Ming politicians

Chapter 638 Yuetuo's Shrewdness

The so-called no confusion at forty, at this age, it should be a mature and wise performance, and the career can reach the peak, but unfortunately, Yuetuo's life is not easy, the year of the ox is unfavorable, everything is not going well, and he has been demoted from prince to son , the disparity here is too great, he is the grandson of Nurhachi and the nephew of Huang Taiji.

Ambition is hard to say. After fighting all the year round, he has an army in his hands. That kind of domineering arrogance is really desirable. Yue Tuo also fully felt this feeling. It's normal to be overwhelmed with ambition.

This kind of inflated ambition made Yue Tuo do many unwise things, and suffered a heavy blow. If it wasn't for his father's fame and prestige, he might not be able to keep his head.

Frustrated, Yue Tuo was actually appointed as the commander-in-chief and stationed in Dalinghe City.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Yue Tuo understands that as long as he can defend Dalinghe City, or even strengthen the defense capability of Dalinghe City, and further threaten Jinzhou City, it will be a great contribution. [

The Battle of Daling River in Chongzhen's four years, Yue Tuo knew it too well, it was a tragic battle, the tactics of besieging the city and fighting for aid were carried out to the extreme, it was also a battle commanded by Huang Taiji himself, a brilliant victory, heavy After attacking the Ming army, the Ming army on the Guan Ningjin line of defense, since then, has been huddled in the city, not daring to show up again.

As for the sergeants guarding Dalinghe City, the main ones are the Han army.

There are many Han troops, so it is better to have some leaders. Those who are disobedient can be dealt with at will, and no one dares to show their teeth.

Yue Tuo had a bad impression of Kong Youde, not only for Kong Youde, but also Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming. His impression was not good. The Qing Dynasty was full of people.The Manchus are the masters, so why can the Han be crowned king? The Han are slaves who serve the Manchus. Besides, Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, and Geng Zhongming are all generals who surrendered.Such a person is simply looked down upon by others, who would like traitors and spies.

Although Yue Tuo knew that this was a gesture made by Huang Taiji in order to divide and misunderstand the daimyo dynasty, but he still could not accept it.I always feel bad.

This time he is the coach, and Kong Youde is the deputy coach. In Yuetuo's view, Kong Youde is either a deputy coach or a dog's leg, running errands and conveying orders.You have to listen to yourself.

After the imperial decree came down, Yue Tuo waited at home, he knew that Kong Youde would come to visit soon.

Sure enough, the day after receiving the imperial decree, Kong Youde came to visit.

"The last general pays his respects to the Marshal."

"Kong Youde, don't be so polite, just talk about your arrangement."

The Manchus call them the Han people.It has always been a habit to call people by their first names, not official positions. The only exception is Fan Wencheng. After all, Fan Wencheng is a minister next to Huang Taiji, and he is also the Han Chinese whom Huang Taiji trusts most.

"The last general has ordered the sergeant to be ready and ready to go at any time."

"Oh. That's right, why did I see that the Han army seems to be moving, dragging their families along."

Kong Youde froze for a moment.Isn't this a habit? Whether it's the Eight Banners Army or the Han Army, when stationed in a place, they always drag their families and bring their families. This time they are stationed in Dalinghe City. I don't know how long it will be. The family members Definitely will follow.

"The last general doesn't understand what the Marshal means."

"Hmph, what do you not understand? My meaning is very clear. You can't bring your family members with you. Not only that, even the family members stationed in Dalinghe City must also be withdrawn. When we go to Dalinghe City, we are not only stationed , but also those who are ready to fight at any time, bring their families with them, how to fight, not only the Han army, but also the family members of the Eight Banners, all of them will be withdrawn by me, and they are not allowed to live in Dalinghe City."

Kong Youde was a little dissatisfied. The family members of the sergeant could not join the army, which would bring a lot of troubles. Eating and sleeping were both problems. Could it be said that the sergeant should cook and eat by himself? Thirty thousand troops are not a small number, and the family members can solve a lot of problems. For the problem of sleep, especially the problem of sleep, it is not a day or two, maybe it is a year or two, or even longer.

"The general feels that having family members with the army is good for boosting morale."

Yue Tuo sneered a few times. [

"Kong Youde, I'm afraid you think that if a sergeant doesn't sleep with a woman, he has no place to vent his anger, right? If you have such an idea, if you are still stationed in Dalinghe City, you can just hand it over to the Ming army."

"The end general doesn't see it that way. The family members can still solve the problems of life."

"A bunch of nonsense."

Yue Tuo stood up, and lifted the cloth towel covering the table. It turned out that there was a sand table on the table. The sand table was the topography and landforms around Daling River City.

"Kong Youde, you can see clearly that there are almost no fields around Dalinghe City, and there is a lack of food supplies. Dalinghe City is more than [-] miles away from Shengjing, and the supplies must be transported completely by Shengjing. It is only forty miles away, if the Ming army besieges our supply line, our supply will become very difficult."

"If you bring your family members, the population of Dalinghe City may exceed 10 people. What is the concept of 10 people? How much supplies are needed? Have you ever calculated? If Daming sends out a large army and blocks the supply routes, Shengjing will not be able to deliver in time." , What kind of consequences will it cause? Have you ever thought about how we won the battle of Dalinghe in Tiancong's five-year battle? I'm afraid you don't know very well. For the Ming army in Dalinghe City, the Ming military law was upheld and they had no choice but to surrender, don’t you think that my Qing Dynasty will also follow this path.”

Kong Youde was tongue-tied and speechless, he thought Yue Tuo hadn't thought about anything, but he didn't expect Yue Tuo to think so far and make a plan long ago.

"Kong Youde, I have always been unambiguous in war, so you must obey all my orders."

"Yes, the general will obey the arrangement of the marshal."

Yue Tuo pointed to a place in front of Dalinghe City and spoke.

"Daling River City was built on the riverbed, so it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but we can't be negligent. I have already decided to set up two lines of defense outside Daling River City to stop the Ming army, and we can also harass them in due course The Ming army stationed in Jinzhou made them dare not move. The two defense lines were placed one mile in front of and behind Dalinghe City. The army needed to set up fences here. If the Ming army launched an attack, the front and rear defense lines could delay the Ming army's attack. pace."

"Yes, the end will make arrangements immediately."

"Okay, I will personally supervise the arrangement of the defense line, and I will personally go to the place where the defense line is built to investigate. Do you have anything else to do?"

"At the end there is one more request."

"Just say what you want, I don't like talking about it."

"The general thinks that artillery is very useful in guarding the city, so this time when he is stationed in Dalinghe City, the general begs to bring thirty red-clothed cannons."

"This suggestion is good. The power of the artillery is indeed good. However, Dalinghe City is not big, and the artillery must be placed on the city wall. If it is too densely placed, I am afraid it will not work. I think it is enough to carry twenty red cannons. .”

"The last general obeyed, it's just that the red-clothed cannon consumes a lot of money, and it's a matter of military pay..."

"I'll just think about the military pay. You go to assemble the army and set off at [-] o'clock tomorrow. Within five days, you must arrive at Dalinghe City. The army needs to carry a large amount of food and grass. The migrant workers needed to transport the food must be assembled within today. complete."

After saying goodbye, Kong Youde's face turned a liver color.

Yue Tuo's attitude was too arrogant, he didn't take himself seriously, he had already been demoted to a beggar, and he was still so domineering, what's the big deal, but Yue Tuo's arrangement was reasonable, everything was for the guard Daling River City, especially the matter of not being allowed to bring family members, can greatly reduce the consumption of Daling River City and reduce the pressure on logistics and transportation.

Although it is uncomfortable, Kong Youde still has to do these things. It is impossible to hire so many migrant workers for the so-called transportation. Most of the food and grass carried by the army are responsible for themselves. The imperial court will not allocate much money. If you hire migrant workers, you need to pay for your own money. Kong Youde would not take out his own money from his pocket, so the sergeant is responsible for the transportation of food. [

The most important thing is the twenty red cannons.

These red-clothed cannons are the treasures of the Qing Dynasty. Without Yue Tuo's statement, I would not be able to transport them away. In the entire Qing Dynasty, there are only more than forty red-clothed cannons, and I have taken away nearly half of them at once.

The Qing Dynasty also failed to manufacture red cannons, mainly due to the lack of iron ore, which could not be refined. Those Portuguese craftsmen and craftsmen who were taken captive to the Qing Dynasty have almost left now. Their craftsmanship cannot support themselves in the Qing Dynasty. , it is said that many of these people have gone to Daming.

Seeing Kong Youde leaving angrily, Yue Tuo sneered again.

He had to stop Kong Youde's aura, otherwise it would be impossible to command nearly [-] Han troops with more than a thousand Eight Banners soldiers. Only by controlling Kong Youde can he control the Han army well. The best way to control is not to give Kong Youde a smile , so that Kong Youde was afraid of himself, and he could only swallow his grievances in his stomach.

Of course, Yue Tuo would not go too far. After all, they need to work together. When necessary, they should give Kong Youde face. Han people are the best face.

In fact, after receiving the imperial decree, Yue Tuo locked himself in the room for a whole day, analyzing the situation of Daling River City, looking at the map, making people make a sand table, making repeated gestures, and slowly, his inner opinion There are a lot of them. In the battle of Daling River, the Ming army and coolies guarding Daling River City were about 3 people. The capacity of Daling River City is only so many people. To guard against the attack of the Ming army, leaving the sergeants and a few hard workers behind is completely fine. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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