Ming politicians

Chapter 672: Huang Taiji's Worries

The Daling River was repaired, a large number of Ming troops were stationed, and the surrounding fortresses and strongholds were also reinforced. Yuetuo was cracked by a car, and Kong Youde was executed by Ling Chi. These news continuously spread to Huang Taiji's ears, which made Huang Taiji feel dissatisfied. It might be quiet, but each of these news worried and angered him.

The plan to rescue Dalinghe City was finally rejected, and it was Dorgon who put forward this opinion.

Dorgon is the commander-in-chief of the army, so opinions certainly play an important role, not to mention that he has experienced many battles. Facing such a situation, he knows exactly what kind of decision to make, all because of Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying.

The fiasco of Dalinghe City made Dorgon think of what happened in the ninth year of Chongzhen. Azige led one hundred thousand and eight bannermen into the customs, but encountered Jiangning camp and suffered heavy losses. When he returned to Shenyang, there were not enough soldiers. 7 people. After that disastrous defeat, Dorgon paid great attention to Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying. For any objective reasons, both Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying were unusual.

This time, it was still Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying who took down Daling River City in just three days, and the time to attack Daling River City was less than one day, starting from Mao in the morning and ending in the evening Now, once the [-] soldiers guarding Dalinghe City escaped, what a sophisticated plan and a brave army would be needed. [

Based on this consideration, Dorgon made a suggestion that the army should not rescue or attack Dalinghe City for the time being.

However, the Qing Dynasty couldn't bear this tone. The combination of new and old hatreds had already ignited the anger of many powerful generals in the Qing Dynasty. If there was no way to vent, the Han people in the Qing Dynasty would probably suffer a lot.

In fact, after the Ming army captured Dalinghe City, the Han people in the Qing Dynasty had already begun to suffer, and that was Fan Wencheng, whom Huang Taiji trusted the most.He has also become the punching bag of many princes, county kings, Baylor and Beizi. When he went to court, he often encountered cynicism. It seemed that Fan Wencheng had the greatest responsibility for the failure of Dalinghe City.

Everyone's complaints, Fan Wencheng was unspeakable, because he was cowardly at the beginning.It made him come up with this bad idea, but what he was most worried about happened. The sergeants stationed in Dalinghe City were wiped out by the front, and Dalinghe City was also lost. Fan Wencheng, a son of the Qing Dynasty, was also paid Remember.When the news that the Ming court was planning to split Yuetuo reached the court, those princes, county kings, etc. looked at him with vicious eyes.

What worries Fan Wencheng the most is not this matter, although in the Qing Dynasty, some Manchus began to beat, scold and bully Han people at will.There were frequent reports of Han people being tortured to death, but this was not the main thing, what he was worried about was still the emperor.

At the beginning of the emperor's ascension to the throne, the Qing practiced the rule that the four beiles all sat facing the south and governed the government together. Tai, Sibaile Huang Taiji.

After that, the emperor made great efforts to govern.Various measures were taken to abolish the situation of co-administration of the government and monopolize the power. Erbeile Amin and Sanbeile Manggurtai were respectively disposed of.It is precisely because of this move that the Qing Dynasty was led by the emperor.It has developed rapidly, and its strength is unprecedentedly strong.

However, the problems existing in the Qing Dynasty are also prominent, lacking the education of Confucianism, many county kings, Baylor and Beizi.They are all ambitious. Once there is an unstable situation in the country, or the emperor's health goes wrong, it may lead to a split situation, and the internal strife will develop to the point of further aggravation.

Over the years, Fan Wencheng has made efforts in this regard, but the effect is not very great. The current situation of unity in the Qing Dynasty depends entirely on the wisdom and majesty of the emperor.

Now, the problem is slowly appearing because of two failures.

Since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, it seems that the year of the ox is unfavorable. When the country was founded, Azig led an army of 3 to enter the customs, and suffered a disastrous defeat, with a loss of more than [-] people. This time, Dalinghe City was captured, and the loss was still [-]. People, but most of them are the Han army, which is not enough to shake the foundation of the Qing Dynasty, but for four years, the Qing Dynasty has not been able to take advantage of the Ming Dynasty. This situation is the fault of the Qing Dynasty. Many Manchu nobles could not bear it.

The emperor’s rule still depends on these Manchu aristocrats. In the Qing Dynasty, the status of the Han people was very low, and their role was even insignificant. When the emperor came to the throne, he mainly killed the Han people. What the Manchus believed in was conquest by force. In the world, it was not until the Battle of the Daling River in the fourth year of Chongzhen that the emperor realized that blindly killing is not enough. The privileges of the Manchus must be curbed, and the Han people must obtain the most basic living guarantees, otherwise the Qing Dynasty will not be able to develop. .

The introduction of many policies after that basically guaranteed the status of the Han people, but this guarantee was based on the premise that the Qing Dynasty had an absolute advantage. If the Qing Dynasty was suppressed by the Ming Dynasty, the status of the Han people would not be guaranteed.

With the current problems, the situation of the Han people has gradually become dangerous, especially those Han people who were looted to the Qing Dynasty, and their lives may be in danger at any time. As for the Han slaves in the Manchu family, it goes without saying , life is not guaranteed at all, it can be said that it is not a human being.

When these problems arise, the root cause is that the Manchu aristocrats were dissatisfied with the emperor and expressed it by abusing the Han people.

I believe that there is a problem here, and Huang Taiji can also see it.

Fan Wencheng is very clear that the emperor is the emperor of the Manchus, and he is still protecting the interests of the Manchu nobles. At critical moments, it is impossible to protect the Han people. This is a natural situation, and it cannot be changed.

Fan Wencheng feels very sad. If there is a large-scale abuse of Han people, it means that the Qing Dynasty will start to destroy the Great Wall and start to turn around. Under such circumstances, the Qing Dynasty will slowly decline. Contest, and was finally wiped out by Da Ming.

Fan Wencheng is a Han, but he has served the Qing Dynasty all his life. After the Ming Dynasty was destroyed, he could not have a way out. The ending of Kong Youde is the best illustration. Under such circumstances, Fan Wencheng sincerely hopes that the Qing Dynasty will develop . [

When entering the palace, Fan Wencheng's mood was very low.

The emperor was alone in the hall.

"Wen Cheng, you have suffered during this time, and I know it."

"Your Majesty, the slave failed to share his worries, and should be punished by the princes and county kings."

"Don't say that, I'm clear in my heart. I know why these things happened, and I'm not confused. If this continues, I'm afraid that without Su Tiancheng's massive attack, the Qing Dynasty will collapse on its own."

Fan Wencheng looked up at the emperor.

There was a smile on the emperor's face, and there was something calm and calm.

"Wen Cheng, I trust you the most, and I also believe that the Han people have wisdom. You can rest assured that I will control the situation in front of you. If the Qing Dynasty lacks the wisdom and hard work of the Han people, it is impossible to imagine the future development."

Just a few words made Fan Wencheng tearful.

"The emperor's kindness, the servant will remember it in his heart, and the only way to repay it is to die."

Huang Taiji sighed lightly.

"Wen Cheng, I am also in a dilemma. Since the first year of Chongde, our Qing Dynasty has not been able to achieve an impressive record against Ming Dynasty. Instead, we have always been in a disadvantageous situation. In four years, our Qing Dynasty lost [-] soldiers. It’s not possible to continue to develop like this without being able to enter the customs once. You know that the land in my Qing Dynasty is barren, and it is very difficult to feed so many people. If we continue to be in this situation, the consequences will be worrisome.”

Fan Wencheng lowered his head and didn't speak. He also thought about this problem for a long time, but he didn't think of a better way. The only thing he could think of was to get benefits from the Mongolian tribe, and the second was to get supplies from the mutual market in Anningbao and Jingbian. But the distance between these two places is too far, and the consumption along the way is simply unbearable. It can be said that the Qing Dynasty did not get any benefits from the mutual market, on the contrary, it consumed a lot of money.

Whenever he thinks about this matter, Fan Wencheng feels that this Su Tiancheng is really not simple. He seems to be in the middle of the mutual market, allowing traders from the Qing Dynasty to trade, but in fact he is exploiting the Qing Dynasty in different ways and weakening the strength of the Qing Dynasty.

But the Qing Dynasty could only bear it. The food produced was not enough to feed so many people, so it could only pay a higher price to get food from the mutual market.

"Wen Cheng, I want to go to the imperial conquest, and I must change the current situation. I can't continue like this. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, absolutely not."

"Oh, why did Wen Cheng say that?"

"Your Majesty, the hearts of my Qing Dynasty are fluctuating now. Many princes, county kings, Baylor, and Beizi are full of resentment, and many Manchu generals are also dissatisfied. At this time, we need to stabilize the internal affairs. If the emperor personally conquers, once The intensification of internal conflicts in the Qing Dynasty will cause irreparable losses."

Huang Taiji stood up slowly, walked to the opposite of Fan Wencheng, saw that Fan Wencheng was about to kneel down again, and held Fan Wencheng.

"Wen Cheng, it seems that you are really worried about my Qing Dynasty. What you said is also something I worry about. If many civil and military ministers have such an understanding, I have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, some People are short-sighted, thinking that the world will be peaceful if they vent their anger for a while, stupid, the more dangerous the situation is, the more they must be calm and composed, and work together to deal with such a situation. The reserves of our Qing Dynasty, It is still enough, but I dare not take it out easily, I will save it until the last resort, and take it out to solve the predicament."

"The emperor is wise." [

"This is not Yingming, this is Nai. A Su Tiancheng has forced me to become like this. If this Su Tiancheng could be used by me, I am afraid that he would have taken down Da Ming long ago." (To be continued. If you like This work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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