Ming politicians

Chapter 674 It Turned Out to be a Conspiracy

Everyone knows the bravery of the emperor, and they also know that this blow is impossible to shake the authority of the emperor. Now that the emperor has said these words, everyone listens and understands the meaning. On the one hand, the emperor is reminding some people who are ready to move. No matter what the purpose is, he has to stop, so as not to get into trouble. On the other hand, he also wants to find opportunities to teach Daming a lesson. It is not the emperor's character to hold his breath like this all the time.

In fact, the Qing Dynasty was very rich. Everyone knows that most of the wealth looted from the Ming Dynasty in the past few years went into the treasury. After the emperor ascended the throne, he made great reforms. , or looting in the border and Mongolia areas, the wealth obtained is distributed, and there is almost no balance, but the situation is different later. The emperor requires that [-]% of each income must go to the treasury, and the rest Forty percent is distributed according to military merit. As for the looted population, they are basically Han people directly controlled by the imperial court. I don’t know how much wealth was plundered from Guannei, Mongolia, and North Korea. Therefore, despite such regulations, But as long as they go out to fight, the sergeants are all in high spirits.

The disastrous defeat in the first year of Chongde did not have much influence among the Eight Banners Army. In the eyes of the Eight Banners Army, it was an accidental event, and it did not mean that the combat effectiveness of the army had increased, let alone the combat effectiveness of the Eight Banners Army. It has weakened. As for the failure of Dalinghe City, all Han troops were stationed. The Han troops who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty mainly used firearms, and their combat effectiveness was not good. This does not mean that the combat effectiveness of the Ming army has increased.

Dalinghe City was taken down in less than a day, so that there were many rumors in Shenyang. Many people thought that this time the Han army stationed in Dalinghe City must have wavered, and even cooperated with the inside and outside, making Ming The army took Dalinghe City easily, otherwise it would not have been possible.This kind of rumor was widely circulated, and most people believed it. As for Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying, they were ordinary soldiers of the Eight Banners Army.Basically do not know.

However, the emperor proposed to go directly to Mongolia and teach the Xibe and Daur tribes a lesson. This decision surprised everyone. You must know that these two tribes are both in the Hetao area, which is not far from the border of Daming, but it is far from Shenyang. is very far.The army traveled long distances, and it required a great deal of energy in terms of logistics, and it was necessary to prevent reinforcements from the Ming army. If they attacked Dalinghe City, the distance would be very long, or they would not be able to succeed.You can also withdraw in time, why does the emperor look far away. [

With the emperor's previous reprimand, everyone would not open their mouths to ask. Although a decision has been made, the emperor still needs to determine the general who will lead the army and arrange the troops to attack. This is not something that can be decided in a day or two.

After the dispersal.Daishan, Dorgon, Azig, Jierhalang and Fan Wencheng stayed behind.

When it comes to military deployment, there will not be too many people involved. It is even more impossible to arrange these things publicly. Generally, the leading generals need to stay and arrange them. Since these people stay, it means that this time The conquest of Mongolian tribes has something to do with these people.

Huang Taiji stood up slowly.He spoke while pacing.

"It's not a matter of a day or two for me to conquer Mongolia. I had this idea a long time ago. The Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe, relying on the support of the Ming army, got benefits from the mutual market. Slowly It has become stronger. Don’t take my Qing Dynasty seriously, and even the tribal heirs have been sent to Ming Dynasty. This is an open confrontation with my Qing Dynasty. This kind of arrogance. If you can’t be severely punished, The Mongolian grasslands will be in chaos."

Although Huang Taiji said so, no one spoke.

In fact, the situation of the Mongolian tribes is much more chaotic than what Huang Taiji said. Except for a few hard-core tribes, the rest of the tribes have shown double-dealing practices. The Eight Banners also had some specific problems, and the mobilization was not as smooth as before.

In fact, the Mongolian grassland has always been very chaotic. The emphasis here is on the respect of force. Whoever is powerful can be the boss, occupy the best grassland, and continue to grow tribes. The battle between tribes has always been Ruthless, extermination happened from time to time. This is also because Mongolia's natural environment is too harsh. If you want to survive, you can only use force to seize the few resources.

Huang Taiji should be aware of these situations. Over the years, the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe have benefited greatly from mutual trading, and the tribe has gradually grown stronger. For this reason, Huang Taiji ordered some tribes to attack, but the winner was The Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe, everyone was also a little worried, but the strange thing is that although the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe have grown stronger, they have not left the Hetao area, nor have they shown any intention to expand, precisely because People gradually paid no attention to such a situation. As long as these two tribes did not think about being the boss on the grassland, they could ignore it for the time being.

The most important thing now is that Dalinghe City is lost. The area of ​​more than [-] miles from Dalinghe City to Shenyang must be protected. Within this distance, there are not many natural dangers to rely on. How to prevent it The sneak attack of the Jiangning camp, or the all-out effort to retake Dalinghe City, is the real issue that needs to be considered.

"I see that this crusade against the Xibe and Daur tribes is still dominated by the Mongolian Eight Banners. For this matter, I will ask the second brother to take charge of it. He will lead [-] sergeants with the Zhenghong Banner and the Bordered Red Banner to supervise the Mongolian Eight Banners. Do not intervene directly unless it is absolutely necessary."

Before everyone had time to think about it, Daishan spoke up.

"The minister leads the decree. Please ask the emperor to arrange the deployment of specific battles."

"I don't think it's necessary. Second brother is responsible for all matters. Zhenghongqi suffered some losses this time, but it didn't hurt the root cause. I hope that this expedition against the Xibe and Daur tribes can gain success."

When the emperor said this, Daishan stopped talking.

He does have difficulties. He is old and has no ambitions for power. As for the throne of the emperor, he has no extravagant hopes. Some things can't be avoided. Manchu nobles are very dissatisfied with the emperor's lack of action in the past few years. They often come to visit him. The purpose is to think about changing the policy and aggressively attack Daming, regardless of whether they can win the pass. The Ningjin line of defense must at least enter the pass, severely attack the Ming army, and deter the Ming court.The idea of ​​these dignitaries is to ask him, the Prince of Li, to take the lead. In addition, the eldest son Yue Tuo was captured alive by the Ming army, and the hatred of the country and the family surged together.

When everyone comes to visit, Daishan is noncommittal, does not make any comments, and does not express any opinions. It is definitely inappropriate to teach everyone with a straight face, and he will not do so, let alone agreeing.

Deep down in his heart, Dai Shan knew very well that the younger brother of the emperor, his suspicion had not completely disappeared. As long as there was such a disturbance, he would have thoughts. The royal family did not have any family affection at all. Over the years, Yue Tuo's ambitions had swelled , being dealt with mercilessly by the emperor, he might not have been implicated, so he said that this time Yue Tuo was captured alive by the Ming army, and he didn't show any sadness at all. If it happened, he actually felt uncomfortable.

When they were sent to the prairie, the emperor did not make any arrangements. This was almost impossible in the past. After all, this is a war, not a child's play. There is no arrangement. You have to think about everything yourself. Thinking about the best, it is the emperor who trusts himself Well, the worst thing to think about is that the emperor didn't think about this matter at all, or he had other arrangements. [

Under such circumstances, Daishan would definitely not say anything, and silently accepted the task.

In terms of age, Daishan is already 57 years old. At this age, it is difficult to lead the army to go out to conquer, let alone go to the prairie with harsh conditions.

No one expected that Fan Wencheng would speak at this time.

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that such an arrangement is inappropriate."

Huang Taiji stared at Fan Wencheng fiercely, and his tone was a little bit bad.

"There's something wrong."

"The servant thinks that Prince Li is getting old, and the years are not forgiving, and the Mongolian grassland is a cold and bitter place..."

Before Fan Wencheng finished speaking, Daishan interrupted.

"Lord Fan, although this king is old, the battle is still tolerable. I, a Manchu warrior, can be knocked down by age, so don't talk about it."

Fan Wencheng's face turned pale, he couldn't speak.

Huang Taiji smiled.

"Wen Cheng, it seems that you Han people need to get to know our Manchu warriors again. The second brother is my Manchu warrior Batulu. He is powerful. He has experienced many storms. How can he be intimidated by the grassland?"

When he left the hall, Daishan had no expression on his face, and no one spoke to him. Under such circumstances, even a fool would not make fun of himself, but conquering Mongolian tribes is not a big deal, Your Majesty He once led a large army to conquest, and the raids in the past few years all entered the customs through Mongolia.

Back at the mansion, Daishan immediately closed the door to thank the guests. On the main hall, Huang Taiji said that he asked to come up with relevant deployments and measures within half a month, that is, the arrangement of the formation of troops. There are still many things that need to be prepared, so Daishan has every reason not to see guests.

The news of Huang Taiji's decision to conquer the Mongolian tribe spread quickly. Huang Taiji's warning had an impact among the Manchu dignitaries. Everyone knew about Huang Taiji's courage and ability. Huang Taiji's dignity is gone, that's no joke. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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