Ming politicians

Chapter 654 The Anxiety of the Court

Sun Chengzong's mood is very complicated.

The four-year battle of Daling River in Chongzhen, Sun Chengzong will never forget it in his life. At the beginning, the construction of Daling River City and the construction of strongholds in Xiaoling River and other places were all suggestions made by him. When he presided over the affairs of Liaodong, Sun Chengzong was aware of the threat facing Jinzhou City. Building a city on the Daling River, which is more than [-] miles away from Jinzhou City, can relieve the pressure on Jinzhou City to the greatest extent, and can also pose a threat to Houjin to a large extent. Unfortunately, , this plot was seen through by Huang Taiji, and the court did not attach great importance to it. In addition, the frontier troops stationed at the Guanning Jin Line were also negligent to a certain extent, which eventually led to the disastrous defeat in the Battle of Daling River. The responsibility for this fiasco, Sun Chengzong He took it and left the imperial court for this reason. If it weren't for Su Tiancheng's suggestion to establish the Zhongxing Academy, he would not have entered the imperial court, let alone become the chief assistant of the cabinet.

After learning that Su Tiancheng was going to attack Dalinghe City and was determined to take it down, Sun Chengzong was very excited. He knew very well that Su Tiancheng had grasped the key and took down Dalinghe City. It has become more stable. From a defensive point of view, Houjin's plan to enter the pass through the Guan Ningjin defense line has come to naught. I am afraid that Shenyang's defense must be considered, unless Huang Taiji arrives in Shenyang in Dalinghe City. Within a range of more than [-] miles, building a solid city will consume Houjin's huge financial resources. To put it bluntly, after taking Dalinghe City, Liaodong's initiative will gradually tilt to Daming .

Sun Chengzong understood the difficulty of attacking the Daling River very well. He could imagine that place with his eyes closed. The fortification of the city and the danger of the terrain are all difficult problems. Take Dalinghe City in one fell swoop.

Hou Jin and Huang Taiji will not let it go, they will definitely send heavy troops to protect Dalinghe City, and lose Dalinghe City.What it means, Huang Taiji is very clear, if this attack on Dalinghe City becomes another strategic decisive battle between Daming and Houjin, then it needs to be paid great attention by the imperial court. [

Sun Chengzong is very practical in doing things, he knows that Su Tiancheng is more practical.It will not consider the strategic decisive battle with Hou Jin, the time is not yet ripe, Hou Jin's power is very strong, and it is still in the process of continuous development, and the Hou Jin regime will be wiped out in a short period of time.I'm afraid it can't be done.

If other people were to preside over the attack on Dalinghe City, Sun Chengzong would definitely be opposed to it, and impeached him very bluntly to prevent this kind of behavior from happening. But the situation of Su Tiancheng was different. Sun Chengzong believed in Su Tiancheng. Decide what to do.It is enough to grasp.

The worry is there, and it's been an extraordinary fight anyway.Because of the particularity of Dalinghe City, and because of some special energy, Sun Chengzong even thought about going to the front line to see it himself, but he still wouldn't do it because he was old after all.If they rushed to Jinzhou, it would only increase the trouble.

When rushing to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Sun Chengzong was always thinking about the pros and cons in his mind.

Entering the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Sun Chengzong found that the emperor's mood seemed a little anxious.It seems that the emperor is also worried about this matter.

Soon, all the cabinet ministers, Hubu Shang came in.

"Everyone, Sun Aiqing's plan to attack Dalinghe City. You must have known it. I am very worried these days. The importance of Dalinghe City in Liaodong is unquestionable. Su Aiqing can sense it. I am very pleased with the importance of Daling River City, but attacking Daling River City requires detailed deployment, and there cannot be the slightest deviation. This attack..."

Zhu Youjian couldn't continue talking. As the emperor, he had to pay attention to what he said, and he couldn't disturb the morale of the army.

Sun Chengzong spoke quickly.

"Your Majesty, I believe that Master Su has made a decision to attack Dalinghe City after careful consideration. There are more than 15 troops stationed at the Guanning Jin Line, especially the Jiangning Battalion. After the Guanningjin line of defense, the situation slowly changed. Relying on the fortified cities of Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan, Houjin was still unable to shake the Guanningjin line of defense. I thought that even Master Su could draw 20 troops to attack In Dalinghe City, there are still nearly [-] soldiers stationed in Jinzhou, Ningyuan, and Shanhaiguan. It is precisely because of this foundation that Su Daren dared to attack boldly. I have sufficient confidence in the bravery of the Jiangning Battalion. , so I think that the emperor need not worry."

Zhu Youjian nodded, but his face was still cloudy.

At this time, Tang Shiji spoke.

"Your Majesty, I think that for such a major battle, the imperial court still has to send ministers to keep abreast of the situation of the battle."

Just after Tang Shiji finished speaking, Sun Chengzong quickly spoke.

"Your Majesty, I do not agree with Master Tang's suggestion. Master Su, as the governor of Ji Liao, has already been granted the power to act arbitrarily by the emperor. At this time, if the imperial court sends a minister, what is his identity? The soldiers are dangerous and need to be done at any time Come out to make a decision, if you send a minister who is not familiar with the situation in Liaodong and disagrees with Master Su, it is impossible to make a decision and report it to the court, so the military aircraft will be delayed and irreparable losses will be caused."

After Sun Chengzong finished speaking, Liu Zongzhou also spoke.

"Your Majesty, I believe that Lord Sun's suggestion is correct. At this time, the court needs to support Lord Sun. In such a major battle, Lord Sun must be very cautious and will not make decisions lightly. All arrangements have been completed. Well, if the imperial court sends ministers, it may affect the deployment and the battle."

Tang Shiji seemed to be well prepared.

"Your Majesty, I don't think so. Since we have already made preparations, Lord Sun should report as soon as possible, but the memorial is here, and the time for the attack is only two or three days away. This also shows that the deployment can be adjusted. Yes, the imperial court sent ministers to ensure the success of the battle, and if there is an emergency, they can make a timely decision to avoid causing greater losses.”[

"Master Tang, your understanding is a bit off."

Sun Chengzong was slightly agitated. He did not know how many times such disputes had occurred in the court. Facts showed that such disputes were ultimately bad and had no positive effect. Constraints, the ministers in the imperial court are not familiar with the military situation, so they have to make decisions to make the commanders below follow suit. Look at Su Tiancheng's many battles, including the deployment of the battle to wipe out the bandits, all before the battle started. Those who reported to the imperial court had very clear intentions.

"If Sun Aiqing has any opinion, just say it."

After the controversy arose, Zhu Youjian did not make a clear statement. In fact, he was also thinking about how to deal with it, whether to send ministers to supervise the battle on the one hand, and make decisions on his own behalf on the other hand.

"Your Majesty, soldiers are deceitful. This is common sense. All generals who lead troops in battle are clear. The deployment of tactics is the top secret. Just imagine what the consequences will be if the deployment of tactics is exposed." , or even annihilation of the entire army, lessons from history abound. What I mean by saying this is that since Mr. Su is thinking of attacking Dalinghe City, he must have considered all aspects clearly. The reason why he only reported it now is that I was also afraid of the leakage of the tactical deployment, so if the timing of the attack was revealed, Hou Jin was fully prepared, and the attack would cause a large number of casualties."

"Master Sun means that the emperor will leak the news."

Sun Chengzong looked at Tang Shiji with sharp eyes. He didn't know why Tang Shiji suddenly wanted to control Su Tiancheng's power.

"Master Tang, this statement is fallacious. Is it true that only the emperor knows about this matter discussed today? If a minister discusses it in the court and casually speaks it out after returning home, the news will be easily leaked out. , when that time really comes, it will be futile to hold anyone accountable."

Sun Chengzong was getting older, maybe he was a little emotional, and after saying these words, he was a little out of breath.

Zhu Youjian spoke again.

"Everything you say makes sense. I feel that the battle to attack Dalinghe City is a matter of great importance, and a good decision must be made."

Hearing that Zhu Youjian's tone was a bit wrong, Sun Chengzong felt chilled. This is Zhu Youjian's problem. No wonder Su Tiancheng thought of asking His Royal Highness to sit in command when he wiped out the bandits. If there is any major battle, the emperor will always be so suspicious , will inevitably cause irreparable losses.

"Your Majesty, I think it is better to let Master Su lead the battle alone. I think that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. If a minister is sent to supervise the battle, what is his identity and how should he make a decision? If the battle starts, do we still need to discuss the deployment of the battle? It will definitely not work, I have led the army many times before, and I understand the key points, not to mention, the ministers sent by the imperial court may not have arrived in Jinzhou, the battle has already started, even if they want to supervise, the possibility is not great."

Zhu Youjian is still hesitating.

"Your Majesty, if you must send ministers, please come to Jinzhou."

Hearing what Sun Chengzong said, Zhu Youjian had to make a statement. In fact, Sun Chengzong's suggestion had already blocked the suggestion of sending ministers. In the court, who could be more qualified than Sun Chengzong.

"I understand Sun Aiqing's painstaking efforts. I will not discuss the matter of dispatching ministers for the time being, but the Ministry of War must pay close attention to it, keep abreast of the situation, and report the battle situation at all times."

When he left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Sun Chengzong was a little worried. After many years of official career, he knew that Tang Shiji's attitude today was unusual. As he was getting older, he would not be the chief minister of the cabinet for a long time. Could it be that the emperor liked it? Will Tang Shiji be the next chief minister of the cabinet? The relationship between Tang Shiji and Su Tiancheng is mediocre. If Su Tiancheng, who is in charge of Liaodong affairs, is constrained by the cabinet, it will be really difficult to handle. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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