Ming politicians

Chapter 677 Relating to the resettlement of the Han people

He Renlong and Zu Dale who were stationed in Dalinghe City encountered trouble.

The people stationed in Dalinghe City are all Jiangning battalion soldiers and frontier soldiers, and there are no ordinary people. Although Su Tiancheng proposed that Dalinghe City must be a place where merchants gather, this requirement, within a short period of time, is legal. Su Tiancheng did not force it, and proposed to gradually build Dalinghe City in one to two years.

Dalinghe City is at the forefront of the Guanning Jin defense line, surrounded by strongholds and fortresses. After the Ming army captured Dalinghe City, all the Houjin soldiers stationed inside were withdrawn. The fortress and stronghold were completely destroyed, and they are still in the process of being repaired. However, Su Tiancheng did not particularly emphasize this work, so the speed of progress was not very fast. He Renlong and Zu Dale officially began to be in charge of stationing After Daling River City, the speed of repairing fortresses and strongholds has been accelerated, and a comprehensive defense around Daling River City within a radius of five kilometers is gradually being formed.

When the Later Jin Tartars occupied Dalinghe City, within a range of more than [-] miles from Dalinghe City to Shenyang, many Ming people looted from the pass were resettled. These people were mainly farming and harvesting here. All the grain they had was handed over, they had no treatment, they couldn’t eat enough every day, and they didn’t have a decent place to live. They were exactly the same as slaves, and there were post-gold Tartars watching them along the way. Although this kind of supervision was not very However, these ordinary people have long been frightened by the brutality of the Houjin Tartars, and they dare not have any resistance at all. In addition, the weakness of the Ming army cannot protect them. Therefore, these people have gradually become a special Existence, after these people looted to Houjin.Forced to shave their hair, they look similar to the post-gold Tartars, but they are servants of the government and have no freedom.No identity.

There used to be bold people who wanted to escape here, but their hair was shaved. In the eyes of the people of Daming, they were called Liao dogs. When such people returned to Daming, their ending was very tragic.Being spurned by everyone, unless you can find your family directly, hide at home, and wait for your hair to grow. [

The changes that have occurred in Daling River City are too great. Many people who are close to Daling River City have never thought of such a change.As time goes by, such changes are reflected in them.

The speed at which Daling River City was captured was too high. When the soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty withdrew, they never thought about the fate of the looted civilians of the Ming Dynasty. Even if it is not bad.

Because of the loss of Daling River City.The Hou Jin soldiers were temporarily stationed in Heishan, which was nearly a hundred miles away from Dalinghe City. The distance from Dalinghe City to Heishan temporarily became a vacuum.

Herein lies the problem.

The soldiers of the Jiangning camp did not take any measures against these common people whose hair was shaved, and basically did not manage their money. Judging from the language these people spoke, the soldiers also knew that these people were the common people who were looted from the pass by the Hou Jin Tartars. .But they didn't get the order from above, and they didn't know how to deal with it, so they could only ignore it temporarily.

After the Golden Sergeant received an order to strictly guard Montenegro, not to attack, and to improve the defense facilities of Montenegro, in view of this situation.These sergeants captured a lot of common people and began to build large-scale cities, trying to build Montenegro into another Dalinghe city, and the common people here suffered for a while.Bearing heavy labor every day, and still not being able to eat enough, in this lean season, the number of people who were exhausted and tortured to death by illnesses increased a lot.

The common people who were looted by the Houjin Tatars still had some connections with each other. After all, many of them were looted from one place, and they were familiar with each other. The action greatly stimulated these common people, and many people began to flee from Montenegro, entering the middle area between Dalinghe City and Montenegro.

When the number of people increases to a certain level, problems arise. These ordinary people have no food, and the crops, bark, grass, roots, and leaves that have not yet grown in the ground have become food. Unfortunately, there are not many of these things, and they will not last long. After there was no food and nothing to eat, the tragedy began to appear. Some people who died of starvation were also cut off from their thighs. In the middle of June, some ordinary people who could not stand the hunger began to come in groups. When they arrived at the strongholds and forts outside Dalinghe City, piles of people knelt outside the strongholds and forts. After all, they were citizens of the Ming Dynasty, and they still thought that they could get help from the Ming army.

The situation was quickly reported to He Renlong and Zu Dale.

Faced with such a situation, the two of them didn't know how to deal with it, but after following Su Tiancheng for so long, He Renlong knew Su Tiancheng's temper, so he arranged for sergeants to start setting up porridge fields outside the forts and strongholds. It is impossible to watch these people starve to death, even if there are many of them.

After the congee city was established, a large crowd arrived. As of June 2, He Renlong received a report, and the number of ordinary people surrounding the fortress and stronghold exceeded [-].

He Renlong and Zu Dale knew that there was a problem, and the possibility of relying on Daling River City to support these common people was very unlikely, but this was a real problem that had to be dealt with, and a proper solution had to be thought of There is a way to deal with it, otherwise it is very likely that something will happen. A very hungry person can do anything.

Although there is still a lot of grain in Dalinghe City, these grains are mainly to meet the needs of the garrison. If all of them are given to these common people, what will the soldiers eat? In Linghe City, when the soldiers were stationed in Dalinghe City, if there was no food, it would be a catastrophe.

Dalinghe City, General Military Mansion.

He Renlong frowned and walked back and forth in the room. Zu Dale sat on the side, muttering, not knowing what to say. And Bastion reported the situation.

"Old Ancestor, tell me, what to do in this situation."

He Renlong and Zu Dale have similar temperaments, the relationship between the two is very harmonious, and the usual cooperation is also very good. Sometimes, when there is something that needs to be decided, when the two disagree, there will be arguments , but nothing happened afterwards, and he was hailed as a lunatic, but in fact his personality is straightforward.

"My lord, I don't know how to deal with this matter, or I will ask Lord Su for instructions."

"Oh, I've thought about it a long time ago, and I definitely need to ask for instructions, but you don't know Lord Su's temper. I have been in the Jiangning camp for so many years. When I encountered problems before, I always waited for the decision from the higher-ups. We are big bosses, so we just do what we do. Fighting and rushing to the front, we don’t care about so many things, but later we can’t do it. The adults ask us to think about it. If we encounter problems and cannot solve them, we can ask for advice, but we must remind Come up with a solution, this is what is called independent thinking, we can’t submit all the problems, if we ask for instructions directly, if we don’t come up with a solution, the adults will reprimand again.”[

"But I really can't think of a solution."

He Renlong scratched his scalp, feeling helpless.

"Old Ancestor, you also know that when the Lord asked us brothers to be in charge of Dalinghe City, the meaning was very clear. We have to solve any problems that arise here independently. For example, when the Golden Tartars came to attack, We must lead the soldiers to firmly guard the city, I never imagined that we would encounter such a problem now, 2 people, I never imagined, how could there be so many people, watching them all starve to death, it must be impossible.”

Zu Dale's understanding was originally a little different. He thought these people were all Liao dogs, and they were not worthy of sympathy. They were unlucky when they were plundered to Liaodong. It is understandable, but after so many years, these people have already shaved their heads. Yes, they belonged to the slaves of the Manchus, and even some people joined the Han army to help the tyrants. Now that they encounter problems, they should go to their masters instead of coming here.

However, He Renlong's words convinced Zu Dale that Jiang Ningying had always known that even the common people of the Manchus should not ignore such a situation. It has always been to severely punish the chief criminals and never tolerate them, but for ordinary soldiers, they cannot be killed, no matter what their purpose is to join the ranks of rogues, so when dealing with these people, what He Renlong thought of was still not To be able to watch them starve to death.

"My lord, I really can't think of a good way. If there is a way, I would have proposed it at the beginning."

He Ren's long eyeballs turned.

"Old Ancestor, I think so, you go to Ningyuan, go to the Governor's Mansion, find the adults to report, you must explain the situation here in detail, it doesn't matter if you can't come up with suggestions."

Just as Zu Dale was about to agree, he suddenly thought of what He Renlong said earlier. He didn't think of this method, so he went to report it. Isn't it the way to submit the question?

"My lord, this, if Master Su asks what I can do, what should I say?"

A smile appeared on He Renlong's face.

"Old Ancestor, don't worry about it. I promise, when you go to report to the adults, the adults will never ask. If I go to report, the adults will definitely ask if there is a solution."

Zu Dale bowed his head and thought for a while, then agreed.

When Zu Dale set off, He Renlong repeatedly emphasized that this matter must be resolved, otherwise the food consumption in Dalinghe City will be high, and feeding 2 people is no small matter, not to mention that the number of people may increase .

Of course Zu Dale knew the seriousness of the matter, without any hesitation, he agreed wholeheartedly, saying that he would rush to Ningyuan City within a day, and report the situation to Mr. Su.To be continued.If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (voting, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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