Ming politicians

Chapter 664 Zhu Youjian's Thoughts

On the third day of May, Zhu Youjian received Su Tiancheng's secret document.

After opening the secret book, Zhu Youjian saw the good news as an exception. Dalinghe City was taken back. What's more valuable is that Yue Tuo and Kong Youde were captured alive. Both are princes.

But such a huge victory did not make Zhu Youjian particularly happy. He saw Su Tiancheng's later report. Su Tiancheng wrote a letter directly to Huang Taiji. As for the content of the letter, there must be nothing out of the ordinary.

This scene made Zhu Youjian think of Yuan Chonghuan. When he first came to the throne, he trusted Yuan Chonghuan very much. He almost handed over all the military and political power to Yuan Chonghuan. The difference in Huang Taiji's communication is that Su Tiancheng reported it in the secret book.

Zhu Youjian has always been very contradictory. [

The speed of the development of the Jiangning Camp was beyond everyone's expectations. As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youjian did not expect that, but in a few years, the Jiangning Camp had grown to 8 people, almost sweeping across the northern provinces and completely eradicating The rogues were eliminated, and the interior of Daming gradually settled down. Now that it is in Liaodong, Dalinghe City was quickly recovered, and the Guanningjin line of defense was completely consolidated.

Su Tiancheng's contribution cannot be denied. Although the crown prince Zhu Cihong participated in the decisive battle to wipe out the bandits and became the nominal commander in chief, the real contribution still belongs to Su Tiancheng, and the civil and military ministers in the court also understand it.

Su Tiancheng made such a great contribution, while Zhu Youjian was happy, he was also very worried. If Su Tiancheng had a different heart, what should he do? Wouldn't Da Ming be in a precarious situation?

Zhu Youjian tried his best not to have such thoughts by himself, but this kind of thoughts always like to pop up and linger, and there are also some ministers in the court.Secretly reminded, requesting to limit Su Tiancheng's power, or separate Su Tiancheng from Jiang Ningying, or transfer Su Tiancheng to the capital.

Starting from the development of Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youjian would not do this. This is tantamount to self-destruction, and the later Jin Dynasty is still eyeing.Under such circumstances, Su Tiancheng, who did not make any mistakes in his disguised handling, would chill the hearts of all the people in the world. By that time, there might be real people in the imperial court.

It depends on Su Tiancheng's achievements over the years.Finally, Zhu Youjian didn’t have to worry about it. Daming gradually stabilized internally, and the rest was the problem of Houjin. Although Houjin was very powerful at present, Zhu Youjian was still confident. With Su Tiancheng’s ability , The bravery of the Jiangning camp, it will be a matter of time before Houjin is wiped out.

this time.Su Tiancheng's letter to Huang Taiji touched Zhu Youjian's nerves.

Qin Sande, the supervisor of the Jiangning Battalion, had a lot of secret reports, and he reported all of Su Tiancheng's situation in detail. Judging from what Qin Sande learned, Su Tiancheng is indeed fine, and his usual words and deeds are very normal. , and Su Tiancheng has one of the biggest advantages, which is when he thinks about one thing.Concerned, when we wiped out the bandits, all our thoughts were on it. When facing Houjin, we always thought of the layout, of weakening Houjin step by step, and thinking of the time when the opportunity was ripe.After the complete extermination of Hou Jin, as for the relationship with the court ministers, including the relationship with the frontier generals, it is normal.There is no deliberate attempt to win over.

He has been in contact with Su Tiancheng quite a few times. In his heart, Zhu Youjian admires Su Tiancheng very much. This kind of tacit understanding comes from the communication of the soul, which cannot be expressed in words. When Su Tiancheng wiped out the bandits, in order to avoid suspicion, Asking the prince Zhu Cihong to come forward is actually showing his attitude, which shows that Su Tiancheng is also aware of this problem.

Thinking about it hurts a little, Zhu Youjian twisted his neck, Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying have won too many victories, so Zhu Youjian has become calmer, unless Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying completely wiped out Hou Jin, at that time, was the moment of ecstasy, and now he still needs to stabilize.

Wang Chengen, who was behind him, was always hunched over, gently shaking his fan.

This year's weather is good, but it's getting hot early, and the capital is still starting to feel hot and dry, especially in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, which is cold in winter and hot in summer. The Ministry of Industry once suggested that a large-scale renovation of the palace be carried out. Zhu Youjian Denied this opinion, there was no money in the past, and now there is a shortage of money. Last year, many places in the south also suffered disasters, and there were a lot of petitions for relief. The household department still did not have much money left, but compared with Chongzhen six years ago , a lot more generous.

"Your Majesty, you have to take care of your health and don't work too hard."

Wang Chengen is always loyal. After getting along for so many years, Zhu Youjian trusts Wang Chengen even more. It can be said that among the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, Zhu Youjian trusts Wang Chengen the most. He regards Wang Chengen as his own family.

"This is the secret booklet sent by Su Tiancheng, please take a look."

Wang Chengen took the notebook carefully, and looked carefully, he read it very quickly. Since the emperor asked him to read the notebook, he just wanted to hear his opinion.

After reading the excerpts, Wang Chengen hurriedly walked to the opposite side of the emperor and knelt down.

"Slave congratulates the emperor, Dalinghe City has been taken back, the north is worried, the rebel general Kong Youde has been captured, the soldiers and civilians in Laizhou, Shandong can rest at ease, Yue Tuo has been captured, and the later Jin Tartars should be afraid."

"Okay, there's no need to say these good things, you just talk about the next thing, Su Tiancheng's letter to Huang Taiji, I'm always upset." [

Wang Chengen's heart skipped a beat. He had a good relationship with Su Tiancheng. Because of Su Tiancheng, he also had a good relationship with Sun Chengzong, the chief assistant of the cabinet. The ministers of the imperial court gradually changed their views on eunuchs. Everything has a great relationship with Su Tiancheng, Sun Chengzong and others. For so many years, he has always wanted to speak good words for Su Tiancheng, but he must pay attention to the way he speaks, so as not to arouse the emperor's suspicion, otherwise there will be a counterproductive effect .

"Your Majesty, this servant can't think of the good or bad in it for a while, but just has an instinctive feeling."

"Tell me how you feel."

"This servant feels that Master Su must have won this victory, and wanted to humiliate Hou Jin's Huang Taiji."

"Oh, why do you feel like this?"

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that Mr. Su is young and has not yet reached his thirties. Over the years, he has been deliberately keeping a low profile. Whether it is in the local area or in the capital, he has been suppressing his nature all the time. Even after exterminating the rogues, they did their best to get rid of the credit. This depression has been going on for a long time, and they always have to find a place to vent it out. This time when they arrived in Liaodong, they successfully captured Dalinghe City. When returning to the capital, they still have to keep a low profile , So, writing a letter to Huang Taiji and humiliating him will make him show off."

Zhu Youjian thought carefully for a while, and a smile appeared on his face.

"It makes sense. Ever since I ascended the throne, I have been in such a mood. I suppress myself all the time. Many times, I have no place to lose my temper. It seems that Su Aiqing has also encountered such a situation, but I suddenly thought of Yuan Chonghuan ah."

Wang Chengen's face turned pale, and he spoke very simply this time.

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that Yuan Chonghuan, a traitor, cannot be compared with Mr. Su. This servant always remembers that Yuan Chonghuan is very high-profile. Relying on the fact that he defended Ningyuan City back then, he became conceited and boasted in front of the emperor. After arriving in Haikou, Houjin was wiped out and Liaodong was pacified within five years. As a result, the Houjin tartars were all beaten to the foot of the capital, but he didn't know that Yuan Chonghuan and Houjin Huang Taiji communicated in private, without reporting. Master Su reported to the emperor and explained the reasons in detail, and the slaves thought that while Master Su was showing off, he was still thinking about the overall situation."

"I know that Su Aiqing and Yuan Chonghuan are different. Well, I want to take a break. Tomorrow, Yue Tuo and Kong Youde will be escorted to the capital. I need to be more energetic and take a good look at this Kong Youde, this rebellious official." Thieves, for killing so many of my soldiers and civilians, I can't wait to cut them into pieces."

After sending Zhu Youjian to rest, sweat dripped from Wang Chengen's forehead. It was not because he felt the hot weather, but because he was worried about Su Tiancheng. After being by Zhu Youjian's side for so many years, all Wang Chengen's thoughts were on Zhu Youjian's side. On Youjian, he has seen all the hardships Zhu Youjian has suffered since he ascended the throne. The ministers in the court fought openly and secretly for their own interests. He also knew that Su Tiancheng finally appeared. At this time, if Zhu Youjian doubted Su Tiancheng, so much so that he took action against Su Tiancheng, he was very clear about the consequences, maybe it would be like this After appearing, Daming will really be in chaos.

Therefore, from Zhu Youjian's point of view, Su Tiancheng must be protected, and Su Tiancheng cannot make mistakes. As for how to deal with such things after Da Ming stabilizes, that is another consideration.

Su Tiancheng was able to recover Dalinghe City in the shortest possible time, and he has become Daming's pinnacle of stability in Liaodong. To put it bluntly, as long as Su Tiancheng guards Liaodong, Houjin will not dare to act rashly, and Daming is stable. Even if there are some internal problems, they can be dealt with.

In the imperial court, there are some people secretly attacking Su Tiancheng, Wang Chengen knows it, this is also a balanced situation, it is impossible for one family to dominate, some people are staring at Su Tiancheng, the emperor should rest assured, lest the situation in the future is not easy to control , Wang Chengen knew even more that the emperor secretly supported this force.

Wang Chengen's mind is not something that Wang Chengen can guess. His idea is very simple. As long as the emperor is happy and Daming is stable, there is no need to think about other things. From this perspective, Wang Chengen supports Su Tiancheng. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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