(Thanks to my wish to ride a crane, e voted for the precious monthly ticket, thank you.)

On the eve of the war, intelligence work is indispensable. In this regard, Su Tiancheng has some headaches.

To say that he attaches great importance to intelligence work, Qu Qingze is specialized in intelligence work, and even used Jin Yiwei's secret wires. Under normal circumstances, this is unlikely, but Daming's intelligence work has fatal flaws.

The main job of Jin Yiwei's secret line is to keep an eye on the officials, especially the officials of the third rank and above and the vassal kings. Their actual task is to maintain the imperial power, that is, to keep an eye on the officials for the emperor. As for other information, few people care about it. After Tian Cheng had mastered some of the Jinyiwei's secret lines, he made a special request, mainly to grasp the information on the rogue bandits and Houjin. In terms of grasping the information on the rogue bandits, the dark lines did a good job, but in terms of spying on Houjin's information, he was not satisfied.

There is another problem with Daming’s intelligence work, that is, the information that is spied on must be reported to the emperor, and then the emperor will make a decision. The departments and officials who urgently need information may not be able to make a decision. In this case , looks a little funny, but it is real, and the only exception is Su Tiancheng.

As for the pedantic understanding of court officials, it has greatly hindered the development of intelligence work.

These aspects have a real impact on intelligence work.

On the other hand, Hou Jin’s intelligence work was very different. Huang Taiji attached great importance to intelligence work and was willing to delegate power. Huang Taiji was able to contact ministers and generals at any time, and he could decisively request departments and individuals who obtained intelligence to make quick decisions.Moreover, the information obtained by Hou Jin can be directly sent to relevant departments. It is precisely because of this that Hou Jin obtains information from a wide range of sources.

In the process of historical development, some historians always like to comment, saying that there are many traitors in the Han nationality.This is the inferiority of the nation, the rest of the ethnic minorities have very few spies, but Su Tiancheng doesn't see it that way.

There are spies everywhere, and spies have their own understanding, maybe they are dissatisfied with the society, maybe they want to get a better life, maybe they just want money, no matter if they are Han nationality or minority nationalities.This kind of people exists, but the Han nationality has a large number of people, so there are more spies exposed.

The rogues have been completely wiped out. Today's intelligence is mainly aimed at Hou Jin, and Jin Yiwei's dark lines are of little use. At this time, the main source of intelligence.Originated from the mutual market, information sent from Fort Anning and Jingbian.A lot of information about Houjin was reflected, and through this information, Su Tiancheng was able to analyze Houjin's actions.

Although he is a time traveler, Su Tiancheng is not very familiar with Hou Jin, besides, after time travel.History has changed, and many new situations have emerged. It is definitely not enough to rely on historical knowledge alone for the next step.

Guan Ningjin line of defense.It was Hou Jin's confidant's big trouble. It is impossible for such a place to have no Hou Jin's spies. Moreover, the imperial court's management of the households here is not harsh. Ordinary people are free to come and go, which is different from the mainland.

The situation in Liaodong has always been very tense. Later Jin entered the customs several times and looted a large number of Han people. Some Han people came back later, and no one doubted why these people were able to come back, and no one cared. What to do, in fact, some people have already started to work for Houjin and have become members of the intelligence network.

These people are at the bottom, and it is impossible to know much confidential information. At most, they can get some information about the garrison, but the leakage of another kind of information is very harmful, that is, the information leaked by officials.

The secrecy system of the Ming Dynasty is unflattering. There are fierce factional disputes in the court, and there are often times when people are punishing people. This requires the echo of the outside. A lot of information is leaked out unconsciously in the process. , including major matters discussed by the court, no official thinks this is abnormal, and everyone is used to it.

This kind of situation also exists in Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan. Most of them are soldiers here. The soldiers are rough by nature and lack the awareness of confidentiality. common situation.

Therefore, in this intelligence battle, Su Tiancheng is at a disadvantage.

The information provided by Huang Zaisheng has become an important source for Su Tiancheng to directly obtain information. It involves all matters related to Huang Zaisheng. Only Su Tiancheng and Qu Qingze know about the entire Jiangning Camp. Su Tiancheng once told Qu Qingze about Huang Zaisheng Information is not allowed to be leaked in any way, even the imperial court cannot know it.

Su Tiancheng's face was very gloomy, and when Qu Qingze came in, his face was also a little pale.

"Old Qu, found our information, how did it leak out?"

"The specific situation is not very clear. After the sergeants from Shanhaiguan and Ningyuan entered Jinzhou City, the management of these sergeants was very lax. They often went to brothels and restaurants. The officials estimated that information leaked from these places."

"Then tell me, do you need to remind Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui to strengthen the management of the sergeants?"

Qu Qingze shook his head.

"My lord, I think that such a method is not very effective. It is not very likely that a hundred thousand soldiers want to keep it completely secret. At the beginning of the year, your lord once said that if you want to attack Dalinghe City, the later Jin I have also obtained information in this regard, and now it is suddenly kept secret, which will arouse Hou Jin's suspicion."

"At this time and then at that time, the situation at the beginning of the year is different. The purpose is to attract the troops of Houjin. Now that this goal has been achieved, the relevant formation of troops needs to be kept secret, but the current situation is that nothing can be kept secret. ah."

It turned out that Su Tiancheng's deployment, that is, the recruitment of [-] frontier troops and [-] soldiers from the Jiangning battalion, was acquired by Hou Jin. Huang Taiji had already begun to attach great importance to it, and Hou Jin also began to recruit the Eight Banners Army, making all preparations , the Houjin soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City also suddenly became nervous.

The information from Huang Zaisheng and the mutual market all mentioned this situation.

If the matter of secrecy cannot be done well, the next step, the specific formation of troops, may also be leaked. If Hou Jin fully knows this information, it will definitely be disadvantageous to attack Dalinghe City more.

But this problem is really difficult to solve. With so many people concentrated in Jinzhou, it is impossible to find out the location of the information leak. An inspection team has been established, but for the sake of stability, there is no large-scale action for the time being.

"My lord, I think I can spread some false information through these channels."

"Well, tell me, what kind of false information is being spread."

"For example, the formation of troops, the time of attack, etc. These information should be top-secret information. If it is leaked, it will attract the attention of Hou Jin, but these information will soon be shown to be false. , so true or false, Hou Jin must be confused, and cannot make an accurate judgment."

"There is some truth to this matter. You arrange it and implement it immediately. I think it leaked one aspect of information. About the arrangement of troops and formations, Hou Jin knew about it. We mobilized [-] frontier troops, that is to say, The main offensive task is the [-] frontier army, and the Jiangning battalion is a reserve force. This kind of information, Hou Jin must believe, including Huang Taiji, will think that this is what I need to preserve the strength of the Jiangning battalion and let the frontier army become cannon fodder. "

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Not long after Qu Qingze left, Hong Chengchou came.

"My lord, all 15 troops have assembled in Jinzhou."

"Tell me about your arrangement."

This time, it was the real formation of troops, which was mainly considered by Hong Chengchou.

"The lower official has thought about a plan, my lord, please take a look."

Hong Chengchou walked to the front of the sand table.

"Dalinghe City is 46 miles away from Jinzhou, and 22 miles away from Songshan. It should be said that Songshan is the forefront of our Ming Dynasty's struggle against Houjin. The 15 troops should have gathered in Songshan, relying on Jinzhou behind us, to launch a general offensive. .”

"The tactical arrangement is divided into two parts. The first part is to clear the outer strongholds of Houjin, that is, the defense line one mile away from Dalinghe City. Wu Sangui is directly responsible for the attack in this area. It must be eliminated within two days. Outer strongholds, this is very important, it is convenient for the arrangement of the artillery battalion, the consideration of the lower officials, no matter how much sacrifice is made, the outer strongholds must be pulled out, and it is estimated that a certain price will be paid. Yi Da Cannon is still very lethal."

"The second part is to surround Dalinghe City and launch an attack. The main attack is directly in charge of the Jiangning Battalion, with Zu Dashou's assistance, and Wu Sangui is responsible for blocking Houjin's reinforcements. We occupy a favorable terrain in the Xingshan area. Once we start to attack Dalinghe City, Hou Jin will definitely send reinforcements."

Su Tiancheng interrupted.

"Do you think that the frontier army led by Wu Sangui can stop the reinforcements of the Houjin Eight Banners Army?"

"Well, the possibility of success in blocking is not high. The combat effectiveness of the frontier army is far behind that of the Eight Banners Army. Coupled with the fear that has been formed over the years, I am afraid that it will not be able to block for a long time."

"That is to say, Wu Sangui's blockade in Xingshan is not very effective, it's just a show."

Hong Chengchou nodded.

"Master Hong, such an arrangement is absolutely impossible. Reinforcement from the later Jin Dynasty is certain. Wu Sangui led the frontier army to block Xingshan. It is impossible to succeed, but the army has hope and there is no need to worry about it. The blocking arrangement has no effect at all, and the army will immediately fall into a passive state, so my consideration is not to block Houjin's reinforcements."

Hong Chengchou was very surprised. He didn't know what Su Tiancheng planned. If he didn't stop him, Houjin's reinforcements would drive straight in, and he would be more passive.

"The battle to attack Daling River City will end within two days. On the first day, the outlying strongholds will be pulled out, and on the second day, Daling River City will be captured. .” (To be continued..)

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