Ming politicians

Chapter 676 Analysis

Ningyuan City, Jiliao Governor's Mansion.

Information from Shenyang was placed on the table, Su Tiancheng frowned, obviously thinking.

When Qu Qingze came in, he saw Su Tiancheng was thinking and did not dare to disturb him. Since Dalinghe City was captured, Su Tiancheng's prestige in Liaodong has risen rapidly. During the Jiangning camp, they were all in awe. Back then, it took three months for the Golden Tatars to attack Dalinghe City. Unexpectedly, Su Tiancheng attacked Dalinghe City for three days, and it took nearly a month. After that, the Houjin Tartars didn't react at all. Seeing that Dalinghe City was repaired, the army was stationed, and the surrounding strongholds and fortresses were also strengthened, such things were unimaginable before.

Seeing Qu Qingze coming in, Su Tiancheng raised his head.

"Old Qu, sit down, you have read the information." [

"I've seen it."

"Tell me how you feel, and be more specific."

"Your official thinks it's normal. Daling River City has been captured. The Houjin Tartars must be dissatisfied. They must find a place to vent their anger. The prestige of your lord makes the Houjin Tartars dare not act rashly. They can only I found the Han people to vent my anger, and I don’t feel sorry for those Han people, hmph, doing things with the Tartars and betraying their ancestors, they deserve such retribution.”

Su Tiancheng lowered his head, did not look at Qu Qingze, his face remained expressionless.

"Huang Taiji decided to attack the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe, and the officials also felt that it was normal. Your Excellency started the trade market in Anningbao and Jingbian, in fact, it was to deal with the Houjin Tartars. Now this goal has been achieved. The Xibe tribe The tribes and the Daur tribes completely surrendered to my Ming Dynasty. Some tribes in Mongolia attacked the Xibe tribes and the Daur tribes, but they also failed. The two tribes developed, and the situation in the Mongolian grasslands changed. At this time , Huang Taiji wanted to reverse the situation of the Mongolian tribes, so it is understandable to choose these two tribes."

Su Tiancheng listened carefully, but he always felt that something was wrong. Qu Qingze's analysis is not bad.

"My lord. I understand now that my lord asked the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe to stay in the Hetao area and not leave. I still don't understand. If the two tribes launched an attack, it would cause chaos." The entire Mongolian grassland. Didn’t the later Jin Dynasty want a large army to conquest? Now it seems that the border needs to be stabilized. The two tribes stationed in the Hetao area, Datong and Ningxia are all stable. Let’s say this time to attack Dalinghe City. No With no worries, you can let go and attack."

When Qu Qingze was speaking, Su Tiancheng had already walked to the side of the map and looked at the map carefully.

The map and the sand table have become two things that Su Tiancheng can't leave. Whether it's during the battle or in peacetime, they never leave his body, wherever he goes.The first thing you need is a map and a sand table. All the officers and men of the Jiangning Battalion are aware of this habit, and this habit has also spread among the officers of the Jiangning Battalion. Even if Su Tiancheng made the deployment, after returning to the camp.Officers at all levels still have to take a serious look at the maps and sand tables, study them carefully, and implement specific deployments.

After Qu Qingze finished speaking, he also looked at the map.

"Old Qu. Look, Shenyang is far away from the Hetao area. The distance between Shenyang and the Mongolian grassland is nearly two thousand miles. Besides, the Hetao area is under the control of my Ming Dynasty. It has become the main place to supply my Ming war horses." Yes, the importance is self-evident. When I asked the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe to station in the Hetao area, on the one hand, I thought they could help guard the border. On the other hand, I also thought about the war horses. If they did not leave the Hetao area, they would not have invaded the core area of ​​the grassland, and it is unlikely to affect the entire grassland. Even if there is an impact, it will be a local impact and a gradual impact. Under such circumstances, why would Huang Taiji go? Considering attacking the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe, you must know that there are [-] soldiers stationed in Ningxia, including [-] Yulin battalion soldiers and [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers, and there are enough firearms to support them. Jingbian has already traded firearms, so could it be that Huang Taiji doesn't know about it?"

Su Tiancheng asked these questions, on the surface he was asking Qu Qingze, but in fact he was also thinking about it, the information cannot be faked, the key is to figure out the reason why Huang Taiji attacked the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe Tribes, is it true that, as Qu Qingze said, Huang Taiji sensed the strength of the Jiangning camp, avoided its edge, and turned to deal with the Mongolian tribes.

Hou Jin bullied the Han people. Su Tiancheng made a careful analysis of this situation. He believed that the situation in Hou Jin was a little unstable. After Huang Taiji ascended the throne, the Eight Banners Army won too many victories. After the Battle of Linghe, the Eight Banners Army has not yet encountered decent resistance. The problem occurred in the ninth year of Chongzhen, when Azig led one hundred thousand and Eight Banners troops into the pass and suffered heavy losses. Then came the Battle of Dalinghe not long ago. After the two losses, Hou Jin might not be able to bear it. If Huang Taiji didn't say anything and couldn't take tough measures, there would be a lot of contradictions below.

From this perspective, it makes sense for Huang Taiji to choose to attack the Xibe and Daur tribes.

But there are indeed some problems here, which are difficult to understand.

"I couldn't understand the questions my lord mentioned for a while, but I felt that Huang Taiji's choice to attack the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe could be explained. Huang Taiji once personally led the army and conquered the Mongolian tribe. , I must have sufficient confidence, and I am afraid that I have made sufficient preparations for this choice."

"It makes sense for you to say that. I remember a phenomenon. Whenever there is a problem internally, it is necessary to open a gap from the outside to transfer the conflict. It’s the beginning of the year, two major failures, there must be resentment inside, this resentment must be erupted, but it cannot be erupted internally, the target must be shifted, and the best way is to fight abroad.”

"My lord's theory is the first time I've heard of it, and it really makes sense."

Su Tiancheng glanced at Qu Qingze. [

"Read more history books, and you will understand that there are too many such examples in history."

After much deliberation, he couldn't think of any other explanation. Coupled with Qu Qingze's understanding, Su Tiancheng also felt that this might be Huang Taiji's move to transfer the internal conflicts of the Jin Dynasty. The Er Tribe is just for show. It doesn't have to be a complete victory. As long as it doesn't fail, it's fine. The internal conflicts have been digested, and Huang Taiji can free up his hands to do other things.

"Old Qu, since this is the case, do you think we need reinforcements?"

"I feel that reinforcements are still necessary. I'm not afraid of 1, just in case. The fighting power of the Datong frontier army is mediocre. If the Houjin Tartars suddenly choose Datong as the target of attack and enter the customs from here, I'm afraid something bad will happen. The official believes that the reinforcements do not need too many soldiers, 1 people are enough, and these 5 people will join the Jiangning battalion stationed in Anningbao. The Yulin battalion has [-] soldiers, and [-] soldiers are enough. The fighting power of the tribe and the Daur tribe is good, after all, they are equipped with firearms and several red cannons."

"Well, let's do as you said. You still have to pay special attention to the information about Hou Jinlai, and carefully analyze the information. Maybe we can get a lot of important things from it, which is also convenient for us to make appropriate decisions. Adjustment, judging from the current situation, Huang Taiji will not attack Dalinghe City for the time being, nor will he attack the Guan Ningjin line of defense."

Su Tiancheng's eyes drifted over from the direction of Dengzhou and Laizhou. He didn't pay special attention to these two places, and he didn't even pay attention to Shandong directly.

In fact, after Jin entered the pass, there are still two routes. One is after passing through the Liaohe River, from the direction of Guangning, bypassing Heishan, going straight to Yongping, and then facing Tianjin. After passing Tianjin, enter Shandong. Jinan Prefecture, but this route is extremely dangerous. After bypassing the Guanning Jin defense line and entering Yongping, it may fall into the heavy siege of the Ming army. Once surrounded, there will be no retreat. The danger of total annihilation.

Another route is the sea route. Take a boat from Lushun directly to Dengzhou Prefecture, or Penglai, which is under the jurisdiction of Dengzhou Prefecture. However, there are almost no sea ships in Houjin, and there is no so-called navy. This route does not need to be considered. .

It was also for this reason that Su Tiancheng hardly considered that Hou Jin might attack Dengzhou and Laizhou.

In fact, this is a major mistake in intelligence work.

After discussing with Qu Qingze, Su Tiancheng's focus of thinking began to shift. He thought of the abolition of the frontier army. The first thing that needs to be abolished is the frontier army of the Guan Ningjin defense line. There are too many people and their combat effectiveness is generally not good.

The army of any period needs material support. There is no such thing as an army that relies entirely on spiritual support. For example, the military salary cannot be paid, or there is no corresponding material commitment. Such an army is difficult to sustain. The rapid development of the Jiangning Battalion is the result of a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, it is guaranteed by sufficient military pay, and on the other hand, it is guaranteed by the glory of the soldiers and the close relationship between the army and the family. Yes, without these aspects, it is impossible for the Jiangning Camp to survive.

The situation of the frontier army is different. At least the military salary cannot be guaranteed adequately. The poor military salary and the prevailing military household military system have already exhausted the combat effectiveness of the soldiers.

But Su Tiancheng will not start to do it easily, he needs time to brew and think about it, the existing military system is the foundation he can use.To be continued.If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (voting, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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