Ming politicians

Chapter 657 Strong Artillery Battalion

Chongzhen 12th April [-]th.

At three quarters of Yin time, the time for the general offensive is coming soon.

Su Tiancheng, who had hardly slept all night, sat in the tent of the Chinese army, looking very quiet. He had already developed such a habit, the more the battle was imminent, the calmer he would appear.

Outside the tents of the Central Army, there were officers from the Jiangning Battalion and the Frontier Army.

Su Tiancheng finally stood up and walked outside slowly. [

The sky has turned a little white, and it won’t be long before it will be bright. In the weather at the end of April and the beginning of May, the days are slowly getting longer, spring has long passed, and midsummer is coming.

Looking at the many officers in the dark, Su Tiancheng spoke with a very calm tone.

"Brothers, we are about to attack Dalinghe City. Among you, there are brothers from the Jiangning camp and soldiers from the frontier army. But no matter what, since we are together, we are brothers and we must take care of each other. , supporting each other, attacking Dalinghe City is a very crucial battle, you have fought bloody battles several times, I believe that in this extraordinary battle, you can also show a difference."

"Daojianqing, as officers, you lead these brothers to charge. I hope you can charge forward. Whether it is the brothers of the Jiangning camp, or the soldiers of the frontier army, the court will pay for those who died for the country. Warriors Blood cannot be shed in vain."

"I won't talk too much, but you have to remember one thing. No matter the abyss ahead or the thorns, you have to turn your back on it. There are no deserters in the Jiangning camp, and the frontier army is the same."

"Brothers, let's go to win the battle, we're going to capture Daling River City, we're in Daling River City together, and we're going to drink the blood of the Empress Gold Tartars..."

Before the war, there is always a special tranquility.

Su Tiancheng remembered that he felt the same way before Li Zicheng attacked Kuizhou Prefecture.It seems that everything is still, time has stopped flowing, and the mind is very quiet and peaceful.

This is an extraordinary battle. From this moment on, two top figures in the Ming Dynasty will start a series of life and death fights.In a life-and-death struggle, Huang Taiji is the hero and Su Tiancheng is the master.

At this point, Su Tiancheng knew very well that this was his destiny, to travel to the Ming Dynasty.His task is to rewrite history and let history develop on a road that is conducive to the rejuvenation and rise of the nation. During this development process, he must meet uninterrupted challenges and overcome obstacles one after another. Li Zicheng and others have already fell under his hands.Next is Huang Taiji.

Confidence is innate. Strong confidence can support a strong victory. The step-by-step development of Jiangning Camp fully demonstrates this point. Su Tiancheng believes that the same is true for Huang Taiji, when Hou Jin first originated.I'm afraid the situation is even worse, but Nurhachi and Huang Taiji have forcibly developed Houjin to the scale it is today.After all the calculations, the rise of Hou Jin will only take about 20 years, if history cannot be changed.In a few years, Hou Jin will unify the Central Plains and take charge of Huaxia.

When we came to the position of the artillery battalion, all the soldiers were ready.

The artillery was unmasked.The pitch-black muzzle was facing the direction of Dalinghe City.

Qin Rui saw Su Tiancheng, who had just returned to the position from the direction of the central army tent, and when he was about to come to greet him, Su Tiancheng waved his hand from a distance, signaling him to stay where he was and command the battle.

The soldiers around him handed over two earplugs, which are necessary items for the soldiers of the artillery battalion, so as to prevent their ears from being deafened by the loud sound of the artillery.

Su Tiancheng plugged his ears, and walked to a hillside, where he could overlook the entire artillery battalion's position. Near the hillside, there were strong sergeant guards.

Dalinghe City in the darkness seemed quieter. The torches on the wall were slowly disappearing. From the binoculars, one could see Hou Jin soldiers patrolling.

The time has come.

Qin Rui ran up to Su Tiancheng, gave a solemn marching salute, and handed the red flag in his hand to Su Tiancheng. According to regulations, raising the red flag was a signal to launch an attack, and also a signal to start a general attack. [

Su Tiancheng took the red flag silently, heaved a sigh of relief, and resolutely raised the red flag.

"Prepare --- put..."

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble.

Flames appeared in the sky, and the sound of rumbling guns covered up all the movement. At this time, even if you shouted with all your strength, it was impossible to hear it.

Su Tiancheng made history, and is still making history.

In thousands of years of war, this is the first time that such dense artillery has appeared, but from this moment on, intensive artillery will become the mainstream of siege, and people's understanding of artillery will also follow this time. The battle has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Two hundred cannons roared one after another, and the roaring cannons flew towards Dalinghe City.

Su Tiancheng quietly held up the binoculars and looked at Dalinghe City not far away.

The Houjin soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City had obviously never seen such a situation.

Although they are the Han army, although they are also good at operating firearms, in their minds, heavy artillery is mainly used to defend the city, and the power to attack the city is not very strong. It is a factor that needs to be considered. The defects of the artillery itself also make continuous firing very difficult.

They never imagined that the Ming army's attack on Dalinghe City turned out to be mainly artillery.

Su Tiancheng's face was still calm, but his body was trembling slightly.

He could see clearly that the cannons fell on the city wall of Daling River, outside the city wall, and even inside the city wall, soldiers continued to fly into the sky, and the broken bricks and tiles also flew into the sky. The sergeant, panicked, was clearly unprepared.

The density of cannons is too high. The artillery battalion plans to bomb a certain city wall. From the telescope, Su Tiancheng estimates that the number of cannons falling per square meter is even more than ten rounds. This is an unprecedented density. .

Su Tiancheng had never seen the real power of artillery siege. Before crossing, he had only seen it in movies, but the filming after processing at that time was by no means a real war. As for the use of artillery several times before, They are all fighting in the field or defending the city. This time, it is really the first time to use artillery to attack the city.As for how to calculate the density of the artillery, or what kind of firing is the most powerful, he never thought about it. unexpected effect.

Su Tiancheng's prediction was not wrong. The post-gold soldiers stationed in the city had no ability to resist at all. Under such intensive artillery fire, they didn't even have a place to hide.

Su Tiancheng, whose body was trembling, knew that he had succeeded. The bricks and mud on the city wall were constantly being blown away. Seeing that the gap had already begun to form, the artillery fire continued. Su Tiancheng even saw the artillery on the city wall being blown away.

The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion and the frontier soldiers who were waiting to attack were even more stunned by this scene.

They have never seen, and it is impossible to imagine, that the artillery has such a huge power. Seeing the miasma blown up on the city wall, the flying bricks and mud clods seem to have become birds that control the flight. The post-gold Tartars on the city wall were blown away before they had time to prepare.

All the sergeants understand what such a powerful cannon means. The next step is for them to attack. If the cannon continues to exert its power, they don't need any ladders or the like, and they can directly enter the battlefield. Linghe City is over, of course, the ladder is still ready, the blown bricks and mud will pile up again, who knows if it will hinder the attack route.

Quite a number of sergeants began to tremble. They felt their own insignificance. In front of the powerful artillery, individuals were nothing. The previous style of attacking cities and villages would be gone forever No matter how strong the city is, it is difficult to persist in the face of the power of artillery.

The power of the artillery gave the sergeant great confidence. [

The soldiers of the Jiangning camp are used to conquests, and they can still adapt to this kind of scene. They have gone through several tragic fights, but the frontier army is not very used to it. After all, their main responsibility is to stick to the city. Over the past few years, the post-gold Tatars have entered the pass through Mongolia. They entered the pass through the Xifeng Pass. Guarding in the city, using the fortification of the city to resist Hou Jin's attack, but today they have seen the power of the artillery, their inner thoughts began to change, in the face of such a fierce artillery, even if they stick to the city, how effective it is .

Seeing this scene, Zu Dashou's inner shock was expressed in words.

He has never seen such a sharp cannon. Just the sound of the rumbling cannon makes people feel breathless. The power of the cannon is even more unbelievable. Everything in front of him seems to be unreal. Seeing that the strong city wall of Dalinghe City was gradually weakened under the attack of artillery, it was only a matter of time before a gap was blown.

Zu Dale and Zu Dabi cheered loudly by his side, but he didn't pay attention. At this moment, he thought that in the future, the bravery of the Jiangning Camp would indeed be unmatched. Many years ago, Zu Dashou followed Yuan Chonghuan to fight against Houjin. At that time, Yuan Chonghuan also thought that he could wipe out Houjin, but when the real confrontation happened, he was always on the defensive. But Su Tiancheng was different. After a long time, he started to take the initiative to attack. He didn't have the slightest fear of the powerful Eight Banners Army. With such belief and self-confidence, I am afraid that it will be enough to arouse Hou Jin's fear in the future. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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