole. If you adopt a strong attack posture, you may not be able to capture it. It will cause a major blow to our Daming frontier army, and it will also contribute to Hou Jin's arrogance. Therefore, you must think of a good strategy. Rather than blindly relying on blood and courage."

Having said that, Su Tiancheng also stood up.

"This officer has already decided on a tactic to rely on artillery to pry open Dalinghe City. This also shows that the consumption of this battle is huge. In the Battle of Ningyuan, General Yuan Chonghuan relied on artillery to defend Ningyuan City. Golden Tartar, so my Ming army has relied heavily on artillery, and you also participated in the battle back then, and made great achievements, which shows that you are more aware of the role of artillery."

"Relying on artillery to attack Dalinghe City is a nasty move. Even if the imperial court is responsible for the military salary, it cannot afford such consumption. Besides, the disadvantage of artillery is also obvious. It is easy to be attacked by the opponent. Now Jinzhou is under the protection of my heavy troops. The defense is solid. Don't worry that Houjin will attack from behind. The artillery can attack with free hands and feet. Such tactics can only be used in the attack It was used in Hecheng, but if it goes deep into the Liaodong area, this kind of combat strategy will definitely not work, and we still have to rely on the bravery of the soldiers."

"You are the commander-in-chief of the frontier army stationed in Ningyuan. When considering things, you need to be comprehensive. Since I have made the decision to attack the Daling River, it must be realized. It is completely unnecessary to deploy the army now. But all sergeants must start preparing, at least training is necessary, rather than sitting and sighing, it is better to start preparing."

After Su Tiancheng finished speaking, Zu Dashou woke up like a dream.

"The general understands that the general is stupid. Thank you for reminding me, the general will prepare now."

It would be a lie to say that Su Tiancheng didn't think about it.

Dalinghe City is less than fifty miles away from Jinzhou. The distance is so close that Hou Jin dared to station troops here. This shows that he ignored the Ming border troops. After Sun Chuanting was stationed in Jinzhou, he was not convinced. Taking Dalinghe City was a blow to Houjin, but Sun Chuanting was also very cautious, dispatched scouts, repeatedly observed the terrain around Dalinghe City, and found that relying on a strong attack would cause huge casualties, so he did not act rashly .

Taking Dalinghe City was the overall plan, but Su Tiancheng had other ideas.

There are not many Zhenghongqi Empress Jin Tartars stationed at Daling River, most of them are Han troops. These Han troops are subordinates of Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming. It will attach great importance to it, and there are two methods to be adopted, one is to mobilize heavy troops to support, and the other is to send capable generals to command.

The possibility of mobilizing heavy troops is not too great. After all, the Jiangning Battalion stationed in Liaodong has already caused a huge shock. The Houjin Tartars have fought against the Jiangning Battalion several times, and they know the bravery of the Jiangning Battalion, let alone stationed in the Guanning Jin Line of Defense. Yes, there are still hundreds of thousands of Ming troops who are really mobilized, and Houjin may not be able to cope with it. Therefore, it is most likely that important officers will be sent to lead some sergeants to help.

What Su Tiancheng thought was that Kong Youde or Geng Zhongming would come to reinforce him. Under such circumstances, he would spare no effort to capture or kill Kong Youde or Geng Zhongming alive. This would shock the generals of the Ming army after Jin surrendered to the greatest extent. , disintegrating their fighting spirit.

Su Tiancheng still has a little bit of self-confidence, that is, even if Hou Jin loses Dalinghe City, it will not be a devastating blow, and it will be even more difficult if he wants to enter the customs in the future.

Based on this idea, Su Tiancheng was in no hurry to let the news leak out. He knew that Huang Taiji of Hou Jin would know about this matter soon and would make corresponding arrangements.

The four-year battle of Daling River in Chongzhen had dealt a heavy blow to Ming Dynasty. This time, the battle of Daling River must deal a heavy blow to Hou Jin. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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