Ming politicians

Chapter 658 Overconfidence

Yue Tuo and Kong Youde never thought that the Ming army's attack would start with artillery.

In their impression, it is very good to use artillery to defend the city. The Eight Banners Army of the Qing Dynasty also suffered from this. As for the artillery attacking the city, the effect must be there. The sergeants in the city felt fearful, but they had never seen such a sharp artillery.

From the moment the artillery began to attack, the two of them came to the city wall at the same time. When the battle came, they had no chance to be afraid of death. Instead of sending troops to rescue, they must first persist, otherwise there will be no chance.

The fierce artillery, precise shooting, and violent shaking of the city wall changed the expressions of both Yue Tuo and Kong Youde. They finally understood that Su Tiancheng was thinking about how to capture Dalinghe City. Once the artillery blasted through the gap, The Ming army would rush in continuously along the gap. The fighting did not happen outside the city wall or during the siege, but inside the city.

After understanding this truth, both of them felt like an avalanche. [

In the memorial to the emperor, their predictions were accurate. The Ming army would launch an attack, and the purpose was to take down Dalinghe City. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Ming army gathering, the reinforcements of the Eight Banners Army could attack Jinzhou City without any scruples. Attack, but judging from the current situation, it is absolutely impossible to launch an attack directly on Jinzhou City. If so many artillery fire directly on the army, they must know what kind of tragedy it will cause.

Neither Yue Tuo nor Kong Youde had ever seen such dense artillery. Even Kong Youde, who was familiar with firearms, was dumbfounded and his face was pale. Under the attack of such dense artillery, what would the consequences mean?He is very clear.

Standing on the city wall, there was almost no way out. Kong Youde's eyes were almost filled with blood. The red cannon on the city wall was still so majestic yesterday.The Ming army who was bombed cried and cried, but today's situation is completely different. These red cannons have no room to fight back, and they watched helplessly as they were blown away.

These red cannons.It is Kong Youde’s biggest capital. When he first joined Houjin, it was because of the many firearms that he helped Houjin win a lot of victories. If all the twenty red cannons were lost, it means that Houjin has never been short of money. firearms.In terms of artillery, they no longer have the capital to fight against the Ming army.

But Kong Youde was very clear about the fate of these red cannons.

What shocked him even more was why the artillery of the Ming army had such a great lethality. Every time a cannon hit the ground, it exploded within a radius of about ten meters.There is almost no possibility of escape. When did the artillery become so powerful? Could it be that I am really behind the times? Has the artillery of the Ming army made great strides in development?

Approaching Yue Tuo's side, Kong Youde noticed that Yue Tuo's face was gloomy.

"Kong Youde. We didn't know that the artillery of the Ming army is so powerful. This is the most important information, no matter what. We have to report this news to the emperor, so that the soldiers who came for reinforcements will not suffer. By the way, this waits Cannon, have you seen it?"

Because of the rumble of cannons, when Yue Tuo said these words, he almost roared out.

Kong Youde also raised his voice.

"Marshal, the last general has never seen such a powerful artillery, it seems that the city wall can't be defended."

What Yuetuo mentioned about reporting the Ming army's artillery to the emperor, in Kong Youde's view, he couldn't think of it for the time being. If the Ming army completely surrounded Dalinghe City, the most important task would be how to hold on to his life, even if it was Losing Dalinghe City, as long as he can rush out, he will be considered lucky. Reporting the sharp artillery of the Ming army is the next step to consider.

"This commander knows. This commander will organize soldiers to launch an offensive in the city. Hmph, as long as the Ming army comes in, keep them in charge, and you will follow me."

Yue Tuo still had such self-confidence, which Kong Youde did not expect. He was almost desperate. Tens of thousands of Ming troops besieged Dalinghe City. It is impossible for the army to resist for a long time. Besides, when it comes to life and death, whether the Han troops under him will surrender is something that cannot be guaranteed. What a shame.

"Marshal, the last general suggests that we send out sergeants, take advantage of this opportunity, rush out of the city, and report to Shenyang as soon as possible."

Yue Tuo turned his head abruptly and stared at Kong Youde with a vicious look in his eyes.

"The battle is imminent. If you continue to say such things, don't blame me for being handsome. The Ming army is on the offensive. Sending out soldiers at this moment, wouldn't it be death? Dalinghe City is not surrounded by the Ming army. What? The place can be rushed out, the only way is to persevere desperately, wait for the dark, and then find a way."

Kong Youde almost fainted. He said that he persisted until dark before the sky was bright. It seemed that Yue Tuo really had extraordinary self-confidence. However, whether such self-confidence could produce miracles, Kong Youde couldn't believe it. .

But at this time, there is no other way but to stick to it. Under such dense artillery fire, sending sergeants to rush out will immediately become the target of the artillery, and there will be no chance of entering the city. [

The layout quickly unfolded. The Daling River is still not small. There are 3 people stationed there, and they don’t feel crowded. Over the years, the soldiers stationed here have also spent some effort. The houses are very stable, just to prevent future encounters When it comes time to attack, these houses can also become solid positions.

Yue Tuo didn't care about the situation of the city wall anymore, and started to gallop around the Dalinghe city.

Yue Tuo's war horse is extraordinary. It is said that it is a thousand-mile horse, also known as a blood-sweat horse. Even if the artillery fire is rumbling not far away, this war horse is still coming and going freely without any influence. The war horses can't do it anymore. Some war horses can't even take a step. Obviously, there is no sound of cannons to scare them.

The sergeants on the city wall began to retreat step by step.

Fortunately, the artillery fire of the Ming army was mainly concentrated at the South Gate, which was where the Ming army was preparing to launch their main attack. The impact on the rest of the area was not great for the time being.

As Yue Tuo galloped back and forth, the sergeants in Dalinghe City gradually calmed down and began to deploy. There are not many sergeants on the city wall, but it is impossible to completely withdraw. The artillery of the Ming army passed by earlier. There were hundreds of sergeants killed in the artillery fire, and it was too late to count the injured.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Yue Tuo and Kong Youde finished the arrangement.

When they came to the south gate again, the two were horrified to find that the south gate could not be seen. The wooden gate wrapped in iron had been blown away, and a huge gap had begun to appear. This meant that the Ming army was about to The attack has begun.

Yue Tuo gritted his teeth angrily, turned his horse's head, and prepared to leave.

A cannon landed not far away, and several soldiers rushed over desperately, and lifted Yue Tuolian and his horse away. After the cannon hit the ground, it exploded quickly, and several soldiers were thrown into the air in an instant. At that moment, his mouth was full of blood, and he couldn't speak. Yue Tuo watched all this, and his body began to tremble.

The other soldiers knew that the Ming army's artillery had begun to extend their attack. They didn't wait for Yue Tuo to speak, they protected Yue Tuo, and headed towards the city. The edge of the city wall had already become a dangerous area.

After all, Kong Youde was familiar with firearms, and he felt that something was wrong. When the artillery of the Ming army first attacked, the cannons mainly landed outside and on the city wall, and very few entered the city wall. As Kong Youde who was familiar with artillery, he knew very well. This is not because the cannon could not fall into the city, but the main goal of the Ming army was to blow up the city wall. At this time, there was a huge gap in the city wall, and the cannon must be fired in. After some bombing, the Ming army rushed in time, to minimize casualties.

Thinking of this, Kong Youde moved farther away, and the cannon that landed not far away could not threaten him for the time being.

But seeing such a scene, Kong Youde felt a chill in his heart. This was a well-prepared attack. I am afraid that when Su Tiancheng organized it, he did not plan how long it would take, at most it would be within a day or two. To take down Dalinghe City, at that time, the Eight Banners Army that was going to reinforce them might not have had time to arrange them.

Thinking of this, Kong Youde suddenly felt that he should remind Yue Tuo to make preparations earlier, there are still some problems with overconfidence, at least he should make preparations in advance to break through.

After catching up with Yue Tuo, Kong Youde spoke quickly.

"Marshal, just in case, the general thinks that he still has to report to the emperor. Sergeants who come to reinforce him need to be more vigilant. They must not be caught by the Ming army's scheme."

"This commander has already prepared for this point. Once the Ming army starts to enter the city, our army will grab a few sets of Ming army uniforms, take advantage of the chaos, and quickly go to Shenyang to report to the emperor. Be careful tomorrow The artillery of the Ming army, even if it is to reinforce Dalinghe City, it is best to launch the attack at night, so that the artillery of the Ming army cannot be fired, and it will not have much power."

Kong Youde was suddenly a little angry, and also a little discouraged. The deployment of Dalinghe City was almost all arranged by Yuetuo, and he did not discuss it with himself. The Ming army is about to enter the city, and the face-to-face fighting is about to begin. At this time, Yue Tuo still seems to have sufficient self-confidence, as if everything is under control. Have you thought about it, in case of failure, or even the danger of annihilation of the entire army, is there any final countermeasure? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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