Ming politicians

Chapter 635 Deployment Settled

(Thanks to Haijun Zhong and Diandao Diedi for casting valuable monthly tickets, thank you.)

Stationing [-] soldiers in Dalinghe City, such a large-scale deployment, is by no means a small matter for the Qing Dynasty.

Compared with the military strength of more than one million in the Ming Dynasty, the total military strength of the Qing Dynasty is about 40. This also includes some troops of the Mongolian Eight Banners and all the troops of the Han Army. The place where the ancestors of the Manchus lived was mainly in the Changbai Mountain area. The climate here is extremely cold, and the environment is also very harsh. The ancestors of the Manchu mainly relied on hunting for a living. Although long-term hunting made their bodies particularly strong, their fertility was also affected in such a cold environment. Due to the backward medical conditions and the ups and downs of life, the population of the Qing Dynasty has always been unable to increase, and it needs to plunder a large number of people from the Ming Dynasty to develop and grow.Until the establishment of the capital in Shenyang, including the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, the level of agricultural production has not been greatly improved. In many cases, it is still necessary to plunder money and food from the pass.

3 people, in Huang Taiji's view, is a lot of troops, and unless he is a general above the county king, he must not be at ease if he is able to lead so many soldiers.

The problem is that there are more than a thousand Zhenghongqi sergeants stationed in Dalinghe City, most of them are Han soldiers. [

The inherent advantages of the Eight Banners soldiers make it difficult for them to live in peace with the Han army. It is basically impossible to do this. The Eight Banners soldiers are always superior and regard the Han army as their slaves.In fact, before Huang Taiji came to the throne, the status of the Han people was extremely low, and they often encountered large-scale massacres. They were basically slaves of the Manchus. A series of policies, the most important thing is to allow the Han people to have the status of civilian households.Getting rid of the fate of becoming slaves of the Manchus greatly improved the status of the Han people, but all that Huang Taiji did was of little use in the eyes of the Manchu dignitaries, especially in the Eight Banners Army. Discrimination against Han people.It is in the bone.

Huang Taiji knew all this, but he had to rely on the Eight Banners Army, so he didn't pursue too much.

There are currently only 1 soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City, and most of them are Han troops.It is unlikely to continue to send the Eight Banners Army to garrison. These are the elites of the Qing Dynasty. It is not appropriate to use them to defend the city. Besides, the biggest advantage of the Eight Banners Army lies in cavalry and field warfare, which is not very good at defending the city.

If you continue to send [-] more sergeants.The greatest possibility is to send Han soldiers, relying on more than a thousand Eight Banners soldiers to govern nearly [-] Han soldiers. If you don't pay attention, internal strife will occur, and the outcome is impossible to imagine.

Thinking of these, Huang Taiji hesitated.

After Fan Wencheng made this suggestion, Daishan spoke first.

"Your Majesty, I think Lord Fan's suggestion is quite reasonable. Regardless of whether Su Tiancheng is attacking Dalinghe City or not, and whether he is bluffing or not, it is necessary to strengthen the defense of Dalinghe City. Thirty thousand soldiers are stationed in Even if Su Tiancheng came to attack Dalinghe City, he would be able to deal with it. In case of danger, there is still time for rescue."

After Daishan finished speaking, Azig and Dorgon immediately agreed.

Huang Taiji nodded, this is a surefire solution.It’s just that the consumption is a little bigger. These people will slowly find a way in the future, and the large number of Han people who have been plundered, work hard, and the grain harvest of the Qing Dynasty is always getting better and better. Yes, the wealth plundered before is still enough.

Then there is the question of who is responsible.

This issue did not need to be discussed.

Daishan is the owner of Zhenghong Banner, and at the same time controls the inlaid red flag. There is no possibility of Daishan going out in person, but Daishan’s son Yue Tuo is fully capable. Yue Tuo is brave and good at fighting. When the Qing Dynasty was founded, he was named a prince It's a pity that this kid has a lot of ambitions. He separated Jierharang and Haoge, and even sheltered Mangurtai and Shuotuo. He intervened in the internal affairs of the royal family. He was demoted to Baylor, and later to Beizi. Now he is guarding Dalinghe City , It happened to be a crime and a meritorious service.

Daishan would not speak. Both Azig and Dorgon raised Yuetuo. The two of them knew Yuetuo's bravery in their hearts. The enemy is now, so don't worry about other things for the time being.

Huang Taiji prefers Yuetuo, no matter how many faults Yuetuo has, he is unambiguous in fighting.

But Huang Taiji thinks more comprehensively, Yue Tuo has an impatient personality, if he is responsible for guarding Dalinghe City alone, there may be problems, and more than a thousand Eight Banners want to control the nearly [-] Han army without large-scale conflicts , Yue Tuo can't do this, he must have an assistant, this assistant controls the Han soldiers, and the two armies can coordinate well.

The nearly [-] Han soldiers are not something ordinary people can control. Currently, there are only three of them. These three are Gongshun Wang Kong Youde, Zhishun Wang Shang Kexi, and Huaishun Wang Geng Zhongming.

Judging from the origins of the three, the best candidate is Shang Kexi.

Kong Youde was born as a miner. He used to be a pirate. Later, he took refuge in Mao Wenlong. Mao Wenlong's subordinates defected to Houjin in a rage because they were murdered by others. Geng Zhongming was also a military commander. He was once under Mao Wenlong's subordinates and had a good relationship with Kong Youde. The army encircled and suppressed him, but in desperation he defected to Houjin.

From the experience comparison of the three, Shang Kexi is the most suitable, but at this time, Shang Kexi led the Han soldiers and stationed in Haizhou. After that, has come back and can be arranged anytime. [

Compared with Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming, Huang Taiji felt that Kong Youde was more suitable.

Although Kong Youde's personality was repetitive, but when he rebelled, he fought fiercely with the Ming army, and after capturing Dengzhou, he massacred the city. The crimes he committed were too numerous to write down. There were more than 100 grapefruit foreign technicians and craftsmen in the camps for new-style artillery and artillery training. These were all acquired by Kong Youde and became the reliance of the later Jin Dynasty. These made the Ming court gnash their teeth, and Chongzhen hated Kong Youde even more.

After Kong Youde surrendered to Houjin, he was desperate, and this was also because there was no other way out.

In front of Yue Tuo, Kong Youde did not dare to make mistakes, otherwise he would have no way out. If he rebelled, he would be hunted down by Houjin and Daming, and he would die in the place of death.

"I think it's okay for Yue Tuo to guard Daling River City."

Daishan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Huang Taiji said. Anyway, Yue Tuo is his eldest son. After this kid grows up, his ambitions grow, his desire for power expands, and he does some unreasonable things. Fortunately, his status is prominent, if it were someone else, he would have been beheaded long ago. Huang Taiji agreed with Yue Tuo to guard Daling River City.

"As for the sergeants in the garrison, I think they are still dominated by Han soldiers. Currently, there are more than a thousand Eight Banner disciples stationed in Dalinghe City, all of whom are disciples of Zhenghongqi. These people will not move for the time being and continue to guard Dalinghe City. The rest of the Han soldiers also continued to stand firm, and I am mobilizing 3 Han soldiers to garrison Dalinghe City, so the defenders of Dalinghe have reached [-]."

Having said that, Huang Taiji looked at Fan Wencheng.

"There are 3 soldiers stationed in Daling River City. Yue Tuo alone is difficult to handle. We need another garrison. In my opinion, Kong Youde, king of obedience, will be sent there. Kong Youde will assist Yue Tuo in guarding Daling River City."

Azige and Dorgon raised their heads, while Fan Wencheng lowered his head.

It is said that Yue Tuo is just a beizi. If there is no reprimand, he is still a prince. There is no problem in being a commander. But the situation is different now. Kong Youde is a king of obedience. To obey the leadership of Yue Tuo, from this point of view, it is the Manchus that Huang Taiji really trusts, and it is the Manchus who hold the military and political power.

Huang Taiji looked at Fan Wencheng inadvertently, which was actually a very natural expression.

Fan Wencheng, who bowed his head, of course understands that it is impossible for the Han people to compare with the Manchus. In the Qing Dynasty, the Manchus were the highest level of existence. No matter how hard the Hans worked, they were slaves in front of the Manchus, and they were the real masters. .

Fan Wencheng had long been used to these sad experiences, or he was numb to them.

The taste of being a traitor is not so comfortable. In terms of personality, he is already inferior.

"Second brother, Zhenghongqi and Xianghongqi are mainly responsible for guarding Dalinghe City this time, so you still have to worry about it."

"Your Majesty, I remember, it's a pity that I can't guard Dalinghe City in person, I must teach Yue Tuo a strict lesson, don't let down the emperor's love, and guard Dalinghe City well."

"Very well, I see, the fourteenth brother and Wen Cheng are jointly responsible for dispatching the Han army, and it must be completed within a month. With great fanfare, don't have any worries, I just want to show that Chongzhen of Daming that I won Dalinghe City, and I will continue to make a fuss in Dalinghe City."

When leaving the main hall, Fan Wencheng felt a little uneasy and heavy in his heart.

This is not his inner idea. In fact, his real idea is to suggest to maintain the current situation. If danger really arises, temporarily abandon Daling River City, preserve strength, and destroy the entire city when leaving Daling River City , so that there is no dangerous place to defend in the Daling River area. If the Ming army is going to continue to build the city, it is enough to send troops to attack. This is the best strategy.

But he didn't dare to say this suggestion. Huang Taiji is not in a good mood recently. The main reason is that Su Tiancheng made trouble. The Eight Banners Army hasn't entered the customs for more than two years, and everyone has a big opinion. Huang Taiji is concerned about the overall situation. The stability of the army is already compromised, if it continues to show weakness, I am afraid that the soldiers below will explode. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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