Dorgon successfully entered Dengzhou and Laizhou. The news made Huang Taiji ecstatic, and the news quickly spread in the Qing Dynasty. At this time, many people finally understood that the talented and bold Huang Taiji had other arrangements, and It was so ingeniously done that it fooled everyone.

After Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning Battalion entered Liaodong, some subtle changes have taken place in the situation. Huang Taiji is not an arrogant person. He admits the existence of these changes. In the past, the Eight Banners Army of the Qing Dynasty entered the pass to plunder. Now, he also needs to guard against the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying could do such a thing, especially after learning that Su Tiancheng would enter the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, many Han people arranged on the spot and asked these people to start farming the land, Huang Taiji knew , the confrontation between him and Su Tiancheng will enter a brand new stage, a stage that has never been seen before.

Dalinghe City is more than [-] miles away from Shenyang and about [-] miles away from Heishan. If Su Tiancheng launches an attack, he must go through Heishan. It is too dangerous to attack around Heishan, and it is almost impossible. The Eight Banners Army Su Tiancheng was also aware of his bravery, so this possibility was ruled out by Huang Taiji, that is to say, even if Su Tiancheng wanted to attack Shenyang, he had to take down Montenegro first.

After the news that Dorgon had achieved a huge victory in the Dengzhou raid came back, Huang Taiji quickly summoned ministers of civil and military affairs such as Jierhalang and Fan Wencheng to discuss the next move, that is, to predict what reaction Su Tiancheng would make. It is also necessary.

Huang Taiji, who was in a good mood, stood in front of the map, while Ji Erhalang, Fan Wencheng and others stood on both sides.

"The fourteenth brother has won a major victory in Dengzhou. I estimate that Su Tiancheng must take countermeasures. Tell me, what measures will Su Tiancheng take?"

According to his identity, Ji Erhalang should be the first to answer, but Huang Taiji looked at Fan Wencheng, and Fan Wencheng had always been involved in the plan of the army's actions.It should be said to have mature thinking.

Sure enough, it was Fan Wencheng who spoke first.

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that the greatest possibility is that Su Tiancheng sent troops to reinforce Dengzhou and Laizhou. Dengzhou and Laizhou are not far from the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Looking at the army of the Ming Dynasty, those with certain combat effectiveness are all distributed in the Guanning Jin Dynasty. Defense line. In Datong, Ningxia and other places, the guard troops in the interior are vulnerable, so it is impossible to rely on the guard troops in Shandong, Beizhili and other places to resist our Eight Banners Army. Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty heard the news Afterwards, he must be panicked, and there will be an uproar in the court. Even if Su Tiancheng understands that sending troops to reinforce Dengzhou and Laizhou will not have much effect, he still has to do so. The slave thinks that the emperor's arrangement this time Deployment. Hitting Su Tiancheng's weakness, the next possibility is that Su Tiancheng must divide his troops and send some soldiers to station in Dengzhou and Laizhou, including Tianjin and other places."

Fan Wencheng's analysis is very reasonable and has been carefully considered.

Huang Taiji nodded and looked at Jierhalang.

Jierhalang felt a little upset. The emperor arranged such a big move, but he didn't know it. Anyway, he was a prince. He knew about such a big move, and he wouldn't reveal it. From Fan Wen just now Judging from Cheng's tone and attitude, Fan Wencheng knew about this action.

Perhaps seeing through Jierhalang's mind, Huang Taiji spoke up.

"Prince Zheng, I didn't tell you about the fourteenth brother's attack on Dengzhou and Laizhou. I also thought about it. This time I attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou, mainly relying on warships. Over the years, I have secretly built warships. , I look forward to being able to build a navy for our Qing Dynasty. Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying are stationed at the Guan Ningjin Line of Defense, Datong and Ningxia and other border passes, which have posed a great threat to our Qing Dynasty. The plan to attack Ming Dynasty has been frustrated. One of the best ways to develop other methods is to build the navy of the Qing Dynasty. This time, the Fourteenth Brother took a warship to attack Dengzhou and Laizhou. It was just a tentative move. Now it seems that the effect is very good. Not bad, but I am also aware of the strength of Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying, so such news cannot be leaked out, otherwise the effect of surprise will not be achieved. I did not tell you, and I also considered it from this aspect."

"The emperor is painstaking, and the minister understands."

"It's good to understand, then tell me what you think."

Jierhalang thought for a while, then spoke slowly.

"I think what Master Fan said has some truths. In the past when our Eight Banners Army entered the pass, Chongzhen always summoned the army and king Qin from all over the place. This time, Prince Rui led the army to attack Dengzhou and Laizhou, and achieved success. Going to Jinan, Qingzhou and other places, going a step further, directly entering Beizhili, even if the capital could not attack the Ming Dynasty, it could pose a huge threat, making Chongzhen in a hurry. After returning, he boarded the ship and left calmly. It was Su Tiancheng who sent the Jiangning Battalion to reinforce it. Ningyuan is far away from Dengzhou. The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion rushed to Dengzhou, and they were also exhausted. Prince Rui can definitely lead the army and deal a heavy blow to the Jiangning Battalion. Best."

Fan Wencheng and Jierhalang's analysis made Huang Taiji very happy.

In his opinion, Su Tiancheng should be going to reinforce Dengzhou and Laizhou. Dorgon spent about ten days in Dengzhou and Laizhou. According to the time calculation, when Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying arrived in Dengzhou or It is Laizhou, which means seeing off Dorgon. At this time, Dorgon has completed all the tasks and evacuated from Penglai City.

Of course, as a generation of heroes, Dorgon considered the issue very comprehensively.

After both Fan Wencheng and Jierhalang spoke, the rest of the people would not say anything. Huang Taiji looked at the crowd and spoke slowly.

"What you said is all reasonable. According to the thoughts of Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, at this time, I'm afraid I can't sit still anymore. I'm thinking of ordering Su Tiancheng to escort King Qin. Hehe, if such a situation really happens , then we will continue to stimulate Chongzhen and Su Tiancheng, and ask the Eight Banners Army led by the second brother to carry out operations in the grassland, so that Su Tiancheng will be exhausted and it will be difficult for both sides to take care of it."

Speaking of this, Huang Taiji changed the subject.

"However, there is one situation that I have considered. That is Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying's attack on Black Mountain. If such a situation arises, how do you think we should deal with it?"

This time it was Jierharang who spoke first.

"Your Majesty, I don't think such a situation will happen. Judging from the information a while ago, the more than [-] Han people who entered the Guan Ningjin defense line have not been completely settled. These people need huge consumption and are all over the Guan Ningjin area. It should be said that Su Tiancheng's focus was on this area within the four hundred li area of ​​the defense line. What's more, it is the autumn harvest season, and the Mutual Market in Anningbao and Jingbian controlled by Su Tiancheng is also the time when there are the most things. On the one hand, Su Tiancheng is starting to consolidate the construction of Dalinghe City, and some outlying strongholds and fortresses are still in the process of construction, so at this time, the possibility of attacking Montenegro is very small."

Just after Jierhalang finished speaking, Fan Wencheng also spoke.

"The servant agrees with Prince Zheng's statement. The servant thinks that it is impossible for Su Tiancheng to attack Montenegro. Prince Rui is launching an attack in Dengzhou and Laizhou. The Ming court thinks of solving the problem of Dengzhou and Laizhou. The order they issued must be a request. Su Tiancheng reinforced Dengzhou and Laizhou, not to mention that if Prince Rui made an attack on Zhili to the north, Chongzhen would not be able to sit still, and the Ming court would also panic. Under such circumstances, unless Su Tiancheng disrespected the order , If such a situation really occurs, the slave will congratulate the emperor."

The smile on Huang Taiji's face became more obvious. The depression for several years finally had a place to vent. According to normal analysis, Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying must go to Dengzhou and Laizhou for reinforcements, but the deployment must be In the front, just in case, if Su Tiancheng really attacks Montenegro, this is his weak link.

"Looking at the direction of Montenegro, I still can't be careless. Let Hauge lead [-] soldiers from the Zhenglan Banner to station near Montenegro to strengthen the defense of Montenegro. If there is any problem in Montenegro, they will rush to help at any time."

There are [-] Zhenglan Banner sergeants stationed in Heishan, and there are also [-] Han troops. This time, the garrison force is far stronger than that of Dalinghe City. The Eight Banners Army with [-] Zhenglan Banners is the elite troops of Hou Jin. Now, Hauge is the eldest son of Huang Taiji. He was conferred the title of Prince Su by virtue of his military exploits and served as the owner of the Zhenglan Banner. He is also a very popular figure who can compete with Dorgon.

In fact, inside the Qing Dynasty, there are many factions. Wherever power is concentrated, there are such problems. If you say that the factions in the Qing Dynasty are based on the Eight Banners Army in charge, Huang Taiji personally controls the Zhenghuang Banner and Xianghuang Banner. The Dorgon brothers are in charge of the Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner, Daishan is in charge of the Zhenghong Banner and Xianghong Banner, Haoge is in charge of the Zhenglan Banner, and Jierhalang is in charge of the Xianglan Banner. These are the people who really hold power in the Qing Dynasty.

Fortunately, Huang Taiji is in good health and full of energy, and has not yet considered the issue of heirs. If the matter of heirs is really mentioned, there will inevitably be some struggles in the Qing Dynasty. If Huang Taiji dies suddenly, Daishan, Dorgon, Haoge They are all qualified to inherit the throne of the emperor.

It's a pity that Huang Taiji didn't think too much about this issue, so that he planted the biggest root of disaster for the collapse of the Qing Dynasty. This is a later story.

Such an arrangement by Huang Taiji does have profound meanings. It has strengthened the defense in the direction of Montenegro, launched substantive attacks from Dengzhou and Laizhou, and deployed a team from the direction of Mongolia, ready to launch an attack at any time. This is an attack from two directions. Su Tiancheng took care of one thing but lost another, and Su Tiancheng also had to bear the huge pressure from the Emperor of Ming Dynasty and the court, if he didn't pay attention, he might suffer a loss. (To be continued..)

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