Huang Taiji sent Yue Tuo and Kong Youde to garrison Dalinghe City. The total force of the Houjin troops stationed in Dalinghe City reached 3, including their families. In the small Dalinghe City, it was necessary to accommodate nearly 10 people. million people.

After the news came out, there were two reactions immediately.

The first is pessimistic thinking. This part of the understanding mainly comes from the frontier troops stationed at the Guanning Jin line of defense. Because of the dangerous terrain of the river, if you attack Dalinghe City, you may suffer heavy losses. Even if you take Dalinghe City, who knows if you can hold it. If Huang Taiji leads the army in person again and comes to reinforce, the Ming army will be attacked by the enemy. , Maybe Jinzhou and Ningyuan are in danger.

More thoughts are optimistic, thinking that Su Tiancheng's decision caused panic in Huang Taiji and Hou Jin, and they will immediately send additional soldiers to defend Dalinghe City. No matter how many troops Houjin sends, Dalinghe The city is not far from Jinzhou, and the Ming army had many favorable conditions to attack Dalinghe City. Of course, this kind of understanding is rooted in the high level of trust in the Jiangning camp.

The most surprised were Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui, including Zu Dale, Zu Dabi and other generals. [

They never imagined that Su Tiancheng's prediction was so accurate.

The attack on Dalinghe City was originally something that needed to be kept secret, but Su Tiancheng made the news public, not to mention whether he had a high degree of self-confidence. Doing so was not in line with the common sense of military strategists. Su Tiancheng's purpose was to attract gold and gold Send important generals to garrison Dalinghe City, and Su Tiancheng accurately judged that Hou Jin might send Kong Youde to garrison Dalinghe City.

This accurate encounter gave Zu Dashou and others great confidence. Since Su Tiancheng could predict Hou Jin's move, then there must be a way to deal with it.

It can also be seen from this point.Su Tiancheng has a big appetite. He is not satisfied with destroying the [-] Houjin soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City, but wants to wipe out Houjin's generals and even princes, causing a huge impact and causing Houjin to really have thoughts of fear. It was foreseeable.If the Ming army wiped out all the Houjin soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City and took back Dalinghe City, it would have an immeasurable impact. From then on, Houjin would not dare to set foot in the Guanningjin line of defense.

Zu Dashou and others, who have been fighting for a long time, are very aware of the importance of forecasting.Know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles. If you can accurately predict the deployment of your opponent, you will have the initiative in the war and be able to deal with it calmly.

Their views on Su Tiancheng changed again after Hou Jin sent Kong Youde to garrison Dalinghe City, to put it bluntly.From this moment on, Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui absolutely obeyed Su Tiancheng's command, even though Su Tiancheng was so young.

Zu Dashou was well-informed, had encountered setbacks, and changed his mind much faster, but Zu Dale and Zu Dabi were not so fast, especially Zu Dale.The nickname is the second lunatic Zu, who is not afraid of heaven and earth. Seeing that Su Tiancheng is young, he didn't care much at all. After hearing Zu Dashou's analysis of Su Tiancheng, he scoffed, thinking that Hou Jin would listen to Su Tiancheng's mercy.Su Tiancheng obviously felt the difficulty, but as the governor of Ji Liao, he didn't show anything, and he couldn't justify it.So I'm ready to attack Daling River City. When the time comes, find some objective reasons, such as lack of preparation, why Daling River City is easy to defend and difficult to attack, etc., and continue to fool around, so as to establish my own prestige.

Now everything has turned into a show, Su Tiancheng's prediction is completely accurate, or in other words, Hou Jin was led by the nose by Su Tiancheng, and the arrangement was made according to Su Tiancheng's request.

The key lies in the next step, how to attack Dalinghe City.

3 people guard Daling River City, which is more than double the number of garrisons when the Ming army built Daling River City. With the strong city walls and dangerous terrain, the Houjin soldiers can stand by and wait for reinforcements without any tricks. A clever plan, it is impossible to win Dalinghe City, not to mention that Huang Taiji will not just watch the Ming army attack Dalinghe City.

Therefore, although Zu Dabi, Zu Dale and others were a little convinced, they still had to wait and see what they would do next.

"My lord, Huang Taiji really sent Kong Youde to garrison Dalinghe City, I really admire you, my lord is so predictable, I just led Huang Taiji by the nose."

"Lord Hong, I'm not so godlike. This is actually a hero who sees the same thing. Thinking in another way, I am in the position of Huang Taiji, and I also want to send Kong Youde to garrison Dalinghe City."

Both Hong Chengchou and Qin Sande were a bit confused. It is said that Huang Taiji's fierce generals are like a cloud, and any one he sends out can guard Dalinghe City. In comparison, Kong Youde's reputation is not great, but The emperor and the court hated Kong Youde, a rebel general, to the bone.

"My lord, neither the lower official nor Eunuch Qin understand it very well. The lower official and Eunuch Qin have also discussed it and think that there are many generals that Huang Taiji can send out, not necessarily Kong Youde."

"That's right. Huang Taiji's powerful generals are like a cloud. This is his advantage. However, the system of Houjin determines that Huang Taiji's choice is very leisurely. Almost all the powerful generals under Huang Taiji are Manchus. The Manchus' habit is Hunting, gaining skills from hunting, this determines that they are used to raiding and fighting, and they don't pay much attention to battles such as defending the city, and they are not willing to learn."

Su Tiancheng looked at Hong Chengchou and Qin Sande. Hong Chengchou had no experience in fighting against the Houjin Tartars. Speaking of Qin Sande, there is no such opportunity, and it is even impossible to go to the battlefield in person.

"The soldiers of my Ming Dynasty are very different. They are used to sticking to the city. The post-Gold Tartars are different. This is like the difference between a homeless man and a resident family. The homeless man is used to making his home all over the world. The concept of home is Indifferent, but residents are different, there is food to guard, and family members to support, the biggest purpose is to guard and build their own homes, the difference between the two is here, and they are good at different aspects."

Hong Chengchou and Qin Sande nodded again and again. [

"3 people are stationed in Dalinghe City. This scale is not small. Huang Taiji must consider it. With so many soldiers, the commander must be a Manchu general. Yes, it is a sergeant who is in charge of the red flag, and Daishan is the banner owner, so the commander can only be Daishan or Daishan’s son, and it is normal for Yue Tuo to be the commander.”

"However, it is impossible for there to be many Houjin Tartars stationed in Dalinghe City. These Tartars are not familiar with the tactics of defending the city, and they still have to rely on the Han army. Therefore, the Han army must be the main garrison in Dalinghe City. The large number of Han troops requires a strong commander and Han people who are familiar with the tactics of defending the city. There are only three people that Huang Taiji can choose, Kong Youde, Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming."

"Comparatively speaking, Kong Youde's reputation is the greatest. As a general of the Ming Dynasty, he led the rebellion, captured Dengzhou, massacred the people, and destroyed our artillery base in the Ming Dynasty. After that, Jin got the artillery, and his strength greatly increased. It was also the reason why Kong Youde was ranked at the top when Huang Taiji conferred the title of king and worshiped him."

"As the coach, Yue Tuo directly leads so many Han troops. There must be a problem. He needs someone to assist. This person must be Han. Kong Youde is the most suitable candidate."

"It is impossible for Kong Youde to rebel. He can only serve Houjin with all his heart. There is no place for him in Ming Dynasty. No matter what the situation is, Kong Youde will never surrender again. What Kong Youde did to capture Dengzhou has been cut off." all the way out."

"Huang Taiji sent Kong Youde to garrison Dalinghe City to assist Yue Tuo. Kong Youde has no other way out. He can only wait for help and obey Yue Tuo's command, otherwise there will be no way out."

"From this point of view, sending Kong Youde and Huang Taiji are the most reassuring. Of course, you can also send Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming. I just guess that the possibility of Kong Youde is the greatest."

Just as Su Tiancheng finished speaking, Qin Sande spoke immediately.

"Master Su's analysis is really thorough. Our family is convinced. We believe that Master Su will be able to take down Dalinghe City in one fell swoop. Although our family is the supervisor of the army, we will go to battle to kill the enemy. Also ask Master Su to dispatch."

"What Eunuch Qin said is true, the lower officials are convinced."

Su Tiancheng smiled, and soon became serious.

"Lord Hong, Eunuch Qin, there is something I have to say. The former two didn't have direct contact with the Houjin Tatars, and they don't know each other very well. This is understandable, but the situation is different now. Our main opponent , that is, the Tartars of the late Jin Dynasty. In the next few years, we will take it as our duty to exterminate the Tartars. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the psychology of the Tartars and predict their every move. This kind of analysis, the two of you will also To be like this."

Hong Chengchou nodded repeatedly.

"What your lord said is that the lower officials were negligent. In the future, when we fight against the Houjin Tartars, we must analyze their decisions in order to make the best arrangements. The lower officials have learned."

Su Tiancheng nodded.

"Eunuch Qin, I have something to ask you to come. Mr. Bi is working hard to develop artillery. Eunuch, on behalf of the Governor's Mansion, went to supervise. The construction period must not be delayed. It must be delivered to Jinzhou by the end of April. Delay, father-in-law can tell Mr. Bi not to feel sorry for Yinzi. Mr. Bi wrote that the latest red cannon and general cannon are more powerful and more accurate, but the manufacturing process is a bit troublesome. On the one hand, it must be kept secret, on the other hand It is very difficult to speed up the production process, my father-in-law told Master Bi, I don’t need excuses, I just want the artillery, if the artillery can’t arrive on time, I will have to march.”

"Don't worry, my lord, our family will leave today."

Su Tiancheng nodded in satisfaction. Qin Sande had been in the Jiangning camp for a long time, and he had also developed the habit of being vigorous and resolute, and never did things carelessly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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