Ming politicians

Chapter 649 The Real Purpose

Su Tiancheng led the brigade to Songshan.

Zu Dashou, Zu Dabi, Zu Dale and other military officers with ashen faces came before him.

"My lord, the last general fulfilled his mission and captured Songshan."

"Thank you, how are the casualties?"

"The frontier army killed more than 2000 people, seriously injured more than [-] people, and annihilated [-] Golden Tartars." [

Su Tiancheng looked at Zu Dashou and the others who looked tired.

"Very good. The casualties of the night attack must be greater. After taking down Songshan, record your contributions. You must quickly rest and leave 5000 people to stick to Songshan, and the remaining 3 people will follow the army to attack Dawei. Linghe City."

"The last will obey."

After Zu Dashou and others left, Hong Chengchou looked at Su Tiancheng and spoke.

"My lord, the loss is still a bit heavy. It's beyond the expectations of the lower officials. It's unexpected that the frontier army led by Zu Dashou has paid such a heavy price in casualties."

"I've expected all these situations. The post-Jin soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City are mainly Han soldiers. The Han soldiers are mainly good at firearms. The frontal attack is not very lethal. It cannot be compared with the Eight Banners of Manchuria. Yes, in addition to the complex terrain of Songshan, which is typically easy to defend and difficult to attack, when Zu Dashou led the army to attack, it was not easy to use it, and he would inevitably encounter the attack of Han army firearms. The casualties must be great, but there is one thing, we can It is expected that Yue Tuo and Kong Youde will not station too many soldiers in Songshan. This is basic common sense. Songshan is more than [-] miles away from Dalinghe City. It is too late for reinforcements, even the Houjin soldiers stationed in Songshan , Encountered siege, Yue Tuo will not rescue, his mission is to defend Dalinghe City, as for the casualties of the sergeants, that is a secondary matter."

"My lord, can I ask the artillery battalion to launch an attack? If the artillery battalion launches an attack, the strongholds around the Daling River will be easily breached."

Su Tiancheng shook his head.

"No, the heavy artillery can't be moved for the time being. The Fran's machine gun and the tiger squatting cannon can attack. The heavy artillery is our biggest reliance. It must not be leaked. I have a hunch that it may not be so important to attack the strongholds on the outskirts of the Daling River." To put it simply, Yue Tuo and Kong Youde are not idle people. Since they have set up a stronghold outside Daling River City, it must have been carefully planned. In addition, the scout camp is close to observe, so there are still many things we don't know. "

"The lower official is still a little worried. Songshan has been occupied by us. This news cannot be kept secret for a long time. According to the lower official's prediction, Yuetuo may know the situation tonight."

"That's for sure. Attacking Dalinghe City is not that simple. Every step of our plan must be in place, so as to ensure a smooth attack, and we have to take it into account. If the reinforcements of Houjin, if we We can take the Dalinghe City within two days, and we will take the initiative. If we can't take it down, we can also divide our forces to stop Houjin's reinforcements. When deploying, we will So in terms of time, the request was made to stimulate the fighting spirit of the officers. Let everyone understand that we have no way out."

"However, there are some problems with the allocation of troops. There are 15 troops stationed in Songshan, including the casualties of the frontier army. For the remaining 2 soldiers, it depends on the attack on the outlying strongholds tomorrow, if the casualties are a little heavier, some soldiers will be reduced."

"I have done the calculations. Attacking Songshan and the outskirts of Dalinghe City will cost 2 sergeants casualties, so your calculation is clear. That is to say, when you attack Dalinghe City, the remaining There are still about [-] people in the reserve team, and all of them are frontier troops from Shanhaiguan."

Hong Chengchou was a little speechless, how could the [-] frontier troops at Shanhaiguan stop the reinforcements of the Houjin Eight Banners Army.

"I know your worries, but it is impossible for us to consider so much at the moment. If everything is considered, then this battle is too simple. Many things are constantly changing. It is impossible for us to plan so accurately and necessary Adventure is for sure, the nature of the battle is gambling, not to mention such a big battle, there is one thing you didn't count, the post-gold sergeants stationed in Dalinghe City, a total of 3 people, this number is accurate, the garrison The 2000 people in Songshan were all wiped out, and the remaining 8000 people. My plan, when attacking the stronghold, at least about 2 Houjin soldiers will lose their combat effectiveness. There are only 5 soldiers left in the Jin army. Although we have paid about 2 casualties, there are only 8 soldiers left in the Houjin army stationed in Dalinghe City. With the assistance of the artillery battalion, if we can't take it down smoothly, then our combat effectiveness will really be questioned."

"My lord's calculation, the lower officials are convinced, but I just don't know how Houjin's Huang Taiji arranged it, and I don't know what kind of actions Houjin's reinforcements will take."

Su Tiancheng smiled slightly.

"There are two actions. The first is to directly reinforce Daling River City. The distance from Shenyang to Daling River City is actually controlled by Hou Jin. We have very little information, so we can say It is impossible for us to know how many post-Gold soldiers will reinforce us. This also indicates that we cannot grasp the extent of the next collision, but I think that Huang Taiji will not take such a risk. He is very clear that what we have mobilized this time is only the troops stationed at the Guanningjin Line of Defense, and that large troops have not been mobilized. Once the two armies start a fierce battle in Dalinghe City, Datong, Ningxia, Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Shanhaiguan and The Ming army in Ningyuan and other places can rush to help, and they can even bypass Dalinghe City, go straight to Huanglong, and attack Shenyang. At the last meeting, I emphasized that for such a situation to arise, lay down Foreshadowing."

"The second is to bypass Dalinghe City and directly attack Jinzhou City. Since almost all the troops stationed in Jinzhou and Ningyuan have been mobilized, it indicates that the defense of the two places is weak. Judging from the distance, if Huang Taiji After making a decision, Jinzhou will definitely be attacked. Jinzhou is only forty miles away from Dalinghe City. The news will soon spread and cause a great shock to our army. Ningyuan is too far away to really help Dalinghe If we are unable to capture Dalinghe City for a long time, Houjin reinforcements will attack us from behind and make us passive. But in this regard, the problem is not too big. There are [-] Jiangning Battalions stationed in Jinzhou The soldiers, relying on the ability of the Eight Banners to attack the city, want to take Jinzhou, there is almost no possibility. Besides, there are [-] frontier troops waiting in Songshan. Songshan's special terrain is not conducive to cavalry attacks. , if the Manchu Eight Banners dare to bypass Songshan, they will be surrounded by us instead.”[

"Analyzing from these two aspects, we are still very sure that we will win Dalinghe City, but we cannot relax. I have always insisted on an understanding that I despise the enemy strategically and attach importance to the enemy tactically. You are also clear about this. I calculated the maximum number of casualties we paid, and the minimum value of the losses of the Hou Jin soldiers, so that we have room for action. Zu Dashou attacked Songshan and paid 5000 people, but completely annihilated 5 Hou Jin soldiers , Calculated from this ratio, if we had [-] casualties, how many Houjin soldiers guarding Dalinghe City would be left."

"There is also the most critical aspect. We can't give Yuetuo the opportunity to completely destroy Daling River City. The Daling River Battle in Chongzhen's four years, at that time, Daling River City hadn't been built yet, and some defenses had serious problems. Question, so give Huang Taiji a chance to besiege the city, and this time, since we want to take Dalinghe City, we must stick to it."

"We won the Dalinghe City, which will deal a great blow to Houjin and Huang Taiji. Dalinghe City is more than four hundred miles away from Shenyang. These places are completely controlled by Houjin. Once we take Dalinghe Linghe City, whether the four hundred li area is completely under Houjin's control is unknown. If we can't destroy Houjin's plan and make them vigilant day and night, then we can take Dalinghe City , it loses a lot of meaning.”

"In short, the first aspect for us to win Dalinghe City is to build the Guan Ningjin defense line. At least the distance between Dalinghe City and Shanhaiguan is more than [-] miles. If it continues to be deserted, it will be our failure. I think the most important thing about the Guan Ning Jin line of defense is not to stick to the city, but to form a comprehensive force. Those previous ideas, such as building Dalinghe City and consolidating the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, have ignored one of the most important things. That is how we defend this line of defense, I am afraid this is the most important problem, otherwise we hoard heavy troops here, wouldn't it be the biggest consumption, how much effect can it play, is it just to prevent the post-Golden soldiers from entering the customs."

"The second aspect is to weaken the influence of Houjin in this area, especially the distance of four hundred miles from Dalinghe City to Shenyang. It was the people in the Guan who were plundered by Houjin, and Shenyang was the capital of Houjin. Once we established a foothold in the Daling River, it is blunt to say that Huang Taiji sleeps with his eyes open. If a large army suddenly rushes to Shenyang, he will Isn't it necessary to mobilize the army to protect Shenyang? This is a real threat to him. It can make Hou Jin and Huang Taiji put a lot of energy here, and we are different. While building the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, we must also Consolidate the frontier troops in Datong, Ningxia, Yulin, Dengzhou, Laizhou and other places."

"In short, our purpose is to continuously weaken Houjin's strength. In the past, Houjin dealt with us in this way, and now let them have a taste of this, and use their own methods to deal with their own bodies. Huang Taiji must understand the simple truth."

Hong Chengchou looked at Su Tiancheng and remained silent. He seemed to have seen the day when Hou Jin fell apart. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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