Ming politicians

Chapter 641 The Court's Desire

After Yang Sichang returned to the capital, he quickly reported Su Tiancheng's plan.

The plan to attack Dalinghe City caused quite a shock. This time, the report was made in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and not only Zhu Youjian, but also all the cabinet ministers were heard.

After Yang Sichang finished reporting, the Hall of Mental Cultivation was quiet for a while, no one spoke, everyone was thinking, including Zhu Youjian.

Although eight years have passed since Chongzhen's four-year battle of the Daling River, no one will forget it. In the hearts of Zhu Youjian and Sun Chengzong, this incident will never be forgotten.

Because of the failure of the Battle of Daling River, Sun Chengzong was forced to leave the imperial court. From then on, he stayed away from the capital and only visited Su Tiancheng to participate in the affairs of the Zhongxing Academy. Pressing down, there will never be a bright future. [

Zhu Youjian's mood was even more complicated. The Battle of Daling River was originally an excellent opportunity for him to revitalize Daming. When Dalinghe City was built, it was also from the perspective of defending the later gold. The importance of the forefront of the defense line is self-evident. Several times of construction were unsuccessful. After encountering the attack of Hou Jin, a decisive battle broke out between Da Ming and Hou Jin, because this time Da Ling In the Battle of the River, the situation of the Guan Ning Jin line of defense has undergone a fundamental change. From this moment on, the Daming frontier army stationed at the Guan Ning Jin line of defense has huddled in the city and dare not take the initiative to attack. You are roaming around outside the city, and you will not go out of the city to fight a decisive battle with the Tartars. Let alone such a situation, even if the Tartars entered the pass from Datong and Ningxia to plunder, and the Ming army stationed at the Ningjin defense line in Guan, they still did not dare to fight. Enter Beizhili and face the Houjin Tartars.

Such a situation is not a strange situation. Even so, Zhu Youjian still has to meet the military salary of the Liaodong Frontier Army, this huge army.It is impossible for there to be another mutiny. The painful lessons brought about by the previous mutiny are unbearable for Daming.

Now, Su Tiancheng, who has just arrived in Ningyuan, has made a decision to take down Dalinghe City.

Zhu Youjian knew very well that Su Tiancheng would not make a decision easily.Whether it is in the court or in the usual discourse, since the matter of expressing one's opinion must be done, and now Su Tiancheng has expressed his opinion that he wants to take down Dalinghe City.To fully consolidate the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, this shows that Su Tiancheng has already grasped it and must do it.

Over the past few years, Su Tiancheng has done all the things he expressed his opinion on, especially the matter of exterminating the bandits.

Zhu Youjian's intelligence system is also unusual.After Qin Liangyu shouldered the important task of completely eradicating the bandits, it was Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying who really wiped out the bandits. Of course, Qin Liangyu also contributed to this.

It is also because of this reason that Zhu Youjian has sufficient confidence. He immediately arranged the household department and the military salary needed by the Liaodong Frontier Army.No matter how difficult it is for the court, it needs to be implemented, and it cannot be defaulted. If anyone wants to deduct from it, they will definitely be severely punished.

In fact, Zhu Youjian didn't need to emphasize that all the officials in the imperial court knew about Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying's affairs.It cannot be delayed, otherwise sometimes, when the responsibility is really investigated, it will be unbearable.

Sun Chengzong's mood is more complicated.

The Battle of Daling River.It was his heart disease. At that time, he noticed the importance of the Daling River, and proposed to build a city on the Daling River to resist the invasion of Houjin. It is a pity that in the process of building Dalinghe City, it encountered many attacks from Houjin, and finally when it was about to be completed, it encountered a full-scale attack from Houjin. Huang Taiji personally led the army to attack In Dalinghe City, the final result was that Houjin won a complete victory and Ming Dynasty completely failed. What made Sun Chengzong depressed was that Houjin actually stationed troops in Dalinghe City, which is only about forty miles away from Jinzhou City. In the city, the sergeants stationed in Houjin and the sergeants guarding Jinzhou are under high pressure all the time.

Sun Chengzong dreamed of being able to take back Dalinghe City. This was not only a personal glory, but also involved the entire Guanningjin defense line of Daming.

After Su Tiancheng became the governor of Jiliao, the first thing he thought of was to recover Dalinghe City.

Such a choice is very correct. It has an unusual strategic vision. It is because it has seen the importance of Dalinghe City. It is because it wants to completely consolidate the defense line of Guan Ningjin, strengthen its own strength, and prepare for a decisive battle with Houjin. of.

Sun Chengzong couldn't explain his feelings clearly. Because of the Battle of Daling River, he was forced to resign and leave the capital. Although he is now the chief assistant of the cabinet, the Battle of Daling River is a thorn in his heart. Pull it out, and die with regret.

Su Tiancheng's memorial is very detailed, including the time of preparation for the attack, and the estimated time of recovering Dalinghe City, they are all clear. Such a memorial has another meaning, that is, asking for money and silver.

"Everyone, Aiqing, after Sun Aiqing took office in Liaodong, the first thing I did was, even if you regained Dalinghe City, I really didn't expect it. Thinking about the last battle of Dalinghe, my Ming Dynasty suffered heavy losses. Yes, at that time, internal and external difficulties, the invasion of Houjin, and the harassment of bandits, I almost lost all hope. These years have passed, and the bandits have been completely wiped out. My biggest enemy of Ming Dynasty is Houjin. If Su Aiqing can regain Daling River City has an extraordinary meaning."

Sun Chengzong stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, I believe that Lord Su's thinking is mature. Dalinghe City is less than fifty miles away from Jinzhou City. The Houjin Tatars are used to raids and long-distance raids. Under such circumstances, the Houjin Tatars have been stationed for a long time. In Dalinghe City, it poses a great threat to our Guan Ningjin line of defense. Later Jin can station a small number of soldiers in Dalinghe City, but it restrains most of my Ming's frontier army. If things go on like this, the problem will definitely be Explosive."

"What Sun Aiqing said is very reasonable. Su Aiqing's decision is appropriate, and I fully agree with it, but I also know that making such a decision requires a lot of money. The court's life is not easy. I Life is not easy, but the military salary of the frontier army still has to be implemented, and Sun Aiqing is directly responsible for the implementation of this matter.”[

"The minister obeys the order and must supervise and implement it."

After returning to the mansion, Sun Chengzong was very excited.

When Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou came to the mansion, Sun Chengzong did not greet them, and sat still in the living room, bowing his head in thought. After the housekeeper reported, Sun Chengzong came to his senses.

The three entered the study.

"My lord, I think that Kun Yuan's decision to take down Daling River City is a very wise decision, but it is also a decision full of risks. These days, I have also learned about the situation of Daling River City. Without the garrison, it is almost impossible to attack Dalinghe City, and it may not be possible to achieve the goal even after paying a heavy price."

Liu Zongzhou's words represent the thoughts of many people.

Sun Chengzong smiled and spoke.

"I have also thought about this matter. I think it is unbelievable that Kun Yuan chose to take down Dalinghe City. Dalinghe City is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you pay a heavy price, you will still not be able to take back Dalinghe City. The impact must be great, but I have also thought about it. Over the years, all the promises made by Kun Yuan have been fulfilled, which makes us unable to doubt. The impact of being able to take back Dalinghe City will definitely be It's unusual."

Liu Zongzhou was originally a great Confucian, and he would not give in easily.

"My lord, I think it's better not to be too ambitious and defend Jinzhou. Relying on the guards of Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan, it is impossible for the Houjin Tatars to break through this line of defense. My Ming Dynasty has completely wiped out the bandits. What does the minister mean? We need to develop agriculture, let the common people have enough food and clothing, and make our Ming Dynasty stronger than ever before. Under such circumstances, it is possible to capture Dalinghe City, including Shenyang."

Sun Chengzong looked at Liu Zongzhou, obviously dissatisfied.

"Lord Liu, I dare not agree with this point of view. It's like encountering a robber. I don't know whether to resist or adapt to the situation. Resist, you may encounter accidents, don't resist, all the money will be robbed There is not much way to survive in the future, and in a dilemma, I have no choice but to do nothing, and this is the most tragic ending."

"Sufficient food and clothing is not something that can be easily achieved. It is not a year or two. I am afraid it will take a long time. Under such circumstances, if we blindly emphasize and strengthen internal construction, we may lose a lot of opportunities. We While working hard, Hou Jin is also working hard."

Liu Zongzhou nodded, expressing his conviction.

"My lord, I feel that Kun Yuan decided to attack Dalinghe City. This should have been kept secret. I don't know why all of Kun Yuan has been leaked. What is the purpose of this? Could it be that after Xiangze Houjin was on full alert, Did my Ming sergeant pay more casualties?"

"I don't know the reason for this. No matter what, I believe in Kun Yuan. It is just around the corner to take down Dalinghe City. Master Liu, Master Huang, and Kun Yuan resisted Jin in Liaodong." Tartar, we are in the capital, we still have to find a way to help Kun Yuan."

"That's for sure. Mr. Huang and the subordinate officials will definitely do their best."

Sun Chengzong was alone in the study room. Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou had been away for a while, at least for more than an hour. He had thoughts in his heart. Participating in the fight regardless of everything, as for being able to recover Dalinghe City, it has a special meaning for him, Sun Chengzong.

Sun Chengzong made up his mind that no matter how difficult he encountered, on the day of the attack, he would rush to Jinzhou no matter what, and watch my Jiangning camp recover Dalinghe City with his own eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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