Ming politicians

Chapter 647 Night Attack

(Thanks to the Caiwei people, Ma Ding 118, Dayu Zhishui, Da Mihu, and Yufei 001 for their valuable monthly votes, and to the Caiwei people for their valuable update votes and evaluation votes. Thank you.)

The scouts disappeared into the night, but they didn't go far. In less than half an hour, the scouts came under a big tree in the valley, where Liu Tiehan, the commander of the Jiangning battalion scouts and guards, was waiting.

After he was promoted to the Imperial Envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Liu Tiehan's identity changed completely. Once upon a time, he was still a bandit who gathered in the cottage. After following Su Tiancheng for so many years, his position in the Jiangning camp gradually became stable. Because of his bravery in combat, Having been appreciated by Su Tiancheng, he was constantly promoted, and was appointed by the imperial court as the imperial envoy of Qiandu. Liu Tiehan couldn't believe it. You must know that the people who can take up this position are all scholars.

With the changes in the requirements of Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou, Liu Tiehan's tasks are also slowly changing. The commanders of the Jiangning Battalion must be able to be independent. This requirement is very high. Su Tiancheng clearly requires that the commanders at all levels not only Not only to obey the command of the superior, but also to make accurate judgments based on the situation on the battlefield, to win the battle and reduce the casualties of soldiers.

This time when attacking Dalinghe City, the situation is different. Su Tiancheng is determined to win, 15 troops against 3 people, with such great courage, if he hadn't made up his mind, he would not have such great courage.

Liu Tiehan also came forward in person. It is very important to unplug the post-Gold Sergeant's secret posts in Songshan. These secret posts have two responsibilities. Without these secret whistles, the sergeants stationed at Dalinghe will not know what happened in Songshan in a short time.

this task.Requires a Scout Battalion to complete.

For this reason, Liu Tiehan mobilized a thousand scout battalion sergeants, and must completely pull out the secret sentry stationed in Songshan.

"My lord, this subordinate has contacted General Zu Dale, and reported all the information that was detected. General Zu said that the frontier army will attack on time at Yinshi."

"Very good, pay attention to the situation at any time, if there is any change, contact the frontier army in time."

Soon, the officers of the scout battalion gathered around Liu Tiehan.

The tarpaulin was covered, the torch was lit, and there were several blueprints in front of Liu Tiehan.

"Everyone, the frontier army will launch an attack at Yinshi. Let's see when we should launch an attack and pull out the secret post that Sergeant Houjin set up in Songshan."

Everyone didn't speak. In fact, everyone knew that Liu Tiehan must have thought clearly and was ready to make arrangements, and everyone followed Liu Tiehan's arrangements.complete their respective tasks.

Liu Tiehan looked at everyone.

"According to our investigation, the Houjin sergeant stationed in Songshan has set up a total of twelve secret sentries, each with three people. This is carried out according to the team of scouts. Within half an hour, the twelve secret sentries will be completely pulled out, no one can escape, and no matter whether the opponent surrenders or not, they will be killed without mercy. The current problem is whether there are only twelve secret sentries for the post-Gold Sergeant, and whether there are any more We have not detected any hidden sentries, and Songshan is such a large area that we may have missed some, so blocking the main roads leaving Songshan is also in our arrangement."

"Twelve action groups, ten people in each group, will start to act on time at 100:380 Choushi. Five waiting groups, [-] people in each group, will closely monitor the five exits of Songshan from now on. The remaining [-] people will be divided into ten groups. A team, according to the planned area, is constantly patrolling, in short, we can't let a mosquito fly away from Songshan."

"We must always pay attention to the contact with the frontier army, and keep the secret code in mind, so as not to cause cannibalism. The officer leading the team is responsible for this matter."

"The soldiers of each group must complete the task without compromise. If anyone fails to complete the task, don't blame me for turning my face and denying the person. This time the battle of pulling out the secret whistle is extraordinary."

At the end of the words, Liu Tiehan's tone became murderous.

He personally led a team to pull out the secret sentry closest to the place where the rear army was stationed, which was also the most dangerous task.

A few minutes later, the task was fully implemented. Liu Tiehan waved his hand, signaling that all groups should start to act. The person in charge of each group, at least an officer with more than a thousand households, was directly responsible for the success or failure of the operation.

The action begins.

Hundreds of people dispersed quietly.

Liu Tiehan took nine soldiers and walked towards the direction of the dark post, and walked quickly. In Songshan, riding a horse is not acceptable, and cavalry can hardly play a major role. Everything depends on walking.

He knew very well that the biggest feature of the Ming army's attack on Dalinghe City this time was surprise. Although there were many arrangements and postures in advance, the time of the real attack was absolutely confidential. The entire arrangement and deployment The overshoot was also lightning-fast, the arrangement in the afternoon, and the vanguard set off when they left. There was a last resort in doing so. Who knows how many Houjin spies are in the two cities of Jinzhou and Ningyuan.

Along the way, no one spoke. Relying on the agility and calmness that had been honed thousands of times, the scouts moved in the dark mountain and handled it with ease.

The route Liu Tiehan led was the farthest, and the mission was also the most dangerous. This has become the tradition of the Jiangning Camp. For the most dangerous missions, the officers are the ones who rush to the front. The higher the rank of the officer, The more arduous the task, it is precisely because of this tradition that the Jiangning Camp has an extraordinary cohesion.

After half an hour, Liu Tiehan squatted down.

They reached the location of the ambush.

It was only half an hour before the unified action time.

It was pitch black on the opposite side, and nothing could be seen, but the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion had already recited the position of the Houjin Sergeant's dark post in their hearts a thousand times in their hearts, and they were able to rush to the hidden place of the dark post with their eyes closed.

Liu Tiehan began to "speak" with sign language. The arrangement was arranged in advance. The operation was divided into four teams, three action teams, each with two people, responsible for solving a secret sentry, and the reserve team consisted of four people, observing the surrounding movement, There is also the existence of secret whistle for prevention.

Liu Tiehan personally led a small team to solve the hidden whistle in the middle, and the hidden whistle of Houjin, the distance between each other is 20 meters to [-] meters. Once there is trouble, he must know it, so the three action teams must act at the same time. Only in this way can the success of the operation be ensured.

The ugly hour is three o'clock.

With Liu Tiehan waving his hand, the soldiers of the three action teams rushed out in three directions like arrows leaving the string.

Liu Tiehan rushed to the front, and the soldiers behind him followed closely.

In the blink of an eye, a black figure stood up and quickly swung the steel knife. Under the faint light, the steel knife drew an arc. Liu Tiehan avoided this arc by his own feeling. The steel knife also waved out. . .

Between the calcium carbide and the fire, the operation was over.

The accident also appeared at this time.

On the big tree on the opposite side, there was another movement suddenly, and an arrow shot over. The soldiers behind Liu Tiehan were caught off guard and were shot in the thigh. The soldiers gritted their teeth desperately and did not cry out. The soldiers had rushed towards the big tree a long time ago. They didn't expect that there were people on the big tree.

The swishing bow and arrow shot at the top of the big tree.

Liu Tiehan could only shoot arrows by feeling. At this time, they dared not go up the tree. They didn't know the situation above, and they didn't know how many people were there. Taking rash actions could only increase their own casualties.

Five bows and arrows shot arrows at the big tree in all directions, and soon, there was a short scream, and a black shadow fell down. Liu Tiehan didn't even look at it, and just went up with a knife.

After a while of silence, a soldier rolled up his sleeves and began to climb the tree.

This is a dangerous move. If there are people ambushing on the top, the life of this soldier will be in danger. If the scouts ambush on the big tree are smart, they will not move, waiting for you to give a fatal blow during the climbing process .

Liu Tiehan raised his head and stared at the big tree, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything, only the rustling of leaves.

After 10 minutes, the soldiers came down.

"The subordinates have searched, and there is no one else."

"Okay, let's evacuate quickly, go to the designated location, and see how the other groups are doing."

Liu Tiehan personally carried the wounded soldiers on his back and quickly evacuated.

From the moment they started to attack, the battle has already started. Whether it can be completely successful depends on the actions of each group, but as long as the way out is blocked and the post-gold soldiers stationed in Songshan are not allowed to evacuate, the mission is considered complete , As for the many accidents that occurred during the course of action, that is unavoidable. For example, when my group was acting, they did not expect that there was a scout on the big tree.

After Liu Tiehan arrived at the scheduled location, all the people in each group arrived.

In the case of a simple exchange, the action is smooth.

Before Liu Tiehan could open his mouth, the sound of shouting and killing appeared, and he saw the flames on the other side of the mountain from a distance. He knew that Zu Dale had acted, and the fighting had begun.

This is not something Liu Tiehan needs to care about.

Among the ten action teams, a total of six people were injured, and none of the injuries were serious. The team led by Liu Tiehan was the only one that encountered unexpected situations. The rest of the teams were normal. The scout was beheaded, and no one was left alive. Before leaving, he checked to see if he had been killed.

"Okay, leave ten people here to take care of the injured soldiers, and the rest will follow me and patrol around. Remember, everyone, the battle has already begun, and there will definitely be Houjin soldiers who will flee towards us. Don't show mercy. We No need to live."

The arrangement was simple, leaving ten soldiers to take care of the six wounded soldiers. Liu Tiehan led the rest of the soldiers and headed down the mountain. There was no need for them to worry about the mountain. Zu Dale led the frontier army and launched an attack. (To be continued..)

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