Ming politicians

Chapter 663: One Arrow and Two Eagles

(Thanks to middle-aged time travel fans, old people, Wei Jun, and popolele for casting valuable monthly tickets, and thanks to floating Europe for the reward, thank you.)

Hong Chengchou and others knew about Su Tiancheng's letter to Huang Taiji. He didn't explain the reason for it for the time being. Anyway, the current plan is to restore Dalinghe City, and at the same time, pay attention to vigilance. Sergeants really came to rob Dalinghe City, at least they needed to be well prepared.

However, Su Tiancheng was absolutely certain in his heart that the Eight Banners Army would not be dispatched, and Huang Taiji would not take such a big risk. In the fourth year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji personally led an army to attack Dalinghe City, which lasted three months. Daling River City was just taken down. After eight years, Daling River City has been consolidated. I thought it was safe to lose. Unexpectedly, the Jiangning Camp and the Frontier Army took it down in one day. Such an impact, Huang Taiji It takes time to digest, and if it is not done well, you may wonder if the Jiangning camp will take advantage of the situation to attack Shenyang.

The purpose of writing the letter is very clear. The Jiangning battalion and the frontier army also need to rest, and there are still many unresolved issues at the border. Only after the internal stability is completely stabilized can a real decisive battle with Houjin be possible.

On the second day of May, many military officers gathered in the room where Su Tiancheng lived. Everyone was in a good mood. Zu Dale took the initiative to undertake the task of repairing Dalinghe City. He probably felt that the soldiers he led were attacking the east gate. At that time, the loss was too heavy. At this time, repairing Dalinghe City can be regarded as a kind of atonement. [

In Dalinghe City, there is a large amount of food and grass gathered by the Houjin soldiers. These food and grass are regarded as rewards after attacking Dalinghe City. It is just when there is no harvest, and Su Tiancheng is also very happy to have such a huge harvest.

Of course, the battle to attack Dalinghe City is over, and rewards for meritorious deeds are indispensable, thinking about passing this battle.It is also impossible to achieve the goal of getting promoted and making a fortune. The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion all know that their ultimate goal is a decisive battle with the Eight Banners Army. As for the attack on Dalinghe City, it is not a huge victory.

Su Tiancheng stood in the middle of the room.The rest are sitting.

The sand table was placed in the middle of the room, and Su Tiancheng spoke to the sand table.

"Everyone, winning Daling River City is only the first step. The next task is still very difficult. Building Daling River and defending Daling River City are the most critical tasks. Daling River City will become the defense line of Guan Ningjin It is only four hundred miles away from Shenyang, the capital of Houjin. As the saying goes, it is on the side of the couch. How can you allow others to snore? From this moment on, Huang Taiji of Houjin must be sleepless all night He has to worry about it all the time, and he also thinks all the time, will we give him such a chance if he can bring back Daling River City? Of course not."

"When the Daling River City was first built, the purpose was to consolidate the Guanning Jin defense line. As long as the Daling River City was built, it would be impossible for the Later Jin Eight Banners to break through the Guanning Jin defense line. We will completely smash the plan of entering the customs in other places. As long as we can stick to Dalinghe City and get Hou Jin's throat stuck, they will definitely not be able to bear it."

"From Dalinghe City, there are Guangning, Heishan, and Liaohe respectively. We have to take these places back step by step, but the current timing is still immature. We need to solve our own problems and consolidate own strength."

"In a short period of time, it will be difficult for Houjin to set foot in the Daling River City area, so the forts and strongholds along the way must be improved, especially the Xiaoling River, which is less than three miles away from here, is the line of defense that we must stick to. .”

Su Tiancheng made an explanation while pointing at the sand table, and everyone could see it clearly.

Hong Chengchou spoke suddenly.

"My lord, after the battle ended yesterday, my lord wrote a letter to Houjin Huang Taiji and sent a few people to deliver the letter. I don't know how my lord can have such confidence. If Huang Taiji is angered, maybe in Dalinghe City, There will be another battle."

Hong Chengchou's words attracted everyone's attention.

Su Tiancheng looked at Hong Chengchou and smiled, he knew that it was Hong Chengchou who was thinking of him, such a big matter, if someone with ulterior motives, just used it to make a fuss, saying that Su Tiancheng had an affair with Huang Taiji, and even thought of joining forces with Huang Taiji It is not impossible for Ming Dynasty to become emperor. Hong Chengchou is thinking that he can explain it, dispel everyone's concerns, and stop these rumors in their infancy.

"Hehe, there are two main purposes for writing this letter to Huang Taiji."

"The first goal, as I said just now, although we have won the Daling River City, there are still many places that we are not ready for. It needs to be repaired and defended, as well as some outlying strongholds and fortresses. It will take time. At this time, we are not suitable for a decisive battle with the Eight Banners of the Post-Golden Army. Unexpected."

"So, we need to rest. The main purpose of my letter is to tell Huang Taiji to be more honest. If he really dares to attack aggressively, Dalinghe will be their example."

There was laughter all around, but the laughter was not very enthusiastic.

Su Tiancheng also knew that after taking down Dalinghe City, many officers of the frontier army became overwhelmed with confidence, thinking that Houjin was vulnerable and could even go directly to Shenyang. Time cannot change.

But Su Tiancheng can't be hot-headed, now is not the time, to put it bluntly, a real decisive battle will start, both sides will be seriously injured, it will be difficult for Daming to win, and the result of persisting until the end, I am afraid it will be Huang Taiji's tragic victory . [

"The second purpose is even simpler. I heard that Huang Taiji is very brave. I have no chance to meet him. There is nothing I can do about it. However, I am not convinced. They say that Huang Taiji is brave. I wanted to ask for some advice, so I said that this time when I attacked Dalinghe City, I released the news early. The purpose was to think that Huang Taiji would send heavy troops and important generals to guard it. Unexpectedly, Huang Taiji was really obedient , I sent Yue Tuo and Kong Youde two great generals, how can I not accept such a great gift, captured Dalinghe City, captured Yue Tuo, Kong Youde and others alive, I always want to express my gratitude to Huang Taiji , I think, Huang Taiji's body is so good, such a little stinginess can be tolerated."

After saying this purpose, hearty laughter broke out in the room.

This must be a relief, especially for the frontier army. For so many years, the frontier army has been overwhelmed by the Houjin Tatars, but there is nothing they can do. They finally won a big victory. While celebrating, It's also about venting.

"Hehe, this letter must be able to impress Huang Taiji."

Su Tiancheng didn't know that writing a letter to Huang Taiji took a great risk. After many considerations, he could only do so, although it seemed very easy when he explained it to everyone.

The imperial court is not ready yet, the decisive battle between Fa and Hou Jin, this burden, I still can't take it up, after ten years, he has become more and more cautious in doing things, if he is not fully sure, don't take risks, unless it is as the last resort.

In fact, after exterminating the bandits, Su Tiancheng realized that something was wrong. This emotion came from the court, or even from the emperor. The emperor's great success is still a bit outstanding. Every time he won a victory, he showed ecstasy It seems that the Ming Dynasty has suddenly rejuvenated, and the original goal has been realized. In fact, things are not so simple. Military victories cannot solve basic problems. The problem of ordinary people's food and clothing is the most critical. The so-called weak foundation, shaking the ground and launching many wars hastily, it is the common people who suffer.

However, Su Tiancheng couldn't stop the imperial court from celebrating the victory. He couldn't say that he won, and he also looked unpredictable. This is human nature, but at the same time of joy, he still has to see the problems that exist.

The emperor has revealed the idea of ​​​​suppressing Hou Jin.

In fact, what the emperor is most worried about is not the rogues, but the empress Jin.

Su Tiancheng was very aware of this point. He was in Sichuan, and before he had completely wiped out the bandits, he was sent to Liaodong to serve as the governor of Jiliao. This showed that the emperor's attention had already been placed on Houjin.

This is something Su Tiancheng has to consider, and he has to show his attitude. The extermination of the Emerald Golden Tartars is definitely the ultimate goal, but the process cannot be rushed, and it cannot be accomplished overnight. No, Su Tiancheng's plan is far from this, his goal is very ambitious, and he is confident to carry out these plans step by step.

Before writing the letter to Huang Taiji, Su Tiancheng had already written the secret document to the emperor. The secret document and the letter were sent almost at the same time. At this time, Su Tiancheng was waiting for the emperor's attitude. Sun Chuanting, Liu Tiehan and Zu Dabi escorted Yue The captives, such as Tuo and Kong Youde, went to the capital. The remaining prisoners of the Han army still need to be digested. There are too many people, and they are bombed on a regular basis. Tian Cheng is still considering it.

After defending Dalinghe City and consolidating the surrounding fortresses and strongholds, Su Tiancheng has to free up his hands and start to rectify the order of the border. This is a big move. There was no basis for rectification before, but now the situation is different. Jiang Ning Ying showed bravery, and no one dared to challenge the authority of himself and Jiang Ning Ying.

Compared with the rectification in Shaanxi, the rectification this time is more critical. Opposite is the Eight Banners Army of Houjin. A little carelessness caused civil strife, which gave the Eight Banners Army a chance.

After sending out the letter to Huang Taiji, Su Tiancheng can only hope that it will be stable for at least half a year, or even this year. By that time, even if Hou Jin launches a large-scale attack, he will not have any fear . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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