Ming politicians

Chapter 662: Huang Taiji's Body

When Dorgon set off with an army of 15, he had a great ambition in his heart. From the words of the emperor, he felt that this was a decisive opportunity. If Yue Tuo could persist for more than five days, he could lead The large army, wipe out the Ming army stationed in Songshan, occupy Songshan, cut off the food road for the Ming army attacking Daling River, and lead the army to attack the Ming army after the Ming army ran out of food. Army, attacking the Ming army, and attacking back and forth like this, can annihilate most of the Ming army. You know, this time they are facing a Ming army of [-].

Needless to say, what kind of impact will be caused by the annihilation of 15 Ming troops, maybe this time they can really win Jinzhou City in one fell swoop and threaten Ningyuan City.

Ningyuan City is the sad place of the Qing Dynasty, and it is the emperor's heart disease.

The speed of the [-] army is very fast. It gathers on the first day of May and sets out early in the morning on the second day of May. After noon, the army has marched for more than a hundred miles. Then you can attack Songshan.

When the scouts came to report, Dorgon was still immersed in his reverie. [

"Report, Commander, there are sergeants from Dalinghe City to report the news."

Dorgon glared angrily. Why did the sergeants of Dalinghe City come to report the news so soon? Normally, there is no need to report any news at this time. Before leaving, he and the emperor specially analyzed it. After taking down Songshan, after a period of preparation, the earliest attack on Dalinghe City was at the beginning of May, not to mention that Dalinghe City also has peripheral strongholds. If the Ming army can really attack Daling by holding on to the peripheral strongholds for about two days Hecheng was around May 28 at the earliest. At that time, the army he led had already captured Songshan and cut off the Ming army's food road.I'm afraid that the Ming army attacking Dalinghe City will be in chaos immediately. At this time, if I lead the army to press up, the Ming army will have no chance to escape.

"Bring it here quickly."

Seeing the attire of the visitor, Dorgon recognized it at a glance. This is the sergeant under Daishan who is facing the red flag.

But the demeanor of these people.It made Dorgon feel bad, and these people smelled of gunpowder. Could it be that the Ming army started to attack Dalinghe City in advance, or that Dalinghe City encountered some danger.

Several people plopped and knelt on the ground, crying bitterly.One of the leaders spoke.

"Marshal, Dalinghe City is lost, Marshal Yue was captured by the Ming army, and Deputy Commander Kong was also captured by the Ming army..."

Dorgon almost fell off the horse, and he tried to stabilize his figure.

"You deserters, don't you want to live anymore, talking nonsense here. Someone, drag these people down and chop them up."

"Marshal, I don't dare to tell a lie, this is a letter from Su Tiancheng, the governor of the Ming Dynasty Ji Liao Dynasty, to the emperor. I'm telling the truth, Marshal, please forgive me..."

When the guards were ready to drag a few people down, Dorgon waved his hand.

"A letter from Su Tiancheng to the emperor, bring it."

After getting the letter.Dorgon was about to open it, but after thinking about it, he put the letter in his arms.

"Tell me in detail what's going on."

In fact, these few people have been guarding the headquarters all the time, and they are not very clear about the situation outside.But they were captured, Dalinghe City was captured by the Ming army, Yue Tuo, Kong Youde and others were all captured alive, this is an indisputable fact.None of the sergeants stationed in Dalinghe City escaped.

In these cases, they can still speak out honestly.

A few minutes later, Dorgon was silent, he already understood that these people were not lying, they were actually sent back by Su Tiancheng to report, and these people cannot be killed for the time being.

After several people were taken down, Dorgon ordered the army to temporarily stop advancing.

He needs to digest the facts in front of him. Why is Su Tiancheng so powerful? In just two days, he took down Dalinghe City. The 3 people stationed in Dalinghe City escaped alone. How much strength would it take? No wonder the emperor is so afraid of Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying to what extent it is so powerful. [

But why did Su Tiancheng let people report the news? If an ambush was set up, wouldn't the army he led also suffer? He didn't go directly to Dalinghe City, but went directly to Songshan, Dalinghe The city has already been captured by Su Tiancheng, wouldn't this move of his become a stinky chess move, surrounded by the Ming army?

Thinking of this, Dorgon couldn't help but took out the letter from his arms, thinking about opening it.

In the end, he held back and ordered the army to set up camp on the spot and strictly guarded it. At the same time, he sent several scouts to Dalinghe City to observe the movement and quickly report the information he found. The sergeants who came back went straight to Shenyang.

Back in Shenyang, the sky had just darkened, Dorgon didn't dare to waste time, and went directly to the palace.

Huang Taiji was still dealing with official business, and he was very surprised to learn that Dorgon had asked to see him. One must know that Dorgon only set off in the morning, so why did he come back to Shenyang at this time.

When Dorgon came in, his complexion was very bad. Seeing Dorgon's expression, Huang Taiji had a premonition, and his face turned pale.

"Your Majesty, my younger brother has something important to report."

"Fourteenth brother, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Your brother received the report that Dalinghe City fell, and thirty thousand soldiers escaped."

Huang Taiji's body shook.

"Fourteenth brother, what did you say, such an important matter, have you verified it?"

"My brother here has a letter, which was written by Su Tiancheng, the governor of the Ming Ji Liao Dynasty, to the emperor."

Dorgon took out the letter from his arms.

Several sergeants who were released finally entered the hall, they didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Huang Taiji ignored them and quickly opened the letter.

Looking at it, Huang Taiji's face became paler and paler. Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

The hall was in a hurry, the eunuchs were busy supporting Huang Taiji, and someone ran out to call the imperial doctor.

Dorgon's face turned pale, and he regretted not falling. He finally understood why Su Tiancheng sent someone to deliver the letter and why he didn't set up an ambush. It turned out that all of this was aimed at the emperor. If there was any problem with the emperor's body, Wouldn't it be a disaster for the Qing Dynasty?

An angry Dorgon ordered the guards guarding the main hall to pull out the sergeants who came back to deliver the letters and chop them up.

At this time, Huang Taiji spoke, his voice was weak.

"Fourteenth brother, don't embarrass these sergeants. Tell them to go home. This matter has nothing to do with them. I want to rest for a while."

That night, Daishan, Dorgon, Azige, Jierhalang, Fan Wencheng and others had been waiting in the palace. In the middle of the night, they were sleepy, so they stood up and walked around. The emperor felt the pulse, and said it was caused by overwork, and there was nothing serious about it. After a little rest, nothing would happen. [

Dai Shan and others were speechless for a long time when they heard the news that Daling River had fallen, Yue Tuo and Kong Youde had been captured alive, and thirty thousand soldiers had escaped.

The irritable Azige immediately went into a rage, saying that he was leading an army to take back Dalinghe City and tear Su Tiancheng into pieces.

But Azig just lost his temper, and it was impossible to do so.

At Yinshi, Huang Taiji's spirit improved a lot, and he asked the eunuch to help him to the main hall.

Seeing the once all-powerful Huang Taiji become like this, everyone felt uncomfortable, especially Fan Wencheng, who even shed tears.As a Han Chinese, if it weren't for Huang Taiji's appreciation, he would still be a slave of the Manchus.

Although Huang Taiji's face was a little pale, he was indeed in good spirits.

"Fourteenth brother, the matter of rescuing Dalinghe City is temporarily released. The army is stationed at the same place, waiting for news. Second brother, I am sorry for you. Yue Tuo was captured alive by Su Tiancheng, and Kong Youde is mine. Mistakes, if they could have been predicted earlier, they would not have ended up today."

"Your Majesty, take care of your health. I think that the loss of Daling River City is not a small loss for my Qing Dynasty, but it is not hurt. Almost all the people stationed in Daling River City are Han troops. , my disciples of the Eight Banners have encountered blows, I suggest that after the autumn harvest, our army should take back Dalinghe City again."

Daishan is an old way, and there is room for speaking.

Azig is not so sophisticated anymore.

"Your Majesty, I implore you to lead the army to take back Daling River City and capture Su Tiancheng alive."

Huang Taiji looked at Azig, but did not lose his temper.

"Twelfth brother, I can understand your feelings, but you need to think a lot about what you say and do. Su Tiancheng was able to take down Dalinghe City in one day. What is the reason for this? You need to think more, even if it is Can I send a large army to take back Dalinghe City? If I can't get it back and continue to suffer losses, how should I deal with it?"

Azige stopped talking, and everyone was also dumb. Huang Taiji talked about the most critical question, how did Su Tiancheng manage to take down Dalinghe City in one day, and the soldiers in the city, all escaped.

If you can't explain this reason, then you can only understand that Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying have frightening strength. I am afraid that what the Qing Dynasty needs to consider is not just about taking back the Daling River, but how to defend it. Shenyang.

Huang Taiji looked at Fan Wencheng who was standing behind, and sighed softly. Su Tiancheng's letter was indeed amazing, and he praised Huang Taiji in it, but he pointed it out unceremoniously in the end, Yue Tuo and Kong Youde were great gifts from Huang Taiji. He was planning to attack Dalinghe City at the beginning, but unfortunately the soldiers guarding him were not discerning, so they spread the news and ordered the Qing Dynasty to send Yue Tuo and Kong Youde. I have to accept it, so remind Huang Taiji that Dalinghe City was taken within a day. If Huang Taiji wants to reinforce, the banquet for attacking Dalinghe City has not completely cooled down, and he can entertain the rescued Houjin soldiers.

The Han people are so powerful, they can't forgive others.

Huang Taiji knew that he had encountered the greatest difficulty, and he needed to seriously think about what to do next. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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