On April 29, Mao time.

Wu Sangui led the [-] Shanhaiguan Guanning Army, and the preparations are complete. The time for the offensive to start is set at Chen Shi. According to the deployment requirements, the battle will end at two hours, that is to say, before noon, the outskirts of Dalinghe City must be taken stronghold.

The reason why the Shanhaiguan garrison is called the Guanning Army has a history.

The former Guan Ning Iron Cavalry was famous far and wide. Guan Ning Iron Cavalry was one of the few cavalry that could fight against the Eight Banners in the field. Unfortunately, there were too many internal and external troubles in the Ming Dynasty. Commanded by Zu Dashou, he directly confronted Houjin, part of which was under the command of Wu Sangui, who was also used to defend against Houjin, and part of which was under the command of Cao Wenzhao, to deal with the rising bandits. After being three, the number was even smaller. In the battle of Dalinghe, the Guanning iron cavalry led by Zu Dashou was wiped out. After Huang Taiji led the Eight Banners to attack Ningyuan, the Guanning iron cavalry led by Wu Sangui for reinforcements also did not escape destruction. Fate, as for the Guanning iron cavalry led by Cao Wenzhao, there were only more than 1000 people. Although the bandits who had been killed many times fled, the number was too small. Finally, in a battle, the entire army was wiped out, and Cao Wenzhao was also martyred.

So, Guan Ning cavalry has disappeared. [

It's just that with the rise of the Jiangning camp, people gradually forgot about the Guanning iron cavalry.

After Wu Sangui led a part of the Guanning Iron Cavalry, he still paid attention to preserving some strength, and changed the Shanhaiguan army to the Guanning Army. It still exists in Shanhaiguan. Many times, Huang Taiji looked at the sea and sighed at Shanhaiguan, which also made the Guanning Army stationed in Shanhaiguan more famous. If it weren't for the appearance of Jiangning Battalion, Guan Ning Army is probably the most brave army in Ming Dynasty.

It's a pity that Su Tiancheng treats this so-called Guan Ning army.The impression was not very good. He was familiar with history and knew that this Guanning army was not much different from the rest of the Ming army. They were also used to sticking to the city. If they were pulled out to fight in the field, they would not be the opponent of the Eight Banners army.It's the same as fleeing, but he is not particularly clear about the true combat effectiveness of this Guanning army.

Asking Wu Sangui to pull out the outskirts of Dalinghe City, Su Tiancheng still has great hopes. This is not a particularly difficult battle, and it is said that the Guan Ning Army will complete this task.It won't be a big problem.

This was a meaningful attack. In the front was the [-] Guanning army led by Wu Sangui, and behind it was the [-] army led by Su Tiancheng, Hong Chengchou, and Zu Dashou, including [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers and [-] frontier troops.

In other words, Su Tiancheng watched from behind as the Guan Ning army led by Wu Sangui attacked.

The Houjin soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City already knew about the Ming army's attack, and this happened.It's not surprising that Liu Tiehan captured an officer of the Han army who was desperately fleeing the battlefield. The officer was straightforward and didn't hesitate much. If they didn't receive information from Songshan, it meant that something went wrong, and the garrison in Dalinghe City was about to get ready.

Su Tiancheng knew it too.It is impossible for Yue Tuo and Kong Youde to be so stupid. The army stationed in Songshan was wiped out, and it was too late to know the news. According to the deployment, Songshan was captured on April 28, and the outskirts of Dalinghe City were attacked on April 29. , but Zu Dashou was brought forward.Yinshi took Songshan, and the army rested in Songshan for a whole day.

It was during this time that Yue Tuo and Kong Youde got the news.

Perhaps the two of them still had doubts, guessing whether the opaque army would really attack Dalinghe City.But one thing is clear, that is, the army stationed in Songshan must have encountered danger.

The army stationed in Dalinghe City immediately entered a state of combat readiness, and relevant information was quickly sent to Shenyang.

From this point of view, Wu Sangui was facing a tough battle, and there were no skills to use. The army launched a strong attack, and within two hours, pulled out the outskirts of Dalinghe City.

What made Su Tiancheng feel uneasy was that Wu Sangui's words seemed not so straightforward, and seemed to be complaining, thinking that the army should not rest in Songshan for a whole day, but should seize this time and launch an attack quickly, so as to be able to surprise , to reduce casualties, perhaps when the army arrived at Dalinghe City, the post-gold tartars who were stationed did not know it yet.

On the surface, what Wu Sangui said is very reasonable, but Su Tiancheng knows that Wu Sangui's words are pure nonsense. The attack on Dalinghe City this time mainly relies on the artillery battalion. A stronghold outside Linghe City, so that the artillery battalion can place artillery in the planned place.

There are strict requirements for the placement of artillery. The location must be planned according to the range. The artillery must be able to directly blow up a part of the city wall. You must know that the city wall of Dalinghe City is extremely strong. Two hundred heavy artillery are aimed at one point at the same time. Only by bombardment can it be possible to ensure that a gap is opened. The army does not need to attack the city, and directly enters the city from the gap.

Ideal arrangements are also possible. The Guan Ning army led by Wu Sangui caught off guard the outer strongholds, and then the soldiers in charge of the attack slowly arranged, and even attacked Dalinghe City one day in advance, making Shenyang's Huang Taiji They couldn't even react, and under such circumstances, Dalinghe City was successfully taken down.

Such thoughts, Su Tiancheng had never planned at all, he always planned according to the worst plan when he did things.

The conversation with Hong Chengchou showed almost all his plans, including medium and long-term plans. Therefore, whether it is pedantic or step-by-step, the plans that are formulated will not be easily changed midway. , everything will change.

The battle of attacking the Daling River is different from the battle of running thousands of miles. [

Wu Sangui said these words, which made Su Tiancheng very uneasy. This probably shows that Wu Sangui's mentality has changed, and this change may directly affect the attack.

The leading generals at the end of the Ming Dynasty were a bit domineering. In such a situation, the reaction in Liaodong was even more prominent. After stationing in Liaodong for a long time, the combat effectiveness of the frontier troops here is still stronger than that in the pass. The guards in the city are gone in name only, and the imperial court mainly relies on the Beijing camp and the frontier army, which makes the frontier army even more arrogant.

This kind of situation does not exist for a year or two. Although the Jiangning camp has risen, this situation still exists. The emperor and the ministers in the court are aware of it. Therefore, every time a battle, no matter what the outcome is, the first thing is , The imperial court must take out money, otherwise it is difficult to mobilize the army, even if it is a civilian leader, the generals below may not necessarily buy it.

Su Tiancheng once heard the reaction that the Guan Ning Army stationed at Shanhaiguan was somewhat arrogant and domineering. Wu Sangui was Zu Dashou's nephew, a native who had held military power for a long time, and gradually regarded the Guan Ning Army as his own army. The Guanning Army was taken care of in every way. The Eight Banners Army entered and plundered the customs several times. The Guanning Army stationed at Shanhaiguan did not send a single soldier. The reason was that Shanhaiguan needed to hold on. The question is, what kind of substantive effect can the army of one million stationed in Shanhaiguan have, and it is almost used for rebellion.

As the governor of Jiliao, Su Tiancheng will definitely start to rectify these problems. Sometimes, he will even be merciless. As long as he can capture Dalinghe City and stabilize the defense line of Guan Ningjin, the next step is to unify the command The problem is that the commander-in-chief stationed at the Guanning-Jin defense line, including those in Datong, Ningxia, Yulin, Dengzhou, and Laizhou, must be adjusted at any time, just like the exchange of military commanders hundreds of years later. Ability to make an army belong to an individual.

The problem of disarmament is even more urgent. In Liaodong, the nearly 60 frontier troops cannot be supported, and the court cannot afford to support them. If they can keep half of them, it will be very good. Too many sergeants will be useless.The disarmament meeting involves the interests of many people, especially the interests of military officers. It cannot be taken down without iron and blood methods. The advantage is that the Jiangning Battalion has arrived in Liaodong. If there is a mutiny in the army, the Jiangning Battalion can suppress it at any time.

Faintly, Su Tiancheng sensed that today's attack might cause trouble. It would be really troublesome if the outer strongholds could not be pulled out within the stipulated time.

In less than an hour, the attack was about to start. Before the battle, it always seemed very quiet.

Chinese military account.

Hong Chengchou came in with a serious expression on his face.

In the tent of the Chinese army, there is only Su Tiancheng.

"My lord, I am a little worried."

"What worries do you have, tell me."

"The strongholds on the outskirts of Dalinghe City are widely distributed, and the area of ​​this generation is also open. If an attack is launched, the army can all overwhelm them. Your Excellency's request is not to annihilate the post-gold Tartars stationed in the strongholds, as long as the Tartars can be defeated." If the son rushed back to Dalinghe City, it would be considered a victory. Under such circumstances, the subordinate officials thought that General Wu should have launched an all-out attack to drive the Hou Jin Tartars away from the stronghold in one go. With the cannons in red, such an attack must have caused some casualties, but it is beneficial to the overall situation to be able to fight quickly, but General Wu's arrangement is different. It still uses the attack form of the phalanx. With 2000 people in the formation, such an attack method may not be effective."

Su Tiancheng's face became gloomy. Wu Sangui's arrangement was obviously to preserve his strength. The loss of one or two square teams, or even three square teams, meant thousands of casualties. The impact on the team is fatal, and everyone is afraid of death. Seeing the failure of the front team, the sergeants who charged behind were worried, and their morale must be low. Under such circumstances, the attack could not be successful. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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