At Chen's hour, the attack began.

In an instant, the quiet atmosphere was completely broken, rumbling drums sounded, and the square team formed by the Guan Ning Army began to attack.

With the sound of the drums, the artillery battalion also started to attack. The Fran machine gun and the tiger squat gun started to fire, and the guns continued to land on the outskirts of Dalinghe City, exploding clods of soil and flying into the sky.

Amidst the sound of drums and cannons, the square team of Guan Ning Army began to attack.

The formation of 2000 people is still not small. When charging, it has a certain momentum, but on the entire front, such a formation still looks a little thin. [

What Su Tiancheng was worried about suddenly appeared.

The Guanning army team that was charging forward shouted the slogan of charging, but the post-gold sergeants on the ground were not in a hurry to make a move. On the contrary, the artillery on the Daling River city wall began to show off, one by one, He rushed over with a roar.

The power of the solid core cannot be underestimated, because of the huge impact force and shock wave, the place where the cannon passes is often a bloody road. The sergeant who was hit by the cannon cannot have a chance of survival and escape. The team is arranged in a formation, which is conducive to the artillery attack.

The power of the red cannon was also manifested in an instant.

Cannons whizzed past the square formation one after another, and the formation quickly became chaotic. Amidst the rumbling cannons, there were hardly any screams, and what you saw in front of your eyes were patches of blood. The power of Lang Machine Cannon and Tiger Crouching Cannon was obviously suppressed, and they were not eye-catching at all.

The officer directing the charge obviously hesitated, and the pace of the square team's charge slowed down.

This was a very fatal hesitation. At this moment, the Houjin soldiers who were ambushing in the position started to attack under artillery fire. They used matchlock guns.Gunshots rang out, and more sergeants of the Guanning Army fell down.

After a few minutes passed, Su Tiancheng could conclude that the first square team was hopeless, with huge casualties, but there was no stronghold close to the outskirts of the Daling River, to put it bluntly.This phalanx was sacrificed in vain. After all, there were 2000 soldiers. No matter how many surviving sergeants there were, at least after this round of attack, the morale of the surviving sergeants was completely knocked down.

The drumming continued, and the phalanx still had to charge forward.The sergeants kept falling to the sound of gunfire and artillery, and some sergeants were lying on the ground, unwilling to get up.

Seeing this scene, Su Tiancheng's face became serious.

If you always charge in this way, it will be tantamount to death, and after paying huge casualties, you may not be able to pull out the strongholds outside Dalinghe City.

An anxious expression began to appear on Hong Chengchou's face.Su Tiancheng didn't speak, and he didn't know how to explain it. After all, the attack had just begun, and no one knew how Wu Sangui's rear was arranged.

In less than 10 minutes, the square team in the first round began to retreat, and the speed of retreat was so fast that the square team was out of shape.Scattered sergeants ran towards the back, and the officer who led the team ran back without stopping.

Perhaps the loss of the square team was too heavy. It seems that no one has any complaints about this kind of unauthorized retreat. It is estimated that some people think it.The phalanx should have retreated long ago to minimize casualties.

Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou frowned at the same time.

Su Tiancheng's face became gloomy, and he discovered the biggest problem.

On the battlefield, you must obey the command.Life is important, but if life is the most important thing in everything, you must also take care of your own life when fighting, and you may have to pay more life in the future. No one can remember how many people were lost. This is the fate of a weak army. Today you are lucky enough to save your own life. In the future, your family may all die. Therefore, on the battlefield, victory is the most important thing , With enough strength and enough prestige, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of wars and ensure a peaceful environment.

Therefore, the rules of the Jiangning Battalion are very clear. On the battlefield, even if there is only one person left who absolutely obeys the command, they must not retreat without receiving an order to retreat.

But for the Guan Ning army in front of him, Su Tiancheng felt a huge mistake in doing so. This is an army with combat effectiveness. No wonder he could only curl up in the city and watch the Houjin soldiers plunder everywhere. [

This is an army without a military spirit, and its combat effectiveness cannot be so strong. Perhaps when facing the common people, they are the army, and when facing the Eight Banners Army, they are the grandsons of the turtles.

Hong Chengchou has the same idea. He has been in the Jiangning camp for a long time, and many ideas have been deeply rooted in his bones. It is no big deal that the Guanning army’s attack failed. What a big deal, it's a pity that Guan Ningjun's performance was too disappointing.

From the binoculars, Su Tiancheng could see clearly that Wu Sangui did not blame the officer who retreated without authorization.

The second round of charging began. This time, two square teams charged from the left and right directions.

The situation was the same, without any change. This time, the persistence time was shorter than the first time. In less than 10 minutes, the two square teams couldn't wait to retreat after dropping some corpses.

Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"Lord Hong, take my token, and you go to command the battle and ask Wu Sangui to stand aside."

Just after Su Tiancheng finished speaking, Guan Ning's army's third round of charge began, and this time it was still two square teams attacking.

Su Tiancheng felt angry. Is this a fight or a mission? What is Wu Sangui thinking? What is the practical significance of organizing an attack like this? Is it worth showing off after paying casualties?

Hong Chengchou did not hesitate and was ready to take over the command.

"Lord Hong, the morale of the army is the most important thing. I don't need to emphasize what to do."

The third charge failed. At this time, Hong Chengchou had already seen Wu Sangui. In the telescope, Su Tiancheng noticed that Wu Sangui was looking in his direction.

The fourth round of attack began, and this time it was the four square teams that charged.

There are 8000 people in the four square teams, and the formation of the square teams is a bit scattered. Under such circumstances, the power of the red cannons will naturally weaken a lot. Even the arquebus guns of the post-Golden Sergeants will not be able to play a decisive role. up.

Su Tiancheng, who was full of hope, saw this charge, his face turned pale with anger.

Because of the replacement of the commander, perhaps the sergeants of the Guan Ning Army were dissatisfied. It took only two to three minutes to charge, but when the guns roared, the sergeants actually started to flee. Running behind, I only regret that my parents lost two legs.

This kind of rout has a huge influence on the fighting side, and it can instantly collapse the army's morale. No matter how many sergeants there are, they may be reduced to a mess and be slaughtered.

Su Tiancheng's body trembled slightly, he was extremely disappointed with Wu Sangui, Guan Ningjun's performance like this, how can he be said to have combat effectiveness, how did Wu Sangui lead troops to fight, could it be said that this is how he behaved on the battlefield.

Soon, Su Tiancheng saw that the soldiers brought by Hong Chengchou, escorting a dozen or so officers of the Guanning Army, came in front of them. Wu Sangui kept saying something to Hong Chengchou, but Hong Chengchou didn't have much expression on his face.

The personal soldier raised the steel knife, and more than a dozen heads fell to the ground quickly. Then, Hong Chengchou spoke with a livid face, and the restless Guan Ning army quickly calmed down.

Half an hour later, the fifth round of charge began.

In the first four rounds of the charge, nine square teams were dispatched, and the number reached 8000. But now, it seems that such a charge is a joke. There is no shadow of the post-golden sergeant, and no approach to the position. Such a charge It's a shame. There will be no more than 1 Houjin sergeants guarding the outer positions of Dalinghe City. They haven't taken any action yet, and nearly two-fifths of the Guanning Army have been defeated. With such fighting spirit, if faced with For the Eight Banners Army, no one cares about kneeling on the ground and surrendering. [

In the fifth round of charging, a different momentum finally appeared.

This time, ten square teams were dispatched, 2 people charged, and the officers were at the forefront.

Beheading is shocking. Hong Chengchou killed more than a dozen officers in one go. The rest of the officers saw it and knew that there was no way out. If they continued to retreat, the result would be the same. Rather than being beheaded, it would be better to die on the battlefield.

No one dared to mutiny. Everyone knew about the changes in Jinzhou and Ningyuan. There was absolutely no way out for mutiny.

The effect of the large number of people finally came out.

The sergeants of the Guan Ning Army, who were forced to a dead end, finally showed their fierce side. They charged forward desperately, and no one retreated even in the face of artillery and matchlock guns.

The charging team is getting closer and closer to the outer stronghold.

Su Tiancheng suddenly discovered that several red flags had appeared on the walls of Dalinghe City.

With the appearance of the red flag, the post-gold soldiers stationed on the periphery began to retreat quickly.

Hong Chengchou also discovered this.

The attacking drums sounded louder. This was a signal to urge the sergeants to attack. The Guan Ning army sergeants charged faster. It slowly died down.

The artillery battalion seized this opportunity and began to show off.

The Fran machine gun and the tiger squatting gun began to fire accurately, aiming at the retreating Houjin sergeant, one shot fell into the ranks of Houjin sergeant, and people fell down one by one, and some people were even frightened. They were dumbfounded, they couldn't have imagined why the Ming army's artillery could be fired so accurately, could it be that the artillery had eyes.

At noon, the Guan Ning Army finally pulled out the outskirts of the Daling River. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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