Ming politicians

Chapter 685 The Imperial Court's Anxiety

After Su Tiancheng made the arrangements, Hong Chengchou and others immediately went to prepare, and Xu Eryi stayed behind.

Xu Er is very familiar with the situation in the imperial court. He has been an official in the imperial court for many years, and he has not been in Ningyuan for a long time. To reduce losses, such an arrangement is not a big problem, and there is room for it. Whether the Jiangning battalion and the frontier army will reinforce it remains to be studied, and a decision will be made later. It may not be necessary to act now, but sending troops to attack Montenegro. The move may spark dissent within the court.

Su Tiancheng looked at the sand table, still in a daze, when Xu Er spoke.

"My lord, I'm a little worried. Attacking Black Mountain with all our strength is the best solution. It has the effect of besieging Wei and saving Zhao. Huang Taiji must not dare to underestimate it. The tartars sent to Dengzhou, Laizhou and Mongolia must be quickly. Back to Shenyang, but there are two problems with this move. The first is the attitude of the court. Dengzhou and Laizhou are not far from the capital. The army of the guards cannot be resisted in terms of combat power. If the Houjin Tatars acted in such a manner, the emperor would definitely ask the Jiangning battalion to rush to help. Under such circumstances, if they do not rush to help Dengzhou and Laizhou, there may be trouble in resisting the order .”

"The second is Huang Taiji's attitude. The officials think that Huang Taiji may strengthen the defense of Montenegro. This is Houjin's weakness. If our Ming army captures Montenegro, we can directly attack Shenyang, which will shock Houjin. Houjin After dispatching elite troops to enter Dengzhou, Laizhou and Mongolia, Shenyang's defense will inevitably be weakened. At this time, Huang Taiji will probably do his best to resist our Ming army. This will inevitably trigger a large-scale battle. But I, the Jiangning Battalion and the Frontier Army, have not made the best preparations." [

After Xu Er finished speaking, Su Tiancheng nodded.

"My lord Xu, I know all these truths. Attacking Heishan is also an act of desperation. What is certain is that Huang Taiji's real purpose is to attack Dengzhou and Laizhou, seek interests, and capture Dengzhou Prefecture and Laizhou. For them, they can obtain a large amount of gold, silver and grain, which is very important to them. At the same time, Hou Jin has a navy, at least a warship. This is something we did not expect, and we have ignored it Lushun is not far from Dengzhou and Laizhou. The sea is not far away. If Houjin's navy is stationed in Lushun and looks at them all the time, our defense line will be expanded. The consumption in this area will be very large, and the court cannot bear it for the time being. of."

When Su Tiancheng said these words, Xu Er nodded repeatedly.

"So. I think Huang Taiji means more than one aspect. He thinks that he can train the Jinshui Master, and he also thinks that I, Ming, can expand the defense line and increase expenses. In this way, there are always omissions. These omissions, It will become a target that Huang Taiji pays special attention to. It will become an opportunity that Huang Taiji can seize at any time."

"What's hateful is that the guard army of our Ming Dynasty exists in name only. Once the post-Gold Tatars enter the customs, it's like entering a land of people. Almost no army can resist it. It's ridiculous that we guard the border like this. Everyone will come The hinterland of my Ming Dynasty is causing great disturbances, and we still have to stick to the border, beyond our reach, if this situation persists for a long time, I am afraid that there will be big troubles."

Having said that, Xu Er opened his mouth.

"Your Excellency's analysis is very accurate. Huang Taiji is worthy of being a hero of the generation. His thoughts are very far-reaching. The officials think that Huang Taiji probably also analyzed the situation in the court, so he made such a decision."

Su Tiancheng sighed lightly.

"Master Xu, to be honest, I'm not very worried about Houjin and Huang Taiji. As long as I have time, I'm sure enough to defeat Houjin. But what I'm worried about is the court, and those ministers in the court who just sit and talk and don't know Regarding the actual situation at the border, it is a matter of course to put forward opinions and suggestions, if the emperor listens to these words, it will be the biggest disaster at the border."

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Opinions, opinions have been divided among cabinet ministers.

The news that Zhu Youjian got is more accurate. It was Dorgon of the Later Jin Dynasty who led the troops to attack Dengzhou and Laizhou. Including the Battle of the Daling River in the four years of Chongzhen, Dorgon made great contributions.

What surprised Zhu Youjian the most was that Hou Jin actually owned a warship. This time he set off from Lushun, took a warship, arrived in Penglai, and then attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou. situation of concern.

If it weren't for Houjin's possession of warships, the possibility of attacking Dengzhou and Laizhou would be very small, but this also indicates that Houjin can rely on warships at any time to launch an attack. The capital is only 360 miles away. If Houjin landed from Dagukou on a warship, wouldn’t it be possible to attack the capital directly? There are basically no fortifications that can stop it along the way.

From this point of view, just sticking to the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, Datong, Ningxia and other places will not be able to stop the attack of the Houjin Tartars.

Fortunately, the Houjin Tartars attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou on warships. Zhu Youjian didn't blame Su Tiancheng too much in his heart. Su Tiancheng couldn't have expected such a situation, which was completely different from Yuan Chonghuan's situation. At that time, Yuan Chonghuan didn't know the specific situation after the Houjin Tartars attacked the capital, which plunged the capital into crisis.

The news came continuously. Dorgon had caused great damage in Dengzhou and Laizhou, looted a large amount of food, grass and property, and was invincible. No army could resist it. Now Dorgon has moved towards The direction of Qingzhou and Jinan is coming, and the court is in chaos. After all, Jinan is not far from the capital. If Dorgon attacks Tianjin next, it will directly point to the capital.

In such a situation, there were many disputes in the imperial court, and the more concentrated opinions were to ask Su Tiancheng, the governor of Jiliao, to lead the Jiangning battalion to help Shandong and prevent Dorgon's attack.

There are also objections. Shanhaiguan is far away from Dengzhou and Laizhou. Even if Su Tiancheng wants to rush to help, he will directly guard the capital. When he arrives in Dengzhou and Laizhou, maybe Dorgon has already led the Golden Tartars and left by boat. No, such motivating teachers and mobilizing people, wasting people and money, can't do anything well. [

The debate between the two opinions was very fierce, and in just over a day, Chen Zou, who had counted the excerpts, came to Zhu Youjian.

Su Tiancheng is the governor of Ji Liao, and Zhu Youjian granted the authority. Even the Ministry of War cannot intervene casually. The only person who can directly mobilize Su Tiancheng is Zhu Youjian himself.

At this time, Zhu Youjian hesitated a little. Based on his intuition, he believed that Su Tiancheng would make a clear decision, but the consequences of this matter would be serious. If Dorgon led the Empress Jin Tartars to suddenly attack the capital If they attacked, wouldn't the capital be under martial law, and the troops from all over the country should be ordered to serve the king? This would cause huge consumption, and may not be able to achieve substantial results. Su Tiancheng was asked to lead the Jiangning battalion to rush to the rescue. The Guan Ningjin defense line needs to be worried, not to mention the big Linghe City has not been occupied for a long time, and it needs to be continuously stabilized. Su Tiancheng's secret document has clearly stated that the current Guan Ningjin defense line needs to be stabilized. It has absorbed tens of thousands of Han people and must be resettled.

Zhu Youjian also has another worry, that is, after Dorgon played tricks and attracted a large number of Ming troops, he shot a feint and left directly, which is really not worthwhile.

After much deliberation, Zhu made a clear decision by the procuratorate, so he called the cabinet members, as well as the ministers of the Ministry of household and the Ministry of war, to discuss this matter.

The views of Sun Chengzong, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and Tang Shiji, the second assistant of the cabinet, were inconsistent.

Sun Chengzong believed that Dorgon led the Houjin Tartars into Dengzhou and Laizhou to cause rebellion, and Daishan led the Houjin Tartars into Mongolia. It is best to let Su Tiancheng, the governor of Jiliao, find a way to deal with it. Only those stationed at the border Ministers are the ones who really understand the situation. The more the situation is like this, the more the court must trust the ministers stationed at the border and not make decisions lightly. What's more, the capital is not threatened. Even if Dorgon is leading the army to attack the capital, Shanhaiguan It is only [-] miles away from the capital, and at this point, it is still possible to mobilize the Jiangning battalion and frontier troops to guard.

Tang Shiji's attitude was different. He believed that the emperor should order Su Tiancheng to rush to help Dengzhou and Laizhou, and wipe out the Houjin Tartars on the spot. The army, against the post-Gold Tartars, such tasks can only be handed over to the Jiangning Battalion, not to mention that Su Tiancheng, as the governor of Jiliao, was supposed to be in charge of the military affairs of Dengzhou and Laizhou, but now there are problems in Dengzhou and Laizhou Su Tiancheng couldn't sit idly by.

Sun Chengzong and Tang Shiji have a point of view, and their opinions are basically unified, that is, after the Jin Dynasty had warships, the borders of the Ming Dynasty were not limited to Liaodong, Datong, Ningxia and other places, including Dengzhou, Laizhou, Qingzhou, Jinan, Tianjin and other places are regarded as border gates, and the guard must be strengthened, and Daming will start to vigorously rectify the navy to deal with the invasion of Houjin.

This also means that Daming will have more places to defend, and the expenses will also increase.

There is no way around this, unless Houjin is completely defeated, this trouble can be resolved, but defeating Houjin is not something that can be done in a short period of time, and there is no such condition at present. In this regard, Tang Shiji It is clear that there is no unrealistic request.

"I have decided that this matter should be handed over to Su Aiqing. Since I have given Su Aiqing the power to act arbitrarily on the fly, I completely trust Su Aiqing. I also believe that Su Aiqing can think of a solution. The cabinet will immediately draft an order, together with the relevant The information will be sent to Liaodong.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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