Ming politicians

Chapter 673 Huang Taiji's Reminder

Many important civil and military ministers are concentrated in the main hall, including princes, county kings, Baylor, Beizi, Manchu nobles, etc. Relatively speaking, the strength of the Han people is very weak, except for Fan Wencheng who stands in the front position , the rest of the Han people are all behind the ceremony, and that small group of people, if you don't pay attention, you really can't see it.

After ascending the throne, Huang Taiji followed the example of the Ming Dynasty and carried out the imperial examinations. Unfortunately, a perfect system has not yet been established. In addition, the Qing Dynasty has always been dominated by fighting and fighting. In terms of construction, apart from Huang Taiji I pay special attention to it. The rest of the powerful Manchu nobles are not very interested. This also caused Huang Taiji's plan to win over talents to encounter a lot of setbacks. However, Huang Taiji still insisted on his own approach. Fortunately, he has With enough prestige, under heavy pressure, many civil and military ministers still have to do so.

Not being able to enter the Central Plains, they have always been regarded as barbarians. This makes Huang Taiji very uncomfortable. There are very few Han people who take the imperial examination. Many Han people think that it is a shame for the Qing Dynasty to do things. It is difficult to change. For the sake of the overall situation of the Qing Dynasty, Huang Taiji sometimes bears the burden of humiliation. On the one hand, he has to do the work of the Manchu dignitaries, and on the other hand, he has to appease the Han people. Without great talent and super self-confidence, he really can’t do it. at this point.

After the Ming army captured Dalinghe City, the situation in the Qing Dynasty became a bit delicate. Some voices of opposition began to appear. Some Manchu dignitaries were ready to move, and even questioned Huang Taiji's decision-making. This cannot be tolerated.

Huang Taiji knew very well that when conflicts began to appear, they had to find a way to eliminate them, and they could not be allowed to spread, or so to speak.This kind of contradiction has not been completely eliminated, and now it has only found a breakthrough, and it has begun to germinate again. This dangerous situation is far greater than Dalinghe City being attacked.

Among Huang Taiji's brothers, Dorgon discovered such signs.Therefore, a decisive suggestion was made not to reinforce Dalinghe City for the time being. If this reinforcement fails, the next situation will be even more dangerous.

Fortresses were breached from within.

So, nearly a month has passed, Huang Taiji has been thinking hard, and he must curb this momentum, but talking about it is useless.We must find a breakthrough, otherwise this force will really rise, and the losses will be great.

Huang Taiji glanced coldly at Prince Li Daishan.

Daishan is his second elder brother. When the four major Baylors all sat facing south and managed the government together, Daishan was one of them. After so many years, Daishan basically has no power and authority.But this time the defeat of Dalinghe City seems to be changing the situation.Daishan's eldest son, Yuetuo, was captured alive and was torn apart by the Ming Dynasty. This dealt a great blow to Daishan. The defeat was impossible to recover. The Ming army took Dalinghe City in one day, and the rescue was simply impossible. too late.Ke Daishan strongly supported the Eight Banners Army's attack on Dalinghe City, looking for an opportunity to start a decisive battle with the Ming Army.

This is definitely not true. The Qing Dynasty is not yet so strong, and even if it is going to carry out a large-scale campaign, it will be after the autumn harvest.The army was able to move out only when a large amount of food and grass had been gathered. Moreover, the Qing Dynasty lost a lot of food and grass in the defeat of Dalinghe City. The twenty red cannons made Huang Taiji feel distressed for a long time.

But Daishan didn't seem to see this, and insisted blindly. Huang Taiji was understandable in the early days. After all, Daishan's eldest son, Yue Tuo, had such a tragic ending. As a father, he still felt resentful, but it took a little longer. Huang Taiji realized that something was wrong, and some Manchu nobles began to go to Daishan's mansion, and even individual Baylor and Beizi also participated in it.

Of course, Huang Taiji needs to be vigilant. At the beginning, Yuetuo was downgraded from prince to beizi because he was too ambitious. Daishan was able to keep his glory among the other three beiles, and was conferred the title of prince of rites. Things have changed. The Qing Dynasty has not been able to plunder huge amounts of wealth for several years. These Manchu nobles are beginning to be dissatisfied.

Dai Shan is in charge of the positive red flag, and Yue Tuo is in charge of the inlaid red flag. This is a power that cannot be underestimated. In the Qing Dynasty, it is a very great position to be able to control an army with one flag or even two flags. According to regulations, every The fixed number of banner troops is 7500, and the eight banners have a total of 30 sergeants. However, in recent years, due to the needs of the development of the situation, the military strength of each banner has been expanded on a large scale. The entire Qing Dynasty always has more than 5 troops. , which of course also includes the Han army.Among them, the total number of troops of Zhenghongqi and Xianghongqi is close to [-].

People's hearts are unpredictable, and Huang Taiji has always believed in this. His father Han Nurhachi also got rid of his younger brother Shuerhaqi and hanged his eldest son Chu Ying because of power struggles. After he became the throne, he eliminated Amin, Mang Gurtai and others are also trying to consolidate power.

To put it bluntly, being born in the royal family, family affection is very weak, far inferior to power. In the face of power, family affection is vulnerable. Brothers and sisters, father and son, can turn against each other. , even crueler than outsiders.

Having been in charge of the Qing Dynasty for so many years, Huang Taiji has long had a heart of iron and stone. Everything he does is for the prosperity and strength of the Qing Dynasty, and even more to consolidate his own power.

Today, many princes, county kings, Baylor, Beizi and others were summoned. Huang Taiji just thought that he wanted to warn some people. If he insisted on going his own way, he would not be polite.

"I called you here today because I want to say something, or I need to remind you that since the first year of Chongde, our soldiers in the Qing Dynasty have not been able to fight a battle to the fullest, and they have not been able to fight from the Ming Dynasty. Looting wealth and population, Azig led a large army to enter the pass, but suffered a defeat, causing my Eight Banners disciples to lose more than [-] people. The [-] Han army has been around for four years, and these things have happened, and some people still feel uncomfortable, thinking that the Qing Dynasty cannot bear such a loss, and must take revenge."

"It's normal to have such thoughts. I also think about these things all the time, hoping to find a suitable opportunity to revive the prestige of my Eight Banners Army. Only if you have such thoughts can you maintain prosperity fighting spirit."

"However, what I want to say today has another meaning."

Huang Taiji stood up, and Ling Lie's eyes swept across the crowd.

"In ancient times, there was a story of suffering from hardship, and you all know it. You also know how much suffering we have experienced in the past [-] years in the Qing Dynasty. You must focus on the overall situation and consider the overall situation in everything. I would like to ask you, is it possible for the Qing Dynasty to start the final decisive battle with the Ming Dynasty, is it possible to capture the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, is it possible to sweep the Central Plains, who of you has such courage and ability, you and I Set up a written statement, I can share this lecture with you, if there is anyone, please stand up and speak out, I will forgive you for your innocence."

Inside the hall, it was very quiet, no one spoke.

"Brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers in battle, brothers united in one heart, their benefits cut gold, these words, I often talk about it, why do I say these words all the time, just to warn some people, my Qing Dynasty The overall interests are paramount, whoever thinks of harming the interests of our Qing Dynasty, no matter what your status is, you are a sinner of the Qing Dynasty, and the crime will not be punished."

"Since I ascended the throne, I have reminded myself all the time that the land laid down by my father and Han must be firmly held, constantly developed, and constantly strengthened. With this belief, I have won countless victories together with you. I cheer and celebrate together with you, and I am happy for the strength of our Qing Dynasty. But some people don’t think so. In their eyes, what they see is For power, what you see is interest, and for power and interest, you don't care about anything."

"I would like to remind you that the Ming Dynasty was once so powerful that we, the Qing Dynasty, cannot match it. Over the years, the reason why I have been repeatedly defeated by the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty is because there are too many moths in their court. "

"The situation has changed now. Su Tiancheng appeared in Ming Dynasty, and Jiangning Camp appeared. I am very worried. The food is tasteless, and I can't sleep at night. The two defeats I encountered in the Qing Dynasty were all due to this Su Tian. Appeared during the process, what does this mean, it means that Daming is slowly starting to grow stronger, this must arouse our attention."

"I don't understand. Under such circumstances, some people are still so impulsive and care about their personal interests. The two failures ignited the anger of many people. Some people took this anger on the Han people, beating and scolding at will. Killing, it seems that this reflects one's own might, I feel blushing for you, is this a warrior, is it Batulu, this is a coward."

"I emphasize again that from now on, if someone bullies and kills Han people at will, don't blame me for being rude. You have to understand that the integration of Manchu and Han is what our Qing Dynasty will eventually achieve. Only then, our Qing Dynasty Only then can it continue to grow stronger.”

"In the face of the current situation, I have already made a decision. We will use two prongs. The Qing Dynasty must vigorously develop farming and production. Food must be sufficient and the national power must be strong. On the basis of this, we will launch an attack on Daming's borders, making Daming unsafe. "

"The Mongolian Grassland is the territory of my Qing Dynasty, and it is also the reliance of my Qing Dynasty. But recently it has been very uneasy there. I have decided to conquer the Mongolian Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe, and destroy the Ming Dynasty in Anningbao and Jingjing. The mutual market on the border allows the Mongolian tribes to completely belong to our Qing Dynasty.” (To be continued..)

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