Ming politicians

Chapter 642 All parties prepare

The coming of spring means that the rainy season is coming, but this spring, there is very little rain in Liaodong, which makes the preparations for the war much faster.

In mid-April, the artillery arrived in Jinzhou.

The General Military Mansion was immediately put under martial law, and no one was allowed to approach, including non-authorized sergeants and technicians from Fort Anning, who began to assemble the artillery day and night.

Su Tiancheng has already arrived in Jinzhou, and Xu Eryi stayed in the Governor's Mansion in Ningyuan to handle all matters.

Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui, including Wu Xiang, all followed to Jinzhou.

The Commander's Mansion, the officers above the commander-in-chief stationed at the Guanning Jin defense line, and the officers above the commander of the Jiangning battalion and guards are all waiting for orders. The battle of Dalinghe is about to start.

Everyone was excited. After two months of preparation, what they were waiting for was the final order to attack.

There are maps on the walls and a sand table in the middle of the room.

Su Tiancheng stood in front of the sand table, and everyone surrounded the sand table.

"Liu Tiehan, tell me about the situation around Dalinghe City."

Liu Tiehan walked to the front, and he still served as the commander of the scout battalion. During this time, the hardest part was the scout battalion, conducting uninterrupted investigations to find out all the situations around Dalinghe City.

"The post-gold Tatars stationed in Dalinghe City are divided into two parts. The first part is stationed in the city. For more than a month, they have reinforced the city wall and erected red cannons on the city wall. The second part is stationed in the city. On the edge of the river bed about one mile away from Daling River City, they built a fence here, and the Tartars in the city were stationed in rotation. In addition, the scout battalion also found out that all the family members of the Tartars stationed in Daling River City had withdrawn. After leaving, almost all those who stayed in the city were Hou Jin's sergeants."

"In terms of logistics and transportation. When Yue Tuo and Kong Youde entered Dalinghe City, they brought a large amount of food and grass, and the transportation team was almost endless. According to the visual inspection of the scouts, it is estimated that the food and grass are enough to sustain 3 people for about half a year. That is to say, Yue Tuo is prepared to defend Daling River City to the death, even if they encounter a siege, they will be able to maintain it for a long time, this is also the lesson they have learned from my Ming army."

"The post-gold Tatars stationed in Dalinghe City are mainly Han troops. The sergeants stationed outside are all Han troops. The clothes of the Han troops are different from the clothes of the Eight Banners Army. Almost all of them are black. Very recognizable."

"Since this period of time, the Houjin Tartars stationed in Dalinghe City have always been very heavily guarded. Because they have moved their family members away, it is impossible for anyone to get in Dalinghe City. At the same time, The Golden Tatars are on the outer line of defense, and they are also very vigilant about the situation around them."

. . . . . .

After Liu Tiehan finished speaking, Su Tiancheng spoke with a smile on his face.

"Everyone knows the situation. It seems that our opponents, Yue Tuo and Kong Youde, are still not easy. We moved the family members of Dalinghe, which can save consumption. Once encountering a war, the soldiers who stick to the city can last longer." The time, half a year's supply of food and grass, shows how determined they are. Maybe they are still thinking about attacking Jinzhou City when the opportunity is ripe. It is impossible for our Ming army to besiege the Daling River for more than half a year, not to mention half a year, half a year. Not even the month."

"Yue Tuo and Kong Youde's arrangement outside Daling River City also took a lot of thought. The edge of the river bed is also a terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but we must break through this line of defense. This means that we will pay The bigger price is that if the post-golden soldiers who stick to the periphery cannot hold on, they will definitely withdraw to the city, and it is impossible for us to wipe them out."

"The biggest threat to us is the red-clothed cannon. The red-clothed cannon set up on the city wall is not a vegetarian, it kills people. Therefore, our attack must be well-planned and we must save time as much as possible. , to reduce casualties, my consideration, this time to attack Dalinghe City, draw 15 troops."

When Su Tiancheng said this, everyone's eyes began to light up. The Ming army on the Guan Ningjin line of defense was always as big as 33, and it was impossible to remove them all. The 15 was close to half, which meant that more than half of them Sergeant, still have to stick to the city.

Zu Dashou and the others were even more anxious. If Su Tiancheng hadn't arranged for them, they would have to obey orders. of.

"15 people, selected from three places, the Guanning Army stationed at Shanhaiguan, 5 people were transferred, the commander-in-chief Wu Sangui was in charge, and the frontier troops stationed in Jinzhou and Ningyuan were 5 people, and the commander-in-chief Zu Dashou was in charge. The Jiangning battalion mobilized 5 people, the left deputy was the imperial envoy, and the commander and commander Sun Chuanting was in charge, and the 15 troops were under the unified command of the governor and the commander Hong Chengchou."

"All officers and non-commissioned officers who have been transferred must obey the unified command. The specific deployment will be discussed at the next meeting. Starting tomorrow, the transferred non-commissioned officers will start to act in unison. Within five days, all of them will gather in Jinzhou City. If there is a delay, military law will follow."

Yue Tuo also felt lucky for his correct decision.

Relocating family members is not such a simple matter. The family members of the Han army are easy to talk about, and they have to obey the command, but the family members of the red flag sergeants, including some officers' families, did not move away just by talking, but from the guards. From the point of view, these family members cannot continue to stay in Dalinghe City. In case of war, these people will be the biggest drag, not to mention the small Dalinghe City, which can accommodate about 10 people, is simply a disaster .

Yue Tuo was not polite at all, no matter whose family members it was, they all moved away and returned to Shenyang. As for what these family members depend on for a living, he has no control over that much for the time being. The most important task now is to defend the city.

It was also Yuetuo's idea to build a defensive position on the edge of the river bed one mile away from Daling River City, and the project started just after arriving in Daling River City, without any delay. As for the construction During the process, Yue Tuo never thought about whether there would be Da Ming soldiers coming to harass him. In his eyes, the Da Ming soldiers were all cowards, wastes who stayed in the city and dared not leave the city.

The emperor once entrusted that Su Tiancheng, the governor of Jiliao of Ming Dynasty, is very powerful, he must be careful, he must never underestimate the enemy, Yue Tuo didn't know about Su Tiancheng, and he didn't pay special attention to it.

Daling River City didn't take long to build. During Chongzhen's four-year battle of Daling River, Daling River City hadn't been completed. It was less than ten years ago. After Yue Tuo came to Daling River City, he spent an During the week, I looked everywhere, and repaired and maintained some of the weak city walls.

The twenty red-clothed cannons transported were placed in four directions, each with five red-clothed cannons. These artillery can play a huge role in defending the city.

Yue Tuo is also satisfied with Kong Youde. The Han army stationed in Dalinghe City is close to 3. The Eight Banners Army looks down on the Han army. This kind of discrimination comes from the bones and cannot be changed. Therefore, after coming to Dalinghe City , Yuetuo put forward strict requirements for thousands of Zhenghongqi sergeants, not to bully others, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, if there are troubles between each other, it will be really troublesome, I am afraid I will give up Hand over Daling River City to Daming.

In any case, Yue Tuo has always been in the army, and the long-term battle has also made him understand many things.

After arriving in Dalinghe City, Yue Tuo's attitude towards Kong Youde was still good, and he still had airs, but when making a decision, he usually discussed with Kong Youde. Yue Tuo knew very well that he needed to rely on Kong Youde. , the unity and harmony between the two is the most important, if they are not compatible with each other, that is the greatest danger.

Yue Tuo is indeed capable of commanding operations. From this aspect, Kong Youde can be convinced. There is a bold part in Manchu's character. Knowing this detail, Kong Youde was able to get along with Yue Tuo peacefully. At this time, thinking of the many ideas Geng Zhongmin gave him, Kong Youde felt a lot of emotion. If this was in the Ming army, many conflicts would definitely erupt. The means are also used, and the conflicts and frictions between the generals will weaken the combat effectiveness of the troops to the greatest extent.

Yue Tuo was not very concerned about the various arrangements of the Ming army. His understanding was somewhat fixed. He believed that the Ming army would not be able to attack Dalinghe City. , but Yue Tuo felt that the fighting power and level of the Ming army was just like that. As for the disastrous defeat of Azig in the pass in the ninth year of Chongzhen, there were many other factors, perhaps some accidental factors came together to cause such a big Loss.

There are [-] sergeants stationed in Dalinghe City, which is a very strong force. Relying on the fortification of Dalinghe City, it is not easy for even the Eight Banners to attack this city. up.

In this regard, Yue Tuo and Kong Youde have different understandings. To set up a defensive line outside Daling River City, Yue Tuo's real intention is to make a breakthrough, that is to say, to be stationed in Daling River City for a period of time. After that, wait for the opportunity to launch an attack on Jinzhou City. Regardless of whether Jinzhou City can be taken or not, at least form an attacking posture. Just defending Dalinghe City, in Yue Tuo's view, is a bit useless. It is impossible to have so many soldiers in charge What has been built is still a warrior of the Qing Dynasty.

Kong Youde's understanding is mainly in the form of defense. He believes that the formation of a line of defense by stationing soldiers outside Daling River City is to send troops to launch sneak attacks. The mighty Ming army dealt a devastating blow. (To be continued..)

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