Ming politicians

Chapter 686 The decree has arrived

Overnight, Hong Chengchou mobilized 5 troops, including [-] soldiers from the Jiangning battalion and [-] frontier troops.

The matter of mobilizing soldiers and horses is not as simple as imagined. The soldiers and horses go first before the food and grass are used. Logistical support is the basis of the battle. If the food and grass cannot be guaranteed, it is impossible for the army to fight. Su Tiancheng asked for 10 horses. The difficulty is too great. You must know that there are a total of more than 17 sergeants stationed at the Guan Ningjin defense line, and there are more than [-] people in Shanhaiguan, which is more than [-] miles away from Ningyuan.

After a sleepless night, Hong Chengchou didn't feel sleepy at all, and went directly to the Governor's Mansion.

Su Tiancheng also stayed up all night. This night, he thought a lot about what would happen in the capital, whether someone would take the opportunity to impeach him, whether he would encounter trouble, etc. The task of attacking Montenegro is very arduous and very risky. Yes, Huang Taiji will not fail to consider the defense of Montenegro, and this attack still needs to rely on the artillery battalion, and the transportation of the artillery is not an easy matter. The time requirement is so tight, will there be any unexpected situations.

The most important thing to consider is the number of sergeants. Is it necessary to have a 17 army? The total strength of the Guan Ning Jin defense line is only [-], and [-] were sent out. If Huang Taiji bypasses the army and prepares to attack Dalinghe City , How to deal with it, then the battle will become a mess, there is me in you, and you in me, everyone has advantages and disadvantages. [

Conquest requires careful consideration. Once a decision is made, don't change it easily, especially when the army is ready to go. But Su Tiancheng will not be limited to fixed thinking. For example, the number of sergeants, he will Need to rethink, is it necessary to eliminate [-] troops, how about [-], this time is not thinking about launching a decisive battle with Hou Jin, the purpose of taking Montenegro is to frighten Shenyang.It is the capital of Houjin. As long as Heishan can be captured, it will inevitably cause a huge shock to Shenyang and force Huang Taiji to react. The biggest possibility is to withdraw the Houjin soldiers who attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou, including the Houjin soldiers who entered Mongolia. Eight Banners Army.same will evacuate.

This is actually a contest of wisdom between Su Tiancheng and Huang Taiji. The real meaning, both of them understand, tacitly, once Su Tiancheng can conquer Montenegro.Huang Taiji will make adjustments immediately.

Su Tiancheng knew that even if the Jiangning battalion and the frontier army had captured Montenegro, they would not be able to stick to it. This would affect Houjin's fundamental interests. Huang Taiji couldn't sit still, and had to find ways to regain Montenegro.From then on, the two armies will enter into a restless fight, forming a long tug of war, which neither side wants to see.

Therefore, after the capture of Montenegro, the Ming army will never stick to Montenegro. This place has already broken away from the scope of the Guan Ningjin line of defense, and it does not make much sense to station troops here.It is equivalent to saying that your strength has not yet reached that level.But if you want to force yourself to stand out, the only one who suffers is yourself.

After Hong Chengchou entered the lobby, he saw bloodshot eyes in Su Tiancheng's eyes, so he immediately spoke.

"Your Excellency, you still have to pay attention to your health. The lower officials have already organized [-] soldiers, and they will definitely be able to organize a [-] army tomorrow. Now the [-] army has begun to gather towards Jinzhou."

Su Tiancheng nodded.It seems to be asking, and it seems to be talking to himself.

"Master Hong, I've been thinking for a long time. Is it necessary for us to send a hundred thousand troops? The Houjin Tartars stationed in Montenegro, that is, about 5000 people, if we can dispatch 5 people, it is already the enemy's first army." The number is more than twice that, and this attack also needs to rely on the artillery battalion. Dalinghe City is more than [-] miles away from Heishan, and Heishan is more than [-] miles away from Shenyang. In terms of geographical location, we still occupy a large area. Great advantage, and at the same time, I also thought about it. If we send [-] troops, there will only be more than [-] soldiers stationed at the Guanning Jin defense line, which is basically not easy to garrison. Dalinghe City, Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan, There is no room for mistakes in any of the cities around, if Huang Taiji goes all out, ignores Montenegro, bypasses the army, and attacks Dalinghe City, or Jinzhou, wouldn't we be in big trouble."

Hong Chengchou also thought about this question, but following Su Tiancheng for so many years, every time Su Tiancheng had a plan in mind, he didn't think about it too much, unexpectedly this time, Su Tiancheng also raised the question.

"My lord, I think it's better to be more cautious. Huang Taiji can send surprise soldiers to attack Dengzhou and Laizhou, so he may think of other countermeasures. I'm afraid Montenegro is ready to strengthen the defense. I think that under the current situation, We still have certain difficulties in defending Montenegro, even if we take Montenegro, it will be difficult to hold on."

Su Tiancheng nodded repeatedly and stood up.

"Lord Hong, you are right. Our goal is not to take down Montenegro, let alone defend Montenegro. Under the current circumstances, we don't want to fight. It's just that Huang Taiji made such a move. We must fight. I Look at this, send 12 soldiers to attack Montenegro, and move quickly, there are still more than [-] soldiers stationed at the Guanning Jin line of defense, so it's not a big problem."

After making up his mind, Su Tiancheng needed to care about the situation of the transferred sergeants.

Hong Chengchou also began to report.

"According to your lord's deployment, the mobilized troops this time include 1 soldiers stationed at Daling River City, leaving [-] people to focus on defending Daling River City, taking into account the rest of the strongholds and fortresses. Jinzhou mobilized [-] soldiers and left The next [-] soldiers are stationed, and Ning Yuan mobilized [-] soldiers, leaving [-] soldiers to garrison. As for the frontier troops at Shanhaiguan, they will not be mobilized for the time being.

"Okay, it's decided like this. The army to attack Montenegro is set at 5, but it is still [-] in publicity. In addition, Wu Sangui at Shanhaiguan should be notified to strengthen his guard at all times to prevent accidents. Can be taken lightly."

Wang Dazhi came in and saw Hong Chengchou discussing matters with Su Tiancheng, so he stood at the door temporarily.

"Dazhi, what's the matter?"

"My lord, Hong lord, there are people from the capital, and there is an imperial edict." [

Su Tiancheng looked at Hong Chengchou, the color on his face changed. The army had already made arrangements and began to gather in the direction of Jinzhou. At this time, the imperial decree arrived. If the Jiangning battalion was asked to go to Dengzhou and Laizhou for rescue, it would be true. It's hard to handle, this imperial decree will not come sooner or later, but it just happened at this time.

Hong Chengchou saw Su Tiancheng's face and knew Su Tiancheng's worry.

"My lord, when I go to receive the imperial decree, I say that my lord has already gone to Jinzhou. As long as there is a delay of two days, all problems will be solved. No matter what the imperial decree says, all responsibilities will be borne by the lower officials."

Su Tiancheng shook his head lightly.

"I can't do this. I'm clearly in the Governor's Mansion. I can't hide it. I'd better go to receive the imperial decree first. No matter what the imperial decree says, the predetermined plan cannot be changed. If I can't lead the army to fight, then I'm begging you. We must win Montenegro, so that Dengzhou and Laizhou can be truly rescued, and the situation on the grassland can be calmed down."

"My lord, it's a little inappropriate to do this. It's better to go down to accept the imperial edict."

"No, it's decided like this. You avoid it for a while, and I will go to receive the imperial edict."

In the living room of the Governor's Mansion, the incense table was set up long ago, Su Tiancheng didn't have time to take a bath and change clothes, so he came directly to the living room.

Xu Er and the others had already been waiting here.

The ones who came to announce the decree were officials from the Ministry of War. When they saw Su Tiancheng, the officials were very modest. Although they were here to announce the decree on behalf of the emperor, when they arrived in Liaodong, they had to keep a low profile and never put on airs.

Su Tiancheng, Xu Er and others all knelt down to listen to the imperial edict.

"...Su Tiancheng will be the governor of Jiliao, and he will lead me to station in Liaodong. He has the right to make arbitrary decisions on the fly. Many things in Liaodong, Datong, Ningxia, Dengzhou, Laizhou, Tianjin and other places are all decided by Su Tiancheng. this."

When Su Tiancheng received the order, he couldn't explain his feelings clearly.

The evaluation of Zhu Youjian in history is very bad, especially when encountering things, they often make unimaginable decisions and cannot make any good decisions. Although I have had disagreements with Zhu Youjian I haven't had much contact with him, but when it comes to the matter of Houjin soldiers attacking Dengzhou and Laizhou, he still thinks that Zhu Youjian will intervene and make a decision directly, which will put him in a dilemma. He even thought of Yuan Chonghuan, who used to be Yuan Chonghuan As the governor of Ji Liao, the Eight Banners Army unexpectedly hit the foot of the capital without knowing it. This time, although the situation is different, it has the same purpose. If I also encounter suspicion, it will be difficult to handle .

Unexpectedly, Zhu Youjian made such a decision.

After receiving the imperial decree, Su Tiancheng asked Wang Dazhi to take the officials of the Ministry of War to rest. At this time, the officials of the Ministry of War took out a stack of letters from their arms, saying they were information from Dengzhou and Laizhou.

Back in the lobby again, Su Tiancheng's expression completely changed. Zhu Youjian's trust put him under even greater pressure.

After opening the letter and reading the contents, Su Tiancheng took a deep breath. Unexpectedly, it was Dorgon who attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou. This is a formidable person.

Hong Chengchou, Xu Eryi, Qu Qingze and others all came to the lobby.

"The emperor granted me the power to act arbitrarily on the fly. This is the greatest trust in me and all of us. This time, we must do our best to solve the crisis in Dengzhou and Laizhou. These letters clearly stated Yes, it was Dorgon who attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou. It seems that Huang Taiji really spent his money and sent two of the most powerful generals around him. Both Daishan and Dorgon left Shenyang. Huang Taiji There are not many strong generals around, we must seize this opportunity, resolutely win Montenegro, and force Huang Taiji to make the decision to withdraw troops." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly tickets Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

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