Ming politicians

Chapter 659 Fighting in the City

(Thanks to jesonshers, Dark Reaper, Empire Setting Sun, he20hattie for casting valuable monthly tickets, and thanks to jesonshers for the reward, thank you.)

The south gate was blown away, and a huge gap appeared, and only half an hour passed.

The artillery battalion had completed its scheduled mission, and it was time for the cavalry and infantry to attack.

Su Tiancheng has already returned to the tent of the Chinese Army. He knows very well that the critical moment has arrived. Only by entering the city and annihilating all the post-gold soldiers stationed at Daling River can he truly win Daling River City. So far, The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion and the frontier army have not yet made sacrifices, but the next fight will be tough. The street fighting is not as simple as imagined. It does not mean that after the soldiers rushed into the city, all problems were solved. The morale of the sergeants is still there.

At this time, Su Tiancheng had to admire Yue Tuo. If there were many family members stationed in Dalinghe City, and the Ming army entered the city, it would have been a chicken and a dog, and those family members would become the biggest obstacle. The post-gold sergeants were unable to concentrate, and it was even difficult to organize a decent resistance, but the situation is different now. All those stationed in Dalinghe City are post-gold sergeants. They have no worries and can fight with all their strength.

Hong Chengchou beside him was ready for everything, holding a red flag in his hand.

When Su Tiancheng nodded, Hong Chengchou strode out of the Chinese military tent, waving the red flag in his hand.

"Come on... kill..."

A huge flow of people began to rush towards Dalinghe City, and all the cavalry and infantry were in action.

A square team of 1 people headed towards the south gate of Dalinghe City. There were not many obstacles along the way. The artillery bombardment continued, and bricks and mud were constantly blown away.After being caught off guard, almost no one stood guard on the city wall.

Sun Chuanting led the first square team to charge, all of them were cavalry, and they were the elite of Jiangning Battalion.

In just a few minutes, Sun Chuanting took the lead and rushed to the south gate, and the flow of people entered Dalinghe City along the gap.

Entered the city gate.Opposite is a very open area, there are not many post-golden soldiers, some left-behind sergeants, when they raised their matchlock guns and prepared to shoot, they were knocked down by galloping horses, or their heads were chopped off by steel knives .

Sun Chuanting, who had been through battle for a long time, suddenly calmed down.

Although the artillery fire was fierce, the focus was still on the city wall, and half an hour passed.The ability of the artillery battalion has been exerted to the limit. It is very unrealistic to continue bombarding Dalinghe City. Since it is bombing the city wall, the Houjin soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City did not suffer too many losses. Some of them withdrew to the city to set up defenses.It should be said that this time.The real fight has just begun.

This is what Su Tiancheng has repeatedly emphasized, and it is also something that all commanders must pay attention to.

It was impossible to stop, the formation behind was still entering the gap continuously.

Sun Chuanting made a gesture, which is a gesture of defense on the spot, which means.The square team that entered Dalinghe City first had to clear the obstacles and consolidate their position step by step to create a good environment for the subsequent attack.

Obedience to command has always been the tradition of Jiangning Battalion.Following Sun Chuanting's gestures, many soldiers pulled back their horses and began to divide into several square teams, slowing down their pace, and began to explore and attack in different directions.Part of the soldiers began to climb the city wall, occupying a favorable position.

Sun Chuanting didn't pay too much attention to the tragic scene in front of him. He was the commander of the first square team and also the general coordinator of the four square teams of Jiangning Battalion. After entering Dalinghe City from the gap, his attention was focused on How to wipe out the post-gold Tartars in the city.

On the city wall, there are mutilated corpses everywhere, broken arms and legs everywhere, broken bricks and tiles that no one has cleaned up, and there are also moaning Han soldiers. Probably they didn’t have time to withdraw, and no one paid attention to them. Blood flowed out, and seeing the Ming army coming up, they didn't even have any fear.

The fighting first started from above the city wall.

There are not many Houjin sergeants on the city wall, and most of these people are Han soldiers. The Ming army bombed the south gate, and the Houjin sergeants who guarded the north gate, west gate, and east gate still dare not retreat. Still waiting on the city wall.

The Han army is accustomed to using firearms. Therefore, most of these sergeants hold matchlock guns in their hands, and they also have steel knives and spears beside them. Their habit is to use matchlock guns first, and then use steel knives. spear.

The Han army was familiar with the terrain above the city wall and knew it had a favorable position. Unfortunately, they met the soldiers of the Jiangning camp. If they used firearms, their arquebus guns were like babies in front of the flintlock guns in the hands of the soldiers of the Jiangning camp. Met a strong man.

The matchlock guns in the hands of Jiangning battalion soldiers have already undergone large-scale improvements. They are much lighter in weight, and most of them are close to the models of pistols hundreds of years later, but the barrels are longer, the firing speed is faster, and the ammunition is filled. It is also more convenient. The biggest improvement is that after one reload, it can fire three bullets in a row.

The exchange of fire between the two sides had just begun, and the Han army guarding the city wall realized that something was wrong, left some corpses, and began to flee towards the bottom of the city wall. Some Han soldiers who had no time to escape knelt on the ground and raised their hands to express their surrender. .

Dalinghe City is divided into four directions: southeast, northwest, and the overall layout will not change.

The Thousand Frontier Army led by Zu Dashou was organized in the first square team. He was familiar with the structure of Daling River City. Before the battle started, he drew the graphics according to his own memories. It entered the mind of every sergeant who was going to take part in the attack.

After Zu Dashou rushed into Daling River City, he made a strange movement. He got off his horse, knelt down on the ground, and kissed the ground beside the city wall.

The battle had just begun, Zu Dashou was clear about his responsibilities, he led a group of sergeants, and rushed towards the east, where the barracks were concentrated and where the commander was located.

Soon, shouts of killing and gunshots came from all around.

The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion were still continuously attacking Dalinghe City. After these soldiers rushed in, they were quickly commanded to disperse in four directions, east, west, south, east, and rush over.

Dalinghe City turned into a city of blood.

Liu Tiehan led the elite of the scout battalion, followed the third team, and entered Dalinghe City.

At this time, the fight was in full swing. The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion fully controlled the surrounding city walls, but except for the direction of the south gate, the soldiers in the other three directions were firmly on the city wall and would not go down easily. They were not familiar with the situation below. The ambush and rash charge of the Hou Jin soldiers may cause heavy casualties.

Sun Chuanting is waiting for Liu Tiehan.

He also wanted to rush in to kill the enemy, but his responsibilities were different, and he had to coordinate the actions of the entire army, otherwise everyone would rush in, without knowing the north, south, east, and west, which would easily create loopholes, and there were about [-] soldiers waiting at the south gate. Firmly control the open area beside the city wall to prevent the Hou Jin soldiers from launching a sudden attack.

Beside Sun Chuanting, stood a few messengers.

"General Liu, the soldiers who entered the city to fight in the front have reported back that Yue Tuo and Kong Youde are both in the east of the city, where a large army of rogues has assembled, and the resistance is very fierce."

While Sun Chuanting was speaking, an orderly took out a simple map from his body, which showed the general situation of the city to the east of Daling River City. There were two places on it, which were highlighted with a red marker. Obviously, this is where Yue Tuo and Kong Youde hid, or where they commanded the battle.

Liu Tiehan quickly picked up the simple map and saluted Sun Chuanting.

Without delay, he took a thousand scouts and rushed to the east. Around them, countless soldiers rushed to the east. Compared with them, the number of soldiers who rushed to the other three directions was much less.

When Zu Dale and Zu Dabi rushed in with the border troops, Sun Chuanting couldn't help frowning.

Compared with the Jiangning battalion, the momentum of the frontier army was much different. Therefore, these soldiers who rushed in did not give Sun Chuanting a good feeling.

When Zu Dale and Zu Dabi saw Sun Chuanting, they hurried over to salute.

The frontier soldiers under him began to swarm in a swarm. Fortunately, the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion had already made preparations and ordered these soldiers to stand by with the flags in their hands.

"Zu Dale, you lead an army of [-] frontiers to capture the North Gate. Zu Dabi, you lead an army of [-] Frontiers to capture the West Gate. Remember, the city wall has already been occupied by us. After you occupy the North Gate and West Gate, you will die. To prevent people from escaping from the north and west gates, Master Su and Master Hong's request is very clear, we must wipe out all the Houjin Tatars stationed at Daling River, and no one is allowed to escape."

Zu Dale's madness was shown when he was charging. The frontier troops were all infantry, and he charged at the front alone on horseback, and he even ignored the soldiers behind him.

When he got off his horse and heard Sun Chuanting's assignment, he turned his head and rushed towards the north gate without saying a word, and the sergeants behind him hurriedly rushed towards him.

Zu Dabi calmed down a lot and clasped his fists at Sun Chuanting.

"General Sun, my brother has this kind of virtue, don't mind it, the last general will fulfill his mission and stick to Ximen."

He Renlong, who was behind Sun Chuanting, was about to go crazy at this moment, and rushed in with the first team. He thought he could go on a rampage and kill the Jin Tartar, but he was left behind by Sun Chuanting, watching Sun Chuanting's constant arrangements After arranging the task, the seven square teams all rushed in. If they didn't act, he would have nothing to do with the capture of Dalinghe City this time.

"General Sun, the last general has been waiting, the general may have forgotten the last general."

Of course Sun Chuanting remembered He Renlong behind him.

"General He, you lead [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers and [-] frontier troops to attack the east gate. Remember, this is the most difficult task. You must take down the east gate and defend it to the death. If you do it, Yue Tuo and Kong Youde can't even fly out of Dalinghe City." (To be continued...)

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