Ming politicians

Chapter 660 God's Will Is So

In the city of Daling River, the shouts of killing were loud, Wu Sangui could only lead the Guanning Army and surround the outside of the city wall.Although Wu Sangui had resentment in his heart, there was nothing he could do about it. When he attacked the outlying strongholds yesterday, the performance of his soldiers made him unable to hold his head up.

Su Tiancheng had already left the tent of the Chinese army, and stood two miles away from the south gate, quietly looking at Dalinghe City, as if there was a fight in the city, and the broken walls and tiles around him had nothing to do with him.

Both Hong Chengchou and Wu Sangui were by Su Tiancheng's side, and they had long admired Su Tiancheng's aura.

Wu Sanguifa expressed the shock in his heart. When Hong Chengchou beheaded more than a dozen officers under him when he attacked the outlying strongholds yesterday, he was very angry at that time. After all, these officers, who have followed him for many years, probably also saw Hong Chengchou Came to command, thinking of finding trouble, but unexpectedly took his life.

Today's attack on Dalinghe City, the momentum shown by the Jiangning Camp made Wu Sangui's resentment go to Java, and he no longer dared to have anger and resentment. The facts are very clear. In front of Su Tiancheng and Jiangning Camp, I'd better behave myself, otherwise I will suffer. Such a brave army, my own Guan Ning army, it is impossible to compare. [

Su Tiancheng is waiting.

The Han army led by Kong Youde is stationed in Dalinghe City. The basic quality of these Han troops is not as good as that of the Eight Banners Army. Therefore, although the fighting in the city is tragic, it will not last for a long time. One day is enough He was waiting for Liu Tiehan to capture Yue Tuo and Kong Youde alive.

Yue Tuo and Kong Youde had never fought against the Jiangning Camp. In addition to the attack of the previous two days, the Jiangning Camp had not been dispatched at all. The fighting power shown by the frontier army was not satisfactory. luck.Although the artillery of the Jiangning Battalion was powerful, they would think that the Han army and the Eight Banners army would have the upper hand in a single fight. As long as they could survive this hurdle, Huang Taiji would soon send out elite Eight Banners troops for reinforcements.

It was with such an idea that Su Tiancheng knew.Liu Tiehan has a great chance of capturing Yue Tuo and Kong Youde alive. If he can capture these two alive, it will be a huge blow to Huang Taiji, and the Eight Banners Army will be reinforced.It must be retreating, and I dare not attack rashly.

Yue Tuo's face was livid, and he sat in the middle of the room.

Kong Youde and other military officers were scattered around the house. This used to be Yuetuo's headquarters, where he lived and ate all his meals. It could be regarded as the highest headquarters of Dalinghe City.

The sound of shouting and killing, the sound of swords and guns outside.It keeps coming in.

The messengers kept entering the room and reporting the situation of the battle. As time passed, Yue Tuo's face became more and more ugly. What surprised him most was that a Niu Lu Ezhen from Zhenghongqi was sent out to lead the three The Hundred and Eight Banners Army, against the Ming Army.I thought I would be invincible.When the good news came, it was unexpected that the 300 people brought by this Niulu Ezhen were wiped out in less than an hour, and even this Niu Lu Ezhen was also beheaded when the messenger came to report.Yue Tuo was furious, and cut off the head of the messenger, and asked another messenger to check the real situation.

This is indeed the case.The three hundred warriors of the Qing Dynasty were wiped out, and none of them survived.

The main resistance in Dalinghe City is more than 2 Han troops. As for the 300 red flag warriors stationed here, they are waiting around the headquarters. Except for the [-] people sent out just now, the rest are here.

But whether these people can persevere and resist the Ming army who invaded the city, Yue Tuo's confidence has been shaken, and he has noticed whether he is too confident.

Kong Youde stopped talking a long time ago. Before that, he kept cursing, cursing Su Tiancheng, cursing the Ming army. By this time, he had no strength to curse.

"The commander-in-chief ordered all the soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City to attack the east gate and take down the east gate. The army broke through from the east gate. At this time, they can't care about Dalinghe City."

After Yue Tuo gave this order, there was a deathly silence in the room.

This order means that Yue Tuo has surrendered, and needs to save his strength, so he must rush out.

The actual situation is also the same. If you continue to stick to Dalinghe City, the ultimate fate is that the entire army will be wiped out. Apart from this, there is no other way out. More and more Ming troops have invaded Dalinghe City. Delaying time, at such a critical moment, there is still a glimmer of life for concentrating forces to attack the east gate.

Yue Tuo didn't know that it was getting more and more difficult for the orderly to convey the order.

The entire Dalinghe City was plunged into a bloodbath. In the city of less than three square kilometers, nearly one hundred thousand troops were gathered and started fighting. To put it bluntly, this place has become a meat grinder, and there are fighting people everywhere. There were figures and corpses everywhere, there were no ordinary people in the city, and the two sides in the war did not have the slightest scruples, they just fought desperately.

What Yue Tuo didn't even know was that more and more Han troops surrendered. [

The bravery of the soldiers of the Jiangning camp completely exceeded the expectations of the Han army. The matchlock guns in their hands were similar to the fire sticks in front of the flintlock guns of the soldiers of the Jiangning camp. , Under such circumstances, those who can escape run as hard as they can, and those who cannot escape kneel down and surrender.

It's a pity that in Dalinghe City, except for the defense line in the east, the south, north and west were completely controlled by the Ming army. Some smart Han troops simply didn't escape, and many people came out and surrendered voluntarily.

Surrender can save lives. This kind of thinking is also contagious. More and more Han troops joined the surrender team. They were escorted by the Ming army and gathered at the designated place. There were also sergeants who wanted to fake surrender After being discovered, he was beheaded mercilessly.

According to the past practice, the attacking Ming army would not care about the surrendered sergeants at all, and always rushed forward, but this time the situation is different. The Ming army seems to have made preparations long ago. Sergeant, the Ming army will escort them immediately, and send them to the direction of the south gate. When they walk to the open area of ​​the south gate, they see the Ming army in armor. With other thoughts in mind, he squatted obediently, waiting to be dealt with.

Of the more than [-] messengers sent out, it took a long time to see some of them return to their orders. Yue Tuo became anxious, he couldn't sit still, stood up, and was about to go out of the house.

"The commander-in-chief is in the middle to command, and it is not appropriate to venture into dangerous places lightly. The matter of going out to supervise the battle is still in the future."

Yue Tuo looked at Kong Youde, and his face became gloomy.

At this time, Yue Tuo will not believe in Kong Youde anymore. This is the deep-rooted understanding that Kong Youde surrendered in the first place. Such a person can do anything for his own life and prosperity. At such a critical moment However, if Kong Youde went out to supervise the battle, most of the outsiders would be the Han army. It is possible for Kong Youde to find an opportunity to escape from Dalinghe City alone, or surrender to the Ming army and betray himself.

"Kong Youde, this commander has gone through several fights, when is he not the one to charge forward? At such a critical time, this commander is still staying in the room. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to the Qing Dynasty? One day, this commander will return to Shenyang, What face is there to see the emperor, don't tell any of you, and go out with me to supervise the battle."

The soldiers of the scout battalion led by Liu Tiehan had already ambushed on the periphery.

Here are rows of rather complicated blue brick and tile houses. The graphics can only be drawn simply, and it is impossible to mark which room Yue Tuo and Kong Youde are in. It is inappropriate to attack by force, not to mention the huge casualties, and it is easy to alarm the people inside. People, the best way is to stay here and wait for the people inside to come out.

Before Liu Tiehan came, the busy messengers came out and went in continuously. Unfortunately, after Liu Tiehan came, these messengers could only come out and couldn't go in.

The scouts of the Jiangning Battalion can be said to be the strongest in personal ability. They are used to lurking, tracking and assassination. Facing these messengers who are only thinking about reporting the military situation, they are not easy to catch and catch one.

Most of these messengers are from the Han army, so it was soon revealed that there were [-] Zhenghong Banners and Eight Banners soldiers and officers such as Yue Tuo and Kong Youde. Yue Tuo had issued an order requiring all soldiers to concentrate Break out of the encirclement at the East Gate.

Knowing this information, Liu Tiehan smiled. He knew that the opportunity to capture Yue Tuo, Kong Youde and others alive had come.

The messengers kept coming out, but no one went in to report the news. Yue Tuo must be in a hurry. He will come out to supervise the battle in a short time. Kong Youde and others must follow. It was more than enough, not to mention that everyone memorized Yue Tuo and Kong Youde's appearance characteristics, and they would never make a mistake.

Time passed slowly, and suddenly, there was a noise from the tile house.

Liu Tiehan immediately raised his left hand high, and a thousand scouts held their breath and got ready, staring intently at the intersection where the messengers entered and exited.

Some Manchurian Tartars in red armor came out first. They observed the movement around them. Although the screams and killings around Dalinghe City were loud, it was still relatively quiet here.

Soon, Yue Tuo, Kong Youde and others showed up.

After Yue Tuo, Kong Youde and others came out of the intersection, Liu Tiehan's whistle rang.

The flintlock guns began to show their power, and the Zhenghong Banner Eight Banners soldiers surrounding Yuetuo fell down amidst the uninterrupted gunfire. They had no time to make any movements, and their movements could not be faster than the flintlock guns. [

At this moment, Liu Tiehan rushed out with all the scouts like a tiger descending the mountain, with his eyes wide open, he rushed towards Yuetuo. . .

The only action Kong Youde had time to do was to yell out a word.

"This is God's will..." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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