Ming politicians

680 Sudden Attack

Dengzhou and Laizhou in Shandong have become two very special places in Daming.

The reason for all this is Kong Youde's rebellion. In the fifth year of Chongzhen, Dengzhou was captured by Kong Youde and almost slaughtered by Kong Youde. Tens of thousands of people were killed. In order to quell the rebellion in Dengzhou and Laizhou, the imperial court sent a large number of The army encircled and suppressed Kong Youde, and the battle also achieved some victories, but unfortunately Kong Youde escaped from Dengzhou by boat.

Kong Youde's rebellion lasted for a period of time. During this period of time, Shandong, which had already encountered many disasters, fell into a deep disaster. The army went to Dengzhou and Laizhou to suppress the rebellion, and consumption was indispensable and necessary. Yes, it's a pity that the imperial court doesn't have so much money and military pay, and some expenses have to be borne by the local government, which makes it even more difficult for the common people. The common people almost reached the point of rebellion.

The four prefectures under the jurisdiction of Shandong, Dengzhou, Laizhou, Qingzhou, and Jinan, all rely on the sea. Among them, the three prefectures of Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Qingzhou have the largest area near the sea. The first generation is very serious. The salt lords are very rich and powerful, and each family has many nursing homes. Even the guards dare not provoke them easily. Besides, these salt lords rely on smuggling and selling smuggled salt to make their fortunes. What they do is The act of licking blood with a knife does not care about the attitude of the guard at all.

Yanxiao earned money, and spilled a lot of money, colluded with the government, found a protective umbrella, and became even more arrogant. In the sixth year of Chongzhen, Kong Youde took refuge in Houjin. It is said that the Dengzhou and Laizhou areas should be stable, but the situation is far away. Not like this, the place is even more chaotic, local hooligans are rampant, and the government's actions have made the lives of ordinary people even more miserable. [

Dengzhou and Laizhou.It used to be a place that the imperial court attached great importance to, especially Dengzhou. It used to be the place where the imperial court trained and manufactured artillery. It was also one of the general logistics bases for the Ming Dynasty to fight against the Jin Dynasty. , by warship.It takes more than two days to arrive. When Lushun was still occupied by the Ming army, it was also one of the important strongholds to fight against Houjin. Unfortunately, Lushun fell and was occupied by Houjin.The role of Dengzhou and Laizhou was not so great, and naturally they were gradually ignored by the court.

In the eyes of the adults in the imperial court, the Houjin Eight Banners Army is indeed powerful, but Houjin has no navy, so it is said that it wants to attack Daming from the direction of Lushun.It is very unlikely to go directly to Dengzhou or Laizhou by boat. After all, the land of more than [-] miles on the sea cannot be compared with that on land. Laizhou.

Some people have also noticed that from Lushun to Dengzhou and Laizhou, this is a very convenient route to attack the capital.As long as you enter Dengzhou or Laizhou, you can pass through Qingzhou Prefecture and Jinan Prefecture, and directly enter Beizhili, threatening the capital. However, this view cannot be supported. The reason is very simple. There is no navy in Houjin.

The guard army in Shandong.It can be said to be a mess, the elite troops have long since ceased to exist, when Kong Youde rebelled in the fifth year of Chongzhen, all the troops that could fight.They are basically wiped out, and the guard army still exists today. Unfortunately, these troops are basically military households. These military households live at the bottom, and their living conditions are not as good as ordinary people.

Many military households, who have been farming for generations, have never touched a knife or gun at all, and do not know the concept of fighting. When they really encounter a battle, they run faster than ordinary people.As for the officers in the series of Wei Commanders, Qianhu, and Baihu, they have long become out-and-out merchants. The general and small banners below are equivalent to Lichang and Jiashou. Cooking salt was exploited layer by layer, both by military officers and by salt lords. Everyone thought of getting rich, and fighting wars was related to them, and no one cared about it.

However, the commanders of the guards, as well as the officers of more than a thousand households, still support part of the army. These troops can be regarded as their personal soldiers, and they can even be counted as their private army. These sergeants are paid not badly , Absolutely loyal to the officer, the main task is to protect the officer's property and family.

However, after Su Tiancheng took office, he hadn't visited Dengzhou and Laizhou, and he didn't know the specific situation here. He only knew that there were tens of thousands of sergeants in the guard troops in Dengzhou and Laizhou. As for how bad it is, it's too late to care.

This is also the mistake made by Su Tiancheng. The governor of Ji Liao is in charge of the border and the defense of many places in Shandong. Anyway, Shandong is a place that military strategists value. It is close to the sea and has its own advantages.

If Su Tiancheng knew about the military situation in Dengzhou and Laizhou, he might be so angry that he would vomit blood.

In mid-July of the 12th year of Chongzhen.

The autumn harvest has begun, and everyone's attention has begun to shift, focusing on the situation of the autumn harvest. The mutual market between Anningbao and Jingbian has once again entered the peak period. A steady stream of grain is shipped there, and materials such as sheep and war horses are shipped in. , the attention of Su Tiancheng and Xu Eryi also turned to this side.

The situation inside Guan Ningjin's line of defense also made Xu Eryi so busy that he didn't touch the ground. The work of reclaiming wasteland is in full swing. Most of the Han people who came back have settled down and started to be busy with their future life. The frontier army within the Ningjin line of defense, naturally abolished the work, and a total of 15 people have become standard peasant households. The next step is to remove their military household status. These things will eventually require the approval of the court.

There are less than 18 Jiangning battalion soldiers and frontier troops stationed on the Guanning-Jin defense line, of which 3 are stationed in Dalinghe City, 5 are stationed in Jinzhou, 3 are stationed in Ningyuan, and more than 7 are stationed in Shanhaiguan. There are not many sergeants actually stationed in the city, one-third of the sergeants are stationed in strongholds and forts, and the vast majority of those stationed in these strongholds and forts are frontier troops, the soldiers of Jiangning Battalion are still concentrated. , distributed in Dalinghe City, Jinzhou City and Ningyuan City.

From Su Tiancheng's point of view, Shanhaiguan does not need to be stationed at the Jiangning Battalion. If Empress Jinhuang Taiji really goes to Shanhaiguan, it means that the entire Guanning Jin line of defense is basically scrapped. This situation is impossible, and Shanhaiguan will also There is no need to garrison Jiangning battalion soldiers.

For more than a month, there have been some small commotions among the officers of the frontier army, and the governor's office has mercilessly suppressed them. Anyone who is dissatisfied with the abolition of the frontier army, or who is secretly opposed, is basically a Beheading, there is nothing human to talk about, Zu Dashou, Wu Sangui and others will not show their teeth, let alone utter words of complaint.

It was also because of this situation that the task of dismantling the frontier army of the Guan Ningjin line of defense was unknowingly completed.

This is what Su Tiancheng did not expect, but this situation needs to be consolidated, and the real effect will come out a year later, and the autumn harvest after one year will be the time when it will truly stabilize.

The information from Shenyang showed that the Zhenghong Banner and the Eight Banners Army with the Bordered Red Banner led by Daishan were ready and had just set off for Mongolia. Su Tiancheng didn't pay much attention to this information, but thought it was a bit unbelievable. Huang Taiji still It was decided that the Eight Banners Army should enter Mongolia. Such an arrangement is unflattering.It was originally planned to arrange for 5 soldiers from the Jiangning battalion to go to Fort Anning and Jingbian, but this proposal was rejected by the governor Qianshi, the Minister of the Ministry of War, Zhang Fengyi, the commander-in-chief of Datong, the governor Qianshi, the right servant of the military department, and the commander of the Yulin battalion, Lu Xiangsheng. The number of sergeants in Yulin Battalion has expanded to [-]. Lu Xiangsheng implemented strict training and invited soldiers from Jiangning Battalion to guide them. Go to training, large-scale training is not enough, but Zhang Fengyi has also learned a lesson, selected [-] elite soldiers, trained strictly, and their combat effectiveness is different from before. In addition, these Jiangning battalion soldiers used to be the frontier army of Datong, and later they were incorporated into the Jiangning battalion , During the training process, I also worked very hard.

Calculated in this way, the number of Jiangning battalion soldiers and Yulin battalion soldiers stationed in Datong, Yulin, and Ningxia reached 6, plus the 8 frontier troops with good combat effectiveness in Datong, a total of [-] people. The tribal rebellion, including the attack of the Eight Banners Army of the Post-Gold, is more than enough. [

What's more, the Xibe and Daur tribes are absolutely loyal to Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, when the information came, Su Tiancheng didn't care at all. He had already determined that this was the measure Huang Taiji took to divert the conflicts that occurred in the Qing Dynasty. Things may be offensive, or they may be just for show. With Lu Xiangsheng, Zhang Fengyi, Bi Maokang and others guarding Datong, Yulin and Ningxia, there should be no problem. My main energy is still concentrated on stabilizing the border. Come.

Regarding the abolition of the frontier army, according to Su Tiancheng's idea, the first thing to do is to implement it from the Guanning Jin defense line. As long as the abolition of the frontier army here has achieved obvious results, Datong, Ningxia, Tianjin, Shandong and other places will not need much That said, it is natural that the guard army or frontier army can be abolished smoothly.

On July [-]th, the navy of the Ming army stationed in Penglai found that many warships appeared in the direction of the sea, heading towards Penglai. However, the flags of the Ming army were hung on the warships. These soldiers were a little strange , It is said that the Ming Navy has not been dispatched for a long time, the key is that there is no money, some warships are in the harbor, they are dilapidated, and they have almost no combat effectiveness.

The Commander of the Guard stationed in Penglai has already gone to Dengzhou Prefecture. The concubine of the Commander of the Guard lives in Dengzhou Prefecture. Under normal circumstances, the Commander is not here. The officers, such as Qian Shi, were also busy with their own affairs. Anyway, there was nothing to be busy here. The supreme commander of the assassin's garrison was actually an adult from a hundred households.

When the sergeant went to Penglai City to report, the lord of a hundred households was so ruthless because he lost money in gambling the day before, he ignored the sergeant's report, and was still thinking in the room how to earn back the money in the future. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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