Ming politicians

Chapter 683 Anger and Regret

(Thanks to the setting sun of the empire for casting a precious monthly ticket, thank you.)

Su Tiancheng punched the table, and the back of his hand was bleeding. He never imagined that Huang Taiji was really repairing the plank road and secretly going to Chencang. On the surface, he attacked the Mongolian Xibe and Daur tribes, but in fact he was attacking Dengzhou and In Laizhou, what he didn't expect was that Hou Jin actually owned a warship.

Su Tiancheng couldn't forgive his mistakes. The information was very clear. The Houjin Tartars arrived in Dengzhou on July 24th, and took down the capital city of Dengzhou on the same day. Today is July [-]th. , More than two thousand miles away, the news can be delivered so quickly, it can be seen that Jin Yiwei's dark line is desperate.

Five days have passed. I don't know what the chaos in Dengzhou and Laizhou is like, let alone if the capital is shaken. The capital of Dengzhou is less than two thousand miles away from the capital. The shock caused was very unusual.

Hong Chengchou, Qin Sande, Xu Eryi, Sun Chengzong, Qu Qingze, Zu Dashou, Wu Sangui and others all sat at the bottom, and their faces were also ugly. This time, they were tricked by Huang Taiji. Qu Qingze, in particular, had an unusually ugly face. As a person in charge of intelligence work in the Governor's Mansion, Jiangning Camp, and even in the frontier army, he felt that this was his major mistake, even an unforgivable mistake. . [

After a while, Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"Huang Taiji is worthy of being a hero of a generation. He dared to do things that people dare not think about. I never thought that Houjin would own a warship and be able to go directly from Lushun to Penglai. It seems that our view of Houjin is very important. Some fundamental changes have taken place, and those previous understandings can no longer keep up with the development of the situation.”

It was Xu Eryi who was specifically in charge of the work of the Supervisor's Office who spoke first.

"My lord, I think this is a very accidental thing. No one would have thought that Huang Taiji actually built a warship and directly attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou. Your lord has no responsibility. For the current plan, it is necessary to Consider how to rescue Dengzhou and Laizhou. These two places are close to Beizhili. If the Houjin Tatars want to raid the capital, it will be a headache. Even if the Houjin Tatars cannot really threaten In the capital, they can also go back the same way and leave by boarding a boat from the capital city of Dengzhou. This time they attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou and took advantage."

Xu Eryi's words made the lobby even quieter. This is what everyone thought of. Five days have passed. Who knows what happened in Dengzhou and Laizhou? Even if the Houjin Tartars did not attack other places .It is estimated that after this looting, Dengzhou and Laizhou were completely destroyed.

Su Tiancheng kept pacing, he had to think of a way to deal with it.

Hong Chengchou then spoke.

"My lord, I think that we still need to reinforce Dengzhou and Laizhou, so that the army can start immediately and rush to Laizhou as quickly as possible to stop the golden tartars. In any case, we need to rescue Dengzhou and Laizhou of."

Qin Sande looked at the crowd and felt that he also needed to express his opinion.

"My lord, our family also thinks the same way. The Jiangning Camp mobilizes at least 2 troops, and it will definitely be able to beat the Jinshi. If the Tartars dare to attack the capital, then don't think about going back and stay near the capital."

The rest of the people didn't speak, and they probably agreed with this opinion.

Su Tiancheng shook his head.

"It is the Eight Banners Army that attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou this time. The combat power should not be underestimated. We cannot be overly confident. How long will it take for an army of [-] to reach Laizhou? Even if we set off tomorrow, it will take at least five days. When we arrived at Laizhou, it was already July [-]th. After a long-distance raid, sleepiness is indispensable. The Houjin Tartars recharged their energy, and we may not be able to win. If we just drive the Houjin Tatars out of Dengzhou And Laizhou, is it necessary to mobilize such a large number of troops? It took a lot of energy. I also think that when the rescue army arrives, I am afraid that the Jin Tartars will also prepare to leave. Their purpose must be to plunder property and food. They must recover the loss of Daling River City, and through this attack, they will be able to boost their morale and kill two birds with one stone."

After Su Tiancheng said these words, everyone was dumbfounded. It is not as simple as sending a letter to an army. The sender can stop day and night, passing through the post stations along the way, constantly changing the mount, and also changing the sender constantly. The journey can reach more than [-] miles, but it is almost impossible for a large army, unless it is a last resort to launch a thousand-mile attack, which is only possible for a small army. An army of tens of thousands of people must reach such a speed. It has never been heard of since ancient times, and Jiang Ningying should not expect to be able to do it.

Speaking of this, everyone understands that the possibility of rescuing Dengzhou and Laizhou is not very great. That is to say, in this round of calculations, Huang Taiji won. Su Tiancheng's calculations were accurate in the previous discussion. , took Dalinghe City easily, and then, Huang Taiji easily entered Dengzhou and Laizhou, and the two tied.

There are many similarities in the actions of the two, and they both kept a lot of information secret. The Jiangning battalion kept the artillery battalion a secret, and Huang Taiji kept the warship a secret.

But there is no way to do it without action. I am afraid that at this time, there is already an uproar in the capital.

After being silent for a while, Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"Immediately issue an order to the governor of Shandong. The guards in Shandong will stop the invasion of the Houjin Tatars at all costs. If the field battle cannot resist, keep the city. Don't allow the Houjin Tatars to break through too many cities. Continue to cause heavy losses, if there are officers and sergeants who escaped in battle, they will be punished as collaborating with the enemy, Qu Qingze, this order will be sent to Shandong as quickly as possible.”[

Qu Qingze left and stood up, went out to make arrangements, Xu Eryi also stood up, this order must be stamped with the great seal of Governor Ji Liao to be effective.

A few minutes later, Xu Eryi and Qu Qingze came in.

"My lord, the subordinate officer has already made arrangements, and the order has been issued."

Su Tiancheng nodded and didn't speak. He had already walked in front of the map and stared at the map.

Xu Eryi spoke again.

"My lord, I still feel that something is wrong."

"If there's anything wrong, Lord Xu just say it."

"Your Excellency ordered the troops of the Shandong Guards to resist. Of course it should be, but the combat effectiveness of the guards' troops is really not flattering. If this order arrives in Shandong and it is known that the Jiangning Battalion will not send reinforcements, I am afraid that the soldiers and civilians in Shandong will It will be even more desperate, and even lose the confidence to resist, if the whole Shandong is defeated, then there will really be a big problem."

Su Tiancheng's eyes shone with light. He had already thought about this problem. If he did not take any action, this situation would definitely happen. It is not unusual for the people in the city to abandon the city and flee. , followed by running out, there will be a greater threat, and it will become an easy target for the post-gold tartars.

Therefore, it is not too late to take action on my own side to make up for it.

Just as Xu Eryi finished speaking, Hong Chengchou also spoke.

"The lower official thinks what Master Xu said is very reasonable. If there is a defeat, the court will blame it. I'm afraid some people will make a fuss, so Guan Ningjin's defense line will also become unstable."

Hong Chengchou's words aroused everyone's concern. The losses in Dengzhou and Laizhou must have been formed and cannot be recovered. Under such circumstances, there cannot be any problems in the Guan Ningjin defense line and Datong, Ningxia and other places. If the imperial court really blamed Su Tiancheng and Su Tiancheng was punished, then the losses caused would be irreparable.

Of course, there must be some people in the imperial court who hoped for such a situation, so that some people could come directly to the Governor's Mansion and pick up ready-made peaches.

Just when everyone was discussing, Su Tiancheng spoke again.

"Everyone's worries are justified, but we are doing everything for the court and the emperor. Don't think too much about it. No matter what the court discusses, we have to think of a good way to deal with this situation."

After saying this, Su Tiancheng walked to the front of the sand table.

Everyone also left their seats and gathered around. They knew that Su Tiancheng must have thought of a way to deal with it when he said such a thing.

Sure enough, Su Tiancheng faced the sand table and pointed to the location of Heishan.

"Didn't Huang Taiji attack Dengzhou and Laizhou, and also sent the Eight Banners Army to Mongolia, then we will attack Heishan and razed Heishan to the ground, so that we will make a gesture of pointing at Shenyang, I want to see, Huang How to deal with Tai Chi, the Eight Banners Army is scattered in various places, Daishan took some of them to Mongolia, and the intelligence shows that there are 2 people, so the Houjin Tatars who entered Dengzhou and Laizhou must be no less than 2 people, and It is an elite army. Shenyang City has taken away the [-] Banners Army at once, and it may not have so many troops. At this time, regardless of the situation in Dengzhou and Laizhou, we will use the fastest time to take Montenegro and do With the attitude of crossing the Liaohe River, if Huang Taiji is ready to hold on, then we will really fight over; if the Houjin Tartars in Dengzhou and Laizhou, and the Houjin Tartars in Mongolia retreat, we will also retreat."

Everyone looked at Su Tiancheng, and couldn't believe it. They didn't expect Su Tiancheng to think of such a way.

"This is the so-called you hit yours, I hit mine, no matter how Huang Taiji arranges, if we do it according to our own ideas, we will definitely get results." [

After saying this, Su Tiancheng began to issue an order.

"Lord Hong, quickly mobilize an army of 27 troops. The assembly will be completed within two days. On the [-]th, the attack on Heishan will begin. Within one day, we must blow up the city of Heishan and wipe out the post-gold tartars stationed in Heishan." (To be continued. ..)

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