Ming politicians

Chapter 645 Deployment

The time to attack Dalinghe City has entered the countdown.

Su Tiancheng has always attached great importance to the first battle. This is his first battle after he became the governor of Jiliao, and it is also a very crucial battle. Not to mention whether he can fail, or he failed to attack Dalinghe City, but The loss was not too great. These issues must not be considered. In his opinion, success must be achieved, and the secret of success lies in the artillery battalion.

It is an indisputable fact that the Jiangning Battalion has the most advanced artillery in the world, and the artillery is strictly kept secret. Song Sijun's transactions in the exchange market did not involve heavy artillery at all, let alone artillery shells. The red cannon and the general cannon, but in Su Tiancheng's view, these cannons are similar to toys.

Blow up the city wall with artillery, and then launch an attack. No matter how many Houjin sergeants guarding Dalinghe City, Su Tiancheng will take them down. An army of 15 has an absolute advantage against 3 people, even if it is the Eight Banners of Manchuria Army, don't think that someone can escape alive.

Deployment is critical, and it needs to be done quickly.

Su Tiancheng adopted the method of fighting against all odds, and spent a day cleaning up the outer strongholds. During this process, heavy artillery would not appear. The key point was to rely on Wu Sangui to lead the frontier army and pull out the outer strongholds. There will be some casualties, but this is the price that must be paid.

After clearing out the outer strongholds, time seems to be very tight. There is not much time for preparation, and the artillery must be in place. At that time, two hundred artillery pieces will launch attacks at the same time, aiming at the city wall of Dalinghe City, focusing on one point Above, blast a gap.Believe in this hand, the shock formed is unimaginable.

The next step is to launch an attack, rush into Dalinghe City, and start a face-to-face fight with the Houjin soldiers in the city.It is also helpless.

It is not easy to achieve this step. After all, there are red cannons on the walls of Daling River City. The Han army is familiar with these cannons. The terrain around Hecheng is somewhat dangerous, and it is not a flat river.During the impact, they will also be attacked by the Golden Sergeant behind the city wall.

If you want to reduce casualties, the only thing you can rely on is the artillery battalion.

It can be said that the artillery battalion played a crucial role in the attack on Dalinghe City.

Su Tiancheng has also thought about the tactics of besieging the city and fighting for aid, but now is not the time for a decisive battle with Hou Jin.Even if the Jiangning Battalion and the Frontier Army are united, they have exerted their maximum combat capabilities.There is no guarantee that the Eight Banners Army of Houjin will be able to completely defeat Houjin. After taking Dalinghe City, they will consolidate their border defenses and develop slowly.Only by launching a general offensive will it be possible to completely wipe out the Houjin regime.Therefore, this tactic must be abandoned. If the Daling River is attacked, it will lead to a strategic decisive battle between Daming and Houjin.This is very unfavorable to Daming.

Based on such considerations, Su Tiancheng had to reluctantly give up the tactics of besieging the city and fighting for aid.

It should be said that Daming still needs a certain amount of time to prepare. This process is not a year or two, it may take several years.

But no matter what, all the ideas depend on the success or failure of attacking Dalinghe City.

On April 12th, 27th year of Chongzhen, Jinzhou General Military Mansion.

The security here is strict, and when many officers entered the General Military Mansion, they put their weapons in the hands of specially registered sergeants, and no one was allowed to enter the lobby with weapons.

Everyone who attended the meeting knew exactly what needs to be arranged for this meeting. Everyone had solemn expressions on their faces. Some were impatient, while others were uneasy.

Su Tiancheng had already been waiting in the lobby.

By the time of the hour, everyone had arrived.

Hong Chengchou reported that everyone has arrived and can start to arrange.

This time, Su Tiancheng was personally responsible for the arrangement.

One of the biggest problems in Liaodong has already manifested itself at this time. The commander-in-chief here has a lot of power, and he is somewhat self-righteous and arrogant. Relying on the heavy soldiers in his hands, all he thinks about is protecting his own interests. Preserve one's own military strength. In this era, only with military power in hand can one have everything.

It may be that Su Tiancheng's reputation is too great, or it may be that Jiangningying's reputation is too strong. After Su Tiancheng arrived in Liaodong, he did not feel such a situation, but Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting and others did have experience. The focus is on some details. On the one hand, especially after the army was concentrated in Jinzhou City, things that harassed the people happened from time to time. Those who had these problems were all frontier troops. Hong Chengchou also thought about rectifying it, but there are also some inconvenient places. Compared with Jinzhou City, it is the forefront , under the current situation, it is still necessary to maintain stability. He still has an impression of the Ningyuan Mutiny in the first year of Chongzhen.

The battle is imminent, Su Tiancheng doesn't care about these things for the time being, but he will not ignore these issues, everything will have to wait for the capture of Dalinghe City before starting to rectify.

This time, Su Tiancheng came to deploy in person, which also had the flavor of intimidating the frontier troops.

The sand table has been set up long ago, and it is filled with red, blue, and black flags.

"Everyone, after such a long time of preparation, the battle to attack Dalinghe City is about to start. Today I will announce the specific deployment. If you have any questions, please ask questions on the spot. Once the deployment is completed, no matter who it is, it must be implemented." If it is in place, if it is delayed, or even delays the action of the army, I will definitely invite Shang Fang's sword."

In just a few words, the lobby quickly fell silent.

"The flags on the sand table, the red flag represents the Jiangning camp, the blue flag represents the frontier army, and the black flag represents the post-gold Tartars. You can see clearly the deployment of the post-gold tartars. Dalinghe City, Dalinghe City There are [-] post-Gold Tatars stationed in the three places one mile outside and Songshan, and I will announce the specific deployment below."

"On April 28th, Zu Dashou, the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan, led [-] frontier troops to wipe out the Houjin Tartars stationed in Songshan within three hours, and then deployed in Songshan, leaving [-] frontier troops to garrison Songshan. This place will become the rear support of my army."

"On April 29, Wu Sangui, the chief military officer of Shanhaiguan, led an army of [-] frontiers, and within two hours, he pulled out the strongholds outside Dalinghe City. In Dalinghe City, if this one is achieved, it is considered a victory."

"On April [-]th, Mao's time, the general offensive began. The artillery battalion of the Jiangning Battalion was responsible for destroying a point in the city wall of Daling River. A gap had to be blown up. Generals of the Jiangning Battalion, Zu Dashou, the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan, led an attack of [-] frontier troops, entered Dalinghe City, and took Dalinghe City within a day. Responsible for coordinating and directing."

"Qin Sande, the supervisor of the Jiangning Battalion, led [-] Jiangning Battalion soldiers to guard Jinzhou City and prevent the Tatars from attacking Jinzhou City. The soldiers are not allowed to go out of the city to fight, as long as they resist the Tatars' attacks."

"For this battle, I will be the commander-in-chief."

"On the sand table, the specific positions of the Jiangning battalion soldiers and frontier troops are clearly marked. If there is something you don't understand, just ask it. Once the order is issued, there will be no delay."

In the lobby, no one spoke, including Sun Chuanting and others, who did not expect that such an important battle would be arranged for three days. Dalinghe City, including all the surrounding strongholds, would be taken in three days. This arrangement, right? If you are too confident, what should you do if you can't complete the task.

Seeing that no one spoke, Su Tiancheng spoke again.

"I know everyone's doubts. The Daling River is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are two strongholds on the periphery. Is it a little too confident to win the Daling River City within three days? I can tell you clearly that there is no If you have full confidence, you won’t be able to win this battle, and don’t try to win Dalinghe City.”

"Although we have a strong military force, we still need more reinforcements from the Eight Banners Army of the Houjin Army. Daling River is only more than four hundred miles away from Shenyang. If we can arrive, plus about two days of preparation time, we must take down Daling River City before Houjin reinforces, and then stick to Dalinghe City to resist Houjin's reinforcements. Once we take Daling Hecheng has an absolute advantage, and at that time, no matter how many reinforcements Hou Jin has, we will not pay attention to it."

"Houjin will not start a decisive battle with us at the Daling River. They are not ready for a decisive battle, but we must also clearly realize that we cannot start a decisive battle with Houjin at this moment. My son, our goal is a war of annihilation, not a war of attrition, so everyone must have this understanding, and don't have the slightest fear."

Su Tiancheng was always talking, no one else interrupted.

This deployment came very suddenly. Starting tomorrow, an attack will be launched. This is something that everyone did not expect. What is vigorous and resolute, probably means this. Everyone has been guessing the time of the attack. It is believed that the time to attack will be in mid-May, at that time, the climate is suitable.

Half an hour passed, and Su Tiancheng had finished all the arrangements.

"Everyone, I have something to say. I want to say that this deployment is top-secret and must not be leaked. If there is a leak, I will investigate to the end. No matter who it is, once you are found, I'm afraid It's not as simple as beheading, everyone knows about the crime of collaborating with the enemy and conspiring against the enemy, not only me, but also my family members."

"All actions will start at Yinshi tomorrow. Once the army is deployed, everything will be focused on capturing Dalinghe City." (To be continued...)

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