Dengzhou Fucheng is less than [-] miles away from Penglai City. Before the Ming Dynasty, Dengzhou Fucheng was always located in Muping, and later moved to Penglai Town. The Ming Dynasty upgraded it to a mansion. The main road with Japan must be guarded by the establishment of a prefecture.

Dengzhou Prefecture was once very prosperous, but after Kong Youde's rebellion in Chongzhen for five years, it declined rapidly. Seven years later, it still has not been able to recover. That massacre hurt the vitality of Dengzhou Prefecture.

Dorgon personally led the sergeants, and galloped on the road on horseback.

Twenty miles away, riding a war horse, it took only ten minutes to arrive at Dengzhou Fucheng.

The hundred households who led the team played a huge role at this time. After dark, the city gates of Dengzhou Prefecture were closed. If they wanted to attack forcefully, it would still take some time and casualties.

This hundred households walked in the front, and when they came outside the Fucheng, he shouted loudly, saying that someone from the Governor's Mansion had come, and he wanted to go to Dengzhou Fucheng to have a look. Going to report, Baihu almost yelled, saying that the adults from the Governor's Mansion have come and are still waiting outside. If the blame comes down, no one can bear it.

Su Tiancheng's name, including the prestige of Jiangning Battalion, has long been known to the sergeants of Dengzhou Prefecture. They saw a lot of sergeants behind Baihu. There is nothing doubtful about it, since it is the adult from the Governor's Mansion, how dare he offend him.

The gates of the city were thus sadly opened.

Dorgon rushed in with the sergeant.

The skilled sergeants immediately allocated part of their troops, and after easily killing the sergeants on the tower, they began to walk along the city wall and control the rest of the city gates, as long as they controlled the gates.Everything is out of the question.

Dorgon had sufficient self-confidence. He only assigned a thousand sergeants to control the four city gates. With these sergeants, there would be more than enough, and the rest would be able to make a big fuss in Dengzhou City.

All this in front of him made Dorgon very satisfied.He didn't expect such ease and no casualties, so he directly entered Dengzhou City and took down Dengzhou Prefecture. After that, he had two choices: go west to Ye County under the jurisdiction of Laizhou Prefecture, which is only 150 miles away, and south to Laizhou Prefecture .The distance is more than [-] miles, according to the speed of the Eight Banners Army, it takes more than a day to reach Laizhou Fucheng. As for Ye County, it is even easier.

Dorgon's idea is to go step by step, first go to Ye County.After taking down the capital of Dengzhou, it is impossible to keep it secret.The news of the Eight Banners' invasion of Dengzhou will soon spread. Under such circumstances, Ye County can be taken down quickly, and after accumulating wealth, they can easily attack the city of Laizhou.

Not much gold and silver was found in Penglai City.With only more than 20 taels, Dorgon was dissatisfied, and won the Dengzhou capital city. This time the harvest must be huge.

People in Dengzhou Fucheng fell into hell in an instant.

Dengzhou Guard was also established in Fucheng.There were more than 2000 sergeants stationed, and these 2000 people were the first to be attacked. At the same time, the Eight Banners Army entered the government office and captured all officials below the magistrate.

The prefect of Dengzhou was still a little stubborn. When he was caught, although he was caught off guard, he still maintained his dignity. When he was brought in front of Dorgon, he refused to kneel down, and was forced to kneel by the sergeant. go down.

After learning of Dorgon's identity, the magistrate's face turned pale, and he yelled at him. This angered Dorgon. He originally wanted to take this magistrate back to serve the Qing Dynasty. Who knew such a virtue, Dorgon Dagon didn't want to say anything, and signaled the sergeant to take the magistrate down.

The [-] sergeants of the Dengzhou Guard did not organize a decent resistance. In front of the Eight Banners Army, their combat effectiveness was vulnerable, and they were quickly divided and surrounded. Whether they surrendered or not, they were all hacked and killed. Some sergeants It is too late to understand that surrender is death, and non-surrender is also death.

There were screams and cries in the city one after another, some houses were set on fire, flames were everywhere, and the sound of horseshoes was everywhere. It was the Eight Banners Army killing people in the city.

The common people in the city instinctively closed the door, but unfortunately it had no effect, the door was quickly kicked open, the sergeant rushed in, saw the young woman, pushed it aside, saw the old man and the child, and immediately stabbed down , ended up with their lives, seeing young and strong men, those who did not resist were tied up, and those who resisted were beheaded on the spot.

In less than half an hour, Dengzhou Fucheng became a hell on earth.

Dorgon is about to rest, he lives in Fucheng, whose bed is the bed of the magistrate, and the woman next to him is the young and beautiful concubine of the magistrate.

Dorgon doesn't care about the situation in Dengzhou Fucheng anymore. What he needs to think about now is to lead the soldiers to take down the county seat of Ye County after dawn.

According to the strength of the Eight Banners Army, it was actually possible to go to Ye County overnight, but he could still see the fatigue of the sergeant. After all, during the day, the sergeant was still exhausted on the warship and was a little tired.

After tidying up the capital city of Dengzhou, take a good rest, recharge your spirits, and go to attack Ye County. At this time, it doesn't matter if the news leaks out.

Thinking of this, Dorgon clapped his hands, and soon a sergeant came in.

Duo ErGun motioned to get the woman around him away.

In Dorgon's heart, Da Yuer is his favorite, and the rest of the women are not worth mentioning. Although there are indeed some beautiful women among the Han women, they are nothing in front of Da Yuer. It's a pity that Da Yuer is the emperor's concubine Zhuang, and I have no chance to form a good relationship with Da Yuer. Da Yuer is the second daughter of Baylor Zhaisang, a Horqin tribe in Mongolia. up.

There are many women around Dorgon, but these women are all tools for him to vent his desires. In his heart, they can't occupy any position. Only Da Yu'er occupies the whole of his heart. It's a pity that this It can only be an imagination. The majesty of the emperor cannot be violated, and the emperor's women cannot be touched. In addition, Dorgon is also aware of the ability of the emperor's brother, and he dare not have any unreasonable thoughts. of.

It may be the pain caused by this kind of longing. Except for his own women, Dorgon rewarded the rest of the women after playing with them, and never stayed. Every time he slept with a woman, his The figure of Da Yuer appeared in his mind, but unfortunately the woman under him was not Da Yuer.

Dengzhou City has become a veritable city of blood.

The Eight Banners Army will not show mercy at all. According to Dorgon's request, only young women and young adults are left behind, and the rest are all beheaded. There are tens of thousands of people in the city, which is enough for them to kill for a while. State guard soldiers, except for weak resistance, the rest of the time, there is no resistance at all. This kind of killing is similar to killing sheep again, and the speed is much faster.

Two hours later, the sleeping Dorgon was awakened.

The screams outside could no longer be heard. According to Dorgon's estimation, it should be almost the same. What came to report at this time was nothing more than the amount of money and food looted.

The officer who came in knelt down on one knee, and reported loudly with joy on his face, saying that the gold and silver he found was equivalent to about 60 taels, and the grain was more than [-] shi. Things are still in the process of being cleaned up. There are more than [-] young and strong people captured, all of whom are good laborers. As for how many women were captured, the officer didn't say, and Dor Gun didn't care.

Dorgon was very satisfied, and immediately asked to assign some soldiers to transport all the gold, silver and grain to Penglai City. The army left some as military rations, and the rest of the cloth, tea, salt and other items were all transported to Penglai City. Take care of it, no damage is allowed.

Dorgon's army is extremely strict. Under normal circumstances, sergeants do not dare to collect property privately. If they are discovered, they will be dismissed at least, or beheaded at worst. His officers such as Niu Lu also strictly implement this policy of.

After ordering everything, the officer reported that it was already July 21st.

Dorgon ordered the sergeant to rest for a while in the capital city of Dengzhou. After dawn, he set off at the hour of dawn and went directly to attack the county seat of Ye County under the jurisdiction of Laizhou Prefecture. Sergeant is also very hard, still need to rest.

Dorgon understood even more that after attacking such a killing, the sergeants under him needed to vent, and they needed to vent on women. They just caught so many women. After the sergeant vented, he should take a good rest. After dawn, his spirit must be Very good.

After dawn, the miserable situation in Dengzhou Fucheng finally reappeared.

On the street, there were corpses everywhere. The weather was extremely hot. After one night, some corpses were already swollen. Outside some houses, there were naked women bleeding from their private parts. They lay motionless on the ground, apparently ravaged to death. , At this time, there were arrogant shouts and laughter everywhere, and there were still faint female voices and cries.

Jin Yiwei's dark thread finally realized that something was wrong.

This is a very urgent military situation, and it must be reported immediately. At this time, Jin Yiwei's secret line is clear. Reporting to the governor of Shandong, or other adults, is of no use. The key is to report to the supervisor. , find a way to save Shandong, as for the guard army in Shandong, they are not the opponents of the Houjin Tartars at all, even if they are pulled out to fight, they will directly die.

The dark line acted quickly, and the news began to be sent out overnight, reaching Laizhou, Jinan, Tianjin, Beizhili and other places. Of course, it took time to deliver the news, but the Jinyiwei dark line had its own method. Arguably the fastest. (to be continued..)

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