Ming politicians

Chapter 671 Construction of Daling River City

(Thank you readers for your great support. The new January has arrived, and I will definitely continue to work hard.)

Before leaving the capital, Su Tiancheng arranged the family affairs, and Su Tianhao went to work in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. This was also when Yang Sichang went to the Su Manor to congratulate him. He met Su Tianhao and heard Su Tiancheng say that Su Tianhao had been the head of the Shi Si in the Wang Mansion for several years. Ji Shan, who was originally a supervisor of the Imperial College, was a little wronged by this, and he had a lot of things to do and seldom cared about family affairs. Yang Sichang immediately stated that such talents should go to the capital to do things and go to the Ministry of Punishment. Liu Zongzhou and Huang Dao Zhou and the others were all on the scene, and the speed of doing such a thing was very fast.

Su Tianhao took up the post of Zhaomo of the eighth rank of the Ministry of Justice. Zhaomo's duties were mainly to take charge of the files and audit the department's expenditures. Although the official is small, he has a lot of responsibilities. This position is very tempered. It can be seen that when Yang Sichang spent money Thinking about it, besides, there are still differences between Beijing officials and local officials. The eighth rank of Beijing officials is equivalent to the seventh rank officials above the local level, and the promotion space of Beijing officials is much larger.

On the first day of June, Su Tiancheng rushed to Dalinghe City.

The construction of Dalinghe City is coming to an end. The artillery attack only damaged part of the city wall. It is not very difficult to repair it, but the [-] soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City are always on high alert Yes, the scouts from Jiangning Battalion are scouting a few miles away from Dalinghe City every day to prevent the Houjin Tartars from attacking. [

Zu Dale personally participated in the construction, carrying stones every day like a sergeant. The masons who came from Jinzhou had almost no time to rest. Zu Dale was very urgent, and he had to complete the construction of Dalinghe City within a month. repair work.

Because Zu Dale personally participated in the labor, the sergeant will not neglect, and the construction speed is very fast.Half a month later, the main task was to repair the inner and outer walls of the city wall.

All the grain and grass in Dalinghe City were left behind. These grains and grass were enough for an army of [-] people for about five months. After the capture of Dalinghe City, Su Tiancheng gave an order.All the food and grass were left behind, and those stationed in Dalinghe City were mainly infantry, with only a small amount of cavalry.

What Su Tiancheng is considering now is to strengthen the construction of the border, which is all-round.Not only Liaodong, Datong, Yulin, Ningxia and other places in Shanxi, including Dengzhou and Laizhou in Shandong, must be considered comprehensively, otherwise, it will only stabilize Liaodong, maybe when.The Eight Banners Army entered the pass from Datong, and the losses were still very large. Even if the Jiangning Battalion went to the rescue, the rest of the frontier troops were still afraid of the Eight Banners Army and could not play a decisive role.

According to Su Tiancheng's plan, from now on, it will mainly use economic means to drag down Houjin.As long as the border is firmly guarded so that the Eight Banners Army does not have the opportunity to enter the pass to plunder, it will be very difficult to feed the army and the Manchus with the little land occupied by Hou Jin. Once Hou Jin can no longer bear it, Huang Taiji will inevitably Find a way to force the Eight Banners Army to enter the pass, at that time.Then the Eight Banners Army can be wiped out slowly.

As for the time of the general attack, it is not yet considered.

With this idea in mind, the first thing he needs to implement is to build and build Dalinghe City well.

General city construction.It includes inner city and outer city, but the situation of Dalinghe City is special, there is no inner city, which is similar to Ningyuan, but Jinzhou is different. It includes inner city, even if the outer city is breached, the defenders You can still stick to the inner city and wait for rescue.

Xu Eryi once suggested whether to expand the scope of Dalinghe City and build an outer city. This suggestion was rejected by Su Tiancheng. As the artillery gradually became the main force of the battle, the construction of the city was no longer the most important thing. However, the key is to strengthen the overall strength of the army, be able to resist external attacks at any time, and be able to defend and attack.

When Zu Dale appeared in front of Su Tiancheng, Su Tiancheng was a little amused.

The weather started to heat up, Zu Dale participated in the labor, the skin on his face was tanned, and his beard hadn't been shaved for a long time, it looked as if he came out of a charcoal hole.

"My lord, the last general has fulfilled his mission. The construction of Daling River City is basically completed."

"Well, I've seen it all. You can lead by example and motivate the sergeants. Thank you for your hard work."

Su Tiancheng's original idea was to have He Renlong and Zu Dale garrison Dalinghe City together, and he also planned to place [-] soldiers here, but after careful consideration, he changed his decision. There are too many sergeants, and the consumption is also very high. I have been appointed as the governor of Jiliao, and I have already prepared to carry out a thorough reform of the frontier army. This idea has also been approved by the emperor. At present, the frontier army needs to be abolished, and production and construction need to be strengthened. To improve the comprehensive defense capability of the border, if Dalinghe City only stationed sergeants, it did not meet his requirements.

He Renlong, who was standing beside Su Tiancheng, paid special attention to Zu Dale. The two had similar nicknames, one was lunatic and the other was second lunatic. So He Renlong wanted to take a good look and see what exactly this Zu Dale was. Sample.

"He Renlong, let's get acquainted with Zu Dale. From now on, the two of you will be stationed in Daling River City. He Renlong will be in charge and Zu Dale will assist. Daling River City must not be lost, otherwise I will not Polite."

He Renlong and Zu Dale hurried to Su Tiancheng and knelt down on one knee.

"The final general will not disgrace the mission."

"Get up, all of you." [

After the two got up, Su Tiancheng smiled and spoke.

"Have you ever thought about how to guard Dalinghe City?"

He Renlong looked at Zu Dale, since he was the coach stationed in Dalinghe City, he naturally had to answer first.

"The final general will always urge the sergeants to defend the city, including strongholds and fortresses such as Xiaoling River. It is also a key point that needs to be stabilized. Sergeants are dispatched every day to investigate the movement of all parties. Once there is a disturbance, stick to the city and attack the Houjin Tatars hard. son."

Su Tiancheng looked at Zu Dale.

"Zu Dale, what's your opinion?"

Zu Dale froze for a moment, and took a while to speak.

"The general thinks that Mr. He has said very well, so the general should follow suit."

Su Tiancheng shook his head slightly, and spoke slowly.

"The imperial court is difficult, and you all know that Liaodong is even more impoverished. After many years of fighting, there are almost no people here. It will cost a lot to maintain such a large army. Therefore, it is only necessary to defend the city. It is definitely not enough, and construction is still needed. According to the previous plan, Daling River City was going to station 5000 soldiers, but I changed my mind. The 1 soldiers will last for a year at most. The number of sergeants in Hecheng is maintained at 5000, [-] are stationed in Dalinghe City, and the remaining [-] are scattered among forts and strongholds."

After Su Tiancheng uttered this number, the expressions of He Renlong and Zu Dale changed a little. Dalinghe City is the forefront of resisting the post-Gold Tartars. It is also the source of Guan Ningjin's line of defense. , there are so few sergeants placed, if the later golden tartars attack aggressively, wouldn't it be a disadvantage?

Seeing that the two of them did not speak, Su Tiancheng's expression turned serious.

"What's the matter, are you scared?"

The two spoke in unison.

"Don't be afraid..."

He Renlong looked at Zu Dale, he knew Su Tiancheng a lot after all.

"My lord, the generals and the last general are not afraid. There are fewer soldiers stationed in Dalinghe City. If they encounter a large-scale attack by the Houjin Tartars, they may encounter accidents. If such a situation occurs, it will be the last general's crime."

Zu Dale didn't speak, but nodded repeatedly to express his agreement.

"What do you have to worry about? Daling River City is only forty miles away from Jinzhou. Do you think the Empress Jin Tartars can still besiege Daling River City and prevent our army from coming to rescue? I wish Huang Taiji could do that, Daling Hecheng is more than [-] miles away from Shenyang, so I want to see if it is because our army is quick to rescue, or because the supply lines of the Houjin Tartars are indestructible."

Hearing what Su Tiancheng said, He Renlong expressed his opinion immediately without hesitation.

"My lord, the last general obeys, and must stick to Dalinghe City."

"Perseverance is one thing, how to maintain the fighting spirit of the sergeant is another matter. There are a large number of troops at the border, how to ensure the supply of the army and the implementation of the payment of the army are big things. For many years, Liaodong has relied on The supply of the imperial court, this situation must be reversed, otherwise it will be impossible for us to wipe out Houjin, so I have thought about it, Dalinghe City must have merchants, shops, popularity, necessary At that time, some mutual markets can be developed here, and if many places in Jiliao can be self-sufficient, it will not be far from the time when the post-gold is wiped out.” [

He Renlong and Zu Dale were dumbfounded when they heard that, Daling River City is the most advanced position, who would want to come here to do business? Although merchants want to make money, they must at least save their lives. It seems that Su Tiancheng's requirements are too high.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Su Tiancheng spoke again.

"There is still one year to go. Everything depends on how things change. I know what you think. To achieve this goal, the difficulties are indeed great, but you remember, there are no difficulties, what do you want to stay here for? Things need to be done step by step, slowly finding a way, in short, you have to remember that Liaodong belongs to Daming, and one day, we will make Houjin surrender, if they resist, we will drive them into the sea."

When leaving Dalinghe City, Su Tiancheng once again asked He Renlong to keep calm and don't get excited when encountering anything. Zu Dale's character is impatient, and he will take the lead when encountering a fight. This kind of situation cannot continue to appear, otherwise Daling River City will be really in danger. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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