Ming politicians

Chapter 644 Songshan

Su Tiancheng mobilized 15 troops to gather in Jinzhou City, making Huang Taiji restless.

The Eight Banners Army of the Later Jin Dynasty bypassed the Shanhai Pass many times, entered through Mongolia through the Xifeng Pass, and plundered Daming. However, after each plunder, they left in a hurry and did not dare to stay in the pass for a long time. The most important reason was, It is because of the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, Huang Taiji knows very well that bypassing the Shanhai Pass and entering the pass, the danger is huge. On the one hand, he is afraid that the Ming army at the Shanhai Pass will cut off his retreat, and the Eight Banners Army will fall into heavy encirclement and face the danger of being destroyed. , On the other hand, I am even more afraid that the Ming army in Shanhaiguan will go straight to Huanglong and invade Shenyang, which will shake the foundation of the Qing Dynasty.

The Guan Ningjin line of defense has become Huang Taiji's lingering dream. If Jinzhou can be captured, all problems will be solved easily.

After the Eight Banners captured Dalinghe City, they faced Jinzhou directly.

The strength of the Eight Banners Army is field combat, and they are not good at attacking fortified positions. It is exactly the opposite of the Ming Army. The Ming Army stationed at the Guanning Jin Line of Defense is good at firearms and infantry. Field combat is by no means an opponent of the Eight Banners Army. However, the Ming army relied on its solid city to resist the advance of the Eight Banners Army. [

In the Battle of Daling River that year, Huang Taiji took advantage of this, adopted the method of besieging the city and fighting for aid, besieged Daling River City to death, annihilated the Ming army who rescued Daling River City step by step, and ordered the troops stationed in Daling River City Zu Dashou fell into desperation. Of the more than 3 people stationed in the city, only more than [-] were left in the end.

Huang Taiji dreamed of winning Jinzhou.

Jinzhou has strangled the throat of the road between Liaodong and the Central Plains, and its importance is self-evident. Huang Taiji knows very well that if he wants to take control of the Central Plains, he must take down Shanhaiguan. Shanhaiguan is the gateway to the capital of the Ming Dynasty. First of all, we must win Jinzhou.

This plan is in Huang Taiji's heart.It has been brewing for a long time. Seeing that the Ming Dynasty was harassed by bandits, and the national power became weaker and weaker after years of famine. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, a Su Tiancheng was born out of nowhere and formed the Jiangning Camp.It quickly became a heroic army famous in the Ming Dynasty and even the Qing Dynasty. This army is good at firearms and field battles. It dares to fight face to face with the Eight Banners Army.Who knows what the consequences will be.

Knowing that Su Tiancheng had mobilized an army to enter Jinzhou, Huang Taiji focused all his attention on the area around Daling River City. He even planned to send Dorgon, who was more valiant and capable of fighting, to station in Daling River City, but Yue Tuo could still fight. Yes, considering the negative effects of changing the battle, I finally gave up.

Huang Taiji focused his attention on Songshan.

In order to be able to capture Jinzhou.Huang Taiji took great pains to completely destroy the Guanning Jin line of defense. Daling River City is more than [-] miles away from Shenyang, but these places were firmly controlled by Hou Jin, and people cultivated land along the way, forming villages and towns one by one. , under the full deployment of Hou Jin.You must know that the common people in Houjin are soldiers and civilians. As for the distance from Dalinghe City to Jinzhou, which is more than forty miles away, Huang Taiji even thought of staying in these places.They also sent people to cultivate, but these places were not completely under the control of Hou Jin, so it was unrealistic to farm.

Matsuyama this place.It can be said that both parties should pay attention to it.

The location of Songshan happened to be in the middle of Jinzhou and Dalinghe City. If it is said that it completely controlled Songshan, it would be able to occupy a favorable position. In the past, the Ming army used to stick to the city, and Huang Taiji did not pay special attention to Songshan, but Su Tiancheng served After the governor of Ji Liao, Huang Taiji began to pay attention to Songshan.

Before Yue Tuo set off, Huang Taiji specifically emphasized the importance of Songshan, but Songshan is more than [-] miles away from Dalinghe City. If troops are stationed in Songshan, if they encounter danger, it is difficult to rescue them. After the field survey, Yue Tuo gave up his plan to garrison troops in Songshan, and stationed troops on the edge of the river bed about one mile away from Daling River City to form a defense line.Huang Taiji has always emphasized the independence of commanding generals, but too much interference in deployment, so there is not too much emphasis.

However, Su Tiancheng has mobilized 15 troops, and this situation is not normal. If Su Tiancheng occupies Songshan and makes Songshan and Jinzhou City echo each other, even if the Ming army is unfavorable in conquest and retreats to Songshan, the Eight Banners should take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Ming army firearms.

Huang Taiji was so familiar with the terrain around Daling River City, including Jinzhou City, that he could recall it even with his eyes closed, so he made an exception and wrote a letter to Yue Tuo, asking Yue Tuo to pay attention to Songshan.

After Yue Tuo received the letter from the emperor, he thought about it for a whole day.

His thinking had to change. Su Tiancheng deployed heavy troops in Jinzhou, so it was impossible for him to not take action. His only purpose was to attack Dalinghe City. Once Dalinghe City fell, the consequences would be serious. The villages and towns to the north of Dalinghe City will be directly threatened, and the common people will not be able to farm with peace of mind. The Qing's control over this generation will be significantly weakened, which will damage the Qing's national strength.

After Kong Youde entered the room, Yue Tuo got straight to the point.

"Kong Youde, the emperor has sent a letter asking us to pay special attention to Songshan. Songshan is [-] miles away from Dalinghe City. Most of the people guarding Dalinghe City are Han soldiers. These soldiers are not very good at field combat. There is no absolute advantage in confronting the Ming army, if you send [-] Han troops to garrison Songshan, can you guarantee to repel the attack of the Ming army?"

Kong Youde froze for a moment, looked at the sand table in front of him, and thought for a while.

"Commander, the general is not fully sure. Su Tiancheng has assembled 15 people in Jinzhou. If they attack with all their strength, 1 people will be stationed in Songshan, and it is impossible to stop the Ming army."

Yue Tuo became a little impatient. [

"Kong Youde, what do you mean, we still have to garrison Dalinghe City, relying on the polite terrain of Dalinghe City to prevent the Ming army from attacking, and at the same time, you think the Ming army will definitely attack Dalinghe City, if that's what you mean , just say it directly.”

"This is what the end will mean."

"Well, let's make a decision. Songshan is a bit far from Dalinghe City, but it must be reasonable for the emperor to ask us to pay attention to this place. I think it's better to send two thousand soldiers to garrison Songshan. If you find anything unusual, report it in time. That's good too, see how it goes."

Kong Youde didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on the sand table.

What would be the effect of sending two thousand sergeants? If the Ming army was determined to attack Dalinghe City, they would definitely occupy Songshan. The two thousand sergeants seemed too weak, and the entire army might be wiped out.

Seeing that Kong Youde didn't speak, Yue Tuo smiled coldly.

"Kong Youde, I have another plan. If the Ming army stationed in Jinzhou City is fully mobilized, wouldn't Jinzhou be an empty city? We can dispatch some of the surprise soldiers and attack Jinzhou directly. If we can win Jinzhou, attack Ming Army, this will create history. Of course, this plan is kept secret for the time being, and I will report it to the emperor. My consideration is that if the Ming army attacks Dalinghe City, we will defend here. You need to go to Dalinghe City and go directly to Jinzhou City, the effect will be better."

Kong Youde nodded. This is indeed a good plan. In any case, directly attacking Jinzhou will inevitably cause the Ming army to be in chaos. If the Ming army collapses, the Eight Banners army and the Han army will jointly attack and create a huge victory. It is not impossible, when the time comes, Su Tiancheng will suffer a crushing defeat and lose Jinzhou, so it may be difficult for him to return to the imperial court.

Besides, it would be much more convenient to take Jinzhou and attack Ningyuan.

"Marshal, the last general will arrange to mobilize 2000 people to garrison Songshan."

"Okay, go and arrange it right away. Remember, the main duty of these sergeants is to report the situation in a timely manner. If Jinzhou's army is dispatched, I need to get the news as soon as possible."

In Shenyang, Huang Taiji looked at Yuetuo's letter with an uncertain expression.

Daishan, Azige, Dorgon, Jierhalang, Fan Wencheng and others were all sitting in His Royal Highness.

"Yue Tuo has sent a letter. This plan is very bold. I am a little worried. If Su Tiancheng goes all out to attack Dalinghe City, Jinzhou's defenses will be empty. The reinforcements will not go to reinforce Dalinghe City and directly attack Jinzhou. A good plan can at least mess up the deployment of the Ming army. In my opinion, Daling River City will not have any problems if it sticks to it for more than half a month. As long as the garrison of Daling River City can contain the main force of the Ming Army , the plan to attack Jinzhou City can be realized. Even if Jinzhou City cannot be taken, the Ming army will return to aid, and the army stationed in Dalinghe City and the reinforcement army can attack back and forth. existing."

Everyone didn't speak, but the emperor's words showed that he was still thinking.

Sure enough, Huang Taiji's tone changed.

"This arrangement looks good on the surface, but the Ming army has 15 people, which is not a small number. There are only 3 soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City, and 2000 people are stationed at Songshan, and 1 people are stationed at Songshan. If the Ming army moves quickly, it can instantly make the sergeants stationed in Dalinghe City passive. I don’t know if Yue Tuo has thought about it. The Han army is mainly stationed in Dalinghe City. If the Han army can’t be effective Stopping the Ming army and making the Ming army take down Dalinghe City in a short period of time, this is a great loss for my Qing Dynasty. When the time comes, the troops rushing to attack Jinzhou will have to retreat quickly. Otherwise there is danger."

The wily Daishan spoke up.

"Your Majesty, I believe that Yue Tuo's suggestion is still feasible. Daling River City is dangerous. Even if the Jiangning Camp is brave, it will take at least half a month to win Daling River City. If it is during this period, we will The Qing Dynasty dispatched elite soldiers to attack Jinzhou, which would definitely disrupt Su Tiancheng's deployment, no matter whether Jinzhou can be captured or not, at least the Ming army will not be able to attack Dalinghe City wholeheartedly."

After Daishan spoke, the rest of the people also spoke, with basically the same meaning, and Yuetuo's suggestion was feasible.

Huang Taiji finally made up his mind and approved Yuetuo's suggestion. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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