Ming politicians

Chapter 648 Night Attack

When the 5 horses gathered, Zu Dashou had already looked at the map and firmly remembered the place where the Houjin soldiers were stationed.

The attack is not so easy. The place where the Hou Jin soldiers chose to station is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is a slope in front of the position, and there are no obstacles. There are high mountains on both sides, and there is no way to attack. There is a valley behind.

Zu Dashou didn't say much.

"Zu Dale, Zu Dabi, launched the attack on time at Yinshi. The Jiangning camp has drawn a map for us, and we have done our best. The next step is up to us. We must attack and annihilate the Golden Tartars, no matter what happens. No matter how difficult it is, you will never be allowed to retreat, but you must rush forward in one go, and I will lead the sergeants to outflank from the valley behind and not let anyone go."

A murderous look appeared on Zu Dashou's face. [

"We don't want any survivors. We still have to attack Dalinghe City. We don't have the time and energy to deal with these survivors."

Zu Dale did not hesitate at all, and patted his chest to express his opinion. Zu Dabi, who followed up the attack, was much calmer, just nodded silently, and did not say too much.

Zu Dashou took [-] soldiers and left quickly, thinking that relying on [-] soldiers to surround the entire Songshan Mountain was a joke, and it was impossible. What he thought was also to block a few exits from Songshan Mountain. It is said that the Hou Jin soldiers can fly over the eaves and walk over the walls, and open a road from the top of the cliff, which is not what Zu Dashou can guard against.

Yin Shi.

The attack started. With the torches lit, Zu Dashou led the soldiers and charged towards the hillside.

After the brigade arrived at the destination, it was impossible to keep it secret. The Hou Jin soldiers stationed there had already started to act, but this time the attack seemed very sudden.Sergeant Hou Jin didn't get any early warning information, and the secret sentry he had set up had been cleared long ago. Even so, Sergeant Hou Jin still seemed orderly and not so flustered.

These post-gold sergeants.In fact, the Du Han army, who used to be the Ming army, followed Kong Youde and joined Hou Jin, and his concept has changed with time, and everyone knows it.It is impossible to go back to Ming Dynasty, being labeled as a traitor, there is no other way out.

After taking refuge in Houjin, although they were discriminated against in terms of treatment, from the perspective of conquest, these Han troops were still tempered.At least they have become a lot braver. Fighting with the Manchu Eight Banners, their fearlessness is also a great stimulus to them.

The Han army is good at firearms, so it is said that the number of matchlock guns has been prepared long ago, but it is a pity that it is in the dark.It is not so convenient to use, but it can also cause great damage to the Ming army. In addition, the combat effectiveness of the Han army against the Ming army is basically clear. As long as the previous round of attacks is repelled, the Ming army is likely to collapse. of.

Zu Dale brandished the steel knife.Leading the sergeant rushed towards the Houjin position.

The charging team formed a square team, each with 1000 people, and the front slope was a bit narrow.There are too many people, it is impossible to use it, and it can only slow down the speed of the charge, but the squares are one after another, with almost no gaps in the middle.

Crackling gunshots sounded.

Zu Dale watched the sergeants around him continue to fall down, but within a few minutes, many people in the first square team fell down, because Zu Dale was safe for the time being because of the guards of his own soldiers.

The first square team failed to make any progress, and did not even see the shadow of the Houjin Sergeant. Many people fell down. This seems to indicate that the attack will not be smooth. There are also a lot of Houjin Sergeants stationed there. of.

Zu Dale's eyes began to turn red. This kind of attack is very useless. Seeing the opponent's massacre, he can't get close to the opponent, but he is clear about one thing. The firing speed of the matchlock gun is limited, and there is no It may be launched for a long time. Besides, at this point, it is impossible to stop the attack. Even if there are huge casualties, they must rush forward.

Zu Dale started to roar, demanding that the phalanx continue to charge forward. Although his roar was very weak amidst the gunshots, he still underestimated the sergeant.

The square team in the second round encountered bow and arrow shooting, causing even more casualties.

The third square team began to hesitate, and the surviving sergeants of the first square team and the second square team were also preparing to retreat.

Zu Dale realized that the situation was wrong, and he decisively issued an attack order to the soldiers around him. At this time, he was determined not to retreat, and had to attack the Houjin soldiers' garrison. [

The guards began to charge forward, and the surviving sergeants of the first and second squares rushed forward, and the third square followed.

After paying huge casualties, the sergeant finally rushed to the front of the rear army sergeant's garrison, and then the problem arose.

Later, the Jin soldiers dug a ditch that was more than one person deep, and the width was more than one meter. If the charging sergeant fell into this ditch, it was basically impossible to climb out.

Zu Dale, who rushed to the front, saw all this, his heart was bleeding.

The charge has already started, and it is impossible to retreat. If the Hou Jin soldiers are given time to change the buffer, the casualties will be even more severe. Zu Dashou, who is in a hurry, can't take care of so much. He ordered the soldiers in front to rush forward. On the top of the ditch, the sergeants behind rushed over these sergeants.

Time passed quietly, and the frontier army finally fought head-on with the rear army sergeant.

It's just that there were not many frontier soldiers rushing to the bandit's position. Seeing the sergeants rushing to the front, they faced several Han troops one by one, and after a fight, they fell down screaming.

How many casualties have been paid is no longer a question for Zu Dale to think about.

More than half an hour passed, and Zu Dale discovered that the number of Houjin soldiers stationed in Songshan could not be very large. This can be seen from their offensive rhythm. Maybe if they persisted for such a long time, they would have been chopped down to the ground long ago.

The frontier troops rushed towards the Houjin sergeant's station in a steady stream, and the sergeant also understood that it was useless to avoid it. He rushed forward with a dull head, and he might still survive. If he retreated at this time, he would save his life on the battlefield. After the battle, the head may also be cut off.

At the frontier of the Jin sergeant's position, a stalemate gradually appeared, and the sergeants of both sides were fighting to the death.

The turning point was also very sudden. Flames suddenly appeared in the direction of the valley, and a huge shout of killing came over. It was very clear and could be heard clearly. It was the shout of the frontier army.

The escape route was suddenly blocked, and the Hou Jin soldiers who were stationed immediately panicked.

The terrain they chose is very good. There are high mountains on the left and right, and valleys behind. It is convenient for the army to withdraw from the valley when it is attacked and unable to support, so as to preserve the vitality. There is a slope in front, and the speed of attacking the army must be slow. This is good for blocking.

But they didn't expect that the way back would be cut off.

This indicated that they had no way out, no place to escape, and the valley behind was much gentler. With the 2000 or so garrison soldiers, it was basically impossible to resist the attack of the Ming army.

The commander of Hou Jin has already noticed the strangeness. The attack has started for such a long time. The scouts scattered around the periphery have not sent back any news. If the Ming army could be detected earlier, the current situation would not be formed. .

The commander of Hou Jin showed his determination to fight to the end.

To a large extent, this has encouraged the fighting spirit of the soldiers, but this fighting spirit will not last for a long time.

The Ming army who was attacking from the front suffered heavy losses, but some people still charged forward and started a face-to-face fight with the Hou Jin soldiers, and the voices in the valley behind them were getting closer and closer.

With the arrival of the Ming army in the valley, the battle situation quickly reversed.

After encountering the back and forth flanking soldiers, they basically lost their fighting spirit. [

The commander discovered that there were too many Ming troops participating in the attack, densely packed, and it was impossible to predict, but the sergeants he led were only 2000. With 2000 soldiers, it was almost impossible to stop the large-scale Ming army. In addition, both sides are familiar with each other. The Han army used to be the Ming army, and its overall combat effectiveness is far behind that of the Manchu Eight Banners.

After the soldiers led by Hong Chengchou rushed to the top of the position, the fighting became more and more intense.

Zu Dabi also launched an attack. His arrangement was even more daring than Zu Dale's. A square team composed of two thousand sergeants rushed towards the position.

The post-Golden Sergeant, who took care of both the first and the last, finally began to show signs of collapse.

Zu Dashou, Zu Dale and Zu Dabi led the soldiers to charge forward at this time.

The Han army stationed in Songshan still has some flaws. They rely too much on firearms, and there is a gap in their own combat effectiveness. Compared with the Ming army, which is dozens of times their own, they cannot persist for too long.

An hour later, the Battle of Songshan turned into a massacre.

Zu Dashou said that there is no need for prisoners, so the fight was extremely brutal.

Later, the Jin sergeant knew that laying down his weapon was useless, so he might as well fight to the death, because he would not be able to survive anyway.

Under such circumstances, the casualties of the frontier army increased sharply.

When Zu Dashou started to regret it, it was too late. The rabbit was in a hurry and wanted to bite people, not to mention the Han army with a certain fighting power, but the battle was spread out, and both sides were jealous. At this time, whose morale was drained, Whose casualties will be even more severe.

Zu Dashou gritted his teeth and insisted, charging forward to kill the enemy.

He hasn't charged at the forefront for a long time. If it weren't for the shame of Chongzhen's four-year Dalinghe battle, he would not have done so. But as the coach, with such a move, it is a great encouragement to the sergeants below .

Wave after wave of attacks finally completely defeated Hou Jin's defense line.

The balance of victory began to tilt, and fewer and fewer post-gold soldiers continued to resist. . . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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