(Thanks to Hungry Mountain Lion, he20htte, s


e84, Fan Xuanzi voted a precious monthly ticket, thank you for saying whatever you want, and cast a valuable evaluation vote, thank you. )

When the butler came to report panting and pale, Dorgon was enjoying the pinching service. He massaged once a day, and his whole body looked comfortable.

"Master, the emperor, the emperor is here."

Dorgon drove away the woman who was carefully massaging, and stood up abruptly. He never thought that the emperor would come to his mansion after dark.

When Huang Taiji came in with a smile, Dorgon, who was wearing a short jacket, hurriedly prepared to kneel down. [

"You don't need to be like this, my fourteenth brother. I just came to see it. I never thought that my fourteenth brother's life is so colorful. I have also experienced the effect of this massage, but there are too many things."

Dorgon was a little embarrassed, and glared at the housekeeper.

The butler shrank his neck, and he had no choice. The emperor came to the gate of the mansion for a private visit. Who would dare to stop him? coming.

"Your Majesty, my younger brother will take you to the study."

After walking out of the house, Dorgon discovered that Fan Wencheng was standing outside, and of course there were eunuchs in the palace. Needless to say, the guards in the palace must be outside the mansion.

"Lord Fan is here too, you rare visitor."

Fan Wencheng quickly saluted, Dorgon is a real prince.

Dorgon didn't pay much attention to Fan Wencheng. In the scene in the hall today, he saw that Fan Wencheng was using tricks. He thought the same as everyone else. He and Azig and others could do things like fighting on the Mongolian grassland. It is done, there is no need for Daishan to lead the army, but after thinking about it carefully, this must be the emperor's arrangement.Otherwise, Fan Wencheng would not have the guts to think so, but there must be opinions.

In the study, Huang Taiji and Dorgon were sitting, while Fan Wencheng was standing aside.

Huang Taiji didn't say much, this is a manifestation of the different status.

"Fourteenth brother, my arrangement for today. You must be confused."

"Your Majesty, my younger brother thinks that the second elder brother will surely be invincible if he leads troops to conquer."

"I and you are brothers, so don't say these words. The second brother is too old. It is indeed inappropriate to conquer Mongolia, but I need to do this. There are two meanings in it. One is to remind some people who are about to move Don't think about it wrongly. Secondly, it is also under this guise. You can really do something. The situation in the Mongolian grasslands, I know very well that there is no need to conquer the Xibe and Daur tribes. Not to mention the consumption of food and money, the effect is not very great. Daming's mutual market in Anningbao and Jingbian has received the support of various tribes in Mongolia. It is definitely not a wise move for me to go to the mutual market at this time, so I said, at night Here you come."

Dorgon stood up in shock.

"What's the emperor's plan, my brother will never hesitate to die."

"It's better to sit down and talk. I brought Wen Cheng here today to make relevant arrangements. It is Wen Cheng who will tell you first. Wen Cheng is a Han Chinese, and I can help you analyze the characteristics of Han people's work."

At this time, Dorgon's complexion improved a little.It turns out that the emperor is well aware of all this. Today's arrangement in the hall is just a cover-up. Fan Wencheng helped the emperor to complete this cover-up.

"Master Fan, please sit down and talk. Don't be too careful if you are negligent."

Dorgon got up and greeted Fan Wencheng to sit down. [

Fan Wencheng spoke quickly.

"Your Majesty, my lord, I have been loyal to you for many years, and I have compared them many times. I feel that there are too many disadvantages in the Ming Dynasty. Although there are Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying, it is just a flash in the pan. As long as our Qing Dynasty can recharge its energy, it will definitely be able to Completely overthrow the Ming Dynasty and aspire to the Central Plains."

Huang Taiji smiled.

"Wen Cheng, there is no need to say more about these words, just talk about your analysis."

"According to the order, I feel that Su Tiancheng's appointment as the governor of Jiliao and in charge of border affairs, on the surface, is not good for our Qing Dynasty. The loss of Dalinghe City is the best proof, but Su Tiancheng is facing There are many problems. The first problem is that the Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty had great achievements. This is deeply rooted in the cultural tradition of the Han people. The greater the contribution of Su Tiancheng, the more dangerous the situation will be. The second problem , is to coordinate the relationship with the imperial court, Su Tiancheng must rely on the imperial court, it is impossible to fight alone, the Emperor Chongzhen wants to control Su Tiancheng, the best way is to cultivate the opposite of Su Tiancheng in the imperial court, these people can spare no effort to attack Su Tiancheng makes Su Tiancheng feel afraid all the time. The third question is that the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty have become factions and intrigue with each other. They don't care about the affairs of the court. They are all for their own benefit, but they have become the absolute power of the imperial court, and it is impossible for Su Tiancheng to challenge them. From these three aspects, the slave thinks that it is impossible for Su Tiancheng to persist for too long."

Huang Taiji still had a smile on his face, Dorgon couldn't help it, and wanted to speak, but seeing the emperor's expression, he held back and let Fan Wencheng continue.In fact, Dorgon understood what Fan Wencheng meant. The key to using time to consume Su Tiancheng was that many generals in the Qing Dynasty might not be able to bear the passage of time.

"However, there are still problems. I have to admit that Su Tiancheng is indeed resourceful. Sometimes, he even caught the pain points of our Qing Dynasty. When Su Tiancheng was in Shaanxi, he opened a mutual market and won over the Xibe people of Mongolia. The tribe and the Daur tribe, through these two tribes, have influenced other tribes, and many Mongolian tribes have joined in the mutual market with Ming Dynasty, and the establishment has gradually become dependent on Daming. This is obviously a division of the Mongolian tribe. The border has been stabilized. Through this move, the soldiers of my Qing Dynasty suddenly entered the customs from Datong, Ningxia and other places, and the difficulty has increased a lot. What I didn't expect was that Su Tiancheng began to think about fighting against our Qing Dynasty in Shaanxi. gone."

"As for the Xibe and Daur tribes sticking to the Hetao area and not invading, the servants analyzed that it may be due to two reasons. One is that the land in the Hetao area is fertile enough to maintain the survival of the tribes. Second, the two tribes may have received hints from the Ming court that they were in the Hetao area, and they actually helped the Ming court to stabilize the border and relieve the pressure in Datong and Ningxia."

"Su Tiancheng took Dalinghe City and stabilized Datong and Ningxia. In fact, his idea was to trap our Great Qing Dynasty. The Great Ming has a vast land and rich resources, and some disasters can be tolerated, but our Great Qing Kingdom It’s different, if there is a famine, the impact will be great, and these problems in the past can be made up for by entering the customs, but now these problems may lead to instability in the situation.”

When Fan Wencheng said this, Dorgon calmed down, he had already understood the meaning, it seemed that Fan Wencheng was about to get to the key point.

"The slave feels that it is not the best way to maintain this situation and wait for the passage of time. It is still necessary to attack. It is just that the defense line of Guan Ningjin has been strengthened. There are a large number of Ming troops stationed in Datong and Ningxia. It is hard to say whether the attack on these places will be successful or not. Under the current situation, if there is no more than [-]% certainty, it is better not to send troops."

"The servant analyzed the situation at the border and found that there were still weak links in the Ming Dynasty, namely Dengzhou and Laizhou. These two places have suffered from wars, and it is unlikely that they will fully recover. Moreover, these two places , is also under the jurisdiction of Su Tiancheng. If the Qing Dynasty can bypass the Guanning Jin line of defense, attack Dengzhou and Laizhou by surprise, and achieve remarkable results, it will have a great impact on Su Tiancheng personally, and the court will also be furious Yes, although it is unlikely to get rid of Su Tiancheng, but there are some opinions and views on Su Tiancheng."

Having said that, the mystery was finally revealed, and Dorgon also vaguely understood.

Huang Taiji spoke.

"Fourteenth brother, I arranged for my second brother to go to Mongolia, just to attract the attention of the Ming army. If we want to keep this kind of news completely secret, the possibility is very small. Dalinghe City, where the Ming army is stationed, is only [-] meters away from Shenyang. For four hundred miles, it is almost impossible to keep the information completely secret. Under such circumstances, I need to think about it. Since the information will be leaked out, I might as well let Su Tiancheng know and let him make arrangements. I am a child of the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty , Su Tiancheng was caught off guard by attacking Dengzhou and Laizhou unexpectedly."

Dorgon nodded repeatedly.

"Your Majesty, I implore you to lead the army to attack Dengzhou and Laizhou."

"Hehe, don't worry, I came to you to discuss this matter. Everyone in the court knows that the second brother is going to lead the army and go to the Mongolian grassland. Related preparations are indispensable. At least food and grass need to be prepared. At this time, the sergeants who are going to attack Dengzhou and Laizhou can also prepare. The two armies set off at the same time, but the destinations are different, and the goals and tasks are different. As for the second brother, when we set off, I will make it clear. Let the second brother take care of it."

"But attacking Dengzhou and Laizhou, the situation is completely different. This time, we will enter the customs from the Guanningjin line of defense, bypassing Dalinghe City, Ningyuan, and Shanhaiguan. This is a very risky plan that requires detailed planning. I came to discuss with the fourteenth brother at night, thinking that the fourteenth brother will bear this heavy burden, and the fourteenth brother must make detailed plans to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

Dorgon stood up.

"Your Majesty, my younger brother will start preparing now, and I will definitely fulfill my mission."

"Very well, I believe in you. You must be cautious. If the situation is not right, quickly withdraw your troops and don't love to fight. Attack the Eight Banners Army in Dengzhou and Laizhou. There are only 2 people. This is a quicker action. In terms of supplies It is also easy to raise funds, and it is not necessary to capture Dengzhou City and Laizhou City, just to cause a major impact." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest Motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)[

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