Ming politicians

Chapter 678 This is not a trivial matter

When Zu Dale entered the Governor's Mansion, it was already dark for a long time.Yinshi set off from Dalinghe City, changing people without changing horses, and didn't arrive at Ningyuan City until Haishi. If he didn't have a waist card, he wouldn't be able to enter the city.

Thinking that Su Tiancheng had already rested, Zu Dale went directly to the Governor's Mansion with the mentality of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, he was taken in after only waiting for a few minutes at the gate of the mansion. Zu Dale was a little surprised. According to the rules, at this time, don't even think about seeing the Master Supervisor.

Zu Dale was taken directly to the wing.

Su Tiancheng stood in the middle of the wing room, there was no one else in the room.

"My lord, there will be something to report at the end."

"General Zu is full of travel and dust. It seems that it is very hard work. Let's talk after sitting down and drinking tea. Don't worry."

Seeing Zu Dale's anxious look, Su Tiancheng stabilized his mind. Could it be that something happened in Dalinghe City? These days, while he was thinking about the abolition of the frontier army, he was still thinking about what Huang Taiji had done. Decision, he always feels that this decision seems unreasonable, what is wrong, it is not the point, now that Zu Dale has rushed here, could it be that Huang Taiji is secretly repairing Chencang on the plank road, preparing to attack the Daling River City?

Zu Dale was in a hurry, and without waiting for it to be done, he spoke again.

"My lord, the strongholds and fortresses on the outskirts of Daling River City are surrounded by Liao dogs. These days, Lord He has ordered the rescue of these Liao dogs, but there are too many Liao dogs. According to yesterday's statistics, there are a total of 2 people. If this continues, Daling River City will not be able to bear it."

Su Tiancheng didn't understand for a while, and Zu Dale said something.

"Oh, what is a Liaogou?"

"This, the last general made a mistake."

Zu Dale's face turned a little red. Over the years, he has always called the Han people who took refuge in Houjin this way, and he is used to it.After seeing Su Tiancheng, he said it without having time to adjust.

"The border gates call those Han people who took refuge in Houjin, including those who were looted by Houjin, as Liao dogs. Everyone hates these people who recognize thieves as their fathers."

"Oh. That's right. Don't call them that. No matter what, they were once the people of my Daming. Well, tell me about the situation in detail. What's going on?"

Zu Dale shook his head.

"My lord, it's like this. The Golden Tartars retreated to Montenegro. Recently, they are strengthening the construction of Montenegro to fight against our Dalinghe City. Dalinghe City is nearly a hundred miles away from Montenegro. Before When Dalinghe City was occupied by the Houjin Tartars, from Heishan to Dalinghe City, there were many Han people who were looted by the Houjin Tartars. These Han people were all farming the land in this generation. Now, these Han people They did not evacuate to Montenegro, and without the support of the Houjin Tartars, they could not survive. So they came to many strongholds and fortresses outside Dalinghe City, in groups, Mr. He and the last general went to see After that, the situation was really miserable, every road was unstable, and they almost starved to death, Mr. He was kind. He ordered a porridge field to be set up outside the stronghold and fortress, so that these people would not starve to death. Unexpectedly In the past few days, the number of people has increased sharply, reaching 2, and it is estimated that there will be more in these days. Mr. He discussed with the general, and felt that it must not work if it continues like this. The food stored in Dalinghe City is mainly It is for sergeants, so it cannot withstand such a large consumption."

"So He Renlong wants you to report, that's it."

Zu Dale didn't even think about it, and nodded in agreement.

"Since you have discussed it, let's talk about it, have you thought about any way to deal with it?"

Zu Dale looked at Su Tiancheng, dumbfounded. He Renlong once said that when he came to report, Master Su would definitely not ask about other things. Unexpectedly, the situation was not like this at all, so Master Su still asked. Both he and He Renlong had no choice, and it was for this reason that He Renlong did not come directly to Ningyuan.

Seeing Zu Dale's appearance, Su Tiancheng already understood.

"I see, General Zu, tell me what you think, if you have any ideas, just say it."

Zu Dale scratched his scalp, blinked a few times, and spoke. [

"My lord, the last general is rude, if what I say is wrong, don't punish me, my lord."

Su Tiancheng smiled and shook his head.

"Just say whatever you think of. I'm also a soldier. What I like is cool."

This time, Zu Dale didn't have any scruples.

"My lord, the general has never been used to Liao dogs. He once had a different view with Mr. He. The general thinks that these Liao dogs do not need to be ignored. Since they have defected to Houjin and have problems, go to them. My master, I am in trouble now, knowing that I have found the court, I can completely disperse them and let them go to Montenegro to find trouble for the Houjin Tatars. With so many people, even if the Houjin Tatars want to support them, it will take a lot of money Lots of food..."

While Zu Dale was still reporting, Wang Dazhi came in and said that Zu Dashou had come.

It turned out that after Zu Dale entered Ningyuan City, he didn't go directly to find Zu Dashou, but went directly to the Governor's Mansion. Zu Dashou was still in charge of the security of Ningyuan City. Le came to Ningyuan City so late, and left Dalinghe City without permission. There must be something important. If something is wrong, I can also help to smooth it out.

When Zu Dashou came in, Xu Eryi also came in.

Su Tiancheng motioned for the two to sit down and asked Zu Dale to continue talking.

Seeing Xu Eryi and Zu Dashou coming in, Zu Dale also knew the rules, and quickly saluted the two of them, repeating what happened just now, but the only solution is to disperse the matter.

After Zu Dale finished speaking, Su Tiancheng spoke to Zu Dashou.

"General Zu, what do you think of this solution?"

Zu Dashou heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that this was the case. It was not a big deal. Grain feeds these Han people who defected to Houjin.

"My lord, the general feels that what Zu Dale said still has some truth."

Su Tiancheng didn't express his opinion, but looked at Xu Eryi.

Xu Er opened his mouth very much.

"My lord, I don't agree with the views of the two generals. In any case, these Han people are the people of my Ming Dynasty. Now they encounter difficulties and struggle on the edge of life and death. They cannot be ignored, but there are many of them. , if you really want to contain them, you need to consume a lot of food, which is really difficult. Now is the time when the crops are in short supply, and there is still more than a month left for the autumn harvest. There is not much food in Jinzhou, Ningyuan, and Shanhaiguan. Besides, even if It’s the autumn harvest, and these people still need relief. They have all their belongings, and they have to rely entirely on relief. Even if they are resettled, they still need to consume a lot of money and food. It is indeed difficult to solve this matter.”

Zu Dale breathed a sigh of relief seeing Xu Eryi saying that. Could it be that He Renlong and himself couldn't think of a good way? Xu Eryi is an adult from the court and a scholar, so he couldn't think of a good way.

There was not much expression on Su Tiancheng's face, but what he said was indeed decisive.

"The affairs of these Han people are not small things. We must take care of them, and we must take care of them well."

Everyone looked at Su Tiancheng, Zu Dashou and Zu Dale were surprised, they didn't expect Su Tiancheng to say that.

"Think about it, these people are all the people of my Ming Dynasty, or they lived in Liaodong before, or they were plundered by the Houjin Tatars, but they are Han people. Judging from their situation, the later Jin The Tartars did not treat them as human beings. They were born and settled, and they had been farming outside Daling River City for a long time, but they didn’t even have enough food to survive. This shows that they lived at the bottom. I believe that there are still a large number of such people exist." [

"Zu Dale, you and He Renlong have done a good job this time. You have set up a porridge field and arranged them properly so that they will not starve to death. Under such circumstances, more and more people will gather , but they are always on the outskirts of Dalinghe City, it must not work, we must let them in."

Everyone was astonished. It is no small matter to let in tens of thousands of people.

Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Su Tiancheng smiled.

"From now on, as long as there are people who come here, no matter what their status is, they will be accepted together. I am a great country, and such problems cannot be solved. Isn't it a joke? For the rest, Mr. Xu Arrange with me."

Xu Eryi also showed a smile on his face, seeing Xu Er smiled, Su Tiancheng continued to speak.

"Master Xu, tell me what you know."

"Your official has already understood that your lord is very clever. When the Houjin Tatars entered the customs a few years ago, they plundered a lot of wealth and also plundered the population. Unfortunately, now, they retreated hastily and retreated to Montenegro, without having time to take into account the plundered Han people, and even disregarding the lives of these Han people when building the city of Montenegro. If more Han people try to flee here, Houjin will lose a large number of people in a short period of time, and by the time they understand it, it will be too late."

Zu Dashou and Zu Dale suddenly realized that such an arrangement involved deep-seated problems.

Zu Dashou was still a little worried.

"My lord, so many people have come in, how should we deal with them? Besides, it's not clear whether there are spies from the Houjin Tartars among these people, and there is no way to screen them out."

"It's not difficult. Guan Ningjin found that a large amount of cultivated land has been idle for more than [-] miles. These cultivated lands need to be cultivated. It is enough to arrange them to disperse the cultivation. They are not allowed to enter the city. Fortress stronghold, pay attention to their whereabouts, identify spies from them, and the problem will be solved.” To be continued.If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (voting, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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