On May [-], Gu Hengbo had a sudden seizure. Su Tiancheng, who was about to leave the capital and return to Liaodong, had to delay his departure for two days.

Gu Hengbo gave birth to a boy whose name Su Tiancheng had already thought of, called Su Mingliang.

In terms of naming, Su Tiancheng didn't think so complicated. The name is the code name. In this era, Su Tiancheng is the children's greatest reliance. If they want to get ahead in the future, they need him to create the best environment.

The process of giving birth went very smoothly, thanks to the fact that Gu Hengbo strengthened his exercise during pregnancy. Su Tiancheng took the baby from the midwife's arms and took a closer look. The newborn baby couldn't see anything. They are all red, and the skin looks very delicate.

Because Zhu Shenxin was pregnant with a child, she was basically in a state of rest. Su Tiancheng was helping to greet everything. Originally, Chunping was supposed to help, but Chunping was already ready to follow Su Tiancheng to Liaodong Went there, Wang Furong and Liu Rushi have never been in charge of the affairs of the mansion, so they are not very familiar with them.

More than an hour after the child was born, eunuchs suddenly came to the palace.

Su Tiancheng was very surprised. If he said that when he returned to the capital, the eunuchs would go to the gate to greet him, it would not be a big deal, but Gu Hengbo had just given birth to a child, and the emperor knew the news so soon, so he specially sent eunuchs to express his gratitude. Congratulations, this kind of grace is not simple, but the emperor's actions also made Su Tiancheng feel uncomfortable. It is always like this in history. The more favored the emperor is, the easier things will happen in the future. If something happened, future generations would not be able to explain it clearly. Su Tiancheng didn't want to encounter such a situation. He worked so hard to take care of the Ming Dynasty, but his family suffered.That was too bad a deal.

The eunuch brought a jade pendant, saying it was a gift from Empress Yi'an, and Su Tiancheng quickly knelt down to accept the jade pendant.

From this moment on, Su Tiancheng's youngest son, Su Mingliang, will be wearing this jade pendant, this jade pendant.In fact, it is a talisman, and no one dares to underestimate it.

Gu Hengbo, who was lying on the bed, struggled to get up, Su Tiancheng held Gu Hengbo down, and asked Gu Hengbo to rest well, don't think so much, and take good care of his body.

Gu Hengbo was justified to be excited, his luck was so good that her husband won the battle in Liaodong.I gave birth to a child by myself, and myself and my child are equal to the glory of my husband. The value of this jade pendant cannot be measured. Gu Hengbo has always felt annoyed by his previous identity. The queen gave the jade pendant.From then on, no one dared to talk too much, let alone talk nonsense.Empress Yi'an didn't dislike her past, let alone other people.

Gu Hengbo who was lying down shed tears, and the past grievances disappeared. Su Tiancheng persuaded him for a while, and Chunping and others also helped to persuade him.

The eunuch did not leave immediately, but was still waiting in the living room.After settling down for a while, Su Tiancheng quickly came to the living room. At this moment, the eunuch said that the emperor was in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.I want to see Mr. Su.

At this moment, Su Tiancheng's heart moved. Last time in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the emperor never mentioned the letter to Huang Taiji. This has become a knot in Su Tiancheng's heart. According to the previous rules, the emperor must be If you want to ask about this matter, if you don't ask, you must have an opinion in your heart.

On the way to the Forbidden City, Su Tiancheng has been thinking about what he should say, no matter from which angle he looks at it, such a big matter needs to be explained reasonably, otherwise the emperor and himself have a knot in their hearts , If there are too many knots like this, the future direction of development is not good.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Youjian was also thinking about this letter. Qin Sande had already mentioned Su Tiancheng's explanations in Dalinghe City in the memorial. The news made him change his opinion a little bit. The news in Shenyang City said that the emperor of Hou Jin was not feeling well and was resting. Calculating the time, it should be the time when he received Su Tiancheng's letter. This probably shows that this letter from Su Tiancheng stimulated When it comes to Huang Taiji, this is of course a good thing.

It is a good day for Su Tiancheng to have a son. At such a moment, it must be beneficial to exchange views.

When entering the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Youjian stood in the middle of the hall with a smile on his face.

Having wiped out the rogue bandits and regained Dalinghe City, Zhu Youjian's life has become much more comfortable. Although there are still many troublesome things, the most worrying things are slowly being resolved.

Just when Su Tiancheng was about to bow down, Zhu Youjian raised his hand and spoke.

"Su Aiqing doesn't need to be too polite, I still want to congratulate you."

"I don't dare, my Majesty Long En."

"Okay, today is your day of great joy. I should congratulate you. I want to relax today. Su Aiqing will accompany me around."

Zhu Youjian walked out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and Su Tiancheng followed behind. The distance was about one meter. The distance was too far and it was inconvenient to speak. The distance was too close, and Su Tiancheng himself was not used to it.

Zhu Youjian seems to be very comfortable with this distance.

"Su Aiqing, these days, I have thought of a lot. Since five years ago, after your palace examination, you were sent to Jiangning County, but in eight years, you have done too many things and made great achievements. There are too many to count, I really feel relieved, if it weren't for Su Aiqing, I still don't know what's going on."

Su Tiancheng couldn't guess Zhu Youjian's heart for a while, but Zhu Youjian must have expressed his feelings when he said such words. This is what the two said when they were hanging out. No matter how you say it, it has a sincere meaning However, if you are still modest and evasive, it will appear very boring, and if you are too humble, you will be proud.

"Your Majesty, I think that these things should be done. At the beginning of the Emperor's ascension to the throne, he worked hard to eradicate Wei Zhongxian in one fell swoop, and the court was invigorated. However, God's will tricks people. For several years, there have been many famines in the north, and the rogues took the opportunity to make trouble. Later, Jin became even more serious, and he was very ready to overthrow my Ming Dynasty's ambitions. Since I am in this position, I must serve the country loyally, and it is exactly like this. I feel that what I have done these years is the right thing to do."

Zhu Youjian's body trembled slightly, this scene was noticed by Su Tiancheng.

"Su Aiqing's words made me understand a lot. I also know the many problems in the court. Some things need to be corrected completely, but I just feel powerless, or I don't have the courage. In front of me, I have nothing to hide. Since I ascended the throne, what follows is a situation riddled with holes and problems everywhere. I want to do something big, but I have no way to start."

"Your Majesty, I believe that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. In the eyes of the Emperor, Ming is like a dying patient. The disease comes like a mountain, and the disease goes like a thread. The treatment process also needs to be careful, and strong medicine cannot be used. , can only be recuperated and cured slowly, the recovery process will naturally be slower, the recuperation process is very important, I feel that today's Daming is in the process of recuperating slowly, and there is absolutely no way to rush of."

"Su Aiqing's analogy is very good. I'm really impatient. I wish everything would be better overnight. If I'm so eager, I'm afraid there will be problems."

Su Tiancheng knew that the opportunity had come. At this time, he needed to bring up the matter of writing to Huang Taiji.

"Your Majesty, this is what I think. On the day when the Daling River was recovered, I wrote a letter to Huang Taiji, which actually has two meanings. The first meaning is that I, Daming, is in the process of recuperating and I still need to strengthen my strength. Under such circumstances, it seems too early to fight the Houjin decisive battle. The rogues have just been wiped out, and the north is still in the process of recovery. Rebelling here, the situation will become very complicated. The second meaning is to stimulate Huang Taiji. The minister's idea is very practical. Huang Taiji has good abilities. To deal with such people, multiple means must be used , otherwise he won't be easily convinced."

Zhu Youjian nodded, but did not speak.

"I got the information at the time that Houjin dispatched one hundred thousand and eight banners troops to reinforce Dalinghe City, and they have already set off. Under such circumstances, if the two sides are at war, it will not be a matter that can be concluded in a short time. I am afraid that I will mobilize many frontier troops to deal with Hou Jin with all my strength, and I feel that the time is not ripe, so I resolutely wrote to Huang Taiji."

"I didn't report this to the emperor in time for what I did. After thinking about it afterwards, there is still something wrong. These days, I have thought a lot. If I make a mistake, I am wrong. I am willing to accept the emperor's punishment."

"Su Aiqing worried too much. I have also thought about this matter. The main reason is the previous lesson. Su Aiqing wrote this letter, and it has indeed received results. I heard that Huang Taiji of Houjin fell ill. Although Da Linghe The defeat in the army was enough to stimulate Huang Taiji, but I think that Huang Taiji is not so fragile. It must be Aiqing's letter that stimulated Huang Taiji. The sarcasm in the letter, who can bear this kind of treatment."

After saying these words, Zhu Youjian raised his head and laughed.

Seeing Zhu Youjian laughing, Su Tiancheng finally felt relieved.

"Su Aiqing is going to rectify the border. I have thought about it these days, and I have one more thing to remind. Many general soldiers in my Ming Dynasty seem to be self-respecting. Although the court is difficult and the military salary is lacking, but Over the years, the imperial court has done its best, and there is basically no shortage of military pay. These general soldiers regard their sergeants as their own army. This kind of atmosphere is absolutely unacceptable and needs to be rectified."

"I understand. I have also thought about this problem. If we want to completely eradicate this problem, we need to carry out a thorough reform of the military household system in the Ming Dynasty. This is what I did in Shaanxi, but there are still many things that need to be improved. I think that after the eradication of Houjin, we can consider a thorough reform.” (To be continued..)

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