Ming politicians

Chapter 636 Traitor Psychology

After receiving the imperial edict from Huang Taiji, Kong Youde couldn't tell what it was like.

Daling River City is only forty miles away from Jinzhou. If Da Ming attacks regardless, the possibility of defending it is very small. Of course, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty are brave, as long as they rush to help in time, there will be no big problem. At the time of the Battle of Hehe, he was still a member of the Ming Dynasty. Under the command of Sun Yuanhua, the governor of Shandong, he raised his troops and rebelled in less than a year.

After taking refuge in Houjin, Kong Youde was conscientious and conscientious, he did not dare to slack off in the slightest, nor did he dare to complain in the slightest. He fought bravely, and he knew that he had no way out. After defeating the Ming Dynasty, he was truly in his prime.

The number of Han soldiers under him is quite large, reaching more than [-], and they are equipped with cannons such as red cannons and general cannons. Ability, to the point of stubbornness, thinking that Hou Jin's cavalry is the enemy of the world, Jurchen is no more than ten thousand, and more than ten thousand is invincible.

Kong Youde had a unique understanding of firearms. He once suggested to Huang Taiji to vigorously develop firearms and allocate money to study the improvement of firearms, but he had no choice but to get support for this matter. [

If the cavalry of the Qing Dynasty is the enemy of the world, equipped with advanced artillery, it can be said that it is not impossible to win the Guanning Jin line of defense, but practical problems also exist. The development of artillery requires huge expenditures. The Qing Dynasty attacked the city. It is the limit to be able to mobilize about forty red cannons or general cannons at a time.

Kong Youde noticed the Jiangning battalion, and heard that the Jiangning battalion had been developed and blossomed. He didn't believe it. As for the Fran cannon and the tiger squatting cannon, they were not very powerful and could be used in field battles. blossomed.The impact is not too great, but if the red cannon and the general cannon have blossomed, this is an extraordinary improvement.

Kong Youde didn't care much about Su Tiancheng. Kong Youde, who was less than 40 years old, was at the time when he was conceited, and he would not take Su Tiancheng who was too young in his eyes.

Stationed in Dalinghe City.Speaking of which, it was a good task. Dalinghe City was very important. As the leader of the Guan Ningjin defense line, it was firmly in the hands of the Qing Dynasty. It was a great threat to the Ming capital and the Guan Ningjin defense line.Being able to hold here, and even win Jinzhou if possible, is a great contribution, and his position in Houjin will be more stable.

Kong Youde was overwhelmed with gratitude for being crowned King of Gongshun by Huang Taiji, and it was only his little credit.If it was in Daming, it would be considered good to reward some silver.

Kong Youde believed that Huang Taiji was far stronger than Emperor Chongzhen.

Kong Youde had never met Emperor Chongzhen, and with his status, it was very difficult to meet the emperor, but after surrendering, he was after Jin.He often saw Huang Taiji, and had dinner with him several times. Huang Taiji was bold, talented, and capable of infecting people. Just look at the ministers in the imperial court in Daming.The intrigue is probably not something that Chongzhen can control.

Kong Youde remembered Huang Taiji's kindness in his heart, and he also swore it.Be sure to do your best to answer.

But this time he was stationed in Dalinghe City, Kong Youde's mood was very complicated.

The coach stationed in Dalinghe City is Beizi Yuetuo.

Yue Tuo has a bad temper. He has always looked down on the Han people, and beats and scolds him at every turn. With such a coach, he doesn't know what will happen.

The psychology of traitors is particularly sensitive, they pay great attention to their own status, and are afraid of being looked down upon by others. If Yue Tuo is still the former prince, Kong Youde accepts the command happily, but Yue Tuo is just a beggar, and leading him, the obedient king, is rumored to be It's not nice, some years ago I accepted Bei Zi's leadership, but this time it's different.

The identities of Manchus and Han people are different. Kong Youde is a surrendered general, and his status is even more special. In the ninth year of Chongzhen, when the Qing Dynasty was founded, he was the only one among the many people who were named princes and county kings. And Geng Zhongming and the three are more shabby, because they are Han Chinese and they are surrendered generals.

Huang Taiji must have treated him with courtesy, but unfortunately the other princes and county kings did not have such an attitude, and they still looked down upon him.

This time under Yue Tuo's leadership, Kong Youde didn't know what would happen when he was stationed in Dalinghe City, but one thing was certain, grievances were inevitable.

Huang Taiji's imperial decree is very clear. Within a month, he must lead an army of [-] to enter Daling River City, and build a defense line around Daling River City, not just defending Daling River City. .

The role of artillery in guarding the city is huge, and it must not be ignored. Whether it is siege or defense, the role of artillery is decisive. Kong Youde is very clear about this, since the [-] troops are going to station in Dalinghe , it is necessary to carry the artillery there, so that Dalinghe City can be firmly guarded.

However, there are still problems. Regarding the deployment of Dalinghe City, Yue Tuo has the final say. I don’t know if Yue Tuo agrees to place red cannons and general cannons on the city wall. If Yue Tuo disagrees, he will still It is necessary to explain it earnestly, and even find Huang Taiji directly.

When Geng Zhongming came to visit, Kong Youde greeted him at the gate in person. [

The two are brothers in need. Geng Zhongming is two years younger than Kong Youde. When he rebelled in Dengzhou, Kong Youde was able to capture Dengzhou because he relied on Geng Zhongming who was stationed in Dengzhou to rebel and respond internally. After Jin surrendered, the two cooperated many times , and later followed Huang Taiji together to conquer North Korea, and then attacked Lushun and took Lushun.

The Han soldiers led by Kong Youde also had quite a few mobs, and their military discipline was very bad. After taking down Lushun, they ran amok and were impeached. Huang Taiji didn't say anything, not even a serious word. Kong Youde was also a little panicked. For a while, Geng Zhongming comforted him many times, which made Kong Youde feel at ease a lot.

After entering the study, Kong Youde closed the door.

"Brother, I heard that you have been sent to guard Dalinghe City."

"It's true, it's an imperial decree from the emperor."

Geng Zhongming didn't read the imperial decree, just know about it.

"My little brother also heard that the marshal who guards Daling River City is Yue Tuo, isn't that true?"

Kong Youde nodded, but did not speak.

"This is not very good. After the eldest brother attacked Lushun, it was Yue Tuo who impeached him. Although the emperor ignored it, when he attacked Jianghua Island and Pi Island, the emperor severely reprimanded him. I still remember it to this day. .”

"You can't blame the emperor for this. They are all the brothers under him. They are too arrogant. The emperor deserves a reprimand."

"Young brother doesn't mean that. I'm worried about Yuetuo. Everyone knows that Yuetuo has a big air and bad temper. He has a prejudice against big brother. Will he use this opportunity to find trouble?"

"No, I am devoted to the emperor, and all I think about is fighting. I don't care so much about other things. As for what Yue Tuo thinks and how to say, I just listen to it. If there are small conflicts, I will obey. , If it is really inappropriate, I will directly report to the emperor."

Geng Zhongming shook his head.

"Brother, you must not do this, let alone Yue Tuo, if Prince Li has opinions and opinions, it will be really bad. No matter what, Yue Tuo is the eldest son of Prince Li. He really wants to show up. If there is a dispute, or you have to be responsible, big brother thinks, who will Prince Li defend, even if the emperor wants to favor big brother, it will be difficult to do so."

"Then tell me, what should I do."

"The best way is to feel wronged by yourself. Eldest brother just follow Yuetuo's request. It's not a big deal. According to my estimation, stationing in Dalinghe City is not a long-term solution. After a period of time, the emperor will definitely Adjusted, Yue Tuo can still fight, big brother is clear, it is related to whether Dalinghe City can be defended, Yue Tuo dare not mess around."

"But if you acted according to Yue Tuo's instructions and failed, what should you say about this responsibility?"

"Brother, be careful. Every time Yuetuo arranges, the eldest brother will write down the arrangement. He can write a memorial to the emperor and at the same time write a letter to Prince Li, praising Yuetuo's bravery, so that the emperor and Prince Li will know. All matters were arranged by Yue Tuo, if something goes wrong, Yue Tuo can't shirk responsibility at all."

Kong Youde nodded with a smile on his face.

"That's a good idea, thank you."

"Brother, please don't say that. Between the younger brother and the older brother, both will prosper, and the other will suffer. It is right to come up with ideas, but the younger brother also has some ill-considered things. Sometimes, the elder brother needs to be improvised."

Such a negative mentality should be said to be very detrimental to the garrison of Dalinghe City, but Kong Youde has no choice. He was originally a surrendered general, but Yue Tuo is a direct relative of the royal family, a nephew of Huang Taiji, and the real master No matter how hard I try, I can't get rid of my status as a slave. I have to suffer what I deserve, and I have to endure what I should endure. [

Huang Taiji was very strict in governing the army, and his merits and demerits were clearly distinguished. It was precisely because of this that the combat effectiveness of the Eight Banners of Manchuria was extraordinary. In this regard, Kong Youde admired him very much. As long as the army won the battle, even The sergeants were a bit domineering and harmed the interests of the common people. Huang Taiji could tolerate it. Huang Taiji was able to set priorities, but if he didn't work hard and lost the battle, no matter who it was, he would be severely punished.

More than 90.00% of the defenders of Dalinghe City are Han troops, and the Eight Banners soldiers are very few, which can be ignored. Therefore, in case of a fight with the Ming army, the main responsibility lies with the Han army, whether it is success or failure, At this time, the first thing Kong Youde thought of was his own responsibility, at least he couldn't always take the blame.

Huang Taiji is indeed wise, but it is impossible to fully understand the mentality of traitors like Fan Wencheng and Kong Youde. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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