Ming politicians

Chapter 646 Night Attack

Zu Dashou still spoke.

"My lord, there will be suggestions at the end."


"The general is familiar with the terrain around Songshan, and the general suggests that we launch an attack at Yinshi tomorrow and take down Songshan in one fell swoop."

"Oh, does General Zu have such confidence?"

Before Zu Dashou could speak, Zu Dale behind him spoke.

"My lord, the general will use the head as a guarantee that he will definitely take down Songshan. The general will often go to the Songshan area to inspect and familiarize himself with the terrain there. If he cannot complete the task, the general will let go of this head."

Zu Dashou turned his head and was about to reprimand Zu Dale, but Su Tiancheng spoke unexpectedly.

"Okay, according to your plan, the deployment will be slightly changed. The army will set off at Maoshi and arrive at Songshan at Chenshi. But I will remember your words. Attack at Yinshi, and you must take Songshan before Chenshi."

Night attack is not just for fun, it requires real familiarity with the terrain, and to grasp the opponent's situation, Songshan's terrain is a bit complicated, but fortunately, the scouts of the Jiangning Camp have already scouted the situation and marked the Houjin The place where the Tartars stationed and guarded, this also made Zu Dashou less things, so he could concentrate on attacking.

The intelligence of the scouts cannot cover all aspects. For example, how many Houjin sergeants are stationed in Songshan is impossible to know clearly. In addition, whether the Houjin sergeants have changed their stationing locations, or whether they are stationed in Songshan It is also impossible to know exactly where the scouts are scattered, so in some cases, it is still necessary to respond improvised.

Night raids are beneficial to the side that is familiar with the terrain. This is the advantage. Considering that Zu Dale and Zu Dabi have been stationed in Jinzhou for a long time, although they have been guarding the city for a longer time, they should be very familiar with the terrain of Songshan .Starting from this aspect, Su Tiancheng agreed to the night attack plan.

After leaving the General Military Mansion, Zu Dashou bowed his head and headed towards the barracks. Time was running out. The 2 Frontier Army he led was stationed in the south of Jinzhou City.It is a temporary station. There are frontier troops stationed in Jinzhou and Ningyuan. Although Su Tiancheng arranged for 5 people to attack Songshan, the 3 people must be acting in a unified manner. It is possible to put the remaining [-] people in Jinzhou, and it is impossible to follow the brigade and set off behind.

In other words, 5 people must start at the same time.

Yinshi launched an attack.Zishi needs to start from Jinzhou City, spend an hour, rush to Songshan, and prepare in the next hour, and launch an attack at Yinshi.

When Zu Dashou was about to leave, Su Tiancheng especially emphasized the matter of making dumplings, and if possible, the Houjin soldiers stationed in Songshan.It is extremely necessary to wipe them all out, so that the next move of the brigade can be made.To gain the greatest initiative, Zu Dashou thought of this matter in his heart.

Officers such as Zu Dale and Zu Dabi followed closely behind.The impatient Zu Dale couldn't help but speak.

"Brother, give me [-] sergeants, and I promise to take Songshan."

Zu Dashou glared at Zu Dale.Did not speak.

After returning to the barracks, Zu Dashou finally lost his temper.

"Zu Dale, have you forgotten what Master Su said just now? You are still on the street. You shouted loudly. Do you want everyone in the city to know that we are going to launch an attack? If the deployment of the Lord is leaked because of this Go out, how many heads do you have, do you really want to implicate the family?"

Zu Dale shuddered.

"I, I really didn't mean that, I just wanted to be a pioneer."

Zu Dabi was the oldest and relatively calm.

"Da Le's words just now are indeed inappropriate. Jinzhou City is very complicated. The spies of Houjin must exist. Your Excellency knows this, so the deployment is only started today, and the full-scale attack will be launched tomorrow. Even if the news leaks After going out, I thought about sending it to Dalinghe or Shenyang, but it was too late, but luckily Dale didn’t say anything else.”

Zu Dashou nodded and looked at Zu Dabi.

"Take 3 sergeants to launch an attack. What if you can't succeed? There are only 15 Houjin soldiers guarding Dalinghe City, but your lord has sent an army of [-]. Don't you understand the meaning behind it?" Do you mean it, my lord must take down Dalinghe City, there can be no mistakes, under such circumstances, five thousand sergeants are the vanguard, if the attack fails, how will we explain it?"

Although Zu Dale was known as the second lunatic, he was insane when he was fighting on the battlefield. He still understood the deployment before the battle, so he wouldn't be so confused. Hearing what Zu Dashou said, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Okay, my arrangement is like this. Zu Dale led [-] soldiers as the vanguard to launch an attack first. I led [-] soldiers to respond, and then launched an attack. Zu Dabi led [-] soldiers. General Hou Jin The place where the sergeant is stationed is surrounded by groups, and a post-gold sergeant cannot be missed. The whole operation must be kept absolutely confidential. By the way, when I left the general military mansion just now, the adults told me that the post-gold sergeant arranged a secret sentry. Once our offensive begins, the scout battalion of the Jiangning camp will pull out these secret sentries at the same time to prevent the news from leaking out."

Zu Dale agreed, but Zu Dabi disagreed.

"Cousin, you are the commander-in-chief, and you need to coordinate. How can you lead the sergeant to charge? You should be in charge of leading [-] soldiers to surround the Houjin sergeant. Dale and I will charge, just in case Our two charges failed to achieve the results we deserved, and you can make up for it later, so my opinion is that Da Le and I each led [-] soldiers, divided into two rounds of charges, and you led three rounds of charges. Soldiers, surround the entire battlefield."

Zu Dale also nodded.

Zu Dashou thought about it for a while, then nodded.

At that time, fifty thousand troops set off.

Ten thousand cavalry were at the forefront, the horses were wrapped in their mouths, and the horseshoes were also wrapped in cloth, so they could not make any noise.

The [-] infantry were clearly required to follow the brigade, not to speak, not to whisper, and those who disobeyed the order beheaded.

Before setting off, everyone ate a meal of pork, which is a luxurious life. When eating meat, everyone understood that the battle was about to begin. It was at this time that all [-] troops were waiting in the barracks. You are not allowed to go anywhere.

Zu Dale led [-] cavalry and walked in the front. He led the vanguard, and there was another task, that is to observe the terrain first, and determine the direction of attack according to the location where the Houjin soldiers were stationed. [-] cavalry, but Zu Dashou's treasure, will not be taken out easily. The troops stationed in Jinzhou and Ningyuan are mainly infantry. As for the cavalry, there are more cavalry stationed in Shanhaiguan. Not so strong, it is impossible to start a field battle with the Houjin Eight Banners Army, but in terms of action, it is still much faster than infantry.

The 1 people led by Zu Dabi followed closely behind the cavalry. The speed cannot be compared, but before departure, Zu Dabi made a clear request that they must advance at the fastest speed, not to be left behind, and trot all the way forward.

The [-] soldiers led by Zu Dashou were at the back, and their speed was also very fast.

When the army set off, Zu Dashou managed to suppress his restless heart. He even felt a little unreal. Could it be that he was about to start attacking Dalinghe City? The speed was too fast. The battle of Daling River was an eternal pain in his heart. If he could not attack Daling River City with his own hands, his heart would never be relieved.

Of course, after the army set off, Zu Dashou's spirit was highly concentrated.

The crescent moon in the sky, and the white light from it, looked a bit soft. The [-] army had no torches, and they couldn't light torches, so as not to reveal their whereabouts, but the sergeants all carried more than two torches, which was an attack. when used.

According to the information detected by the scouts, it was the Han army stationed at Songshan, which reassured Zu Dashou. In terms of combat effectiveness, these Han troops still had some gaps with the Eight Banners army, and they were relatively easy to deal with.

Two quarters of an hour later, the cavalry led by Zu Dale arrived at Songshan Mountain, [-] miles away. According to the speed of the day, the cavalry could arrive in less than half an hour, but it was at night, so it was impossible to make a loud noise.

At the foot of the mountain, Zu Dale saw the Jiangning Camp scouts who were responding.

He was very surprised. He didn't expect the scouts to be able to accurately judge the location. He knew that he would lead the army and would come here. You must know that the Jiangning Battalion has not been stationed in Jinzhou for a long time.

"I'm Zu Dale."

Zu Dale was also straightforward, and immediately reported himself as a family.

The scout gave a military salute to Zu Dale.

"General Zu, according to the investigation information of my subordinates, the post-Jin soldiers did not move their positions, but there were guards all around. This is a detailed drawing drawn by my subordinates. I hope it will be helpful to the general."

Soon, three sergeants pulled back the cloth, and one sergeant lit the torch.

The cloth covered the flames.

Zu Dale looked at the drawings carefully, and felt more and more surprised.

A few minutes later, Zu Dale couldn't help holding the scout's hand.

"Thank you, thank you. This blueprint is very detailed. I will make the deployment immediately. The time for our attack is Yinshi."

The scout didn't say much, after cupping his fists at Zu Dale, he turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

Zu Dale knew that before Yinshi, another battle was about to start, that is to draw out the secret post of the Houjin Sergeant. As for this time, he needed to make a good deployment of troops to attack according to the graphics drawn by the scouts of the Jiangning Battalion , in order to defeat the enemy at Yinshi.

Of course, his idea needs to be discussed with Zu Dashou and Zu Dabi. The army has an hour to deploy. Sergeant Jin became a real blind man, only to be beaten. (To be continued..)

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