(Thanks to Xiaoyang Xiaoxie, Xinghanma, fengye521 for casting valuable monthly tickets, thank you.)

Wu Sangui in history should be very capable of fighting. No matter what kind of records it is in, it has never been said that Wu Sangui is not capable of fighting. At most, Wu Sangui is smooth. When fighting, he pays great attention to preserving himself. This kind of situation exists everywhere. After Su Tiancheng traveled, he has seen too many. Protecting one's own interests is an instinctive behavior of human beings, and it is not a rare thing.

Therefore, the Guanning Army should be able to fight, at least in this not too complicated battle, it should be able to win.

After taking office as the governor of Jiliao, Su Tiancheng did not focus on inspecting the army. In fact, such inspections were not of much use. The strength of the army's combat effectiveness had many factors. It is unlikely to have much combat effectiveness. The army that holds the requirements in the fantasy does not exist. Each sergeant has specific demands, and the officers are relied on for coordination and education, and the sergeants' thinking is unified.

The reason why he arranged for Wu Sangui to remove the outskirts of Dalinghe City was that Su Tiancheng also had his own ideas. Since he traveled through time and changed history, he should do his best to change the historical figures, such as Sun Chengzong, Hong Chengchou, and Sun Chuanting The fate of Li Zicheng, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou and others has basically changed. As time goes by, more and more people will be changed. The most obvious is that the fate of Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai and others has been completely changed. Changes, even when the dust has settled, the story of the rogues taking over the city of Beijing is impossible to happen. [

Regardless of Wu Sangui's personality, since he is under Su Tiancheng's command, what Su Tiancheng needs to consider is to use Wu Sangui's positive energy and try to avoid negative effects.This is also one of the abilities that a leader must have. Arranging for Wu Sangui to take down the outskirts of Dalinghe City is not the most difficult task, but it can be done. Once the army takes down Dalinghe City, the shock will be It is huge, and the court must reward it on merit.

It's a pity that Su Tiancheng found out.For the first time since time travel, I took it for granted.

Respecting the deployment of the commanders below is the principle Su Tiancheng insists on, but facing Wu Sangui's arrangement, Su Tiancheng really can't sit still, the post-gold sergeant stationed in Dalinghe City.Having made all preparations, at this time, what is needed is to take down the outer strongholds in one go and create the best environment for the attack of the large army. The number of people attacking is the most critical factor. Yue Tuo and Kong Youde are not fools.The strongholds set up on the periphery have a wide range and a long front, but the personnel are very concentrated, which is convenient for mutual support and coordination. Under such circumstances, the collective charge of a large force must have an obvious effect.It is also possible to achieve practical results.

Wu Sangui's arrangement is a bit inexplicable.

The square team of 2000 people attacked, and it was carried out sequentially. Wouldn't this give the red cannons set up on the city wall the best target? They could concentrate their firepower and fire at the square team, even though it was solid.The casualties that can be caused are still not small, especially the tragic scene created by the solid, which has a great blow to morale.

Su Tiancheng couldn't bear it anymore.

"Master Hong, I don't think such an attacking formation is acceptable. It is best to organize a charge of more than [-] people, stretch the battle line longer, and avoid artillery fire as much as possible. This can also reduce casualties and achieve good results. The post-gold Tartars in Linghe City have already made preparations, but they are still in a hurry. The key task of this attack is to take down the outer strongholds and drive all the post-gold tartars into the city. Could it be that Don't General Wu know?"

"My lord, the lower officials have already raised objections, but General Wu has his own reasons. He thinks that we must first test the combat effectiveness of the Houjin Tartars, and make corresponding arrangements according to the specific situation on the battlefield."

"What is the corresponding arrangement? Is there a specific plan?"

Hong Chengchou shook his head.

Su Tiancheng's face became serious, Hong Chengchou couldn't speak directly, his duty, after all, was to be in charge of the affairs of the Jiangning camp, some things were difficult to speak out.

"I think the tactics need to be adjusted."

"My lord, I feel that something is wrong. The attack is about to start. General Wu has already prepared the deployment. Adjusting tactics at this time may affect the overall deployment. The effect may be even worse. What does the subordinate think?" After the offensive begins, we will adjust the relevant deployment, and we still have to see how the battle situation is."

"Also, it is very important to take down the outer strongholds. You and I must go to the front to supervise."

"Your Excellency is still in the tent of the Chinese army. This battle is under the command of the lower officials. Naturally, the lower officials will go to the front line to supervise the battle. My lord will stay in the tent of the Chinese army, and overall coordination will be enough."

"Needless to say so much, let's go take a look together. I also want to see how General Wu is preparing."

The army is still three miles away from Wu Sangui's Guan Ning Army, and it won't take long to walk there, but the danger is great. The location where the Guan Ning Army is stationed is within the range of the red cannon. The cannon on the Linghe city wall fired, but the cannon didn't have eyes, so it was impossible to tell where it would fly.

When walking towards the forward position, Hong Chengchou was still persuading him, asking Su Tiancheng not to go to the forward position, but to supervise the battle by himself. Su Tiancheng didn't say much, and kept walking forward. Seeing such a situation, Hong Chengchou It's not easy to say too much, it's useless to talk too much, he has been with Su Tiancheng for such a long time, he knows Su Tiancheng's temper, and it is impossible to easily change the things that have been decided.

Guan Ningjun is very busy and is indeed making preparations. [

Su Tiancheng did not disturb Wu Sangui for the time being, and held a telescope to observe the situation on the Houjin stronghold and the city wall.

The function of the binoculars is indeed extraordinary, Su Tiancheng can clearly see that the post-gold sergeants inside the stronghold are ready for battle, and the post-gold sergeants on the city wall are even more prepared, and can't see the artillery. Generally speaking, the artillery is What is placed inside the wall cannot be seen unless it is above the wall.

The formation of the Guan Ning Army is very obvious. Every square team is commanded by officers. Seeing the formation of the formation, Su Tiancheng's heart began to sink. The Guan Ning Army has 5 people, and there are more than 20 soldiers. Square team, this shows that Wu Sangui's offensive deployment is fully formed. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, after one or two square teams launch an attack, the next attack will send out five to six square teams in one go. It is also possible.

The attack of the square team has its own advantages. This is an offensive method often used by infantry. Especially for regular troops, each square team is a whole. Pay attention to the formation of each other and take care of each other. In dealing with cavalry attacks, the role of the phalanx has been widely recognized.

Wu Sangui finally got the report, and both Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou came to supervise the battle.

Wu Sangui, who was a little dissatisfied at first, immediately changed his attitude and hurried towards the place where Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou were standing. Both adults came to supervise the battle, which showed the importance they attached to the Guan Ning Army.

"Master Su, Master Hong, the final preparations are complete, and the attack will begin in a quarter of an hour."

Su Tian was thinking about what to say, but time was running out, and the attack would start in a quarter of an hour. Changing the deployment at this time might be fatal. In a battle dominated by cold weapons, the deployment of the attack is very important. , This is not a battle hundreds of years later, relying on guns, cannons, aircraft and tanks, and adjusting the deployment in a short period of time, it is all in time.

"General Wu, it is very important to take down the outskirts of Daling River City. Master Hong and I are here to supervise the battle, so Guan Ning's army must remove the outskirts of the outskirts within two hours. You also know this, you can’t waste time, swords are love, there are always casualties in the fight, you must tell the soldiers to take down the outer strongholds in one go.”

"The final general obeys the order, and must take down the outer strongholds."

"Okay, go get busy, you don't need to accompany us anymore, you are the commander in chief of the attack, focus on the attack, Master Hong and I will naturally pay attention."

"Well, the last general will send a team of soldiers to protect the safety of the two adults."

"It's unnecessary. Yue Tuo and Kong Youde are not vegetarians. If there are too many sergeants around Master Hong and me, I'm afraid it will attract their attention. At that time, you will be even more embarrassed. Okay, the time to attack will be soon." When it’s time to arrive, go and command the battle.”

Hong Chengchou has not spoken, but his feeling is still very surprised.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for the commander-in-chief of the entire army to care about the battle situation. In most cases, the commander-in-chief will command the battle on the spot and make a series of required deployments. It was done, but Su Tiancheng didn't understand it this way. He even thought that, as the coach, once the arrangement was made, he shouldn't disturb the subordinates easily, let alone change the deployment of the subordinates casually. Sufficient freedom of command, the so-called generals are not subject to the orders of the emperor, if the coach has to intervene all the time, there will be a lack of initiative below.

This aspect is particularly reflected in the Jiangning Battalion. Officers above the commander of the Jiangning Battalion and Guards are required to be familiar with all the deployments of the battle. Requirements, everything must proceed from the actual situation, unless there are special requirements made by the above, the deployment must be resolutely implemented.

Su Tiancheng brought this kind of style to Liaodong. Zu Dashou led the army to attack the Houjin soldiers stationed in Songshan, but Su Tiancheng did not interfere. Now Wu Sangui leads the Guanning Army to attack the outskirts of Dalinghe City. There were some problems with the deployment, but Su Tiancheng still didn't interfere.

Hong Chengchou didn't know whether such a style of work was good or bad. (to be continued...)

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