At the time of You, the Daling River became silent.

Starting from Maoshi, for a full seven hours, Daling River City, known as the great shame and shame of Ming Dynasty, was finally captured. It is unbelievable that Su Tiancheng took down Daling River City in just one day.

The Houjin soldiers stationed at Dalinghe City escaped alone. After Liu Tiehan captured Yue Tuo, Kong Youde and others alive, the Houjin soldiers stationed at Dalinghe collapsed completely, lost the courage to resist, and all came out and surrendered.

Wu Sangui, who was standing outside the city wall, led the Guanning Army and waited like this for nearly a day without doing anything, watching the battle to attack Dalinghe City end.

Su Tiancheng walked into the south gate slowly. [

In fact, the South Gate no longer exists, but this used to be the South Gate.

After Liu Tiehan captured Yue Tuo and Kong Youde, the scouts quickly came to report and asked if these officers should be escorted out of the city. Su Tiancheng shook his head and asked them to be escorted to the open space at the south gate. Although Yue Tuo and Kong Youde had special identities, they fought It's still going on, their status is captive, it's no different.

The search for Dalinghe City lasted for more than an hour, but the Houjin Sergeant could no longer be found in Dalinghe City.

Sun Chuanting, Liu Tiehan, Liu Shiliang, He Renlong, Di Huaixiang, Zu Dashou, Zu Dabi, Zu Dale and other officers were all waiting here. When they saw Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou coming in, they knelt on one knee and saluted.

"Brothers, please, you have worked hard. In less than a day, you took down Dalinghe City and wiped out all the post-gold soldiers stationed in Dalinghe. Such great achievements will definitely be remembered."

"Master Su has a good command, the last general is just doing his best."

Sun Chuanting spoke on behalf of all the officers.

"Liu Tiehan, bring Yuetuo and Kong Youde here."

The braids of the Qing Dynasty were very famous, and the two people escorted in front of Su Tiancheng all wore braids, but they looked a little messy, and Su Tiancheng was smiling.He looked at Yue Tuo on the left and Kong Youde on the right.

He stopped in front of Yue Tuo.

"Yue Tuo. My official Jiliao Supervisor Su Tiancheng, I respect you for being a man. Anyway, the fighting power of the Eight Banners of Manchuria cannot be denied. In the future, the Jiangning Battalion will fight against the Eight Banners of Manchuria. You are not the one who will die." Even if I die, I don’t want to be wiped out, so I have to be wronged by the Eight Banners of Manchuria. Don’t be discouraged if you are defeated by me. It’s nothing. Maybe it’s because you underestimate the enemy, maybe you are not convinced It is a pity that I don’t have that kind of patience anymore. You have to remember that when Azig led 3 Manchurian Eight Banners into the customs. I led the Jiangning battalion and wiped out all of them. [-] people, you have to remember that one day, I will lead me with great courage to go straight to Huanglong, completely wipe out the Eight Banners of Manchuria, and completely destroy your Great Qing Dynasty."

Yue Tuo's face flushed red.His mouth was sealed with a towel, and he couldn't speak.

Su Tiancheng signaled the sergeant to remove the towel from Yue Tuo's mouth.

"Yuetuo, if you want to say something, just say it directly, I'm listening."

After the towel was removed, Yue Tuo babbled a lot, but Su Tiancheng couldn't understand.A little impatient.

"Yue Tuo, I don't understand your Manchurian, but I know it too. You can speak Chinese, so you can speak it quickly, or I will seal your mouth again."

"Su Tiancheng, don't be arrogant, the emperor will lead an army to destroy you soon."

Su Tiancheng raised his head and laughed.

"Yue Tuo, since I dared to attack Dalinghe City, I made preparations and waited for Huang Taiji to come. There are only 3 people in this area. I haven't noticed it yet. How many Manchurian Eight Banners will come this time, I will As many officials as there are left, all who come are guests.”[

Yue Tuo's face changed in an instant. This was what he was most worried about. After being captured alive, Yue Tuo never thought why 3 people were defeated so quickly. The emperor didn't know the news. If he sent a large army If he came to the rescue, if he didn't go directly to Dalinghe City, bypass here, and attack Jinzhou, wouldn't he be surrounded by the Ming army? After this battle, Yue Tuo didn't dare to underestimate the Ming army.

Su Tiancheng continued to speak with a smile on his face.

"This official has always been fair in doing things. It seems unreasonable to plot against your Manchurian Eight Banners in the Qing Dynasty. I will release a few post-gold sergeants and let them go back to report the news, but I must be prepared Now, if Huang Taiji still wants to continue to attack Dalinghe City, then I will accompany you, and another battle of Dalinghe will annoy me, so I will mobilize an army of 60 from Jiliao and go directly to Shenyang."

After Yue Tuo lowered his head, Su Tiancheng walked up to Kong Youde.

Kong Youde's face was pale, without a trace of blood, he probably knew his fate.

Su Tiancheng looked at Kong Youde and shook his head.

"Kong Youde, what I hate the most are traitors. You used to be my general in the Ming Dynasty. You disobeyed the orders of your superiors and rebelled. That's all. I remember that Sun Yuanhua, the governor of Shandong, once trusted you very much. It's a pity that you failed his trust. , actually led troops to rebel and captured Dengzhou. After the capture of Dengzhou, you massacred tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Dengzhou. deal with you."

"I don't want to talk to you, so you don't have to talk about it. I told you very clearly that I will escort you to the capital tomorrow. I always have to be responsible for what I do, and I should go to you." It's time to take responsibility."

In the city of Dalinghe, blood was everywhere. Wu Sangui's Guanning army sergeants were working hard to clean up the battlefield. The Jiangning battalion soldiers and frontier soldiers who died in battle were carefully restrained. As for the Hou Jin Tartars, they moved together.

The corpses had piled up into a hill.

Su Tiancheng watched all this silently. After many years of fighting, his heart became harder. These corpses did not stimulate him in any way. Fighting always leads to death, and there is no way to avoid it.

In Xu Dynasty, Su Tiancheng lived in the house that used to be Yuetuo's headquarters.

There was no damage here.

Looking at the place where Yue Tuo slept, Su Tiancheng couldn't help shaking his head. The furnishings in the room seemed a bit too luxurious. The mahogany furniture and doors were specially painted, with an antique smell. There was an incense altar on the table. And unburned musk ointment.

Of course, all of this may not be Yue Tuo's request. After all, Yue Tuo has not been here for a long time, but this can already show that the generals of the Qing Dynasty began to pay attention to enjoyment, which is not a good situation.

Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting and others came in.

Su Tiancheng was still holding his hands behind his back, carefully examining the patterns on the bed frame.

Hong Chengchou was a little strange, when he was about to speak, Su Tiancheng spoke first.

"Master Hong, Lord Sun, General Zu, everyone, look, this is where Yue Tuo sleeps. When I arrived here, I couldn't believe that this place was once the forefront of the battle. I didn't know that Yue Tuo lived here. What is it, such a luxurious and luxurious decoration, what does it mean, you have to remember, Jiangning camp and frontier army, this situation is not allowed, I don't care how you enjoy it at home, that is your freedom, but once When you are on the battlefield, you must be simple, and you must share weal and woe with the soldiers. You must know that the soldiers are watching you. If you think of luxury and pursue enjoyment, what will the soldiers think and think? Wouldn't it also be about enjoying yourself, under such circumstances, how can we gather the morale of the army and how can we win battles?"

Hong Chengchou and the others did not speak for the time being. Of course they understood what Su Tiancheng meant.

"Okay, Master Hong, let's talk about the casualties of the soldiers."

"My lord, more than 120 soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion were killed and [-] seriously injured. The frontier army killed more than [-] people and seriously injured more than [-] people. After beheading more than [-] Jin Tartars, one was captured alive. More than [-] people, the biggest loss of the Jiangning battalion and the frontier army was at the east gate, where there were a large number of post-gold tartars, and the fighting was very fierce in the process of scrambling for the city gate.”[

Su Tiancheng frowned. He was somewhat puzzled by the number of casualties, especially the frontier army, where nearly 6000 people were killed and seriously injured.

"Oh, who led the soldiers to attack the east gate?"

"It's Zu Dale."

Before Su Tiancheng could continue speaking, Zu Dashou spoke.

"My lord, the last general just found out about the situation of the death in battle, and he has already grounded Zu Dale. Zu Dale led many soldiers to attack the east gate. It should have been planned seriously. Unexpectedly, he directly led the soldiers to charge and caused heavy losses. Many soldiers were shot by matchlock guns, this is the mistake of the last general, the last general will definitely punish Zu Dale severely, what punishment does your lord have, the last general is willing to accept the punishment."

"Okay, now that you have won, don't say such things. Just pay attention in the future. All soldiers who died in battle must be registered and compiled. This official will report to the court. The money that should be given must be given. As for saying The experience of this battle will be summarized in the future. All soldiers, don’t be negligent. Presumably the reinforcements sent by Huang Taiji have already set off. We must also pay attention. To be recruited."

When Su Tiancheng walked out of the house, he saw Zu Dale kneeling outside.

Zu Dale was surrounded by Zu Dashou and Zu Dabi, and there was no one else. It seemed that this was what Zu Dashou meant.

Su Tiancheng's heart moved slightly, and he quickly stepped forward to help Zu Dale up.

"Get up quickly, the victor should not be punished, just pay more attention in the future, although the casualties are a bit heavy, but this is also a lesson, as long as you can learn the lesson, it will be considered as progress, Zu Dale, I suggest you congratulate People and dragons learn, when fighting in battle, don't always think about personal charge, but take care of the soldiers behind you." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, yours Support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

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