Ming politicians

Chapter 665 Sun Chengzong's request

Liaodong is not far from the capital. The news that the army occupied Dalinghe City spread quickly. Of course, the main source of the news was the court and the people in the capital. They just saw the soldiers from Liaodong riding fast horses. Galloping in the capital, this situation shows that something big has happened in Liaodong.

After the news spread, the capital quickly became a sensation.

Well-informed people began to publicize in restaurants, brothels, and teahouses that Mr. Su was so brave that he wiped out the [-] Tartars stationed in Dalinghe City. In Dalinghe City, none of the Tartars inside escaped, the commander of the Tartars, Yue Tuo, was captured alive, and the traitor of Ming Dynasty, Kong Youde, was also captured alive.

It was discussed everywhere, and the news naturally spread to Su's residence.

Zhu Shenxin also received a letter from Su Tiancheng's family. It didn't mention the situation in Liaodong, but said that everything was fine, don't worry. At this time, Zhu Shenxin and others were naturally happy when they heard the news from outside. Yes, Su Tiancheng's victory in Liaodong means that he can return to the capital sooner. After all these years, everyone spends too little time with Su Tiancheng. What women care about is their family and the affairs of the court, so don't worry about it. Many.

The Su family's status in the capital is also unusual. Zhu Shenxin and others often go to the palace and often see the empress. Even Empress Yi'an has summoned her twice. This is a great honor. Who doesn't know, so even though Su Tiancheng is not in the capital, when the people of the Su Mansion go out, they always stay away, for fear of offending them.

Of course, there are times when there are things at home that need to be taken care of.Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo's family have come to the capital several times, and each time they lived in the mansion, Zhu Shenxin was very careful and secretly warned Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo not to cause trouble for their husband.Some family members or relatives often bully others. Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo are also very careful. They strictly restrain their family members and cannot go outside to cause trouble. The place.Little things are said to be big things.

Su Tiancheng achieved a great victory in Liaodong and captured Dalinghe City. Zhu Shenxin and others were very happy. They knew very well that for such a great victory, the emperor would definitely summon Su Tiancheng back to the capital, so that the family could return to the capital again. reunited.Su Tiancheng has been in Liaodong for five months, and he hasn't seen him for such a long time.Everyone will definitely miss it.

Gu Hengbo's due date is coming soon, and Zhu Shenxin's is not far away. Maybe Su Tiancheng will be able to see this scene when he returns home this time.

On the sixth day of May, early morning.

Sun Chengzong came early and couldn't sleep.Sun Chengzong became agitated when he heard the news that Dalinghe City had returned it. Dalinghe was a thorn in his heart, needless to say the past, now.Su Tiancheng captured Daling River City in one fell swoop, captured Yue Tuo and Kong Youde alive, and none of the [-] post-Gold Tartars stationed in Daling River City escaped. This was a huge victory, a victory to save face.

In Chongzhen's four-year battle of the Daling River, the situation was just the opposite. None of the [-] soldiers and civilians of the Ming Dynasty was spared. Except for more than [-] people who surrendered, the rest were killed or massacred. The reinforcements of the Ming army encountered unprecedented difficulties. fiasco.

In the 12th year of Chongzhen, this scene appeared again, but it was Houjin who suffered a disastrous defeat.

Sun Chengzong was not at all surprised that Su Tiancheng had won such a victory. This time, he wanted to make a request to go to Liaodong to see it in person, to Dalinghe City to see it, to experience it, and then he can rest in peace.

Su Tiancheng is definitely going back to the capital, so he can communicate with Su Tiancheng, and when Su Tiancheng leaves the capital, we can go to Liaodong together to have a look.

Sun Chengzong has his own worries, he knows the emperor's mind, and he is even more aware of some situations in the court. Su Tiancheng is too dazzling, which has aroused the jealousy and jealousy of some people. Under such circumstances, someone must be If the emperor becomes suspicious of Su Tiancheng, it will be the greatest misfortune for Daming.I'm getting older, and my energy is really low. I don't know how long I can last.

As he got older, he saw more profound things. What Sun Chengzong thought about was Su Tiancheng's situation after he left the imperial court. He was on the front line in Liaodong without the support of the imperial court. Life was very difficult, not to mention Su Tiancheng. The responsibility is so great, almost all hope is on him, and there must be no accidents, otherwise all the previous efforts will be in vain. It is not that there is no such lesson in the court. Zhang Juzheng in the Wanli period , is the best explanation.

Sun Chengzong even thought about it, hoping that Su Tiancheng could directly serve as the chief assistant of the cabinet, but the possibility of this was too small.

What Sun Chengzong thought of was to recommend a chief assistant to the cabinet before he retired. This person must support Su Tiancheng. He had thought of Liu Zongzhou, but Liu Zongzhou was still a bit extreme in his actions. It was not good to be the chief assistant of the cabinet. It might be a bad thing, looking at the court, he has not found such a candidate for the time being.

After Su Tiancheng comes back this time, Sun Chengzong will discuss this issue with Su Tiancheng to see if Su Tiancheng has a suitable candidate. If there is a candidate, his biggest task is to recommend this person as the chief assistant of the cabinet.

At Yinshi, when many ministers entered the Forbidden City, they were all talking about it. What everyone talked about was Su Tiancheng's recovery of Dalinghe City.

At Maoshi, Zhu Youjian appeared in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

This is also beyond everyone's expectations. It is said that the time when Zhu Youjian appeared should be at Chenshi.

After kneeling down, Zhu Youjian couldn't wait to speak.

"My dear friends, Su Aiqing achieved a great victory in Liaodong, captured Dalinghe City, wiped out more than [-] post-Gold Tartars, and captured more than [-] post-Gold Tartars alive. This is a great victory. I am very grateful. I'm gratified, this way, the situation in Liaodong of our Ming Dynasty will undergo a fundamental change, and the Guan Ningjin line of defense has been stabilized, such a great victory is worth celebrating."

Sun Chengzong spoke first.

"Your Majesty, I believe that our great victory in Liaodong indicates that our Ming Dynasty will completely wipe out the Empress Jin Tartars, and our Ming Dynasty's border has been completely stabilized."

Zhu Youjian nodded.

"After noon today, Yue Tuo and Kong Youde will be escorted to the capital. Yang Aiqing of the Ministry of War, on behalf of me, go outside the city to meet him. I want to see Kong Youde outside the Meridian Gate. The cabinet drafted a decree and was the governor of Jiliao. Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning Battalion Commander Hong Chengchou, Superintendent Qin Sande, Shanhaiguan Commander Wu Sangui, and Ningyuan Commander Zu Dashou came to Beijing, and all of them will be honored for this request."

Inside the main hall, there was a brief silence. It turned out that the reason why the emperor arrived at the Hall of Supreme Harmony ahead of time was because Yue Tuo and Kong Youde were about to be escorted to the capital.

The Ministry of War, the Ministry of Officials, and the Department of Soldiers and Horses of the Five Cities quickly got busy, and time was tight. If the emperor did not arrive at the Meridian Gate, there would be no big deal. At most, please pay attention in the capital. Yue Tuo, Kong Youde and others were escorted to the Forbidden City. At that time, you need to be alive, but the emperor wants to go outside the Meridian Gate, so the situation is different.

Jinyiwei and Dongchang also began to arrange, and martial law began outside the Meridian Gate.

Outside the capital, it quickly became lively.

The news cannot be concealed, and the common people soon found out that the two kings of Houjin who were captured alive will soon be escorted to the capital, and they must see it with their own eyes. What does it look like.

The bad deeds of Yue Tuo and Kong Youde have been spread for a long time. The common people hate Kong Youde the most. He is a traitor of Ming Dynasty.

Outside the Meridian Gate, it is impossible for ordinary people to pass by, and they dare not go there, so they can only see it from outside the city. The guards here are not so strict, and everyone wants to see it sooner.

Sun Chuanting, Liu Tiehan, and Zu Dashou were very careful. They brought three thousand Jiangning battalion soldiers along the way, and there was almost no rest along the way. Dalinghe City recorded more than [-] miles in the capital. According to the normal speed, it would take at least six days. In just five days, everyone arrived in the capital.

Yuetuo's condition was better, he still had no problem eating and drinking, he didn't speak all the way, and he acted very tough, which also made Sun Chuanting and others admire. As for Kong Youde, he was almost like a dead dog, probably because he knew his end would be very bad Miserably, I ate so little that I could hardly sustain myself.

When there were still five miles away from the capital, there were dense crowds of people standing on both sides of the official road. Sun Chuanting and others suddenly felt nervous. The hatred is clear, maybe the vegetables and shoes will overwhelm Yue Tuo and others.

All the sergeants have raised their vigilance. It is impossible to disperse the common people. It is understandable that the common people want to see Yue Tuo and Kong Youde and other Houjin prisoners. Dabi came up with an idea. The sergeant shouted loudly in front, asking the people to calm down and not to mess around, so as not to delay the important event. Sun Chuanting repeatedly agreed to arrange for the sergeant to shout in front.

It doesn't matter if you don't call, the people immediately became agitated by the call, many people looked around, saw the two prison cars in front, and concluded that Yue Tuo and Kong Youde were being imprisoned inside, and soon, eggs, vegetables, shoes and other things flew Coming over, the Jiangning camp soldiers on both sides of the prison car helplessly raised their shields, don't underestimate these things, if they hit a vital place, they might really kill someone.

Seeing this situation, Sun Chuanting and others were extremely annoyed, but they had no good way, they couldn't disperse the common people, they could only make the soldiers guarding the prison cars suffer.

Such a situation is really funny, Jiang Ning battalion soldiers actually wanted to protect Yue Tuo, Kong Youde and others. (To be continued..)

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