Ming politicians

Chapter 679 The reaction is too slow

The Ming began to accommodate the looted Han Chinese, and word spread quickly.

A large number of people began to flock to Dalinghe City. After a simple inspection, they passed Dalinghe City and entered the area of ​​the Guan Ningjin defense line. There were also some impatient people who entered the Guan Ningjin defense line through the small road. In just over ten days, the number of people who defected here has reached more than one hundred thousand.

Neither Su Tiancheng nor Xu Eryi expected that so many people would come here. Inspection and resettlement are one aspect of the problem. The key is that there are more than [-] mouths, but they all need to eat, and they consume a lot of food every day. It can't be saved, and the people who come over can't starve to death.

Xu Eryi was so busy that he thought about and made arrangements for specific things. Su Tiancheng only considered big things, such as accepting these people. After such big things were decided, he had to think about and make arrangements for specific things. , Su Jun, Su Ertong, Xu Jili, Gu Xingsong and others were all drawn out and started a comprehensive deployment, including how these people should be arranged in shards, how to mobilize food, many things still need everyone to go down in person The key to implementation is that there are also some scum in the frontier army, who bully these defected Han people, insult women, and withhold food.

Then at this opportunity, Su Tiancheng proposed a plan, that is to arrange some military households in the middle of the frontier army together. Some military households have been farming for several generations and have never held a sword at all. Almost, these military households, and the Han people who had defected, were mixed and resettled, and they were arranged area by area. According to the local organizational system, Lichang and Jiashou were born among these military households to manage a certain area.

According to this plan, Xu Eryi arranged for Xu Jili and Gu Xingsong.According to the terrain conditions of various places, many areas were drawn out, and each area was specially responsible for the arrangement and implementation.

According to this plan, the resettlement work progressed very smoothly.

No one noticed that Bian Jun was slowly losing weight.The number of people is gradually decreasing, and they have stepped out of cities, strongholds and fortresses, picked up hoes, and become real farmers.

Although these frontier soldiers are military households, they used to serve the officers. The food they planted had to be handed over to the officers, and there was not much left for them.All this wealth has flowed into the pockets of the officers, but the military pay that the imperial court must allocate is still indispensable.

Su Tiancheng's action cut off the wealth of many frontier officers.

But no one dared to speak, everyone knew that Su Tiancheng was powerful, and Jiang Ningying was even more brave.If it was a matter of being greedy for ink and food, it would have been discovered.That's a head-scratcher.

The intensity of resettlement gradually increased, and half a month passed. According to the requirements of the Governor's Office, 11 frontier troops were resettled, plus more than 20 people who defected, more than [-] people.They were placed in the area of ​​more than [-] miles from Dalinghe City to Shanhaiguan, where they specialized in land reclamation and farming.

This kind of resettlement also requires policies, and the Governor's Office issued the policy in time.Starting next year, the government will collect [-]% of the grain production at the price of silver as a tax that should be handed over, and the rest will belong to the growers themselves.

This policy has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the military households. In the past, they could get [-]% of the output, which was considered very good. Now it has doubled, and many military households have voluntarily put forward requests for farming. land.

Xu Eryi also gradually understood what Su Tiancheng meant.

This method is the safest way to abolish the frontier army. Since these military households have their own income, they don’t need military pay, and the military households can also turn in a lot of grain or silver. Increased income, while reducing expenses, while increasing income, a year later, the situation inside Guan Ningjin's defense line will undergo a huge change.

As soon as Xu Er admired Su Tiancheng's arrangement, he abolished the frontier army without knowing it, so that the officers of the frontier army could not tell what they were suffering, and did not dare to act rashly. Moreover, all the military households voluntarily asked to cultivate the land. After the policy went down, Land reclamation is happening everywhere. Outside the previously lifeless city, it became lively in an instant. There were people everywhere, and figures busy in the fields. In just a few months, the Guan Ning Jin line of defense was more than [-] miles away. full of life.

Difficulties do exist, the main one is food consumption, don’t worry about housing, the weather gets hotter, you can cut down some trees, and you can build a shack for temporary living, but food is indispensable, including military households, as well as the food stored at home Not many, more than 20 people, consume a huge amount of food.

A large amount of grain from Anning Fort and Jingbian was continuously transported to Shanhaiguan, Ningyuan, Jinzhou, and Dalinghe City. These grains were supervised by special personnel sent by the Governor's Office. The population, the food that needs to be consumed in the plan, come to collect it, and at the same time, the Governor's Office has also sent special personnel to supervise the distribution of food in each area. According to the different situations of each area, some food is distributed, and some food is kept in a unified manner. .


Huang Taiji was busy deploying troops and preparing to attack Dengzhou and Laizhou. He didn't pay attention to the great changes near Dalinghe City for the time being. When the information came in a steady stream, half a month had passed.

Inside the main hall, Huang Taiji's face was livid, and the officers stationed in Montenegro kneeled below him, trembling.

"Bastards, you are stupid pigs. It is necessary to build fortifications, but you abused the Han people. Now it is better. More than [-] people ran over. Now you are satisfied. Do you know that in order to rob these Han people, I The Eight Banners Army of the Qing Dynasty took great risks to go deep into the customs, but you actually think that it is a good thing for the Han people to flee and save food, I can’t wait to chop off your heads right now."

Above the main hall, there was no sound.

Manchu people don't care in their hearts. When there is no harvest, more than [-] people will pass by. This is a huge burden. It is definitely not easy for Su Tiancheng to feed so many people. After crossing Dalinghe City and aggressively attacking them to snatch these people back, there will be no problem, but Su Tiancheng will help support them for a period of time.

As for the Han people, there is a taste of gloating. Everyone knows the situation of the Eight Banners Army stationed in Montenegro and the abuse of Han people. Don’t say that they don’t treat Han people as human beings. Without enough food, a large number of Han people died and fled, which caused the construction of the Montenegro fortifications to slow down significantly.

Huang Taiji Linglie's eyes swept across the hall.

"I know what you think. You think it's nothing. I, the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty, are so brave. After the autumn harvest, I just want to snatch these people back. Do you think Su Tiancheng is a fool? Look at you Take people back? Have you forgotten what happened in the first year of Chongde? That time my Eight Banners disciples in the Qing Dynasty suffered such a heavy loss. It’s a pity that you still have such illusions, thinking that the Ming Dynasty’s frontier army is still so weak , I don’t even know what to say to you guys, the population of our Qing Dynasty is already insufficient.”

Huang Taiji looked at the people above the main hall, and there was helplessness in his eyes.

The preparations for attacking Dengzhou and Laizhou this time are very sufficient. It seems that we need to go through this battle to cheer up. At the same time, we also warn some people with ulterior motives. Shan led [-] soldiers of the Red Banner into Mongolia, and Dorgon led [-] soldiers of the White Banner from Lushun, and landed in Penglai on a warship.

No one thought that the [-] troops led by Dorgon would take warships. Whether it was in the Qing Dynasty or in the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty did not have a navy, nor did it have large wooden ships. After the Qing Dynasty occupied Lushun, a complete change took place. At that time, the Qing Dynasty captured a large number of Ming craftsmen, ordered these craftsmen to secretly manufacture warships, and the number of warships was not small.

All of this was done in secret, and Huang Taiji also knew that if the warships were built wantonly, it would arouse the vigilance of the Ming Dynasty, and some people in the country opposed it. The warships were huge and seemed to have no practical effect. Besides, the Eight Banners Army The focus is on cavalry, and they are not familiar with naval battles.

Huang Taiji's understanding is different. If the Qing Dynasty is strong enough, but still unable to engineer the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, then we have to find a way from other aspects, including taking the sea route. These are all prepared in advance. Zhouzhou and Laizhou can also be regarded as a test of the warships of the Qing Dynasty.

It's a pity that under such circumstances, a large number of Han people fled to Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan. Huang Taiji knew very well that these people could not come back. According to Su Tiancheng's ability, since he can accept a large number of people, he has made arrangements. preparation.

At this time, Huang Taiji sighed even more, why is there no such talent as Su Tiancheng beside him, who is both civil and military, and has a vision in everything he does. Compared with himself, he is not inferior in the slightest. Dorgon, Azige, Jierhalang, Haoge and the others are all very good at fighting, and Fan Wencheng is also good at planning, but these people are not as good as Su Tiancheng.

In his heart, Huang Taiji made up his mind that the method of alienation must be adopted. No matter how much the price is, as long as Su Tiancheng can be brought down, the biggest hidden danger of the Qing Dynasty will be removed. Falling Su Tiancheng would definitely cause a huge commotion in Daming. After all, if Su Tiancheng fell, a large number of people would fall with him.

Huang Taiji has already regarded Su Tiancheng as the biggest threat. As long as Su Tiancheng sticks to Ningyuan, his Eight Banners Army will not dare to act rashly. Who knows if the Eight Banners Army is fully mobilized, will Su Tiancheng send Jiangning Battalion to take advantage of the situation to attack Shenyang? If that happens, it will shake the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (To be continued..)

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