Ming politicians

Chapter 681 Occupying Penglai

Dorgon felt a little dizzy. He had never been on a warship before. Only then did he realize that sailors cannot be trained simply.Update: After sitting on the warship for two full days at the earliest, Dorgon vomited and had diarrhea on the first day, and almost didn't survive, but his body was really good, and he basically recovered after just one night. Not to mention a miracle, for a person who has never been on a warship, it will take at least a week or so to get used to it.

As for the [-] soldiers with Zhengbai Banners and Bordered White Banners, they were even more horrible. Seeing that they were about to reach their destination, Penglai, there were still quite a few soldiers lying on the boat, as if they were dead.

The war horse is better, as if it can adapt to all this.

Dorgon wasn't worried at all, once on land, it would be the Eight Banners Army.

The naval officer of the Han Army who was in charge of driving the warship came to report that he would arrive at Penglai Port in half an hour. [

Dorgon's spirit quickly recovered, and his dizziness disappeared immediately.

At first, Dorgon didn’t know about the arrangement to attack Dengzhou and Laizhou by warships. After the emperor mentioned this arrangement, Dorgon thought it was a joke. The Qing Dynasty has never had navy divisions, so how could it be possible to go there by warships? Offensive, besides, the Eight Banners Army doesn't understand water at all, and there are no huge rivers in the territory of the Qing Dynasty, and there is no place to train.

Huang Taiji said very seriously, telling Dorgon that the current situation has changed, and the Qing Dynasty must develop a navy, otherwise it will not be able to break through the Guan Ningjin defense line, and it will be closed forever in Liaodong. At this time Only then did Dorgon understand, and he deeply admired himself as the emperor's elder brother, and his thinking was really far-reaching.

Dorgon asked to train the sergeants of Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner, at least to be familiar with water "nature". Who knew that Huang Taiji did not agree, his request was very clear.The sergeants of the Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner went to Dengzhou on warships, and did not need to be familiar with naval warfare. After the attack on Dengzhou and Laizhou, the Qing Dynasty would train special naval divisions.

Dorgon didn't say much, if the Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner sergeants he led were familiar with naval battles.That is, both land and sea can handle it. Wouldn’t it be the first army of the Qing Dynasty, surpassing the Zhenghuang Banner and Xianghuang Banner controlled by the emperor, so don’t have such extravagant thoughts for the time being.

But this time on a warship, the sergeants were trained anyway.After attacking Dengzhou and Laizhou and looting their property, they still had to go back to Lushun by boat. When they went back, it was another exercise.

This time the attack, the time is fixed within ten days, the main task.That is to plunder food and treasures. Every time they go to a place, they adopt a policy of massacres. None of the soldiers and civilians of Ming Dynasty are left alive, and there is no such thing as looting people. The purpose is to deal a heavy blow to Daming. time of day.After calculation, even if the Jiangning Battalion and the frontier army stationed in Shanhaiguan got the news, it would take ten days at the fastest to arrive for reinforcements. By this time, the Eight Banners Army had already left by boat.

But Dorgon has his own ideas.

I haven't entered the customs for several years, a sergeant under my banner.I can't bear it any longer. The wealth I plundered before is almost consumed. After all, I have to support my family.This attack on Dengzhou and Laizhou, the time can be extended to maximize the looting of wealth, followed by the robbing of some hardcover men, including beautiful women, the emperor did not request the looting of the population, so the population that can be looted this time, Even if they were slaves of the sergeants under the flag, of course the sergeants were willing to do it. As for the old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers and civilians of Ming Dynasty, there would definitely not be a single one left.

Now is the time of the autumn harvest. At this time of attack, a large amount of food can be obtained. This is what Huang Taiji and Dorgon value most. As long as Dengzhou Prefecture and Laizhou Prefecture are captured, they will definitely be able to obtain a large amount of food and treasures. .

Dorgon had already thought about the way to attack. It would definitely not be cost-effective to forcefully attack the two prefectures, and there would be too little time. He had to find a way to do everything. Since he pretended to be the Ming army, then he pretended to be the last one. With two thousand Han troops, these Han troops can play a major role.

After the warship docked, two thousand Han troops disembarked quickly. They wore the battle robes of the Ming army, which made the Ming army stationed at the port a little strange, but this strangeness quickly turned into killings.

After the Han army came ashore, they immediately rushed to the four strongholds of the port. The sergeants who had been lazy for a long time were all killed before they had time to react. The whole process took less than a quarter of an hour. After escaping, it is impossible for someone to report to Penglai City.

Penglai City is not big, surrounded by the sea on three sides. It is a typical coastal defense city. The length of the east-west city wall is 1100 meters, the north and south are long and narrow, the south side is about 300 meters wide, and the north side is about 700 meters wide. And above the ridge, the south and east city walls were built on flat ground. The city is mainly barracks and temples. Since the Han Dynasty, countless people have regarded Penglai as a fairyland on earth and believed that it is a place haunted by gods, so the temples are particularly prosperous. However, because of the wars in Shandong in the past few years, it naturally affected Penglai, which is a place in the fairyland on earth, and the city is also depressed. After all, the court has diverted its attention, and this place has naturally been left out. Think about it. If you are not full, how can you still have the thought to come to Penglai City to pray to immortals and worship Buddha?

In Penglai City, there are mainly garrisons. In fact, there are not many garrisons. The Commander does not have so much money to support the army. There are still many merchants in the city. After all, there are still many people who come here every winter and spring. Yes, especially during the Spring Festival, there are still many people who come here to seek the blessings of the Bodhisattva. As long as you seize these two seasons and earn enough money, your expenses for a year are enough.

The port is only two miles away from Penglai City. After the Han army took control of the port, they swaggered to Penglai City.

The sergeants guarding the gate of the city didn't know these Han soldiers, but they didn't pay special attention when they saw them wearing the same uniforms as themselves. Unfortunately, they didn't have time to pay attention. These Han soldiers quickly attacked and killed the guarding sergeants .

There are two gates in Penglai City, one is the water gate, which is used for ships to enter and exit, and the other is this gate. If the Han army controls this gate, it is equivalent to controlling the entire Penglai City. People have no chance to escape at all, unless someone has the ability to swim out of the water gate.

When Dorgon led the Eight Banners Army into Penglai City with a murderous look, the city had already become a hell on earth. [

The Han army had already started to fight, and there was blood everywhere. People who had been cut down fell to the ground, some heads were cut off directly, and some arms and thighs were cut off.

The first step of the plan was very smooth. Huang Taiji had discussed with Dorgon many times, and the final attack idea was to control Penglai City first, use this as a base, and leave the battlefield at the port, leaving some soldiers to garrison here. , The money and food looted are also concentrated in Penglai City. As long as they control this place, the Eight Banners Army will have a foothold, and there is no need to run around.

This is indeed a very perfect plan. Penglai City was occupied without knowing it. The officials in Dengzhou Prefecture and Laizhou Prefecture did not know about it. Besides, Penglai City is close to the sea and relatively independent. Most people have nothing to do, so they will not come. here.As long as the Eight Banners Army unknowingly took control of this place and left two leaders, even if the Ming Army came to attack, they would not be afraid.

While the killing was still going on, hundreds of households from the Ming army were escorted over.

Seeing the Houjin Tartars, this hundred households were already frightened and could not stand still. In addition to the tragic scene they saw along the way, he already knew that the catastrophe was coming.

When they saw Dorgon, Baihu knelt down before the Eight Banners soldiers who were escorting him made a move.

A smile appeared in the corner of Dorgon's eyes, and he spoke slowly.

"Do you want to die or live?"

Hundreds of households would never have imagined that this post-gold Tartar could speak beautiful Beijing dialect, and his words were correct. If it wasn't for the clothes, hair, and clothes, he would really think that this man was an adult in the capital.

"The little ones want to live, the little ones want to live."

"Hehe, you can live if you want to, just do what I say and you will be able to live."

Baihu was a little hesitant, and looked up at Dorgon.

A smile appeared on Dorgon's face.

"You don't have to doubt, I'm Dorgon, and I always keep my word. As long as you do what I say, I will guarantee your prosperity and wealth."

Baihu almost fainted. Dorgon of Houjin was so famous that he entered the customs several times and was invincible. Almost no Ming army dared to fight him, especially in the four-year battle of Chongzhen's attack on Dalinghe City. , taking the lead, charging at the forefront, fearless of death, making everyone terrified.

"Small everything is done, everything is done."

"Okay, good, hahaha..."

It was gradually getting dark, and Penglai City was covered with blood, but it was cleaned up very quickly. All the corpses were thrown into the sea, and all the gold, silver, treasures and food in the city were looted. The women were left behind for selection by the officers, and the remaining women were the tools for the sergeants to vent their desires.

At this time, the 2000 Eight Banners sergeants were ready and ready to go. The [-] people in the vanguard had all changed into Ming military uniforms, their hair was tightly covered, and it was getting dark. unclear.

The Baihu who surrendered, at this time, his spirit came, he went to the casino himself, beheaded the opponent who won his silver, and got a reward of 100 taels of silver. , He is willing to do it all, which is also the so-called, anyway, he will follow to Houjin, as long as he has silver on him, it will be the same wherever he goes. (To be continued. If you like this work, () vote, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.

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