Ming politicians

Chapter 670 Family Arrangements

The number of people added to the family, such a happy event, many officials in the capital naturally came to celebrate, and the officials who can come to celebrate are all of high rank. Those officials in the capital who are below the sixth rank are probably not qualified to come. Those who celebrated, especially after the news that Empress Yi'an gave the little guy a jade pendant, many officials came to congratulate him in an endless stream.

It is impossible for Su Tiancheng to refuse such a thing. He is not a person who does not show affection. On the contrary, after traveling, he has a deep understanding of the society of the Ming Dynasty. In the era of human rights, the elites who supported the society were bureaucrats, gentry, and wealthy households. These people were the core of the Ming Dynasty. The interests of this class must be protected. You can’t let farmers divide the land, let alone hit them. Gentlemen and rich households, that kind of approach is looking for death, even the rebellious peasant uprising army can't do this. The development of the times has its own laws. The society of the Ming Dynasty, no matter who it is, accepts Confucianism. , the superiority and inferiority are very obvious, and the peasants at the bottom also accept it.

Therefore, if you want to build the Ming Dynasty well, you can only follow this trend. The premise is to ensure that the people are fed and clothed, and they will not die of cold and hunger. As for protecting the power of the people, they will not be bullied at all. Doing things completely for the common people is an empty ideal, something impossible to realize, and fighting around an empty ideal, Su Tiancheng would not do such a stupid thing.

Over the years, Su Tiancheng has also acted according to this thinking. He protects the interests of the bureaucratic gentry, but emphasizes that the idea of ​​privilege should not be too serious. The rich and the bureaucratic gentry should also make their own contributions .You must also pay taxes according to the rules. As for all your property, the government must protect it, and you cannot infringe it at will, unless you have done something outrageous.

Only by doing things in this way of thinking can it be possible to promote various reforms.As time goes by, such ideas will gradually be accepted by bureaucrats and gentry, and their power is obviously stronger than that of ordinary people.That is to say, there is a saying that there are differences between people.

Zhu Shenxin was pregnant, so it was not suitable for her to come forward to receive her. Su Pingyang mainly came forward to greet her.

What Su Tiancheng didn't expect was that Hong Chengchou, Zu Dashou, Wu Sangui and others actually came forward and came to the Su residence.While expressing congratulations, help welcome visitors.

Everyone knew that Su Tiancheng was going back to Liaodong soon, and his time in the capital couldn't be too long, so many officials were almost there for one to two days.Came to Su Mansion to celebrate.

A banquet must be arranged, but it can only be done in a nearby restaurant.Fortunately, there was a high-end restaurant near Su Tiancheng's mansion. For three consecutive days, the restaurant was booked out to entertain many officials.

Su Pingyang, who was so busy, suddenly found Su Tiancheng who was eating and drinking with the officials in a restaurant.

I saw Su Pingyang coming.Su Tiancheng hurriedly asked Hong Chengchou to greet everyone, and walked to the private room next door, no one was seated here, waiting for the next group of guests to arrive.

"Master, the young master is here."

Su Tiancheng didn't understand for a while.

Seeing Su Tiancheng's dazed expression.Su Pingyang spoke again.

"The young master Su Tianhao is here."

"Oh, how many people are here, did they just arrive?"

"That's right, the eldest young master came alone, and there was no one else."

Su Tiancheng nodded, expressing that he understood. Seeing such a situation, Su Pingyang withdrew from the private room, leaving Su Tiancheng alone.

Knowing that Su Tianhao is coming, Su Tiancheng's mood is quite complicated. He didn't inform his family about this matter. How did Su Tianhao know? Because of Wang's relationship, he has almost no contact with his family, and he hasn't been back for many years. Yes, last year, Zhu Shenxuan once talked about the family affairs. When he mentioned Su Tianhao, he meant to arrange for Su Tianhao to do other things. I made a statement, but Su Tianhao has not changed. It is probably because Zhu Shenxuan took office, and there are too many things. After so many years, Su Tianhao has always been Ji Shan, the eighth rank of the Shisi, the chief of the palace. There is almost nothing to do in this position. Zhu Shenxuan went to Shaanxi to be the governor. The Shi Si, the head of the palace in Taiyuan, Shanxi, can be revoked, but there are still many Zhu Shenxuan's family members who need to be taken care of, so it has been maintained. At this time, Su Tianhao suddenly came to the capital. Well, of course Su Tiancheng knows what it is.

Su Tianhao is very different from Su Tiancheng, much stronger. Su Tiancheng doesn't particularly reject this half-brother, but it can't be said that he cares about it. After all, he has traveled into Su Tiancheng's body. Too much family affection, not to mention the phrase body, which has encountered a lot of contempt before.

After returning to the mansion, Su Tiancheng did not go to the lobby immediately, but went straight to Zhu Shenxin's room.

Zhu Shenxin knew the purpose of Su Tiancheng's coming, just as Su Tiancheng came in, she asked the maid beside her to go out, don't let anyone in, the maid nodded and went out.

"Husband, I know what you are here for. My elder brother came to the capital. I sent someone to tell you the news. I also thought that I must tell you about such a big matter. A few years ago, I was everywhere. The bumps couldn't be fixed, so I didn't say anything before, this time, the concubine is in charge."

Su Tiancheng sighed lightly.

Zhu Shenxin had good intentions. It was impossible for her to know what happened to her. What she thought was filial piety, so she sent someone to notify Su Tianhao. It is estimated that Su Tiancheng decided to come to the capital after thinking about it. I don't know this news, it's not very clear yet.

"Ma'am, I see. I still want to thank you. I haven't been in touch with my family all these years."

"Husband, I can see that there are some things that I understand, but I feel that, no matter what, the family still has to take care of it. The husband has a high position and can take care of the family. supported."

"Okay, you rest, I'm going to see the elder brother."

When Su Tianhao was brought into the study, he seemed very cautious. He had been in Taiyuan's palace chief Shi Si. Although he said that he lived a comfortable life, the officials he met were limited. Mr. Chang Shi was only a fifth rank. It was not even comparable to Su Pingyang and others from the previous family members of the Su family. Su Pingyang was already a fourth-rank magistrate. When he came to the capital and entered the Su residence, he naturally felt cautious when he saw so many high-ranking officials.

As for being in front of Su Tiancheng, it is even more impossible for him to be presumptuous. Even though he is the eldest brother, Su Tiancheng is already a first-rank official of the imperial court, and this is an official he would never meet in Shanxi.

Su Tianhao is clear about the family's past events. After these years, with the improvement of Su Tiancheng's status, Su Tianhao also felt that his mother's short-sightedness caused the current ending, and his father's life was very comfortable. Don't think about it so much, no one in Pingliang City would dare to offend the Su family, including the magistrate, who would visit his family every year.

After receiving the news from Zhu Shenxin, Su Tianhao's first reaction was to go to the capital by himself. Don't tell his parents and second brother about this for now, lest something bad happen.

"Brother, don't be nervous, sit down and talk, Uncle Su, go out to greet guests, just say I have something to delay."

Su Pingyang looked at Su Tianhao with complicated eyes, nodded and went out.

Su Tianhao seemed even more cramped. When he sat down, his body was straight and his legs were tense.

Seeing such a situation, Su Tiancheng suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Anyway, they are half-brothers. They have traveled into this body by themselves. They always have some responsibilities for their parents and brothers. If they always Is it because I care about the past, or to prevaricate myself because I don't have much family affection after time travel, and my conscience is still uneasy.

"Do father, aunt and second brother know about this?"

Su Tianhao looked at Su Tiancheng, looking a little surprised. He didn't expect Su Tiancheng to ask about his parents and second brother.

"They don't know yet. I got the news and came alone."

Su Tiancheng nodded.

"These years have passed, and I have never gone back. My family is fine."

"all good."

Seeing Su Tianhao's reserved expression, Su Tiancheng knew that he still had to do something for his family.

"Has eldest brother been in the Palace Chief History Department?"

"Yeah, for this matter, thank you..."

Su Tianhao didn't know how to call Su Tiancheng, he called him third brother, for fear that he would be dissatisfied.

Su Tiancheng shook his head slightly.

"I see. His Royal Highness Prince Jin told me about you last year. He was always in the palace chief Shisi, and he was wasted. This time he came to the capital, and the journey was very hard. Stay here for now. I will find a way. Help you get a job again."

Su Tianhao stood up quickly, ready to salute Su Tiancheng.

Su Tiancheng also stood up and held Su Tianhao back.

"They're all brothers from my own family, so don't do this kind of thing anymore. When you get here, just be casual."

Su Pingyang came in. It turned out that it was Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou, Yang Sichang and others who came. Now, Su Tiancheng had to come forward, and it would be unreasonable not to come forward.

When he was about to leave the study, he looked at Su Tianhao and suddenly thought of something.

"Brother, you go with me and don't be so reserved when you meet these adults."

Su Tianhao nodded again and again, his eyes filled with gratitude. He knew very well what it meant to follow these adults. It seems that he must have a good talk with his mother when he returns home in the future. If he still behaves according to his previous attitude, he will be at a disadvantage. For me, my third brother Su Tiancheng is still very magnanimous, and he didn't care so much, otherwise he would never be successful in his life. (To be continued..)

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