Ming politicians

Chapter 655 The final arrangement

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All the arrangements have been made. After pulling out the strongholds outside Daling River City, Su Tiancheng devoted all his attention to the deployment of attacking Daling River City.

Attacking Dalinghe City was a matter that affected the nerves of the imperial court and Houjin. Both sides attached great importance to it. Su Tiancheng could even predict that both Zhu Youjian and Huang Taiji could not sleep because they were worried about it. In comparison, Huang Taiji may be more worried, after all, the starting point is different.

Huang Taiji took over the heavy burden from his father Nurhachi, and his goal was to rule the Central Plains. For this goal, the talented and bold Huang Taiji tried his best to make the Houjin stronger and gradually became stronger in Chongzhen Nine In [-], he officially ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and established the name of the country as the Qing Dynasty, which showed that he wanted to eliminate the Ming regime.

Zhu Youjian also worked very hard. He took over a mess from his brother, and he only wanted to build it well. He couldn’t eat well and sleep well. He was faced with inexplicable headaches. People in their 20s, sometimes, Worrying things are simply not something this age can bear, and in addition to living in the imperial palace with fine clothing and fine food, and has not experienced any substantial hardships, in terms of personal ability, it is indeed inferior to Huang Taiji.

Su Tiancheng's time travel changed everything.

The peasant uprising army was completely wiped out. Li Zicheng, Luo Rucai, Zhang Xianzhong, Zijinliang, Lao Huihui and other leaders of the rebel army all fell under his hands. The huge rebel army no longer exists. It gradually settled down. Although there are still many problems, especially the problems existing in the government at all levels, it finally has a stable foundation and can be maintained.It is entirely feasible to carry out major reforms when the opportunity is ripe.

Through the efforts of Su Tiancheng, together with the efforts of Zhu Shenxuan, Yan Zizhang and others, Shaanxi Province and Henan Province have become role models for the northern provinces, and Zhu Youjian has also begun to attach great importance to government issues.Severely punish those officials who oppress the common people and act mischievously. It can be said that the current situation is better than that of previous years.Although the fundamental problem remains.

This is also where Su Tiancheng is anxious, thinking that to carry out large-scale reforms within the Ming Dynasty, there must be a stable foundation, otherwise large-scale turmoil will be triggered, and a good foundation will be created for Houjin. King found the right opportunity and started a strategic attack.Su Tiancheng's painstaking efforts are likely to go to waste.

This kind of situation does exist, dare not underestimate it.

So, Su Tiancheng must take down Dalinghe City, say ten thousand and ten thousand, things must be done step by step, there is no use in worrying.

Su Tiancheng has enough confidence to win Dalinghe City in a short time.Large-scale battles after hundreds of years will also take a long time, but it doesn't have to take a long time to capture a city. As long as you make corresponding preparations, that is, one to two days, you can take it down up.

so.It shouldn't take a long time to attack Dalinghe City, at most it will take one to two days.

All this depends on the artillery battalion.

When the artillery battalion began to be arranged.Su Tiancheng personally participated.

The commander of the artillery battalion and guards made Qin Rui very clear that the focus of the battle against Dalinghe City this time was whether the artillery battalion could play a decisive role. Two hundred red-clothed cannons and the general's cannons fired at the same time. Such a scene , Qin Rui has never seen it before. It can be said that what the artillery battalion fired this time was not shells, but white money.

The soldiers of the artillery battalion have long been proficient in handling all the artillery.

The location of the artillery is divided into three echelons. The first echelon has [-] red cannons, the second echelon has [-] red cannons, forty general cannons, and the third echelon has sixty general cannons.

The improved General Cannon is almost as powerful as the Red Clothes Cannon.

It is divided into three steps, also because of the limitation of the terrain.

As for the Frang machine gun and the tiger squatting cannon, they have been prepared a long time ago. Once the two hundred red cannons and the general's cannon have exerted their power, the soldiers of the artillery battalion immediately pushed the tiger squatting cannon and the Frang machine gun, Get close to the city wall and bomb the post-gold soldiers stationed at the city wall.

Su Tiancheng went to the three positions and looked at them in detail.

Under the careful care of the soldiers, the swarthy artillery looked very mighty and majestic.

Qin Rui has been with Su Tiancheng all the time.

After watching the three levels of artillery, Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"Qin Rui, it is very important that the artillery range researched by Master Bi and the others can be properly adjusted. The artillery battalion must be proficient and be able to use it at any time. The artillery battalion is very important for attacking Dalinghe City this time. , I won’t say much, the casualties of the attacking soldiers, in the final analysis, depend on the performance of your artillery battalion.”

"Don't worry, my lord, the general has made all the preparations, and all the soldiers understand their responsibilities. My lord, look at it. If I can't blow up a gap in the wall of Dalinghe City this time, the general will be willing to lead the army. .”

"I know that it is not only necessary to blow up the city wall, but also the key point, that is, to blow up the post-gold tartars guarding the city wall without any power to fight back. Only in this way can the casualties be minimized. We It is necessary to take down Dalinghe City in the shortest possible time. The fighting spirit of the Houjin Tatars cannot be destroyed. They will definitely make a desperate resistance. Therefore, the real battle will begin after rushing into the city. ah."

There are nearly [-] post-gold soldiers guarding Dalinghe City, not to mention these post-gold sergeants, who are familiar with the environment in Dalinghe City, will definitely resist. The battle in the city will definitely be more tragic. In this regard, Su Tiancheng The preparations have been made, so the Jiangning battalion must take the lead.

Such an arrangement would also require the Jiangning Camp to make great sacrifices, but it was unavoidable.

The placement of the artillery battalion focuses on keeping secrets. Qin Rui already has enough experience in this regard. As early as in Songshan, he arranged for soldiers to cut down a lot of trees. When the Guan Ning army captured the outer strongholds After that, the soldiers of the Artillery Battalion immediately began to arrange, and put "clothes" on the artillery in the place that had been scouted for a long time.

The location where the artillery is placed is less than three miles away from Dalinghe City. Within such a range, if there is no camouflage, it is easy to be discovered. Of course, even if there is no camouflage, Qin Rui is not worried. After going down to the outer strongholds, Dalinghe City was basically surrounded. Even if the Houjin Tatars in Dalinghe City found these artillery, it would not be of much use. It is incomparable with the artillery of the Jiangning Battalion.

But Su Tiancheng thought very carefully, the time for the general attack is fixed, the soldiers have already made preparations, and it is impossible to attack in advance, that would lead to a messy deployment, if the artillery of the Houjin Tartars found the artillery of the Jiangning Battalion, Launching shells will definitely cause some losses. These are unnecessary losses. Besides, the power of the Jiangning camp artillery has not been seen before by the Houjin Tartars. This is the biggest advantage. Such an advantage must be Hold until the moment the siege begins.

The security around the artillery battalion is very strict, no one is allowed to approach, otherwise they will be killed.

Even Zu Dashou, Wu Sangui and others are not allowed to approach easily.

Seeing that the artillery battalion was ready, Su Tiancheng finally felt relieved, the next thing was to attack the Jiangning battalion.

Hong Chengchou had been waiting in the tent of the Chinese army for a long time.

Back in the Chinese army tent, before Su Tiancheng could speak, Hong Chengchou reported directly.

"My lord, there are a total of 7 soldiers attacking Dalinghe City. In fact, there are 1 Jiangning battalion soldiers and [-] frontier troops. When charging, in order to avoid too much loss, they are planned to be divided into seven square teams. There are [-] people in each square, and charge in turn."

Inside the military tent, the sand table is very conspicuous.

Red flags were densely planted on the sand table, except for Dalinghe City, where black flags were planted, which indicated that Dalinghe City was still under the control of the Houjin Tartars.

"Understood, such an arrangement is possible, but one thing must be noted, once the artillery battalion launches an attack, some unexpected situations will definitely occur, for example, the artillery blasted the city wall, and gravel flew randomly. Under such circumstances, when launching an attack, how to avoid these gravels, how to speed up the rhythm of the attack, etc. are all very important. Entering the city may not encounter much difficulty, after all, the power of the artillery battalion , is extraordinary, the post-gold Tartars would not have thought of it, but the fight after entering the city is very important. I have already told Qin Rui before that the post-gold tartars have not encountered a violent attack, and their morale is still high. It is very prosperous, and it will resist desperately. This time the attack is very different from Chongzhen's four years. What we want is a quick victory."

"My lord, these arrangements have been considered. The subordinate officials have already ordered that all Han troops who surrendered can be let go, but the Eight Banners stationed at the Daling River must not be let go."

"Not necessarily. Anyone who is willing to surrender and lay down their weapons should not be hunted down. The key is Yue Tuo and Kong Youde. It is best to capture these two people alive. You can directly hand over this task to Liu Tiehan. , Has it been distributed yet?"

"Almost all the soldiers in the scout battalion can recite it. The lower officials are not exaggerating. They can describe it with their eyes closed. The lower officials also gave the order to die. No matter what, Yue Tuo and Kong Youde are alive and well." If you want to see people, if you die, you need to see corpses, and you must never escape."

Su Tiancheng shook his head lightly.

"The possibility of escaping is very small. I mean, it is best to capture them alive. This can increase our morale to the greatest extent, and it will also be of great benefit in defending Dalinghe City in the future." (To be continued. , (.) Vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation...read.

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