Ming politicians

Chapter 640 Huang Zaisheng's Desire

The attack on Daling River City is a different battle. To a certain extent, this battle is no less than the battle to exterminate the bandits. They are all fresh in the memory, and since the Wanli period, there have been almost no major victories in the confrontation between the Ming army and the Houjin Tartars. Even the two Ningyuan defense battles, everyone understands that the Ming army is in the middle of the war. On the defensive, all the victories achieved were carried out in accordance with Hou Jin's measures, and there has been no such thing as an active conquest for decades.

With such a big fight, intelligence is crucial.

Neither Su Tiancheng nor Huang Taiji will ignore this aspect, and will definitely increase their efforts.

To a certain extent, Huang Taiji has a certain advantage in intelligence warfare. Huang Taiji has realized the importance of intelligence warfare, and he is willing to spend money to expand the intelligence network and continuously obtain relevant information. Su Tiancheng's The situation is different, and the way to obtain information is somewhat difficult.

Because of the special situation of Ming Dynasty, it was impossible for Su Tiancheng to launch an intelligence war with great fanfare. Not only did he not get the support of the emperor, but also some pedantic civil and military ministers in the court also believed that the war was dignified, and the righteous people would definitely be able to go to war. However, conspiracies and tricks are not the work of real men, and tricks such as intelligence warfare must not be used. [

Of course, civil servants who actually lead the army to fight are very aware of the role of intelligence. Sometimes, the role of intelligence even surpasses that of the army. Therefore, a wise commander will search for intelligence at all costs.

Over the years, Huang Zaisheng lived in fear. After being captured by Su Tiancheng, in order to save his life, Huang Zaisheng did some redemption in his nature.He chose to become Daming's spy to spy on Houjin's information. In fact, with Huang Zaisheng's identity, it is very difficult to obtain information on Houjin's upper echelon. After all, in the eyes of Houjinman, he is a traitor of Daming.Without any integrity, what he sees in his eyes is gold and silver, and Huang Zaisheng's identity as a merchant further confirms this understanding.

After playing for Su Tiancheng, Huang Zaisheng's thinking changed a little.The main thing is the inner redemption, and I have found a place to vent. In any case, I am a Han Chinese, serving the Manchus. The identity of the traitor is clear, and I can't get rid of it no matter what.Even if Hou Jin seized the world, he still dared not reveal his identity. Huang Zaisheng was very clear about the power of Confucianism. If he revealed his identity, he might be hunted down by many Han people.

Huang Zaisheng did his best to play for Su Tiancheng.As long as there is an opportunity to find information, he has made efforts. In the ninth year of Chongzhen, the Eight Banners Army led by Azig suffered a disastrous defeat in Daming, and was well cleaned up by Jiangning Battalion. This battle.Huang Zaisheng saw Su Tiancheng's ability, and began to firmly believe that Su Tiancheng must be able to turn the tide.

In order to collect intelligence comprehensively, Huang Zaisheng gritted his teeth.Moved to Shenyang, which is the capital of the Qing Dynasty. Because of his special status, Huang Zaisheng has a wider way to find out information.

All of what he did was affirmed by Su Tiancheng, which was the motivation for Huang Zaisheng to work hard.

Spying on information is not a small matter, and sometimes you need to risk your life,

After moving to Shenyang, after a period of exploration, Huang Zaisheng finally found the best way, that is to make friends with the students of the Eight Banners. The shop he opened is a restaurant, and there are many students of the Eight Banners who come to eat and drink. It is true that a lot of information can be obtained by chatting. Of course, the identity of the Eight Banners in Shenyang is different, and the situation of eating and drinking for free is common. Once a relationship has been established, it will be much easier to obtain information under such circumstances.

As long as Huang Zaisheng knew or heard about all the arrangements and arrangements of the Qing Dynasty, he reported them to Su Tiancheng one by one. Every month, someone went to his restaurant to get information. As for Su Tiancheng How to do it, this is not what Huang Zaisheng needs to care about.

Almost all the officials of the Qing Dynasty knew about Su Tiancheng's appointment as the governor of Jiliao, and Huang Zaisheng also knew about it. After knowing the news, Huang Zaisheng worked harder to spy on all the information, leaving a way out for himself.

Hard work pays off, and on this day, Huang Zaisheng's luck came.

A group of Eight Banners disciples came to the hotel for dinner, and Huang Zaisheng greeted them warmly as usual. What he didn't expect was that these Eight Banners disciples were the Eight Banners Army of the Zhenghong Banner, and they were all officers.

After drinking too much, these people have no scruples about speaking and dare to say anything.

Because the disciples of the Eight Banners came to eat, Huang Zaisheng personally served the wine. These people were very familiar with Huang Zaisheng, and they drank too much wine, so they didn't care so much. When it came to the relevant arrangements of Dalinghe City.

When Huang Zaisheng was serving wine, he overheard that these Eight Banners children were still a little vigilant. After Huang Zaisheng came in, they stopped discussing. Huang Zaisheng felt that the topics these people were talking about must be very important, so when he walked out of the room At the same time, Huang Zaisheng covered a gap and listened carefully to the discussion inside.

For more than an hour, Huang Zaisheng heard a lot of information.

Huang Zaisheng, who couldn't hide his joy, immediately wrote the relevant information and waited for someone to come to collect the information. This time, Huang Zaisheng specifically asked that the information this time was very important and must be sent out immediately.

In the past, when someone came to collect information or bring instructions, Huang Zaisheng nodded and listened silently without saying a word, but this time, Huang Zaisheng made a request, which also attracted the attention of the other party.

Huang Zaisheng knew that his goal had been achieved. [

People are selfish, and Huang Zaisheng is also thinking about his own future, thinking of his family and his own future.

It took only three days for Su Tiancheng to receive this information.

The distance between Shenyang and Ningyuan City is only more than six hundred miles, and if it is a fast horse, it will only take two days.

Although Daming and Houjin fought each other in battle, merchants can still find business opportunities from the middle. In this regard, Daming and Houjin's views are highly unified. They both turn a blind eye and close one eye, and will not interfere specifically However, as long as merchants have a special relationship, they can still travel between the two places.

Information is passed on through these merchants.

The information obtained this time has aroused Su Tiancheng's great attention.

Hong Chengchou, Qin Sande and Qu Qingze all arrived at the Governor's Mansion.

There was information on the table. Although everyone did not read it, they also knew that the information was extraordinary. All preparations for attacking Dalinghe City had already been arranged. The Guanning Army in Shanhaiguan transferred 5 people to Jinzhou City. These transfers meant that the deployment to attack Dalinghe City was fully rolled out.

"Everyone, this is the information I just received. According to this information, we have learned a very important news. Houjin sent 3 people to garrison Dalinghe City. There is a problem in Linghe City, and the Eight Banners soldiers will be dispatched to reinforce Dalinghe City. It seems that Huang Taiji's intention is to keep Dalinghe City, and we have also learned an important piece of information. The sergeants can no longer defend Daling River City, and they are likely to take extreme measures to destroy the entire Daling River City and take the opportunity to break through."

After talking about the situation reflected in the information, Su Tiancheng looked at everyone.

"Tell me, how should we deal with such a situation."

Such a question naturally needs Hong Chengchou to answer.

However, Hong Chengchou's answer this time was somewhat ambiguous.

"My lord, I will obey the arrangement in everything."

Su Tiancheng was a little dumbfounded. It seems that this kind of dependence is not only the existence of the officers under the Jiangning Battalion, but Hong Chengchou also has this view. However, the situation is also special. Everyone has just learned this information and suddenly made a judgment. It is somewhat difficult.

"Well, my consideration is to keep the same and respond to all changes. No matter what arrangements Hou Jin makes, we will still proceed according to the original plan, but there is one thing that all soldiers must be clear about, that is The time for us to capture Dalinghe City must be within the required time. We will not take care of Houjin's reinforcements. Before their reinforcements arrive, we must take down Dalinghe City. This sentence It is very simple to say it, but it may not be so simple to actually do it, which requires us to be fully prepared, if we don’t move, we will win, and if we move, we will win the real victory.”

Qu Qingze stayed behind.

"Old Qu, the information that Huang Zaisheng sent recently is quite good. It seems that Huang Zaisheng's thinking has really changed. Do you think we should treat Huang Zaisheng as we should."

Qu Qingze paused slightly.

"My lord, I feel that we still need to be rewarded. No matter what happened to Huang Zaisheng before, at least he can provide us with information wholeheartedly. From this aspect, we should be rewarded. If we can have Such an intelligence network, obtaining comprehensive information, will be very beneficial for future conquests."

Su Tiancheng nodded.

"Hehe, Lao Qu, I'm relieved if you have such an understanding. Huang Taiji can confer kingship and honor to Kong Youde and others. Could it be that we can't think of a good way? Some understandings are very pedantic. We hate spies, these people are too idealistic, we cannot learn from them, some people can sit and talk, but we can’t, we do things concretely, and need to face the bloody actual situation.” (To be completed) Continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)[

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