Huang Taiji had a good reliance on obtaining information. Fan Wencheng built up an intelligence network with a lot of money. The money was originally intended to be used to bring down Su Tiancheng. Unexpectedly, he failed to bring down Su Tiancheng, but established intelligence. Internet, this is also something that Huang Taiji is quite satisfied with. The information is mainly about the Ming Dynasty capital, Guan Ningjin defense line, Datong, Ningxia, Dengzhou, and Laizhou. These are directly related to the direct interests of the Qing Dynasty.

Su Tiancheng was appointed as the governor of Jiliao in September of the 11th year of Chongzhen, but he did not officially take office until the first month of the 12th year of Chongzhen. Before that, the Jiangning Battalion had already begun to garrison the Guanning Jin line of defense, which made Huang Taiji start to be vigilant, and also I have been thinking about why Su Tiancheng didn't rush to take office and sort out the situation in Liaodong.

In the face of Su Tiancheng, the greatest enemy, Huang Taiji paid more attention than he did to Ming Emperor Chongzhen. Su Tiancheng's many victories were continuously gathered in Huang Taiji's hands. Looking at these information, He felt terrified, and felt that this Su Tiancheng would definitely pose a fatal threat to the Qing Dynasty.

Fan Wencheng has carefully analyzed why Su Tiancheng is not in a hurry to take up the post. It is said that every time Su Tiancheng adjusts his position, he takes up the post in a hurry, especially after he is in charge of exterminating the bandits, he arrives in Sichuan soon, and can't wait to start deployment. After a certain time, the bandits of the Ming Dynasty were wiped out and ceased to exist, but this time, it was delayed for about four months.Fan Wencheng finally came to the conclusion that Su Tiancheng attached great importance to the Qing Dynasty and planned to persist in Liaodong for a long time. Su Tiancheng must have realized the powerful strength of the Qing Dynasty and would not take rash actions.

Huang Taiji agreed with this view, and felt more and more that Su Tiancheng was not simple, he knew the priorities in doing things, knew how to deal with them, and targeted them, such an opponent was too terrifying. [

Because the Jiangning battalion was stationed in Jinzhou and Ningyuan, Huang Taiji ordered.Sergeants in Dalinghe City, don't attack lightly, but strengthen your guard to prevent any actions by the Jiangning battalion.

Huang Taiji also thought of it, Su Tiancheng will definitely notice Dalinghe City, this place is very important, for the Guan Ningjin line of defense.It constituted a deadly threat. It can be said that as long as Houjin stationed troops in Dalinghe, the Ming army in Jinzhou and Ningyuan would be completely restrained and would not dare to move around at will.Using more than 1 sergeants to restrain the hundreds of thousands of Ming troops is a very proud move by Huang Taiji. You must know that it is difficult for the Ming court to persist for a long time due to the consumption of hundreds of thousands of troops.

Huang Taiji had sufficient confidence to defend Dalinghe City.Even if they couldn't hold it anymore, it would be possible to destroy the entire Dalinghe City. In this way, Jinzhou would be directly exposed to the front of the soldiers, and the Ming army would also be in trouble all night.

Huang Taiji looked at the problem more objectively. He acknowledged the bravery of Jiang Ning Ying, but he was not afraid of Jiang Ning Ying, anyway.The Jiangning battalion had less than 10 people. With these people, it would be too arrogant to attack the Qing Dynasty. As for the Ming army stationed at the border, after many battles, Huang Taiji found out the details.It is believed that these Ming troops will not pose a fatal threat.

With this understanding, Huang Taiji also made a series of adjustments, and the number of sergeants stationed in Dalinghe City slowly began to increase.The point is that the Han army has been increased, including the arrangement of firearms. Huang Taiji will not send many Eight Banners to guard Dalinghe City. The main task is still on the Han army. Even if Su Tiancheng attacks In Dalinghe City, let the Han army deal with the Ming army, which is also a great irony to Daming.

Huang Taiji once personally led troops to attack Dalinghe City, and knew the danger of Dalinghe City's terrain.

It can be said that the moment Su Tiancheng took office in Liaodong, Huang Taiji's attention was also focused on Dalinghe City.

What troubled Huang Taiji was that Azige, Dorgon and other generals thought of attacking and attacking again. Taking advantage of Su Tiancheng's unsteady footing, they fought a big battle to defeat Su Tiancheng's prestige, including Yue Tuo and others , It is also the same understanding. It is better to be Daishan, who has not made a clear statement. As for Fan Wencheng and other Hanchens, their attitudes are even more vague. They obviously do not approve of attacking. Most of the Ningjin defense line is under the control of the Ming army. At such a moment, when the army goes to attack, it needs to face many problems such as logistics and supplies. If it is still facing the Ming border army, such an attack may not be possible. It's a big problem, but when facing the Jiangning camp, it needs serious thinking.

Dalinghe City can be used as a stronghold, but there is a bigger problem. Dalinghe City is more than [-] miles away from Shenyang and less than [-] miles away from Jinzhou. Judging from the distance, the Ming army wants to attack, and the distance is short There are a lot, but the Qing Dynasty needs reinforcements, and the distance is much farther. Although the Eight Banners are outstanding in attacking ability, the less risky tactics, the better. The loss of the Qing Dynasty was heavy.

These problems bothered Huang Taiji and caused him a headache.

But at this time, the information came.

As expected by Huang Taiji, Su Tianguo really wanted to attack Dalinghe City and take down Dalinghe City in one fell swoop.

This touched Huang Taiji's sore spot.

For a long time, for the overall benefit of the Qing Dynasty, Huang Taiji has always been forbearing. For this reason, he needs to calm down the mood of many generals. Unexpectedly, at this time, Su Tiancheng publicly proposed to attack Dalinghe City. Is there another decisive battle in Dalinghe City?

Daishan, Azige, Dorgon, Fan Wencheng and others came to the main hall.

"Today you speak freely, I have already learned that Su Tiancheng is about to attack Daling River City, the importance of Daling River City, needless to say, but I also have a request, you speak freely, express your own views, don't attack others. "

After making the request, Huang Taiji looked at Daishan and spoke.

"Second brother, you are older, let's talk first."

Daishan is almost 60 years old. He is famous for his peace and prestige. The powerful county kings like Azig and Dorgon are not afraid to lose their temper in front of Daishan. [

Daishan coughed and spoke slowly.

"Your Majesty, I think that Su Tiancheng is going to attack Daling River City. Whether this information is true or not needs to be judged. The large army needs to keep it secret. The information shows that Su Tiancheng is going to attack Daling River City in May. It's only March now, why did such news come out? Could it be that Su Tiancheng despised me, the Qing Dynasty, and wanted to demonstrate? This kind of understanding, put on other Ming army generals, I still believe it, but Su Tiancheng did this , the possibility is very small. Such a minister thinks that it is necessary to carefully analyze what Su Tiancheng's purpose is."

Huang Taiji nodded, and Azig and Dorgon, who were full of confidence, looked at Daishan and did not speak.

"Su Tiancheng did this for two purposes. First, he thought that I, the Qing, would send heavy troops to defend Daling River City, and then the two sides would start another decisive battle in Daling River City. This battle can set the world. If we If the Qing Dynasty wins, the Guan Ning Jin defense line of the Ming Dynasty will be in great danger. If Su Tiancheng wins, our Qing Dynasty will be in a very disadvantageous position. Linghe City, expand our consumption of the Qing Dynasty, and it is the season when the season is in short supply, such a consumption is still very difficult."

"I've analyzed it, but I'm still not sure what Su Tiancheng's thoughts are. Su Tiancheng's decision to attack Daling River would not have been made casually. The importance of Daling River City to Daming is self-evident. .”

After saying this, Daishan lowered his head, which meant he was done.

This beginning is the beginning of Huang Taiji's expectations. Next, everyone will focus on this meaning and conduct an accurate analysis to see what the situation is and what kind of arrangements should be made.

The discussion started soon. Azig and Dorgon spoke one after another. Their attitudes remained the same, their words were fierce, and they emphasized the need to take the initiative to attack. The Eight Banners disciples are ready to take down the Jiangning camp.

Huang Taiji obviously didn't want to listen to such a statement. The Qing Dynasty didn't have so many warriors. If it suffered a heavy loss, it would be very difficult to make up for it. With a strong enemy like Su Tiancheng, he had to preserve his own strength and fight against the enemy. It is wise to fight with confidence.

Fan Wencheng didn't speak all the time. In front of Daishan and others, he didn't dare to speak casually. Azige, Dorgon and others could reprimand him at will.

Huang Taiji did not let Fan Wencheng go.

"Wen Cheng, what's your opinion, let's hear it."

Fan Wencheng was in a very difficult situation. His thoughts must not be acted rashly. He still needs to observe and collect a lot of information, but such opinions will definitely be reprimanded.

"Your Majesty, the slave thinks that it is still time to take an offensive posture."

Huang Taiji was stunned for a moment, Azig and Dorgon were also very strange, they don't know why Fan Wencheng changed his mind.

In fact, Fan Wencheng had no other choice but to say that this was Su Tiancheng's bluff, but Su Tiancheng really attacked, Dalinghe City was in danger, and he must be in trouble. He asked to take an offensive posture, not to waste some money and food .

This time, Fan Wencheng had to think for himself.

"Wen Cheng, please explain in more detail."

"The slave thinks that no matter whether Su Tiancheng is planning to attack Daling River City or not, he can strengthen the defense of Daling River, strengthen the strength of the Han army, and ensure that the number of soldiers in Daling River City reaches about 3. Tiancheng's attack on Dalinghe City will not be able to take it down in a short while. If Su Tiancheng really attacks, our army can rush to help, attack the Ming army from inside and outside, and Ding can win a big victory." (To be continued. If you like This work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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