The information on the Ming army's attack on the Daling River was placed on the table. Huang Taiji's face was gloomy. According to the information, the Ming army started the attack in the early morning of April 28, and captured Songshan before Chenshi. Beginning on April 29, they attacked the outskirts of Dalinghe City, but the information that Huang Taiji obtained was after 29 April.

This means that the Ming army's attack was very sudden. After taking Songshan, Yue Tuo and Kong Youde who were stationed in Dalinghe City were temporarily kept in the dark. Dalinghe City is four hundred miles away from Shenyang, according to the wartime It was required that the information should be sent to Shenyang within one day and one night, that is to say, Huang Taiji had to get the information before April 29th at the latest. Calculated according to the time, the information was delayed by nearly a day.

After receiving the information, Daishan, Azige, Dorgon, Jierhalang, Fan Wencheng and others quickly gathered in the main hall. The Ming army began to attack, and they needed to make a decision. According to the previous plan, two days Within a short period of time, the Eight Banners Army could reach Dalinghe City and carry out rescue operations. The distance from Shenyang to Dalinghe City was all under the control of the Qing Dynasty.

The battle report ahead is still unclear, but there are only two thousand sergeants stationed in Songshan. Facing an army of tens of thousands, it is impossible to resist. It is very good to be able to delay the attack time. After all, the main focus of the Qing Dynasty , is still in Dalinghe City, so this attack, no matter how long it takes to end the battle, has no reference value.

The importance of rescue lies in time. [

The Eight Banners Army has long been prepared, especially Daishan, who is stationed in Daling River City. After all, there are more than a thousand Eight Banners Army who are in the Red Banner. These are his subordinates. Besides, the eldest son Yue Tuo is also in Daling river city.

But the deployment of rescue is also very important. Since the Ming army launched an attack on the Daling River, it will definitely take all aspects into consideration.So how to rescue and how to grasp the time have become the most critical factors for victory.Dalinghe City is only forty miles away from Jinzhou City, and the reinforcement army can directly attack Jinzhou City within two days.

"Everyone, the Ming army has begun to attack Dalinghe City. After analyzing it for so long, everything must be based on the facts. I would like to hear any suggestions from you. When the military situation is urgent, I would like to clarify your suggestions. It is simple and clear."

"Your Majesty, I think that if we need to launch rescue immediately and directly assist Dalinghe City, the effect may not be very good. The best way is to attack Jinzhou City. No matter whether it is successful or not, at least it can completely disrupt the Ming army. Deployment, Su Tiancheng served as the governor of Jiliao, this is the first battle, we must go all out, there will not be many Ming troops stationed in Jinzhou."

After encountering something, Daishan's thinking is very clear, and the reasoning of his analysis is good.Everyone also agrees.

But Huang Taiji had his own ideas.

"Second brother is right. My consideration is that the Ming army has just launched an offensive, and it must be very powerful. Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning battalion and won so many victories. Such a simple arrangement. I will not ignore it. If Jinzhou City has The guards of the army, the Eight Banners' attack suffered setbacks, wouldn't it be impossible to take care of both sides? The most unfavorable situation is that the Ming army took down Dalinghe City, and my Eighth Banners Army was caught between Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City Within a range of more than forty miles, the Ming army stationed at Guan Ningjin attacked with all their strength, wouldn't it cause greater casualties."

Just after Huang Taiji finished speaking, Azig spoke.

"Your majesty, I think that this situation will never happen. The Ming army attacked Dalinghe City. Relying on the city and favorable terrain of Dalinghe City, it is not a short-term thing to take it down. Over the years , Dalinghe City has been repaired several times, and it is indestructible. The rescued Eight Banners Army can safely and boldly attack Jinzhou City. It will definitely win.”

Huang Taiji glared at Azig.

"Twelve brothers, you need to plan for the worst in battle, so that you can make the best deployment. The situation you mentioned does exist, but if the deployment is improper and the situation I mentioned occurs, what should I do? .”

Azige looked at the crowd, lowered his head and stopped talking. Anyway, the fiasco in the ninth year of Chongzhen was still the biggest pain in his heart. Although Huang Taiji didn't reprimand him too much, he definitely had opinions.

Dorgon finally spoke.

Dorgon is recognized as a brave general by the Qing Dynasty. In terms of wisdom and bravery in combat, apart from Huang Taiji, he must be counted. No matter in terms of command, deployment, or leading the charge, Dorgon is very powerful. It was also what Huang Taiji felt most at ease.

"Your Majesty, I think that rescue is like putting out a fire, and it must start as soon as possible. The Ming army attacked Dalinghe City. In the early stage, the momentum must be strong. In addition, Su Tiancheng has not been in Liaodong for a long time, so he must be thinking about winning. Under the circumstances, the Eight Banners Army I rescued can avoid its sharp edge, please see, my lord, I think Songshan is the key."

Dorgon pointed to the map, and Huang Taiji's eyes lit up.

"Your brother thinks that the attack on Jinzhou may not be implemented for the time being. Since Su Tiancheng decided to attack Dalinghe City, Jinzhou City must be closely guarded. If he directly attacks Jinzhou City, it may also lead to a protracted war. Under such circumstances, Our Eight Banners Army is far away from the garrison, and there will be difficulties in supplying supplies, and I am afraid that we will be in a disadvantageous situation, so I think that occupying Songshan and cutting off the Ming army's food road is probably the best way."

Huang Taiji nodded frequently. The army led by Su Tiancheng has more than [-] people. It consumes a lot of food and supplies. This is the lifeline of the army. Once this line is cut off, the Ming army will immediately collapse. On the edge of Daling River City, it was because the supply of Daling River City was cut off.

Jierharang also spoke. [

Jierhalang is Nurhachi's nephew and Huang Taiji's cousin. He was adopted by Nurhachi and regarded him as his own. When the Qing Dynasty was established, he was conferred the title of Prince Heshuo Zheng, one of the four princes.Jierhalang's life experience is very special. His father, Shuerhaqi, was Nurhachi's younger brother and was killed by Nurhachi. At that time, Jierhalang was already 12 years old. Since close relatives are also enemies, there is still a layer of hatred in it. Jierhalang's elder brother, Amin, was arrested and imprisoned by Huang Taiji because he was called domineering and refused to accept Huang Taiji.

Jierhalang is generous and cautious by nature, deeply appreciated by Nurhachi and Huang Taiji, and his relationship with the irritable Amin is not very good. In terms of choice, Jierhalang resolutely decided to go all out. Assist Huang Taiji.

So his ending is completely different from that of Amin.

"Your Majesty, I think that Prince Rui's proposal is feasible. It can curb the Ming army's food supply. If you stick to Songshan, it will deal a huge blow to the Ming army. In this way, you can avoid the Ming army's edge. Songshan is two kilometers away from Dalinghe City. It is more than ten miles away, which is convenient for investigating the situation of the Daling River. The Eight Banners Army can keep abreast of the situation at any time, and can make appropriate adjustments. Once the Ming army shows signs of collapse, it can launch an attack."

Huang Taiji's thinking was basically mature, but Fan Wencheng hadn't spoken yet.

When it came to fighting the Ming army, Huang Taiji paid great attention to soliciting the opinions of the Han officials, among whom Fan Wencheng was the most critical minister.

Fan Wencheng also knew that he had to speak.

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that attacking Songshan is the most sensible and effective measure. It is impossible for the Ming army to attack Dalinghe City on a large scale, and it is impossible to station too many troops in Songshan, and it is impossible to leave an elite army. The servant thinks that , the Ming army was divided into two parts, the Jiangning battalion and the frontier army. Although Su Tiancheng unified command, it was difficult to coordinate in a short period of time. In addition, the frontier army stationed at the Guanning Jin line of defense had been used to stationing in cities for many years and was not used to attacking Therefore, our Eight Banners army stationed in Songshan can pose a huge threat to the Ming army. Although the Jiangning battalion is very prestigious, if it is dragged down by the frontier army, its combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. "

After Fan Wencheng spoke, Huang Taiji had to make a decision.

"Everyone's opinions are very good. I have decided. My Eight Banners have already been ready for the attack. The Ming army has launched an attack on our Dalinghe City. We must rush to help. Dalinghe City is very important to our Qing Dynasty. Said, it is very important, it has been three years, and it is time to let the Ming army know how powerful it is. On the second day of May, the disciples of the Hundred and Eight Banners rushed to help Dalinghe City. The primary goal was to occupy Songshan and completely cut off the Ming army's food road. Then stick to Songshan."

The hall was very quiet. No one would have thought that Huang Taiji sent a [-] troops. This is a big move. Now is the season when there is no harvest, and there are still a few months to buy food. It takes a lot of courage to decide to send a [-] troops up.

The rest is a question of who is in charge.

"Prince Rui Dorgon is the commander-in-chief of the army, and he has the right to make decisions on the fly. Hmph, didn't Su Tiancheng send 15 Ming troops, and we will send 13 troops to see how the final outcome will be."

The coach has been decided, and there are still some specific issues left, which are all things to be explained separately.

For many years, the Qing Dynasty has been trapped by the Guanning Jin defense line and has not been able to expand. Liaodong's territory is limited and large-scale development is impossible. North Korea has already surrendered. Even if the Eight Banners enter the pass, they must always think about stationing at the pass. The Ming army discovered by Ning Jin prevented them from being pinched from front to back. This time, Huang Taiji sent [-] troops to reinforce. It has to be said that this time is not just reinforcements, but another battle between Qing and Ming. In the decisive battle, if the main force of the Jiangning battalion can be wiped out and the Guan Ningjin line of defense can be taken down, it is very likely that they will be able to get something out of their pockets.

This is where Huang Taiji thinks more deeply, and it is also where Huang Taiji is really grand. (To be continued.)

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